LP Making Inferences English 5

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First City Providential College

Brgy. Narra, Francisco Homes Subd., City of San Jose Del Mote Bulacan

Lesson Plan
English 5

I. Objectives:
At the end of the 40-minute instructional time, at least 80% of the total number of learners
should be able to attain at least 80% performance level to:
1. analyze how to make inferences using clues in a given scenario; 
2. appreciate the importance of camaraderie and loyalty in dealing with other people; and 
3. show spirit of good friendship among others through group enrichment creative activity

II. Subject Matter

A. Course Outcome Number: 2

B. Topic: My All-Weather Friend
C. Lesson Number: 3
D. Transfer Goals

I want my students to learn how to make inferences, so that in the long run they will be able
to synthesize knowledge continuously in solving problem for the improvement of life.
As intelligent FCPCians, they will be able to make a just judgement to what is happening
around them.
E. Comprehension Skill
Making Inference is a process of figuring out what the author doesn’t tell us using story
information and what we already know. It involves giving clues or hints to make an educated guess
about what is not written. It is also based on experiences, observation and learning situation.
We can make inferences with the help of clues given in a scenario.
Instructional Devices

 Bigbook containing the Learning Enhancement Activities (LEA), Note Taking and
Paraphrasing (NTAP), objectives and comprehension questions
 Task cards containing the assigned task, 6 facets of Understanding Questions, and rubrics for
the Group Enrichment Creative Activity (GECA)
 Clip chart for the answer key of Learning Assessment and Floor Plan
 Banners containing the ways on how to infer
F. References
 Jose Ramelle E. Javier. (2018) The Phoenix World of Reading. Phoenix Publishing House Inc
 Evelyn S. Salazar. (2016) PLP Skill Builders 5, Publishing House Inc.
 Lourdes Ribo,(2013) Across Borders Through Reading 5, Vibal Publishing House Inc.
Other References
 www.google.com
 https://www.thoughtco.com/how-to-make-an-inference-3211647

III. Procedure

A. Routine
 Greetings
 Recitation of Classroom Behavior and Disciplined Standards (CBDS)
 Checking of attendance and cleanliness of the classroom

B. Learning Enhancement Activities (LEA)

1. Spelling Exercises
Directions: Spell the following words correctly.
1. possessive
2. recommendation
3. commemorate

2. NTAP (Notetaking)
Directions: Take down note of the paragraph below using any notetaking strategy.
People who are friends talk to each other and spend time together. Friends are people that
can be looked up to and trusted. Usually friends have similar interests. When others try to hurt
you emotionally or physically, they do everything they can to make sure you stay safe. They will
defend you anytime and anywhere. If they can help you, they will do it without reservation or
3. Grammar Review
Directions: Choose the correct word inside the parentheses that will best complete the
sentences. Justify your answer.

Maria (talk, talks) to her best friend every day. She (has, have) been a loyal companion
for many years. She (stay, stays) by her side through thick and thin.
Answer key: talks, has, stays
4. Vocabulary Building Activities
A shoulder to cry on
Meaning: someone who listens to your problems
Tagalog translation: taong malalapitan


1. significant (adjective) /sig’nifikǝnt/

Meaning: very important
Synonym/s: remarkable, meaningful
Antonym: meaningless
Tagalog translation: makabuluhan

2. existence(noun) /ˈig’zistǝns/
Meaning: present occurence
Synonym/s: actuality, reality
Antonym: inexistence
Tagalog translation: pamamalagi

3. dwell (verb) /dwell/

Meaning: to live in a particular place
Synonym/s: reside, live
Antonym/s: leave, exit
Tagalog translation: tumira

Example sentence:

Allen dwells in a small house and is having financial problems. He knew that Aida won a
significant amount of money. He asked for Aida’s help and never knew that in his existence he
would find a friend. She was a real shoulder to cry on.

C. Development of the New Lesson

1. Motivation

The teacher asks a question, “What are the qualities of a true friend?”

2. Articulation of Purpose, Learning Outcome and Objectives

No man is an island. Therefore, we can’t live alone. We need each other.

As an intelligent FCPCians, we should always model camaraderie by having mutual trust

and friendship among people and demonstrate deep understanding to different parts of speech
in order to compose clear and coherent compositions with the help of appropriate grammatical
structure and manifest collaboration and nationalism among Filipinos by eliminating divisions
regardless of religions, culture etc. as stated in the Learning Outcome number 2.
That is why at the end of today’s lesson, I do expect that all of you should be able to
analyze how to make inferences using clues in a given scenario, appreciate the importance of
camaraderie and loyalty in dealing with other people; and show spirit of good friendship and
loyalty among others through group enrichment creative activity.

3. Presentation of the new Lesson

3.1 The teacher:

 states the title of the selection, its genre, as well as the book pages.
 shows the picture and background of the author.
 presents the motive question “Based on the story, who is an all-weather friend?”
 asks the answers to the motive question
 presents a text frame (anticipation guide)

Best Friend You

1. honest
2. loyal
3. respectful

3.2 The teacher asks the comprehension questions:

1. What are the good things that the best friends did together?
2. Did they continue their special friendship? What made you say so?
3. Do you believe on friends forever? Why or why not?
4. Where do you think did the best friend go? How did you say so?
3.3 Then the teacher:

 explains the comprehension skill through an interactive discussion

 presents the ways on how to infer through an acrostic
 let the students play a game called “Let’s INFER!”
4. Generalization
The teacher asks, “How can you infer a given situation?”

5. Formative Assessment
 Oral
“Why is making inferences important”?
 Written

The teacher lets the students answer Practice C on pages 88-89 on their Phoenix World
of Reading Book.
6. Learning Assessment
Directions: Make an inference from the following questions. Write the letter of the
correct answer.
1. Many breeds of dogs are used for work. In many culture dogs are used to herd
sheep. The dogs keep the flock from being attacked by animals such as wolves.
They also keep sheep from wandering off. Sheepdogs are known for their loyalty
and gentleness.

a. Sheepdogs are not very smart dogs.

b. Sheepdogs are gentle and loyal.
c. There are many breeds of dogs.
d. Wolves are afraid of sheepdogs.
2. Kay threw her bike down wherever she stopped. More than once she had left her
bicycle in the driveway. Several times her had dad pointed out what happen when
she did this. One morning as her dad was leaving for work, Kay heard a crashing
sound outside.
Based on your reading of the text, you can infer that:
a. Kay rode her bike often.
b. Kay learned a lesson from her mistake
c. Kay’s dad ran over her bike
d. Her bike was stolen from the garage.

3. Mary went downstairs. There was an aroma in the air. The table was set with
warm blueberry muffins, freshly squeezed orange juice, and brewed coffee. A
note was left on the table. It said, “Dear Mary, have a great day. Good luck at
your new job. Love, Dan.” Next to the note there was a wrapped present with a
bow on top.
What time of day is it?
a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Evening

4. Julio and his father had been looking forward to their fishing trip for weeks. They
didn’t take much food with them on the trip. When they started fishing, they were
quickly approached by a forest ranger. He asked Julio’s father if he had a fishing
license. Julio’s father reached into his wallet and suddenly got a terrified look on
his face. Julio was disappointed that night as he ate dinner.
Why did Julio and his father not take much food with them on the trip?

a. They didn’t have any food at their house.

b. They were planning on eating the fish they caught.
c. They didn’t want to eat too much.
d. They don’t like to eat fish.

5. Sally Ann was over 80 years old. She lived in a small house with a very small
fenced-in yard. She had just lost her 16-year-old dog and decided to get another
dog right away. Sally Ann went to the animal shelter, and after looking at all the
dogs, she narrowed her choice down to two. The first was a large, black, one-
year-old retriever. He had a lot of energy and was used to running on acres of
land. The second dog was a small, three-year-old retriever. The people who had
owned him said he stayed at home alone all day and knew how to use a doggy
door to go out of the yard.

Which dog do you think Sally Ann chose?

a. Sally Ann chose the black one-year-old retriever.
b. Sally Ann chose the small three-year-old mix.
c. Sally Ann did not choose either one of the dogs.
d. Sally Ann chose both dogs.

7. Checking the Learning Assessment using the answer key

8. Getting the frequency of the scores
9. Explanation, Application, Reflection Notes (EAR)
10. Group Enrichment Creative Activity (GECA)
The class will be divided into 4 groups.
 Each group will receive an envelope containing the task and rubrics.
 Each member of the group will answer the 6 Facets of Understanding Questions:
Explanation: Why is the story titled “My All-Weather Friend?
Interpretation: What does the word “best friend” mean to you?
Application: How can you apply the value of friendship in dealing with people?
Perspective: How important is friendship to you?
Empathy: What would you feel if your best friend moved to a new place far and
Self-Knowledge How can you maintain good friendship at all times?
Rubric for M.I-Based Activities
Criteria 4 (Excellent) 3 (Better) 2 (Needs 1 (Poor)
Cooperation All members played 1 member did not 2 or more members 3 or more members
a role in the participate in the did not participate in did not participate
presentation. presentation. Division the presentation. in the presentation
of tasks was
somehow observed.
Creativity The presentation was The presentation was Some parts of the The presentation
well presented with somehow original. presentation were not was not original
uniqueness. original. and uniqueness was
not seen.
Organization The presentation was The presentation was There were few dead There were many
very spontaneous. spontaneous. airs in the lapses in the
presentation. presentation.
Content The presentation was The presentation was The presentation was The presentation
very relevant to the relevant to the theme. somehow relevant to did not have any
theme. the theme. connection to the
Eye contact The presenters The presenters caught The presenters Attention of the
and caught the attention the attention of the somehow caught the audience was not
articulation of the audience. audience. audience’s attention. caught and ideas
Ideas were well Ideas were somehow were not articulated
articulated. well articulated. well.

11.Verifying of the attainment of Objectives

12. Assignment – Answer page 90 on your book The Phoenix World of Reading.

Prepared by:

Ace R. Evangelista
PSET 2019-2020
Answer key

Formative Assessment

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B

Learning Assessment

1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. B
Floor Plan

1 2

3 4

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