Self Assessment: Overall I Feel Like This Is A Pretty Strong Paper. I Stayed On Topic, Expressed My
Self Assessment: Overall I Feel Like This Is A Pretty Strong Paper. I Stayed On Topic, Expressed My
Self Assessment: Overall I Feel Like This Is A Pretty Strong Paper. I Stayed On Topic, Expressed My
Luwam Sehaye
Dr. Rieman
English 1103
8 November, 2010
Self assessment: Overall I feel like this is a pretty strong paper. I stayed on topic, expressed my
opinion, and got my point across without excess information. I feel like my paper is easy to read
and will not bore the reader. Areas I could have used some improvement in is probably more
detail and elaboration on the study of Sociolinguistics and the many subjects that are studied in
the field.
Have you ever noticed that you or maybe someone you know will change the way they
speak in different social settings? I have. I don’t mean a drastic change of accent or someone
with many different personas, but just a change of the way of words. Some people may use more
proper or formal language when speaking in front of a class, discussing a grade with your
conversation with your professor or a police officer will usually not sound similar to a
conversation you would have with your friends and family. In another situation an English
speaking person might come across someone who speaks very little English and may have to use
words that are more common and basic to communicate. This can also occur vice versa.
When I noticed that some people tend to change their way of speech throughout the day it
lead me to wonder why do we change our dialect in different social dialects? Do we do this
consciously or subconsciously? What are the different dialects we may use? And which dialects
will be used for certain figures and characters in society? Sociolinguists have answered these
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questions after many years of conducting studies and research. In Connie Eble’s Do You Speak
American, she writes “Sociolinguistics is the study of how language serves and is shaped by the
social nature of human beings. In its broadest conception, sociolinguistics analyzes the many and
diverse ways in which language and society entwine. This vast field of inquiry requires and
combines insights from a number of disciplines, including linguistics, sociology, psychology and
anthropology” (Eble 1). In other words, sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between
language and society. This is an extensive topic that involves a combination of other studies.
It is pretty much common knowledge that people don’t talk the same way depending on
several factors such as gender, age, socioeconomic class, region, ethnicity, and education.
However Dimitrios Thanasoulas discusses in his “Accommodation Theory” how language can
also change depending on “A wide range of variables such as the setting, the topic of discourse,
the person we are interacting with, the purpose of the interaction, and so on” (Thanasoulas 1). He
also explains that the reason we do this is because we want to “Accommodate others by adjusting
our communicational behavior to the requisite roles that participants are assigned in a given
context” (1). In other words, we adjust the way we use our words so that communication can be
clear as possible and no offense will be taken to the other person. For example, a caller on the
radio show explained that he was a customer service representative, and that when he would be
on the phone with a customer with a southern accent, he would slightly adjust his speech so for a
“twang” (2).
As I noted earlier one thing I was not sure about was if people do this subconsciously or
consciously. For example, does it occur throughout the day without the person even noticing, or
is it something we fully realize as we are choosing our words. Thanasoulas says that we are fully
aware of when we switch dialects although some people may not notice it most people can recall
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or realize when and how they change their style of speech (1). I happen to agree with
Thanasoulas. When I switch dialects from the classroom to the lunch table I am fully aware of
my choice of words, and realize that I would not speak the same way in front of my English class
As I was wondering about the different ways we convert our speech I discovered that
there are actually several different modifications of speech when it comes to accommodation. A
very common modification of speech is what has been dubbed as convergence. This term refers
to the processes whereby two or more individuals alter their speech to resemble that of those they
are interacting with. Divergence refers to the ways in which speakers accentuate their verbal and
non-verbal differences in order to distinguish themselves from others. There is a tendency for
people to become more alike in language including pronunciation, utterance length, pauses,
speech rates, vocal intensities, as well as facial expression. Convergence is said to bring a feeling
of increase in social approval (Thanasoulas 3). Overall, there are many different ways a person
could modify their speech. Whether consciously or subconsciously, it is proven that people
now know that it is part of people’s natural instinct and habit to accommodate others in
conversation. I also learned that the variables that play a big part in the reason and way we adjust
our speech depends on not only gender, age, education, job status, or class but also the topic of
the conversation, the purpose of the conversation, and the perception of that person.
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Works Cited
Eble, Connie. “Sociolinguistics Basics.” Do You Speak American. PBS, 2005. Web. 1 Nov
Thanasoulas, Dimitrios. “Accomodation Theory”. TEFL Articles, 1999. Web. 1 Nov 2010.