Ge Centricity PACS User Training Technologist)
Ge Centricity PACS User Training Technologist)
Ge Centricity PACS User Training Technologist)
Logging Off
Logout performs a Quit and Restart, which closes the application
and then restarts it. The user is returned to the Log In screen. The
purpose of this is to reset the application, if needed.
Quick Access Buttons
Users may select five worklists they want to access frequently and place
them on their Quick Access Buttons. These buttons will then act as user
shortcuts to those worklists. The user can find these five buttons in the
upper right half of the Work Modes Palette, adjacent to the Worklist
Selector drop-down menu.
To assign a worklist to one of the Quick Access Buttons:
1. Single-click on the Worklist Selector drop-down menu.
2. Left click and hold the worklist.
3. Drag and drop it onto the middle of one of the five Quick Access
4. When the user releases the mouse, the name of the worklist will appear
on the button.
Note: The cursor will have a small rectangle attached to it.
Column Headings
The first column to the left of the patient name is an icon that
indicates an exam note is attached to this study. The other
columns designate the specific type of information displayed in
the worklist.
• Patient Name column displays the patient name; last name
comma, then first name.
• Patient ID displays the patient medical record number.
• Accession Number is the unique exam identifier used by PACS to
identify the separate exams.
• Procedure is the name of the exam (eg., AMH – CT Head w-o).
Column Headings, cont..
• Mdl refers to the modality (e.g. CT, MR, CR, US, NM).
• Img refers to the number of images in the file for the procedure.
• Study Time begins with the time the exam is ordered. This time will
update when the images arrived in PACS. The time appears in the title
bar of the exam when it is displayed.
• On Line indicates the archive status of the images:
o “Y” means that the images are in the short-term storage.
o “N” means the exam is off-line and needs to be fetched (retrieved)
from the permanent storage system. "N" also means NO images. All
dictated reports will be available if exam is completed.
o “I” means the exam is in the process of being fetched.
• Status indicates the stage of completion for the exam (Ordered, Arrived,
Verified, Dictated, Transcribed, Completed, Reference only, Read off-
line, or Cancelled).
Filtering a Column
Under the name of each column heading is a white
rectangle text box called the Query Search area. Click in
the box for the column you wish to filter. The cursor will
start flashing in the box. Type in the appropriate patient
information and press Enter. The worklist will update to
reflect the filter information.
The user can apply multiple filters at one time. Used
filters remain in a drop down menu listed in alphabetical
order under each column once selected. Double click on
the column box and a drop down of the past 10 filters
display. The number of past filters is configurable. To
delete a filter, highlight the information and press Delete
on the keyboard.
Sorting a Column
Right above the image(s), you will see the patient’s name, ID
number, and the date and time of the exam. This is called the
Title Bar. The title bar can be made smaller to allow more
monitor space by double clicking with the left mouse anywhere
within the title bar. A double left mouse click will also re-instate
the title bar to its original display. Hovering with the cursor over
the skinny title bar will reinstate it to original size. This only
applies for that monitor region.
The functions from the title bar that hide when minimized can
be found by completing a right click in the skinny title bar.
Monitor Region Format
Monitor region format refers to the number of virtual monitors
that display within a monitor. The user is able to select from
pre-designed formats. A drop-down menu on the task bar next
to the Function Keys allows users to change the number of
monitor regions displayed on that monitor.
Click the arrow to open the drop-down menu. You will see a
list of monitor region choices. Click on any one of the choices.
Only the format for the active monitor will change to the
selected format.
Image Format
• Once the monitor regions have been set, the
user can select the image format. Image
format is the number of images that will
display in a selected monitor region. Each
monitor region has an Image Format selector.
• Click in the monitor region to be adjusted.
Place the mouse pointer over the Images
format Hot Zone button . A drop-down
menu will display various Image Format
options. Move the mouse to highlight how
many images will display in this virtual
monitor and then click that choice.
• The custom selection will allow the user to
customize the number of images to display in
the monitor region.
Selecting/Deselecting Images in Sheet Mode
3. Single-click on the double arrows pointing to the right. This will start
paging through the images automatically.
4. Single-click on the box in the middle of the arrow keys to stop the auto
5. Use the slide bar to control the speed of frames per second.
6. Single-click on the HIDE button to turn off the auto-cine application.
Toggling Image Size
The user has several options with regard to the tool bar.
The user may Anchor the tool bar at the bottom of the Function Bar.
Right click in an image to have palette with icons display. The user can
also right click on an image to have the verbal representation viewable for
a left click tool selection (Context Manager).
Use the “Display tool icons in tool palette” checkbox in Utilities >
Preferences > Display Preferences menu to toggle between displaying
icons and text in the Tool Palette.
If the user has not anchored the
Tool Palette, Right click over an
image to display the modality
specific standard tool palette.
In order to select a tool, the user
can click on the pictorial
representation. The engaged tool
icon will look as if it were a
depressed button.
Click on the down arrow button of
the standard tool palette to display
the extended tool palette. This will
give you access to all of the image
manipulation tools available for your
To close the tool bar, Click on the X
in the top right corner of the Tools
Mouse Button Defaults
To change the middle or left mouse button to a different
tool, click on the “M” or “L” and drag it over the tool of
choice. Release the mouse button in the middle of the
icon and the “M” or “L” will display above your selection.
The system will only allow “State Tools” to be
designated as the default tool. State tools, when
selected; require further user interaction to manipulate
the selected image such as zoom, measure and
window/level. The system default is “L” mouse as the
Selector Tool and “M” mouse as the Cine Tool.
Action tools will affect all selected images without
additional user interaction. The Invert Grey Scale is an
example of an action tool.
Description and Use of Individual Tools
Selection tool allows the user to manipulate selected
images with the other tools. This is the Left Mouse
default. Click once on the Selection Tool, then once on
any image. This will put a light grey border around the
image and allow the user to apply any tool function to
that image. Some tools need to have an image selected
before they will work on that image. If you try to use a
tool not selected on an image, an alert message will
display prompting you to select an image first.
To select multiple images, click on one image and then
while holding down the CTRL key, click on any other
image or images.
To select a range of images, click on the first selected
image, hold down the SHIFT key, and click on the last
image to select. This will select all the images between
the first and last selected images. A tool applied to one
image will be applied to all selected images.
This tool allows user to adjust the window/level
values of selected images. To select the tool, single click
on the icon. Move the cursor over the image. Press and
hold the mouse button down then move the mouse up
or down to change the contrast or left to right to change
the brightness.
Resets selected images back to last saved
window/level value.
Window/Level ROI tool allows the user to draw a
ROI on an image and the w/l within the ROI changes
based on the anatomy contained within the window. The
values are displayed in the lower left corner of the
monitor region.
Inverts the Gray Scale on selected image(s). This
will invert the black and whites on images. Click once on
this tool to invert the image(s). A second click will return
the image(s) back the original display.
Four tools are used to change the orientation of the
displayed image. Select the image(s) that need to be re-
orientated and then click on the appropriate tool.
Rotates selected image(s) 90 degrees to the right
or left.
Flips selected image(s) 180 degrees top to bottom or
left to right 180 degrees.
Resets changes made to images back to the last
saved value.
This tool allows the user to cine (scroll) through
images. This is the Middle Mouse default selection.
Scroll Lock feature will allow the user to lock the
scroll function of the mouse. Once the scroll is locked,
the user no longer has to click and drag for the images
to move in cine mode. Sliding the mouse in either
direction will activate cine.
This tool allows user to move forward or backward
one image at a time.
This tool allows user to move forward and
backward by pages.
The Pan Tool allows the user to pan the image in the
monitor region.
Single click on the tool and move the cursor to the
image. Press and hold the left mouse button down and
move the mouse around.
While holding the left mouse button down and the Pan
tool selected, press and hold the SHIFT key down. Move
the mouse and the image will zoom.
While holding the left mouse button down and the Pan
tool selected, press and hold the ALT key down. Moving
the mouse will window/level the image.
This tool allows the user to Zoom the image. Single
click on the tool and move the cursor to an image. Press
and hold the left mouse button down and move the
mouse up and down to magnify the image. Single click
on the tool and move the cursor to an image. Press and
hold the left mouse button down and pull the mouse
towards the user to make the image smaller. Holding the
shift key down at the same time will pan the image.
Holding the Alt key down at the same time will
window/level the image.
Magic glass is used as a magnifying glass. Single
click on the icon and move the cursor to an image. Press
and hold the left mouse button down. A box will appear
with the area within the box magnified. The
magnification factor will be displayed in the upper right
corner of the magic class. With the left mouse button
depressed, single right-click to magnify the entire image.
With the magic glass tool selected, holding down the Alt
key will change the window level.
Measurement tool allows the user to make distance
measurements. Single click on the icon and move the
cursor to an image. Press and hold the left mouse button
down on the area where the measurement is to start,
Click and drag the mouse to the end of the
measurement and release the mouse. A line will appear
to mark the measurement.
To resize a measurement, select it with selection tool or
by holding down the CTRL key and boxes will appear on
each end of the line. Click and hold the mouse on one of
the boxes. Drag the mouse to resize the measurement.
Release the mouse at the end point.
This tool allows the user to place an arrow on image.
Select this tool and move the mouse to the area on the
image you wish to place the arrow. Click and hold the
left mouse button down to place the arrow. Drag the
mouse in the direction that the user wishes the tail of
the arrow to be drawn. Release the mouse.
Multiple arrows are placed on an image. To delete an
arrow, click on the Selection tool and then on the arrow.
Boxes will appear on either ends of the arrow, click on a
box and hit delete on the keyboard.
This tool allows the user to add Text Annotation to
an image. Select this tool and move the mouse to the
area on the image you wish to place the text. Press and
drag the mouse to draw a box. Type desired text in the
To change the font size of the text, select the text first
with the Selection tool. Click on Change Annotation Font
in the Image Function tab; select the text format/size
choice, Click OK. The selected text will change.
To reposition an annotation, select the annotation with
the Selection tool. Press and hold the mouse on the
annotation and drag it to the desired area.
To resize a text annotation, select the text with the
Selection tool. Boxes will appear at the four corners of
the text. Click and hold the mouse on a box and drag
the mouse to create the desired size.
To delete a text annotation, select the text with the
Selection tool. Boxes will appear at the four corners of
the text. Click on the box then press Delete on the
Oval, Rectangular or Irregular shaped Regions
of Interest (ROI) measurement tools. Select the ROI of
interest and move the mouse to the area to be
measured. Click and drag the mouse to create the ROI,
release the mouse. The following are displayed:
Area – the total area of the Region of Interest displayed
in either millimeters or pixels Max – The maximum pixel
density value of all of the pixels included in the ROI
Min – The minimum pixel density value of all of the
pixels included in the ROI
X – The mean or average pixel value for the ROI
SD - The standard deviation of the pixel values, in other
words how spread out the values are.
These measurements display in the lower right hand
corner of the screen.
This tool displays pixel lens value of the X and Y-axis
for the pixel at the point of the cursor. Select the tool
and as the mouse moves around the image, the
measurement will display in the upper middle area of the
This tool allows the user to define a specific zoom
factor (ZF). Right click on the icon to enter desired ZF.
Four Zoom Factors are stored in the icon. Left click on
the images to apply a Zoom factor.
Zooms selected image(s) by 2 times the image size
shown on monitor tool.
Zooms selected image(s) by 1/2 image size shown
on monitor tool.
Spatial Cursor shows a point on cross-referenced
planes and/or synchronizes navigation and cursor
locations among stack views of different image series
with opposing planes (such as CT/PET) when series
share the same frame of reference.
Multi-Planar Localizer identifies the same point on
images in orthogonal views that are cross-referenced to
each other. Select the tool and move the mouse to the
area of interest. The tool will take the images to the
same plane, same point in all cross-referenced series.
This is the Image Information Tool. This tool shows
the DICOM Header Information for the selected image.
Select an image, Click on this tool and the image
information will display. This information is also printed
by Clicking on the Print box located at the bottom of the
Fit to Display Region Tool will resize the image to fill
the monitor much like the Reset function.
Mask or add a shutter to the image. Using one of the
ROI tools, draw an ROI on the image. Select the mask
tool and apply it to the image. The area outside of the
ROI will turn black.
Logging Out
Logging out will close the program, restart the
applications and return to the login screen so the
workstation is ready for the next user to login. The user
will single click on the icon. A dialog box will display a
message asking if the user wants to logout. If so, the
user should click on “Yes.”
Quitting will log the user out. A dialog box will appear
asking if the user wishes to quit the program. If so, click
on Yes and the application will return to the Windows