Purplebook CP006 Rev2webfinalNovember2014
Purplebook CP006 Rev2webfinalNovember2014
Purplebook CP006 Rev2webfinalNovember2014
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
PREFACE Consequently, people working on roofs must be protected
This Good Practice Guide has been drawn up to provide from falling from any exposed edge. Similarly, those who
information on practical methods that can be used to prevent install the selected protection must also be protected from
workers on roofs falling off the edge. It is one of a series of falling.
guides that have been drawn up by the Advisory Committee Edge protection can be achieved in many ways. Any system
for Roofsafety (ACR). It compliments the other guides in in conformity with the BS EN 13374 will provide adequate
this series, to make working on roofs safer. edge protection for workers on roofs. BS EN 13374 specifies
The edge protection systems dealt with in this guide are, at three classes of edge protection: Class A, Class B and Class
the time of writing, generally available and considered good C. A brief overview of BS EN 13374 is given in Annexe A,
practice when constructed correctly and erected safely. They at the end of this document, and the various types of edge
can be erected using readily available components. protection covered by BS EN 13374 are illustrated in Annexe
Readers are advised to seek and follow manufacturers’ A, Figure A3.
advice, as the use of proprietary systems will, for example, Edge protection can take many forms but, traditionally, it has
depend on whether the site conditions are suitable. Only used ‘tube and fitting’ scaffold components, supplemented
suitable persons having appropriate competence, training and where necessary by nets, fencing meshes and tensioned
physical fitness should be allowed on any roof to work at wires. More recently, it has been formed from purpose-made
height and to carry out the task at hand. components, manufactured and/or assembled by specialist
Graham Willmott(ACR Chairman) companies. Whichever system you propose to use you must
be able to demonstrate that the system you specify is ‘fit for
purpose’ This may be by provision of design calculations,
CONTENTS evidence of testing, or both if appropriate, or manufactures
Introduction 1 supporting information..
Scope 1 SCOPE
Reference Documents 1 This Guide illustrates, and gives advice about some of the
Choosing an appropriate fall protection system 2 ways in which any exposed roof edge can be protected using
Principles behind selecting and installing suitable readily available components and work equipment.
edge protection 2
Propritary Systems 3 This Guide does not cover the fall protection requirements
Edge protection systems 4 needed during the erection and dismantling of the edge
Leading Edge Protection 8 protection system chosen. This will be site specific and
Minor Work 9 MUST be considered during the selection of edge protection,
Annexe A – Brief overview of BS EN 13374 11 and included in the method statement for the erection and
Annexe A – Proprietary edge protection systems 13 dismantling. Techniques may include the use of mobile
Annexe B – Fall protection work for minor work elevating platfroms (MEWPs) or personal fall protection
on roofs 14 systems such as industrial rope access and work
Annex C -Constitution of the Working Group restraint/work positioning/fall arrest systems .
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
[The Green Book] Fragile Roofs roof may not provide adequate protection, especially if the
ACR(CP)005 Guidance note for competence and work is some distance up the roof slope from the edge,
[The Black Book] general fitness requirements to work because a person sliding down the roof could:
on roofs
a) Cause the guard-rail to fail (because Class A
Work at Height Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 735 systems are not designed for dynamic forces); or
Regulations 2005
[WAHR] b) Injure the person who impacts the guard-rail
SG4 Preventing Falls from Scaffolding (because the arresting forces could be significant).
and False work - NASC
3. In addition, the choice and the extent of protection should
BS EN 1263-1 Safety nets. Safety requirements, fit the job in hand. For example there is nothing to be
test methods
gained by protecting the complete perimeter of a roof for
BS EN 13374 Temporary edge protection systems, situations that will only require operatives to work over a
product specification, test methods
small part of the roof, provide edge protection which
BS 7985 Code of Practice for the use of extends beyond the work area, by at least 2m and ensure
rope access methods for industrial
purposes adequate controls are in place to prevent them
approaching unprotected edges.
BS 8437 Code of practice for selection,
use and maintenance of personal PRINCIPLES BEHIND SELECTING AND
fall protection systems and
equipment for use in the workplace INSTALLING SUITABLE EDGE PROTECTION
HSG 33 Health and Safety in Roof work 4. A roof from which it is impossible to fall does not need any
(Revised -Fourth Edition 2012) additional edge protection, because it comes under the
TG20 : 13 Operational Guide –NASC legal definition of an ‘existing place of work’ under Work
SG27 Temporary edge protection on at Height Regulations (WAHR). For example, a non-
open steel work –NASC fragile ‘flat’ roof, with a full perimeter parapet at least
BS EN 12811 – 1 Temporary works equipment – Part 1 950 mm high, will not normally require additional edge
- Performance requirements and protection.
general design
5. Before commencing work on any existing roof it is
Edge Protection – EPF absolutely essential that you find out whether your roof is
Guidance Sheet a Fall protection and fragile, or has fragile elements in it e.g. roof lights in a
prevention for working on roofs metal sheet clad roof, or is non-fragile. This is a key
(February 2009) – NFRC
decision, which should only be made by persons
Edge Protection Code of practice – Edge protection competent2 to do so. If there are any doubts, assume that
- Edge Protection Federation (EPF)
the roof is fragile2.
SYSTEM Orange Book]& ACR[CP]002 [The Green Book].
1. The legal requirement is for the fall protection equipment Providing an effective system
to prevent so far as is reasonably practical any person 6. In choosing the system of edge protection3 , each of the
falling a distance liable to cause personal injury or where following processes and their risks should be considered:
this is not practical reduce the distance and consequences
of the fall. a) Type ofWork
2. Therefore, it is important that the correct system is chosen. b) Access and egress;
For example, the provision of BS EN 13374 Class A c )Erection;
guard-rails, intended for edge protection to roofs slopes d) Use;
up to 10 degrees placed at the edge of a steeply sloping e) Dismantling;
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
f) Rescue (associated with its provision and removal). be used within the limitations of the selected class as
Note3: MEWPs and mobile tower scaffolds may be suitable for outlined in Annexe A of that Standard (see Annexe A,
carrying out work at the perimeter of a roof from their Figure A.1).
working platforms. However they are not recommended for 10. When called into use, the edge protection system itself
use as edge protection for people working at the edge of the should be designed to minimise harm to the person being
roof, from the roof, or further up the roof slope. In the case protected, e.g. from sharp edges or, on a sloping roof, a
of MEWPs the length of the working platform may be structure that is too stiff.
inadequate, and a person impacting the guardrail adjacent
11. When positioning edge protection systems, the
to the roof edge may cause the platform to sway resulting in
dimensions and location of any gutters or other
a significant gap between the MEWP platform and the roof
protrusions should be considered. Failure to do so may
edge. Single mobile tower scaffolds will have insufficient
result in them fouling the edge protection.
length to provide adequate edge protection. Multiple towers
secured to the building to prevent outward sway if impacted 12. Toe-boards must be effective in stopping objects from
may be required. falling both over and under them, i.e. their height; shape
7. In accordance with the principles of the Work at Height and positioning must be commensurate with the objects
Regulations 2005 (WAHR)4, an edge protection system being used on the roof and the roof profile5 . An
which can be installed without the need to work at height assessment1 should demonstrate what is ‘suitable
should be the preferred solution. andsufficient’ to prevent the fall of any person, material
or object. Where there is the risk of a fall of materials or
Note 4: If such systems are available but not selected it is advisable objects an exclusion zone must be created below any area
to record a justification of the reason for its nonselection. of work. Where reasonably practical good practice would
8. To be effective, edge protection systems must stop people be to create an exclusion zone below an area of work at
and objects falling off the edge of the surface it is erected height.
to guard. To achieve this, the law requires that all Note 5: See Work at Height Regulations (WAHR: 2005, Reg. 6(1),
elements be of sufficient strength and rigidity for their Risk assessment, and Reg. 10, Falling objects.
purpose and as far as reasonably practical cannot be
accidentally displaced. PROPRIETARY SYSTEMS
Additionally, as work on a roof is classed as “work at a 13. A detailed description of the many prefabricated systems
height”, the law specifically requires the provision of: that are available is beyond the scope of this good
practice guide. herefore, those planning roofwork should
a) A principal barrier, usually a guard-rail, at least 950 consult with manufacturers/suppliers to ascertain what
mm above the working surface it is providing equipment is available currently to meet their particular
protection to; application.
b) A barrier at working surface level, commonly called
a toe-board; and It should be noted that BS EN 13374 does not cover
proprietary edge protection systems, used in those
c) Any vertical gap between the protection components situations listed in Annexe A, Item A3.
must not exceed 470 mm in the case of BS EN 13374
Class A edge protection and 250 mm for Class B and 14. Where it is intended to use proprietary systems, their use
100mm for Class C. should be discussed with the manufacturer who supplies
it. The manufacturer should be made aware of (at least)
d) Due consideration of the principal barrier height the following information:
should be given to take into account the variation or
increase of roof depth as work proceeds. a)The situation in which the system is to be used, e.g.
9. If choosing an edge protection system that is required to whether or not the site is exposed and there is any
meet the requirements of BS EN 13374: 2013, it should significant topographic feature likely to affect the wind
speed and direction;
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
b) The thickness of the floor or roof slab, e.g. when and the work to be done. The edge protection should
clamped to the edge of a concrete slab; extend a sufficient distance each side of the physical work
c) The width of the flanges, e.g. when clamped to steel area and access should be restricted to the protected area9.
beams; Where the work is extensive (or adequate control cannot
d) The slope of the roof, e.g. when used on a sloping be achieved), all edges of the roof should be guarded. For
roof; minor work the extent may be determined using the
information in Annexe B Figures B1 and B2 .
e)Whether the system will be modified, e.g. fixing
debris nets or advertising banners to it; Note : This should be the case even where the pitch of the roof is less
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
Figure 2: full scaffolding than 225mm .
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
using tube and fitting supports are unlikely to be LEADING EDGE PROTECTION
adequate). 42. Where the construction process constantly results in a
progressing edge (leading edge), for example laying roof
sheets, where edge protection cannot practically be placed,
other methods of fall protection are used to protect against
internal falls. These include safety netting, birdcage
scaffolds, soft landing systems (air bag and ‘bean’ bags)
and the use of safety lines, lanyards and harnesses to
provide a system of work restraint and fall arrest.
43 Soft landing systems such as air bags and ‘bean’ bags are
typically used to protect against internal falls of less than
2m and are typically used when installing roof trusses,
joists and flooring in house building.
Figure 11: Net Barrier System (Class C) continued under The following section, by kind permission of HSE as
Eaves extracted from HSG 33 (revised) covers the options
available to offer protection from internal falls.
Valley Gutter Protection
40. On an existing roof, where a valley has to be used to
provide the access to and from the workplace, and the roof 44.Take precautions to prevent falls from roof edges and
sheets either side are either not ACR-classified non-fragile working (‘leading’) edges. Nets and birdcage scaffolds are
or are missing; workers using it must be protected. If the preferred options. However, where these are not
possible safety nets or other collective fall protection reasonably practicable you can consider using work-
systems should be used. When utilised, the nets should be restraint safety harnesses with running line systems, or
erected in advance of the gutter being used and should temporary barriers at the leading edge, e.g. trolley
extend a distance at least 2 m either side. If safety nets systems.
cannot be used the fragile material or missing material 45.The preferred solution is to use properly erected safety nets
should be securely covered with non-fragile material for a along with edge protection around the perimeter of the
distance of 2 m up slope from the valley gutter. Shallow roof. Nets give roof workers maximum freedom of
roof slopes may require protective measures to extend movement, provided that they do not work beyond their
further up the slope than 2m. boundary. They can be installed to minimise fall distances
41.Valley gutter walking frames provide a means of protection (see Appendix 2, HSG33). They are effective where
for inspection or minor works (see figure 12). design details such as hips make other systems complex
and difficult to manage. In a fall the chance of injury is
reduced, compared to a similar fall in a harness or onto a
birdcage scaffold. Nets protect the leading edge and gaps,
fragile areas, etc (see Figure 8, HSG 33). When using nets,
additional leading edge protection will not usually be
Note12: See ACR [CP]003:2008 Rev1 [The Blue Book] for guidance
on the safe use of nets.
Note: Safety line and ladder securing systems are available which
reduce the consequences of a fall on a leaning or roof
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
ANNEXE A 100 mm.
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF BS EN 13374 Elastic Deflection:
A1. British Standard BS EN 13374 specifies the requirements The elastic deflection shall not be greater than 55 mm.
and test methods for temporary edge protection systems
for use during construction or maintenance of buildings
and other structures. Therefore, it covers edge protection The wind velocity pressure shall be taken as 0.6 kN/m2.
systems that may be used on roofs. Note: This covers most wind conditions in Europe. More onerous
A2. Although, it specifies three classes of temporary edge conditions may occur. The wind velocity pressure is based
protection, for edge protection systems with a fall arrest upon a 40metre height and an exposure period of 6 months
function (e.g. falling or sliding down a sloping roof) the and represents a wind speed of approximately 30 m/s.
Standard only specifies requirements for energy Note the elastic deflection limit of 55mm is an arbitrary figure and so
absorption. edge protection which just fails this criterion should not
A3. The Standard does not provide requirements for edge necessarily be condemned.
protection systems intended for: A6. Class A may be used if the angle is less than 10 degrees
a) Protection against impact from vehicles or from other Such edge protection systems are designed to withstand
mobile equipment, only static loads, based on a requirement to:
b) Protection from sliding down of bulk loose materials, (i) Support a person leaning on the protection or provide
snow etc., a handhold when walking beside it,
c) Protection of the general public from falling; or and
d) Side protection systems on scaffolds. (ii) Stop a person who is walking or falling towards the
A4. The edge protection specified in BS EN 13374 relates to protection.
three classes to use depending on the angle of the A7. Class B may be used if the angle is less than:
working surface from the horizontal and the possible 30 degrees without limitation of the falling height, or
falling height. These are Classes A,B and C. ;60 degrees and the falling height is less than 2m
A5. The Design loads to be supported by each system are: The edge protection systems, which are designed to
General: withstand static loads and low dynamic forces, based
on a requirement to:
Each edge protection (and each of its components, except
toeboard) shall be designed to withstand 0.3kN applied (i) Support a person leaning on the protection or provide
perpendicular to the post. a handhold when walking beside it.
(ii) Stop a person who is walking or falling towards the
Toeboard: protection.
Each toeboard shall be designed to withstand 0.2kN at the Class B systems are checked by a low dynamic impact test
most onerous position. (refer to BS EN 13374 for test procedure).
Loads Parallel to the Guard-rail: Note This standards allows Class ‘B’ edge protection to be used on
Each edge protection (and its components) shall withstand a roof pitches up to 300 with no limitation on the fall height, we
horizontal force of 0.2kN at the most onerous point. recommend that on roof pitches above 150 the fall height is
restricted to no more than 2m.
Accidental Loading: A8. Class C may be used if the angle is between
Any guard-rail or toeboard shall be capable of resisting a 30 and 45 degrees without limitation of the falling
downwards (+/- 10o) point load of 1.25kN, on a length of height, or;
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
45 and 60 degrees and the falling height is less then
The edge protection systems are designed to withstand high
dynamic forces (refer to BS EN 13374 fortest procedure)
based on the requirement to:
(i)Stop the fall of a person sliding down a steeply
sloping surface.
Class C systems are checked by a high dynamic impact test
Figure A.1 (BS EN13374 fig A1): Classes for the use of
inclinations and falling heights
If the angle is more than 60 degrees or more than 45 degrees
and the falling height is more than 5m, edge protection
systems are not appropriate as protection. At greater
falling heights the system can be placed higher on the
sloping area, for example every 2m and 5m of falling
height for system class B and C respectively. (see figure
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
Annex A
Figure A3 –
Diagrammatic examples of different types of temporary edge protection
[Abstracted from EN 13374 Fig 1]
Key to Figure A1
1 Slab edge clamp system 6 Beam bottom flange clamp system
2 Fixed to floor type system 7 Column clamp system – sloping roofs
3 Counterweighted system 8 Fencing system
4 Beam top flange clamp system 9.Edge protection on temporary structure
5 Column clamp system – Slabs and flat/low sloping roofs 10 Temporary structure (not defined in this standard)
Note: Not all systems are suitable for use on roofs as edge protection. The ones that can be adapted for use on roofs are highlighted
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
Annex B
Figure B1 Illustrating Extent of Edge Protection on non fragile roofs (Figure 10,
Figure B2 Illustrating
Fall protection
requirements for fragile
roofs Figure 11
ACR(CP)002 [The
Green Book]
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
Annex C updated BSEN 13374
CONSTITUTION OF THE WORKING Para 12 Included exclusion zones
GROUP Para 15 Clarified fragile areas
Original Document 2009 Para 19 Included reference to
The Associations represented on this Working Group were:
Figure 4 updated
Rural Industrial Design and Build Association (RIDBA),
Para 25,26, reworded
Fibre-cement Manufacturers’ Association (FCMA),
Para 27 , 29 Minor rewording
National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC),
Para 34, 35 Minor clarification
Health and Safety Executive (HSE),
Para 41 Reworded and incuded
by the following people: limitations of soft landing
Mr M Long NFRC Chairman
Para 54 Reworded
Mr A Hutchinson FCMA
Mr A Lowther RIDBA Note 14 New note
Mr B Green Co-opted Appendix A Updated to reflect
latest requirements of
Mr D Thomas William Hare Ltd BSEN13374
(Formerly HSE) Annex B New diagram added
Mr A Maitra FaberMaunsell Annex c New annex
(Formerly HSE) Rear Page Disclaimer updated
Section Revision
Introduction Reference to BSEN 13374
Working group Moved to Annex C
Scope Included refrence to
Reference documents Added NASC and NFRC
Updated BSEN13374
Para1 Clarified legal requirements
Para 2,3,5 Minor text change
Note 3 & Para 8c Reworded to take account of
For other information and guidance see www.roofworkadvice.info
Practical methods for providing edge protection for working on roofs
This document can be downloaded free of charge from the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ROOFING C ONTRACTORS LTD [NFRC]
Roofing House
ACR website at 31 Worship Street
www.roofworkadvice.info London, EC2A 2DY
Where the up to date list of members can also be found Tel: 020 7638 7663
e-mail: info@nfrc.co.uk
4 Whitehall Court
London, SW1A 2ES Federation House
Tel: 020 7839 8566 Station Road
www.steelconstruction.org Stoke on Trent
Contact: Mr P Walker ST4 2SA
Tel: 01782 744631
93 Bowen Court Contact: Mr J Mercer
St. Asaph Business Park
Clwyd, LL17 OJE 5a The Maltings
Tel: 01745 585600 Stowupland Road
www.bsif.co.uk Stowmarket
Contact: Mr G Hook Suffolk, IP14 5AG
Tel: 01449 676049
E NGINEERED PANELS IN C ONSTRUCTION [EPIC] e-mail: secretary@ridba.org.uk
29 High Street Contact: Mr A M Hutchinson
Tel: 020 8786 3619 3 Sherwood Road
www.epic.uk.com Aston Fields Industrial Estate
Contact: Mr P Trew Bromsgrove
Worcestershire, B60 3DU
PO Box 138 email via website: www.wahsa.org.uk
Shropshire, SY13 9AD
Tel: 01948 780652
e-mail: tony.seddon@faset.org.uk
Contact: Mr A Seddon
INSTITUTE OF ROOFING NOTE Although care has been taken to ensure, to the best of
Roofing House
31 Worship. Street, our knowledge, that all data and information contained herein
London are accurate to the extent that they relate to either matters of
www.instituteofroofing.org fact or accepted practice or matters of opinion at the time of
Contact: Mr T Chiswell publication, the ACR, the authors and the reviewers assume
METAL C LADDING & ROOFING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION [MCRMA] no responsibility for any errors in or misrepresentations of
106,Ruskin Avenue such data and/or information or any loss or damage arising
Rogerstone, from or related to their use. Elements of this guidance may go
South Wales, NP10 0BD further than the minimum needed to comply with health and
Tel: 01633 891584 safety law.
Email: mcrma@compuserve.com
Contact: Mr C Jones
43 Clare Croft The Advisory Committee for Roofsafety (ACR) is a body
Middleton dedicated to making working on roofs safer. Its membership
Milton Keynes, MK10 9HD
Tel: 01908 692325 is made up of nominees from the major roof working
e-mail: admin@narm.org.uk Federations and Associations and the Health and Safety
Contact: Lorraine Cookham
Executive, who provide the experience of many years of
involvement in working on roofs in the advice given in their