The Grinch

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I. Title of Lesson: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (a lesson on differences)

II. Michigan Curriculum Framework Reading

 R.CM.02.01 make text-to-self and text-to-text connections and comparisons by activating

prior knowledge, connecting personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of others to

ideas in text through oral and written responses.

 R.CM.02.03 compare and contrast relationships among characters, events, and key ideas

within and across texts to create a deeper understanding by mapping story elements,

graphically representing key ideas and details, and asking questions as they read.

 W.PR.02.05 draft a coherent piece with appropriate grammar, usage, mechanics, and

temporary spellings.

 W.GR.02.01 in the context of writing, correctly use more complex complete sentences, nouns

and verbs, commas (in a series, in a letter, and with dates), contractions, colons to denote

time, and capitalization of proper nouns.

III. Lesson Objectives

 Students will listen and comprehend parts of a story.

 Students will revisit parts of writing a letter (heading, greeting, body, closure,


IV. Materials Needed

 The Grinch That Stole Christmas book

 Paper and pencil

V. Anticipatory Set

 Teacher will read ½ of the story How the Grinch Stole Christmas

VI. Instructional Input

 Once done reading ask students;

1. What was the mood of the Grinch?

2. Is it okay for the Grinch to mean?

3. What about Christmas? Is it ok for the Grinch not to like Christmas?

4. Why or why not?

 Start a discussion with the children about differences

1. If I like orange popsicles does that mean that you have to like orange popsicles?

2. Because I love to watch and play basketball does that mean that you have to

love basketball?

3. What if everyone around you was exactly the same?

4. How would the world be then?

5. So is it okay if you don’t celebrate or like Christmas?

6. So we all have differences and that’s okay!

 Now we’re going to write a letter to the Grinch or anyone you like.

 In your letter you’re going to discuss why it’s important to be nice to others.

 Remember you need a greeting to the person you’re writing to, a body of the letter,

a closing and your signature.

 Allow time for the children to work

 If student’s finish early they can color a picture of The Cat in the Hat or The Grinch

VII. Closure

 Can I have a volunteer to read their letters?

VIII. Guided Practice

 Discussing the parts of a letter

 Writing a letter

 Reading and discussing behaviors of The Grinch

IX. Teaching/Learning Styles Employed

A. Multiple Intelligences

a. Verbal- Discussing differences within each others

b. Visual- The book How the Grinch Stole Christmas

c. Interpersonal- Talking and sharing with other students about differences

d. Intrapersonal- Understanding through discussion that you are different from your


e. Existential- thinking about and answering questions about one’s own life

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