Art of Speaking CSK

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Public speaking is defined as the act or process of making speeches in public

and the art of effective oral communication with an audience.

But the process of making speeches in public goes far beyond the stage time. It
involves a lot of background preparation work before those speeches can be

Likewise,defining public speaking as an art involves more than just oral

communication .

It is the entire package of the speaker, the stage , the lighting, the layout, the sound
system and a whole lot of other items.

This is where the conventional definitions of public speaking do not do justice to

the act of delivering a great speech . Here are some of the common myths
surrounding public speaking.

Consider this:
Many of the major turning points in your own life happened when someone said something to
you that affected you so profoundly that ever afterwards your thinking, your feelings and your
actions were different. The same has been so for large crowds – even countries – when they have
listened to successful leaders who know how to speak effectively in public.

There is nothing more important for you than to become really, really good at the art and science
of expressing yourself in words to other people.

At my seminars around the country, people often come up to me and say, “I would like to do
what you do. How do I get started ?”

Whenever someone asks me how they can become a public speaker, I always refer them to the
book eloquence in public speaking written by Dr. Kenneth McFarland. McFarland, who passed
away in 1985, is also known as the “Dean of American public speakers,” and in his book he
didn’t talk about methodology or technique at all.

His central message, which influenced me very strongly when I began speaking publicly, was
that the key to eloquence is the emotional component that the speaker brings to the subject.

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