AAVIN Milk Recruitment 2018 PDF
AAVIN Milk Recruitment 2018 PDF
AAVIN Milk Recruitment 2018 PDF
“O” Siruvayal Road, Karaikudi – 630 002. Please Affix
Photo Here
3 Date of Birth
Age as on 1.7.2018
Spouse Name
Husband/ Wife
If applicant is Destitute
9 Widow Others
Female Widow
10 Place of Birth
Native District and
If other than TN,
12 Specify the Name
of the State
13 Mother Tongue
Other Languages
Religion (Please
Address for
22 Whether coming under DW inter Ex-Serviceman Freedom Burma Owner Physically Orpha Not
caste dependants of Ex- Fighter and / of the Handicap ns Applicab
priority? If Yes, tick the Serviceman, Thiyagi for Ceylon land ed
Marriag le
relevant box e dependants of Tamil Repatri acquir exclusivel
serving Army language ate ed by y Ortho
personnels Govt.
a. Certificate No.
b. Date of Issue Date Month Year
c. Issuing Authority
d. Name of the District
e. Name of the Taluk
23 Educational Medium of Name of the Year of Passing Total Marks % Grade /
Qualification Instruction Institution marks Secured Class
a. S.S.L.C
b. H.S.C (+2)
c. ITI / Teacher Training
(2 Years)
d. Diploma
e. Degree (3 Years)
f. Diploma in Co.op.
g. Post Graduate Degree
h. M.Phil
i. Ph.D
j. PG Diploma
k. Typing Tamil
l. Typing English
m. Shorthand in Tamil
n. Shorthand in English
o. Others
24 Details of Previous Name and Address
Employment if any of the Institution Designation Scale of Pay From To
26 Fees Details
DD No. & Date DD Number Name of the Bank & Branch
28. Declaration:
I, hereby, declare that all the particulars furnished in this application are true, correct and complete to
the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or
ineligibility being detected before or after the examination, action can be taken against me by
Sivagangai D.C.M.P.U. Ltd., Karaikudi.
Candidate Copy
……………………FN / AN
Important Instructions
1. In the Hall ticket the Roll No. need not be filled up by the applicant at the time of
submission and the same will be assigned by the management while sending Hall ticket for
appearing written test. Candidate to fill up name and address only. Candidate to sign at
demarked space and paste photo and sign across it.
2. Candidates are instructed to bring the Hall ticket for the written test. Candidates without
Hall tickets will not be allowed to write the written test.
3. Written Test will commence from 10.00 a.m. for the Forenoon Session / from 2.30p.m. for
Afternoon Session.
4. Candidates appearing for the written test should be present at least half an hour before
the commencement of the written test. Candidates coming after 15 minutes of the start of
the written test will not be allowed to write the written test.
5. Candidates are permitted to write the answers with Blue or Black ball point pen only.
6. No Mobiles and electronic devices will be allowed inside the examination Hall.
7. The candidate should return the Question booklet to the invigilator at the end of the
written test. Failure to return the Question booklet will result in non-evaluation of the
answers of the candidate.
8. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall till the time of closure of the
written test.
9. Admission to written test will not confer any right of appointment.
10. Please see Additional information and instructions to candidates -1 and 2 in website
11. If any error in name and address is noticed, the candidate should intimate promptly to the
Management before the publication of result for rectification and subsequent request will
not be complied with.
12. Candidates should write their Roll No. only in the place prescribed in the question booklet
for written test. Writing their name or any type of marking other than answer in the
booklet will result in non evaluation of the answer in the written test.
Annexure- IV Office Copy
……………………FN / AN
Important Instructions
1. In the Hall ticket the Roll No. need not be filled up by the applicant at the time of
submission and the same will be assigned by the management while sending Hall ticket for
appearing written test. Candidate to fill up name and address only. Candidate to sign at
demarked space and paste photo and sign across it.
2. Candidates are instructed to bring the Hall ticket for the written test. Candidates without
Hall tickets will not be allowed to write the written test.
3. Written Test will commence from 10.00 a.m. for the Forenoon Session / from 2.30p.m. for
Afternoon Session.
4. Candidates appearing for the written test should be present at least half an hour before
the commencement of the written test. Candidates coming after 15 minutes of the start of
the written test will not be allowed to write the written test.
5. Candidates are permitted to write the answers with Blue or Black ball point pen only.
6. No Mobiles and electronic devices will be allowed inside the examination Hall.
7. The candidate should return the Question booklet to the invigilator at the end of the
written test. Failure to return the Question booklet will result in non-evaluation of the
answers of the candidate.
8. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall till the time of closure of the
written test.
9. Admission to written test will not confer any right of appointment.
10. Please see Additional information and instructions in website www.aavinmilk.com
11. If any error in name and address is noticed, the candidate should intimate promptly to the
Management before the publication of result for rectification and subsequent request will
not be complied with.
12. Candidates should write their Roll No. only in the place prescribed in the question booklet
for written test. Writing their name or any type of marking other than answer in the
booklet will result in non evaluation of the answer in the written test.
Annexure – V
Sivagangai District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd.,
S.No. Name of the Post Scale of Pay Vacancy Educational Qualification Prescribed
If a candidate is eligible for more than one post mentioned in Serial No.3, He / She should
send separate application for each post. The filled in application, complete in all respects along with
Xerox copies of required documents and other enclosures should be sent to the address mentioned in
the advertisement either by Registered post or Speed Post. If sent by any other mode, it is the
responsibility of the candidate to ensure the receipt of the application in the office before the last
date mentioned in the advertisement. Management will not be responsible for postal delay, if any.
The envelope containing the application should mention the post to which the application relates and
should be written in the format indicated below.
6. Selection Procedure.
i. Written Examination - Objective type questions on English knowledge, Test of Reasoning and
Quantitative Aptitude, General Knowledge and subject knowledge.
ii. Certificate Verification
iii. Oral Test in the form of an interview in respect of candidates who have secured top marks in the
written test.
3. Total 100
Written Test:
iv. There will be a written test for the selection of post. In the Hall ticket, the Roll No. need not be
filled up by the applicant at the time of submission of applications. Hall ticket duly authorised by
the authority will be communicated mentioning the Roll No. date, time and venue of the written
1. Applications
If a candidate is eligible for more than one post he / she should send separate application for
each post. The filled in application, complete in all respects along with Xerox copies of required
documents should be sent to the address mentioned in the advertisement either by Registered Post or
Speed Post. If sent by any other mode, it is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure the receipt of
the application in the office before the last date mentioned in the advertisement. Management will not
be responsible for postal delay, if any. Application should be sent along with filled in Hall ticket and
other enclosures listed in the Application. In the Hall ticket the Examination Roll No. need not be
filled up by the applicant at the time of submission and the same will be assigned by the Management
while sending Hall ticket for appearing for the written test.
b) The candidate should pass the Tamil language proficiency test, conducted by the Tamil Nadu
Public Service Commission within 3 years from the date of entry into service.
4. Community Certificate
In the case of an applicant who claims to be a member of SC/SC(A) or ST or MBC/DC or BC
(Other than BCM) or BCM, a certificate from the following authority noted against each should be
produced in the form as specified in G.O.Ms.No.781, Revenue Department, Dated 2nd May 1988.
Name of the Community Competent authority to issue the
1. ST R.D.O / Asst. Collector / Sub Collector /
Personal Assistant (General ) to the Collector
of Chennai / District Adi-Dravidar Welfare
Community Certificate should have been issued by the competent authorities referred to above,
in whose jurisdiction the candidate claims to have permanent residence. The Certificate obtained by the
Candidates in the form other than the one prescribed in G.O. Ms.No.781, Revenue Department, dated
2nd May 1988 and solely based on the entries in S.S.L.C. or Transfer Certificate or other School/College
records will not be accepted. Candidates are warned that if the community recorded in the Certificate
produced by them from the competent authority is not included in the list of Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes/De-notified Communities or Backward Classes, they will not
be considered as belonging to scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes or Most Backward Classes/De-notified
Communities or backward Classes as the case may be. They will, in that case, be considered only under
‘others’ and if they are not qualified to be considered under ‘ Others’ their applications will be rejected.
In the case of an applicant who claims priority under “Priority category“, a certificate from the
following authority noted against each should be produced in the form as specified.
Candidates claiming priority Under Priority Category should submit the Certificates issued by the
Competent authority only. The Certificates issued by other than competent authority will not be
considered. They will in that case be considered under non-priority category only.
i. Any communication intended for the Management must be made in writing and addressed only to
the General Manager, Sivagangai DCMPU Ltd.,
ii. If a reply is sought, it must be accompanied by an envelope affixed with sufficient Postage Stamps
with the address to which the reply is to be sent.
iii. Communications asking for reasons for non-selection and request for exemption from age limit
or other qualifications will not receive any attention.
iv. The Management will receive communications only from candidates. Communications in the
name of pleader or agent will not receive any attention.
7. Written Test:
There will be a written test for the selection of all posts. In the Hall ticket, the Roll No. need not be
filled up by the applicant at the time of submission of application. Hall Ticket duly authorized by the
authority will be communicated mentioning the Roll No., date, time and venue of the written test.
8. Disqualification/Debarment Disqualification:
i. If a candidate attempts to canvas to bring influence on the authorities concerned or any member of
the Committees personally / by letter/ through relatives, friends, patrons, officials or other persons.
ii. If a candidate appeals to examiner in the answer books to value liberally / award more marks / be
sympathetic etc.,
iii. If a candidate writes anything unconnected to the question or any irrelevant / impertinent matter.
iv. Candidates should write their Roll No. only in the place prescribed in the question booklet for
written test. Writing their name or any type of marking.
9. Debarment
a. If the applicant attempts any tampering, alteration with the documents or certificates, he is liable to
be debarred from appearing for any of the selections and examinations conducted by the
Management and consequently from entry into service.
b. (i) Candidates furnishing false particulars in the matter of qualification or the nature of pass
in various subjects, experience gained, their religion or community etc.
(ii) Suppression of material information regarding.
(a) Employment in Government or Local Bodies, Public Corporations etc.,
(b) Information regarding arrest, convictions / debarment / disqualification by any recruiting
agency, criminal or any disciplinary proceeding initiated or finalized, participation in agitation or
any political Organisation, candidature in election for Parliament / State Legislature / Local Bodies
etc., if any, should also be furnished to the Management at the time of application i.e the details
thereof, originals of the Judgement of Acquittals, order / or G.O dropping further action in
Departmental proceedings or any document that may prove the suitability of such candidates for
an appointment must be produced at the stage / time of Certificate Verification.
(c)Making false or vexatious allegations against the Management in petitions addressed to it or
any other authority, will be viewed seriously and that the candidate responsible for such act will
be debarred from appearing for the written test and selections by the Management permanently
or for such a period as the Management may decide.
(d) Candidates resorting to any malpractices in the examination hall such as
i. Copying from another candidate in the examination hall.
ii. Permitting others to copy from his answer book.
iii. Copying from unauthorised books or Notes which are printed / type written / written will
also lead to debarment of the candidate for such a period as the Management may decide.
(e) Their admission at all the stages of examination for which they are admitted by the
Management viz. (written) Examination and oral Test will be purely provisional, subject to
their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification any time before or after
the (written) Examination and oral test, it is found that they do not fulfil any of the eligibility
conditions, their candidature for the examination will be cancelled by the Management.
10. Mobile Phones and Other Articles Banned.
a. Do not bring into the Examination Hall any article such as books, notes, loose sheets,
electronic or any other type of calculators, mathematical and drawing instruments, Log Tables,
stencils of maps, slide rules, Text Books and rough sheets etc.
(ii)Mobiles phones, or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises
where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail
disciplinary action including ban from participation in future examination.
(iii) Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including
mobile phones / electronic devices to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for
safekeeping cannot be assured.
11. Minimum marks prescribed for selection
Those candidates who have an overall score of less than 40 % shall not be considered for
Other Conditions
(i) Selection of candidate by the Management carries with it no guarantee of actual appointment.
(ii) The Number of vacancies advertised is only approximate and is liable to modification.
(iii) Any claim by a candidate that he / she has obtained a higher or additional qualification
made after the submission of an application will not be entertained.
(iv) The claims of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational / technical
qualifications and community are accepted only on the information furnished by them in their
applications. Their candidature therefore will be provisional and subject to the Management
satisfying itself, about their age, educational / technical qualifications, community etc. Mere
admission to the interview or inclusion of name in the list will not confer on the candidates any
right for appointment. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the Management
reserves the right to reject any candidature at any stage, even after the selection has been made.
(v) The candidature of candidates, if found ineligible, shall stand cancelled even after declaration
of their result.
(vi) A candidate found by the Management qualified to compete for the appointment must be
prepared to appear when summoned before the Management at the place notified at their own
In objective type papers, the candidate must make response himself. In no circumstances, he will
be allowed the help of any other person to make responses for him except in the case of blind candidates/
Differently Abled persons, particularly hands.
A blind candidate will be allowed the assistance of Scribe, subject to the following conditions:-
(i) A blind impaired who applies with reference to any of the Management notifications should
produce a medical certificate from a Government Medical Officer to the effect that he / she is
totally blind and not in a position to write the examination on his own.
(ii) He / She should also indicate in bold letters on the top of his application that the
application relates to a blind candidate.
(iii) The Management will arrange for the Scribes and will also pay for them.
(iv) The blind impaired will be seated in a separate room under the direct supervision
of the Chief Invigilator.
They will be granted half an hour extra time for writing the examination.
(v)At the closure of the examination, the scribe will read what has been written in the answer
books so as
to enable the blind candidate to ensure that the scribe has written what he / she had
dictated. A declaration to this effect should be given in writing by the blind candidate for
reference of the management.
Note: Failure to comply with instructions (i) and (ii) above will entail rejection of the application.
Differently Abled persons, particularly hands, are allowed the assistance of a scribe subject to the
following Conditions:
(i) The Management will arrange for the scribe and will also pay them.
(ii)The scribes should possess the same or equivalent qualification as possessed by the disabled
persons, particularly hands.
(iii) Scribes will not be appointed on regular basis as full time Government servants.
(iv) All such Differently Abled candidates appearing for the written test will be seated in a
separate room under the direct supervision of the Chief Invigilators.
(v) The Differently Abled persons, who are unable to write with either arms and are provided with
scribes assistance, will be granted extra half-an-hour time for writing examinations conducted by
the Management.
Note: All Differently Abled persons, who are unable to climb the staircase, will be allowed to write the
written test in the Ground Floor.
15. List of Documents to be produced at the time of Certificate Verification /Oral Test (*If
(ii) Community Certificate from the competent authority (ie. Life card)*
(v) Evidence of Tamil qualification (viz. SSLC /HSC / Degree/ Certificate for having passed
Tamil conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission).
(vii) Differently Abled Certificate from the competent Medical Officer to the effect that he /
she is a fit person to discharge his / her duties and with the entries therein regarding the percentage
of Differently abled*
(viii) A certificate of Destitute Widow from the RDO or the Assistant Collector or the
Sub-Collector concerned in the format prescribed.*
(x) Tamil Medium: Persons Studied in Tamil Medium (PSTM) have to produce the evidence,
such as Transfer Certificate, Provisional Certificate / Convocation Certificate / Degree Certificate
if needed mark sheets received from the Board of University or from the Institution, with a
recording that he/she studied prescribed educational Qualification in Tamil Medium as per
G.O.Ms.No.145 P & AR (S) Department dated 30.09.2010. If no evidence for „Persons studied in
Tamil Medium ‟is available as said, then a certificate from the Head of the Institution as given
below must be furnished.
PSTM Certificate
Tmt................................. (Name)
This is to certify that Thiru / .. ............................ has studied (course
................. during the year to..............................
... (B.A.,/B.Sc.,etc.,) .......................... ... in Tamil Medium.
This certificate is issued after verifying the course content / statement of Marks / Transfer Certificate. The
candidate has / has not obtained scholarship for having studied in Tamil Medium.
Place: Registrar / Principal
Seal of the Institution.