Distiller Background

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Distiller Background


hether in the highlands evading taxes on a 
home-made copper still, or in the city’s brewery
district on some highfalutin contraption, the Weight: 1 lb.
distiller is a welcome sight to most
communities. Combining the traditional skills Cost: 75 gp
of a brewer and the borderline arcane skills of Similar to gunpowder, proofing dust is extremely flammable
an alchemist, the Distiller can make under the right conditions. The difference is that its flash
intoxicating beverages, healing tinctures, and subtle poisons. point is calibrated to a very specific saturation of alcohol. It
To discover the perfect distilled spirit, you’ve trained will not light when wet or dry unless it’s saturated with fluid
yourself to recognize the flavour, aromatic, medicinal, and that is at least 40% alcohol by volume. Liquids like water, beer,
toxic properties of many botanicals. You can use these skills to and wine will not light while distilled spirits will.
identify a wide variety of domestic and exotic flora. Distillers use this powder to prove their product meets with
Your specialized equipment comes at a cost, though. the guidelines of the various guildhalls, inns, and discerning
Expensive to purchase, expensive to repair, delicate and heavy connoisseurs of the realms. A little bit goes a long way, it takes
to transport; it’s often unwise to go adventuring with little only a pinch to “make proof”, untrained or unwary distillers
more than a portable alchemist's kit for necessity’s sake. have been known to blow themselves up by using too much of
Instead of letting old wine or beer go bad, an innkeeper may the powder.
provide room and board to a distiller who agrees to distill the
fermented intoxicants into spirits. This isn’t without its 
hazards, though. Depending on the legality of distilling in the Weight: 0.1 lb.
region or district, the distiller may be arrested for bootlegging.
Skill Proficiencies. Nature, Medicine Cost: 20 gp
Tool Proficiencies. Choose two from Alchemist’s Supplies, Distillers can craft smelling salts. These highly useful single
Brewer’s Supplies, Poisoner’s Kit use quasi-potions are a combination of distilled healing potion
Equipment. Alchemist’s Supplies, Brewer’s Supplies, glass and a stabilizing agent (typically salt). It’s held in a tiny
bottle, and a flask, proofing dust stoppered vial and looks like pink salt crystals.
The distilled potion, when mixed with the salt, creates a
 restorative but slightly noxious odor. When the vial is
uncorked and held under the nose and inhaled by a creature
You’ve spent hundreds of hours honing your craft. To reach they gain 1 hp. If that creature is unconscious they
perfection you needed to spend time in front of your alembic, immediately regain consciousness. It can also be fed to a
column, or pot still ensuring the purity and flavor of the spirits creature - such as one that doesn’t have a nose - to the same
you’ve distilled. You’ve tasted it all, from the acridest heads, to effect.
the sweetest hearts, to the funkiest tails. Over time, The components required (or an equivalent amount of gold
consuming all these compounds granted you the following: peices) to produce three of these vials are:
You gain advantage on saving throws against Poisoning 1 potion of healing
when ingesting or otherwise imbibing the poison (does not 0.5 lb. salt (or some other neutral stabilizer)
apply if poisoned in any other manner); and, It takes roughly 18 hours of dedicated distillation time to
You gain advantage on checks to identify poisons or produce enough healing potion concentrate to mix with the
alcohols. salt.
 
Distillation is the function of boiling a solution of water and Thanks for checking out my distiller background!
"other" to fraction and separate the compounds within. I'm a professional distiller in meat-space so I wanted to
People have been distilling for thousands of years. However, bring some of that passion into my make-believe. The pictures
the first documented distillation of alcohol as we know it in this document are the two stills I use at work!
today comes from the 9th-century Muslim "philosopher, I hope you enjoy this background and get lots of use out it.
polymath, mathematician, physician and musician", Al-Kindi. Sláinte!
Over the subsequent centuries, technique and equipment
became more refined allowing for a more controlled 
fractioning and purification of alcohol.
The stills of today, though larger, shinier, and more DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
automated than the stills of yore, still operate on the exact Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand,
same principles as those found in Mesopotamia and the Indus Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names,
Valley: Boil a solution of weak alcohol, collect the higher-proof and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the
steam, and condense it back into a liquid. Coast in the USA and other countries.
So the whiskey, vodka, or rum you're drinking today has its This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the
roots in history when we, as a people, discovered the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
properties of boiling things to concentrate them! permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.
 All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by
Curt Carbonell and published under the Community Content
Design, words, photos, and layout: Curt Carbonell Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Designed in GM Binder.

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