Cardmaster 2.0

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Cardmasters are magic users who cast spells by utilizing magical cards stored in a card case. They gain their power from their card case and must study for years to learn how to use it.

Cardmasters are defined by their unique method of spellcasting using magical cards called spell cards. They gain their power from a magical item called a card case that stores the magic they can use. It takes most cardmasters years of study to learn how to utilize the magic in their card case.

As cardmasters level up, they gain additional spell cards they can use each day and access to more powerful spells and abilities like Magic Rune and Bolts of Bulwark.

Art by Thomas Chamberlain Keen

His eyes fleeting across the surrounding forest, a short,
dark-clothed human reaches towards the inner pocket of his
jacket and pulls out an intricately detailed card. With a flick
of his wrist, the card burns away and a barely visible blanket
of magical energy manifests around his body. Taking the
initiative against his would be ambushers, he takes another
card from his pocket and speaks a short incantation. As his
incantation completes, the card burns away and a bolt of
lightning streaks into the forest.
Holding a blade of hellfire in one hand and an assortment
of cards in the other, a nimble tiefling rushes into the fray.
Her blade flashes each time it strikes, felling a wretched
goblin with every blow. With every strike made against her,
a bolt of flame streaks towards her attacker.
Her long, silvery hair billowing behind her, an elf darts
behind a stone pillar. Hastily looking through her hand of
cards, she selects a white card decorated with blue floral
designs. She speaks a word and the card dissipates, as she
teleports to the balcony above. Now in a better position, she
conjures two cards, both neatly tucked between her fingers.
She throws them in the same motion, causing them to fly
towards her opponents below.
Cardmasters are powerful magic-users, defined by their
unique method of spellcasting. Utilizing the magic stored
within a repository of magical power, called a card case,
cardmasters create magical items that resemble playing
cards. These creations are called spell cards, and they hold
spells that only those that have taken the time to study this
ancient art can cast.

Unearthed Magic
The magic of a cardmaster is neither innate, like a sorcerer,
nor the pure product of years of learning, like a wizard. A
cardmaster begins their delve into the arcane arts through
their acquisition of a card case, which might be given to
them by a master or simply found as treasure. The card case
holds all of a cardmaster’s power—it is from this item that
Art by Wayne Reynolds they gain all of their magical prowess, and they are nothing
without it.
Learning how to utilize the magic held within a card case
is not a simple matter for most. A cardmaster often requires

The Cardmaster
Proficiency Hand Wild Maximum
Level Bonus Cantrips Size Cards Spell Level Features
1st +2 2 2 1 1st Card Magic, Deadly Dealer
2nd +2 2 3 2 1st Playstyle
3rd +2 2 3 3 2nd Card Tricks
4th +2 3 3 4 2nd Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 3 4 6 3rd —
6th +3 3 4 7 3rd Playstyle feature
7th +3 3 4 8 4th Card Tricks
8th +3 3 5 9 4th Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 3 5 10 5th Scry
10th +4 4 5 11 5th Playstyle feature
11th +4 4 6 13 6th Card Magic Improvement (Recreate table during a short rest)
12th +4 4 6 14 6th Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 4 6 15 7th Card Tricks
14th +5 4 7 16 7th Playstyle feature
15th +5 4 7 17 8th Scry Improvement
16th +5 4 7 18 8th Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 4 8 20 9th —
18th +6 4 8 21 9th Fluent Casting
19th +6 4 8 22 9th Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 4 9 23 9th At the Ready

years of study before they reach the point where they are background. Third, choose the mage hand and light cantrips,
able to cast even the simplest spells from their card case. along with the following 1st-level spells for your card case:
Once a cardmaster reaches this point, however, their being absorb elements, burning hands, chromatic orb, expeditious
has become permanently bonded with their card case. Even retreat, mage armor, magic missile, shield, and sleep.
if the case is lost or destroyed, they are able to summon it
back to themselves, with all of their collected cards intact. Multiclassing
The prerequisite for multiclassing into a cardmaster is an
Creating a Cardmaster Intelligence of 13 or higher. When multiclassing into
cardmaster, you gain proficiency in light armor and simple
When creating a cardmaster, the most important question weapons. If you have both Card Magic and another form of
you must consider is that of how you acquired your card spellcasting, you keep the forms of spellcasting entirely
case. Perhaps you were tutored by another cardmaster that separate. You cannot use your spell cards and wildcards to
was skilled enough to create a card case for his or her cast spells not gained from the cardmaster class, and you
apprentice. Or perhaps you simply found a card case that had cannot use spell slots to cast spell cards.
been long abandoned by its previous user. Or maybe you
managed to take the card case from another cardmaster after
their death. Class Features
Once you decide how you came across your card case, As a cardmaster, you gain the following class features.
you need to determine how your training went. Did card
magic come naturally to you, or did it takes years of
concentrated study? Did you have the help of a teacher, or
Hit Points
were you self-taught? If you had a teacher, do you still learn Hit Dice: 1d8 per cardmaster level
under them, or have you parted ways? Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Also consider the playstyle that you will choose at 2nd Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
level. While this choice isn’t set in stone, many cardmasters Constitution modifier per cardmaster level after 1st
know what playstyle they intend to master before they even
learn the basics of this magical art. Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor
Quick Build Weapons: Simple weapons
You can make a cardmaster quickly by following these Tools: Playing cards
suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability
score, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. If you plan to Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
use the Demon’s Inferno playstyle, make Dexterity or Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception, History
Strength your next-best score. Second, choose the sage Insight, Investigation, Performance, Persuasion, Stealth,
and Sleight of Hand.

Equipment Unlike regular spellcasters, you do not have spell slots.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Instead, you cast spells using wild cards in combination with
equipment granted by your background spell cards. To cast one of your spell cards, you must expend
• (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger a number of wild cards equal to the level of the spell.
• (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack The maximum level spells you can cast are 1st level
• A card case and a deck of playing cards spells. This increases as you level, as shown in the
Maximum Spell Level column in the Cardmaster table.
Card Magic When you cast a 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th level spell with this
feature, you can’t cast another spell of that particular level
As a card master, you have acquired a magical card case that again until you complete a long rest.
contains the beginnings of your meager collection of spell As long as your hand isn’t full, you can use your bonus
cards. See chapter 10 of the Player’s Handbook for the action and expend a wild card to draw a new spell card. The
general rules of spellcasting, and the end of this document process for drawing a spell card is described below.
for the cardmaster spell list. You regain all expended wild cards upon completing a
short or long rest.
At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the Using and Drawing Spell Cards
cardmaster spell list. You learn additional cardmaster When you want to cast a spell, you do so using spell cards
cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the and wild cards. Spell cards represent the spells you can cast,
Cantrips Known column of the Cardmaster table. while wild cards are used in place of spell slots. Your hand
consists of the spell cards that you’ve drawn but not used.
Card Case The spells you can cast at any given time are determined
At 1st level, you have a card case containing eight 1st-level by the spell cards in your hand. Whenever you complete a
cardmaster spells of your choice. short or long rest, you draw spell cards until you have a
Wild Cards number of cards in your hand equal to your hand size, shown
in the Hand Size column of the Cardmaster table.
You have a number of wild cards, as shown in the Wild In order to draw a spell card, you first construct a table of
Cards column of the Cardmaster table. Wild cards have two spell cards that you will draw from. The table should contain
uses: casting spells and drawing additional spell cards. Spell 10 rows and 2 columns, with the first column being numbers
cards are described in detail in the next section. from 1 to 10, and the second column being unique spell
cards that you have in your card case. Two of the spell cards
you choose can appear in up to two rows of the table, while
Your Card Case the other spell cards can only appear in one row each.
The card case that you acquired when you chose this class is an Once the table is set up, you draw a card by rolling a d10.
extension of yourself, and the source of your spellcasting You then add to your hand whatever spell card corresponds
abilities. When you add a spell to your card case, you do so by to the number you rolled.
inscribing the spell upon a card, utilizing special inks and your Once you construct a table, you can’t reconstruct the table
own unique designs in the process. Once you finish this step, until you finish a long rest. Once you reach 11th level, you
you place the card in your card case, and it becomes available can reconstruct the table upon finishing a short rest.
to be drawn. When you draw a spell card, you aren’t drawing For example, if you’re a 2nd-level cardmaster that has
the original card that you inscribed—you’re drawing a copy of absorb elements, burning hands, charm person, chromatic
that card, created by the card case with arcane magic. orb, color spray, false life, fog cloud, magic missile, shield,
Copying Spell Cards. When you find a cardmaster spell of and sleep in their card case, you might construct the
1st level or higher, you can add it to your card case if it is of a following table:
level for which you have spell slots and if you can spare the
time and materials needed to inscribe it. d10 Spell Card
Inscribing a spell card that you find involves reproducing the 1 burning hands .
magical designs and words that hold the spells magic, and 2 burning hands
rewriting them to work with your card case. All card cases are 3 charm person .
slightly different, so a card from another card case won’t work 4 chromatic orb
without modification. 5 color spray .
Adding a spell card you find requires 2 hours of work and 50 6 false life
gold pieces of material for every level of the spell. Once you 7 magic missile .
finish this process, the spell is ready to be drawn. 8 shield
Losing your Card Case. Due to your magical bond with 9 shield .
your card case, you can resummon it after it is lost or destroyed 10 sleep
by concentrating and meditating during a long rest. Your spell
cards are not preserved, however, and you need to copy them If you’re refilling your hand after a short or long rest, you
again. Recopying a spell only requires 1 hour of work and 25 roll 3 times on the table, as your hand size is 3. If you roll,
gp of material per level of the spell. for example, 2-4-4, then your hand consists of burning
Your Card Case’s Appearance. All card cases are unique, hands, and two castings of chromatic orb.
though they all generally have the form of a small box. As your
card case isn’t something you craft yourself, you aren’t the one Discarding a Spell Card
that chooses how it looks. You should consider its appearance You discard a spell card after casting it, or when a feature
based on how and from whom you acquired it. tells you to discard a spell card. If a feature tells you to
discard a spell card, you choose any one of the cards in your
hand. A discarded card is no longer in your hand.

playstyles include Beholder’s Paranoia, Devil’s Gambit,
Spellcasting Focus Demon’s Inferno, and Lich’s Tomb. Each of these playstyles
Your spell cards act as spellcasting foci for the cardmaster grant you features at 2nd level, and again at 6th, 10th, and
spells you cast. 14th levels.

Spellcasting Ability Card Tricks

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your cardmaster
spells, since you endlessly study and experiment with your At 3rd level, you learn how to better manipulate your card
cards. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to magic. You gain two of the following Card Trick options of
your spellcasting ability. You use your Intelligence modifier your choice. You gain another one at 7th and 13th level.
when setting the saving throw DC for a cardmaster spell you Once you use a Card Trick, you can’t use any of the Card
cast and when making an attack roll with one. Tricks you have learned until you complete a short or long
rest, score a critical hit against a hostile creature with a spell
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + attack, or have a hostile creature roll a 1 on a saving throw
your Intelligence modifier against one of your spells.

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + Copycat

your Intelligence modifier As a bonus action, you discard a spell card, and then replace
it with a copy of another card in your hand.
Gaining Spells of 1st level and Higher
Each time you gain a cardmaster level, you can add two Defender
cardmaster spell cards of your choice to your card case. Each Using your action, you conjure a card that circles around
of these must be of a level that you can cast, as shown in the you, attempting to intercept attacks. The first time an attack
Maximum Spell Level column in the Cardmaster table. On is made against you while the card lasts, the card imposes
your adventures, you might find other spell cards that you disadvantage on the attack roll. The card disappears once it
can add to your card case. imposes disadvantage, after 1 hour, or once you use Card

Deadly Dealer
Trick again.

You learn the card throw cantrip, described at the end of this
Linked Cards
Using your action, you conjure two cards. As long as the
document. If you already know it, you gain another
cards are within a mile of each other, you can look through
cardmaster cantrip of your choice.
the face of one card to see as if you were looking through
When you hit a creature with one of the cards created with
the face of the opposing card. To creatures other than you,
card throw, you can choose to discard one of your spell
the cards appear blank. The cards disappear after 1 hour, or
cards. If you do so, the thrown card gains an additional effect
once you use Card Trick again.
based on the discarded card’s school of magic. The different
effects are described below: Misdirect
Abjuration. You gain temporary hit points equal to the
Using your action, you conjure a card and throw it at a point
damage dealt by the card. These temporary hit points last for
you can see within 60 feet of you. Once the card lands on the
up to 1 minute.
ground, it creates a perfect visual illusion of you that stands
Conjuration. The target must succeed on a Strength
at that point for as long as the card remains. Interaction with
saving throw against your spell save DC or be knocked
the illusion reveals it to be an illusion, as objects pass
prone as a wire of force attempts to trip it.
through it. The card disappears once the illusion is revealed,
Divination. Your next attack against the target before the
after 1 hour, or once you use Card Trick again.
end of your next turn is made at advantage, and scores a
critical hit on a roll of 19-20. Recall
Enchantment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom As a bonus action, you conjure a card and lay it at your feet.
saving throw against your spell save DC or be charmed by At the end of your turn, you teleport back to the card’s
you until the end of your next turn. location, and the card disappears.
Evocation. Each creature within 5 feet of the target, not
including the target, must succeed on a Dexterity saving Re-Draw
throw against your spell save DC or take damage equal to As a bonus action, you draw a card, then discard any card in
the damage dealt by the initial attack. your hand.
Illusion. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw
against your spell save DC. On a failed save, you are
invisible to that creature until the start of your next turn.
Ability Score Increase
Necromancy. The target takes 1d8 necrotic damage, and When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
can’t regain hit points until the end of your next turn. 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
Transmutation. A square area centered beneath the target by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice
that extends 5 feet beyond their space becomes difficult by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20
terrain for creatures other than you until cleared. A creature using this feature.

can use their action to clear a 5-foot square of the terrain.

Playstyle Starting at 9th level, you gain more control over the cards
When you reach 2nd level, you choose a playstyle that you you can place in your hand. When you would draw a card,
begin to emulate. Each playstyle is a long-standing tradition you can choose to instead add to your hand any card from
that has been passed down from various creatures: common your card case, even if it isn’t part of your drawing table.

the same school of magic as the triggering spell. Make an
Once you do so, you must finish a long rest before you can Intelligence check with a DC equal to 12 + the spell’s level.
use this feature again. On a successful check, the spell fails and has no effect.
Once you reach 15th level, you regain the use of this
feature when completing a short or long rest. Preservation
Fluent Casting
Beginning at 10th level, you can use your spell cards to heal
your wounds. As a bonus action on your turn, you can
By 18th level, you have mastered the casting of low-level discard a number of spell cards from your hand, up to your
spell cards. When you cast a spell card at 1st level or 2nd Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) at maximum. You regain
level, you don’t need to expend any wild cards in the casting. 1d8 hit points, plus 1d8 hit points for every card discarded.
You still discard the spell card afterwards, however. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
Additionally, you may cast 6th level spell cards twice per complete a long rest.
long rest, rather than only once. Arcane Vigilance
At the Ready At 14th level, you and creatures of your choice within 60 feet
of you cannot be surprised while you are conscious.
At 20th level, you are always ready when you encounter any Additionally, you can use your quick-witted feature every
threat. Whenever you roll initiative and your hand isn’t full, time you roll initiative, without needing to complete a long
you draw spell cards until your hand is full. rest to use it again.

Playstyles Demon’s Inferno

“Demon’s Inferno” is one of the more widely used
Card magic is a form of spellcasting that has been warped
playstyles, especially among tieflings and those that deal with
and rearranged through the millennia, as hosts of different
the inhabitants of the abyss. Specializing in melee combat,
creatures and races have put their own spin on its traditions.
practitioners of this playstyle have unparalleled offensive
Many playstyles exist, though only a few of them are widely
capabilities, but sacrifice the safety of other playstyles. This
popular, as less effective styles are thrown to the wayside.
playstyle is occasionally still practiced by demons, though
Most cardmasters adopt the same playstyle as the master who
only the more intelligent among their race.
taught them, though some try to find a playstyle that suits
their own needs. Demonic Champion
The playstyles described here are all attributed to iconic When you choose this playstyle at 2nd level, you gain
monsters, but not all playstyles need be attributed as such. proficiency with medium armor and shields.
While most playstles were created by non-humanoids, Additionally, you can use your action to conjure a weapon
humanoid created playstyles do exist. made from hellfire. You are proficient with this weapon, and

Beholder’s Paranoia
it has the properties of any simple or martial melee weapon,
except it deals fire damage on a hit rather than bludgeoning,
“Beholder’s Paranoia” is a playstyle based upon being piercing, or slashing damage. The weapon remains until you
constantly vigilant, always on the lookout for danger. Like stop holding it, conjure a different weapon, or die.
their namesake, those that follow this playstyle often believe Gift of the Abyss
that they are in constant danger, and suspect that others are
Also at 2nd level, your spell cards do not disappear when
plotting against them. It is believed that this playstyle was
cast, but instead burn into magical flames that move to your
originally developed by an ancient, powerful beholder from a
will. Whenever you cast a spell card, a number of wisps of
bygone age, who used its expertise in card magic to protect
flame equal to 1 + half the spell’s level begin to circle around
itself from many an experienced adventurer.
you. These wisps last for up to 1 minute, and you can have a
This style is one of the rarer playstyles, as those paranoid
number of them conjured at once equal to your Intelligence
enough to practice it would often be reluctant to take on an
modifier + half your Cardmaster level (minimum 2).
apprentice. Therefore, most that learn it do so through books
Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you makes an attack
and self-study, though even basic manuscripts on the subject
against you, one of these wisps launches at them after the
are hard to come by.
attack is made, hit or miss. The attacker takes 1d4 fire
Quick-witted damage, and the wisp disappears.
Starting when you choose this playstyle at 2nd level, you Extra Attack
become more alert to danger and quicker to respond to it.
Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
You add your Intelligence modifier to your initiative rolls.
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
When you roll initiative, you can use your reaction to cast
a spell card in your hand with a casting time of 1 action or 1 Demonic Aspect
bonus action that only targets and effects you. Once you do At 10th level, you gain resistance to fire damage, and once
so, you can’t do so again until you complete a long rest. per turn when you deal fire damage, you can add your
Spellbreaker Intelligence modifier to the damage roll.
At 6th level, you have learned the anti-magic techniques of a Abyssal Form
beholder. Whenever a creature within 60 feet of you that you Beginning at 14th level, you can take on a demonic form that
can see casts a spell, you automatically know what spell is wreaths you in flame and grants you fiery wings. As an
being cast. action, you enter this form. For 1 minute, you gain the
Whenever you identify a spell in this way, you can use following benefits:
your reaction to discard a spell card in your hand that is of

• You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed Lich’s Tomb
• Whenever you discard a card for any reason, each creature
“Lich’s Tomb” is a playstyle based on utilizing necromantic
within 5 feet of you must succeed on a Dexterity saving
magic and overwhelming your opponent with arcane power.
throw against your spell save DC or take 2d6 fire damage.
Those that follow this playstyle often do so in seek of power,
• When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you regain hit
and are typically not of the most cordial of acquaintances.
points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1),
Most cardmasters see this playstyle as villainous an Art by
or double that if the damage dealt was fire damage.
menacing, though not all of its practitioners are evil. Roman Chaliy
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you Its originators are just as evil as the stereotypes lead
finish a long rest. people to believe, however. Created many hundreds of years

Devil’s Gambit
ago by an ancient lich, this playstyle was passed on to
humanoids through chance alone, as the notes and cards of
“Devil’s Gambit,” is a playstle that, as its name implies, the lich were unearthed centuries after its demise.
exemplifies the idea of risk and reward. Still widely used Power from the Grave
among some groups of devils, this playstyle is quite When you choose this playstyle at 2nd level, your card
widespread, despite the danger involved in using it. Among magic is imbued with necrotic energy. Whenever you
humanoid cardmasters, this playstyle can lead to the doom of cast a spell card, rather than discarding it, it is
an unwise or unlucky practitioner, as they don’t have considered to be in your “tomb,” and it remains
pseudo-immortality of a devil that can simply reform itself in there for up to 1 minute. While a spell card is in
the nine hells upon being defeated. Many apprentice your tomb, you can still use it to cast spells as
cardmasters of this playstyle meet their demise in the early if it were in your hand, but you cannot use
stages of their learning, but those that practice and master its it for other features that call for discarding
techniques can prove themselves powerful casters. a spell card. When you cast a card from
Gift of the Nine Hells within your tomb, it is discarded, and
When you choose this playstyle at 2nd level, you learn how therefore no longer in your tomb.
to use a volatile energy harnessed from the nine hells. As a Additionally, at the start of each
bonus action on your turn, you fill yourself with this energy. of your turns you gain temporary
Your next spell attack before the end of your turn is made at hit points equal to half the combined
advantage. If you miss this attack, its energy backfires onto spell level of all the spell cards
you. Make the spell attack again, exactly as before, except within your tomb. If you cast a
this time targeting yourself. If the attack hits you and deals spell card at a higher level, it is
damage, its damage cannot be reduced in any way. considered to be of the spell level
that you cast it.
Devil’s Luck
Also at 2nd level, you can call upon the devil’s luck to aid
Necromancer Adept
you. When you miss an attack or are hit by an attack, you At 6th level, you can discard a spell card
can use this feature to reroll that attack and take the new roll. in your hand or tomb and expend three wild
Once you use this feature, your future luck becomes tainted. cards to cast animate dead as a third level spell.
You derive no damage bonus from your next critical hit You can use this feature twice, and regain
against a hostile creature, and you can’t use this feature expended uses when you finish a long rest.
again until after you would have scored one. In addition, whenever an undead created
with this feature dies, you can use your
Unstable Magic reaction and discard a spell card from your
Starting at 6th level, whenever you make a spell attack with tomb to revive it, returning it to a state of
advantage, you can choose to make the attack with undeath with 1d6 hit points.
disadvantage instead. If the attack hits, it is a critical hit.
Aura of Undeath
Deal with the Devil Beginning at 10th level, you gain resistance
Beginning at 10th level, you can beseech upon the power of to necrotic damage, and whenever you gain
the nine hells whenever you are reduced to 0 hit points but temporary hit points from your Power from
not killed outright. the Grave feature, you can have another
When you do so, roll a d20, adding no modifiers to the creature of your choice within 10 feet of you
roll. On a roll of 10 or above, you drop to 1 hit point instead. gain the same number of temporary hit points.
On a roll of 9 or below, you are reduced to 0 hit points as These temporary hit points last until the start
normal, and you suffer a death saving throw failure for each of your next turn.
time that you’ve used this feature since your last long rest,
not including the current usage.
Necromancer Overlord
Starting at 14th level, you can discard a spell card
Exploiter of Fate in your hand or tomb and expend six wild cards to
At 14th level, you gain advantage on death saving throws cast create undead as a sixth level spell. Once you do
and the d20 rolls used in your Deal with the Devil feature. so, you can’t do so again until you complete a long rest.
Additionally, when you make an attack roll, you can use Undead created with this feature can be revived with
this feature to add a d4 to your roll. You make this choice your Necromancer Adept feature. That feature is also
after you see the roll, but before the DM says whether the improved, and restores 3d6 hit points, rather than 1d6,
attack hits or misses. If the attack misses, you can’t use this when it revives an undead creature.
feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Cardmaster Spells Magic Rune †
Phantasmal Killer
Mass Suggestion
Mental Prison
Polymorph Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere
Cantrips (0 level) Hold Person Sickening Radiance Programmed Illusion
Acid Splash Invisibility Stoneskin Scatter
Blade Ward Knock Storm Sphere Tenser’s Transformation
Chill Touch Levitate Vitriolic Sphere True Seeing
Create Bonfire Locate Object Wall of Fire Wall of Ice
Dancing Lights Magic Weapon 5th Level 7th Level
Frostbite Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp
Melf’s Acid Arrow Bigby’s Hand Crown of Stars
Mind Spike Bolts of Bulwark † Delayed Blast Fireball
Mage Hand
Mirror Image Cloudkill Etherealness
Misty Step Cone of Cold Finger of Death
Phantasmal Force Contact Other Plane Forcecage
Minor Illusion
Pyrotechnics Contagion Mordenkainen’s Magnificent
Poison Spray
Ray of Enfeeblement Control Winds Mansion
Scorching Ray Creation Mordenkainen’s Sword
Sword Burst
See Invisibility Danse Macabre Plane Shift
Toll the Dead
Shadow Blade Dominate Person Power Word Pain
True Strike
Shatter Dream Prismatic Spray
1st Level Enervation Reverse Gravity
Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm
Absorb Elements Far Step Teleport
Spider Climb
Burning Hands Hold Monster 8th Level
Card of Madness † Immolation
Web Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting
Catapult Legend Lore
Cause Fear 3rd Level Mislead
Antimagic Field
Arcane Flux † Demiplane
Charm Person Modify Memory
Blink Dominate Monster
Chromatic Orb Negative Energy Flood
Clairvoyance Feeblemind
Color Spray Scrying
Counterspell Illusory Dragon
Detect Magic Seeming
Daylight Incendiary Cloud
Disguise Self Synaptic Static
Dispel Magic Maddening Darkness
Earth Tremor Telekinesis
Enemies Abound Mind Blank
Expeditious Retreat Wall of Stone
Erupting Earth Power Word Stun
False Life Wall of Light
Fear Sunburst
Feather Fall 6th Level
Fog Cloud Fireball 9th Level
Fly Arcane Gate Astral Projection
Ice Knife
Gaseous Form Chain Lightning Foresight
Inflict Wounds
Haste Circle of Death Gate
Hypnotic Pattern Contingency Imprisonment
Lightning Bolt Disintegrate Invulnerability
Mage Armor
Magic Circle Eyebite Mass Polymorph
Magic Missile
Major Image Flesh to Stone Meteor Swarm
Protection from Evil/Good
Melf’s Minute Meteors Globe of Invulnerability Power Word Kill
Ray of Sickness
Protection From Energy Investiture of Flame Psychic Scream
Sleet Storm Investiture of Ice Time Stop
Silent Image
Slow Investiture of Stone True Polymorph
Stinking Cloud Investiture of Wind
Thunder Step
Spell Descriptions
Witch Bolt
2nd Level Tongues
Vampiric Touch
Alter Self
Wall of Sand Spells presented here are denoted by a † in the prior spell
Arcane Lock
Wall of Water list. Card Throw is not on the class spell list, but is granted
Blur 4th Level by the class’ first level feature.
Cloud of Daggers Arcane Eye Arcane Flux
Crown of Madness Banishment 3rd-level conjuration
Darkness Blight
Darkvision Charm Monster Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Detect Thoughts Confusion Range: Self
Dragon’s Breath Control Water Components: V, S
Dust Devil Dimension Door Duration: 1 minute.
Earthbind Elemental Bane You conjure a card of fluctuating arcane energy that circles
Enlarge/Reduce Fire Shield around you for the duration or until you throw it. As you
Flaming Sphere Greater Invisibility cast this spell, roll a d4. The card’s color depends on the
Gust of Wind Ice Storm number you roll: green for 1, red for 2, blue for 3, and

yellow for 4. At the start of each of your turns, you roll the such as after scoring a critical hit, you choose the damage
die again, and the card’s color changes to whatever you roll. type among the numbers rolled.
As an action on your turn, you throw the conjured card. This spell allows you to conjure and throw more than one
Make a spell attack against a target within 60 feet of you. On card when you reach higher levels: two cards at 5th level,
a hit, the card has an effect based on its color: three cards at 11th level, and four cards at 17th level. You
Green. The target takes 6d6 poison damage, and its vision can direct the cards towards the same target or to different
becomes momentarily blurred, unless it is immune to poison ones. Make a separate attack roll for each card.
damage. Until the end of your next turn, the target can’t see
beyond a 10-foot radius extending from it. Magic Rune
Red. The target takes 4d6 fire damage, and the card 4th-level evocation
explodes in a fiery burst. Each creature within 10 feet of the Casting Time: 1 action
target, including the target, must make a Dexterity saving Range: 120 feet
throw. A creature takes 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or Components: V, S
half as much damage on a successful one. Duration: Instantaneous
Blue. The target takes 5d6 cold damage, and is restrained
until the end of your next turn. A bolt of arcane energy streaks towards a creature within
Yellow. The target takes 3d6 lightning damage, and is range. Make a ranged spell attack against that creature. On a
stunned until the end of your next turn. hit, the target takes 4d8 force damage, and a magical rune is
Once you throw the card, the spell ends. inscribed upon on that creature. On a miss, the target is dealt
no damage, and the rune instead appears on the ground
Bolts of Bulwark directly beneath the targeted creature. Either way, the rune
5th-level abjuration lasts for 1 minute, or until it is detonated.
If the rune is on a creature, damaging that creature causes
Casting Time: 1 action
the rune to detonate. If the rune is on the ground, it detonates
Range: 120 feet when it is targeted by a damaging attack, or when it is
Components: V, S within the area of a damaging ability, such as the fireball
Duration: 1 hour spell.
Five silvery bolts lash out towards targets within range. You When the rune detonates, each creature within 10 feet of it
can send these rays at one target or several. must make a Dexterity saving throw. If the rune is inscribed
Make a ranged spell attack for each bolt. On a hit, a target on a creature, that creature makes the save at disadvantage.
takes 1d6 force damage. A creature takes 4d8 force damage on a failed save, or half
At the start of your next turn, remnants of the spell’s as much damage on a successful one.
magic return to protect you. For each bolt that hit a target, At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
you gain 2d6 temporary hit points that last for the duration. slot of 5th level or higher, the damage of the detonation
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.
slot of 6th level or higher, you create one additional ray for
each spell slot above 5th.
Card of Madness
1st-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
The face of a card appears imprinted on your body or on the
body of a willing creature within range, filling that creature
with arcane might, but also eating at its mind. The creature
deals 1d6 additional damage on all of its attacks, and
whenever it rolls a 5 or 6 on that damage die, the creature
takes 1d6 psychic damage. This damage cannot be reduced
in any way, but also doesn’t require you to make a
Constitution saving throw to retain your concentration.
Card Throw
Conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure a card of a random color and throw it at a
creature or object within range. Make a ranged spell attack
against the target. On a hit, the target takes damage equal to
1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. The damage type
depends on the number you roll on the d6: 1 deals poison, 2
deals fire, 3 deals cold, 4 deals lightning, 5 deals acid, and 6
deals psychic. If you roll multiple d6 for the damage roll,

Art by Alix Branwyn PART 1 | CLASSES 8

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