Madurai Aavin
Madurai Aavin
Madurai Aavin
Madurai District Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd
Madurai-20 Please affix recent
(For the post of Manager (Accounts), Manager (Engg), passport size photo
Manager (Fodder),Deputy Manager (Dairy),
Deputy Manager (DC),Executive (Office),Private secretary
Grade-III ,Executive (Lab) ,Junior Executive(Typing) )
Advertisement No.
and Date
6. Mother’s Name
a. Certificate No.
b. Date of Issue
Date Month Year
c. Issuing Authority
d. Name of the District
e. Name of the Taluk
23 Educational
Medium of Name of the Year of Total Marks Marks % Grade/Class
Qualification Instruction Institution Passing Secured
a. S.S.L.C
b. H.S.C. (+2)
c. ITI/Teacher Training
(2 Years)
d. Diploma
e. Degree (3 years)
f. Diploma in Co-op.
g. Post Graduate
h. M. Phil.
i. Ph. D
j. PG Diploma
k. Type writing
24. Details of previous Name and
employment if nay address of Designation Salary From To
the drawn
28. Declaration:
I hereby, declare that all the particulars furnished in this application are true, correct
and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any
information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after
the examination, action can be taken against me by Madurai District Co-operative
Milk Producers’ Union Ltd., Madurai.
Place: Signature of the Candidate
Candidate Copy
Madurai District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Limited,
1. Roll No. :
(Will be assigned by the management) Please affix
Recent passport
2. Name of the Candidate : size photo here
Important Instructions
1. In the Hall ticket the Roll No. need not be filled up by the applicant at the time of submission and the
same will be assigned by the management while sending Hall ticket for appearing written test.
Candidate to fill up name and address only. Candidate to sign at demarked space and paste photo and
sign across it.
2. Candidates are instructed to bring this Hall Ticket for the written test. Candidates without Hall Tickets
will not be allowed to write the written test. Candidates without Hall Tickets will not be allowed to write
the written test.
3. Written Test will commence from 10.00 a.m. for the Forenoon Session / from 2.30p.m. for afternoon
4. Candidates appearing for the written test should be present at least half an hour before the
commencement of the written test. Candidates coming after 15 minutes of the start of the written test
will not be allowed to write the written test.
5. Candidates are permitted to write the answers with Blue or Black ball point pen only.
6. No mobiles and electronic devices will be allowed inside the examination Hall.
7. The Candidate should return the Question booklet to the Invigilator at the end of the written test. Failure
to return the Question booklet will result in non-evaluation of the answers of the candidate.
8. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall till the time of closure of the written test.
9. Admission to written test will not confer any right of appointment.
10. Please see Additional Information and Instructions to Candidates -1 and 2 in website
11. If any error in name and address is noticed, the candidate should intimate promptly to the Management
before the publication of result for rectification and subsequent request will not be complied with.
12. Candidates should write their Roll No. only in the place prescribed in the question booklet for written
test. Writing their name or any type of marking other than answers in the booklet will result in non
evaluation of the answers in the written test.
Office Copy
Madurai District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Limited,
1. Roll No. :
(Will be assigned by the management)
Please affix
Recent passport
2. Name of the Candidate :
size photo here
3. Address of the Candidate :
Important Instructions
1. In the Hall ticket the Roll No. need not be filled up by the applicant at the time of submission and the
same will be assigned by the management while sending Hall ticket for appearing written test.
Candidate to fill up name and address only. Candidate to sign at demarked space and paste photo and
sign across it.
2. Candidates are instructed to bring this Hall Ticket for the written test. Candidates without Hall Tickets
will not be allowed to write the written test. Candidates without Hall Tickets will not be allowed to write
the written test.
3. Written Test will commence from 10.00 a.m. for the Forenoon Session / from 2.30p.m. for afternoon
4. Candidates appearing for the written test should be present at least half an hour before the
commencement of the written test. Candidates coming after 15 minutes of the start of the written test
will not be allowed to write the written test.
5. Candidates are permitted to write the answers with Blue or Black ball point pen only.
6. No mobiles and electronic devices will be allowed inside the examination Hall.
7. The Candidate should return the Question booklet to the Invigilator at the end of the written test. Failure
to return the Question booklet will result in non-evaluation of the answers of the candidate.
8. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall till the time of closue of the written test.
9. Admission to written test will not confer any right of appointment.
10. Please see Additional Information and Instructions to Candidates -1 and 2 in website
11. If any error in name and address is noticed, the candidate should intimate promptly to the Management
before the publication of result for rectification and subsequent request will not be complied with.
12. Candidates should write their Roll No. only in the place prescribed in the question booklet for written
test. Writing their name or any type of marking other than answers in the booklet will result in non
evaluation of the answers in the written test.
Madurai District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Limited,
If a candidate is eligible for more than one post He / She should send
separate application for each post. The filled in application, complete in all respects
along with Xerox copies of required documents and other enclosures should be sent
to the address mentioned in the advertisement either by Registered Post or Speed
Post. If sent by any other mode, It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure the
receipt of the application in the office before the last date mentioned in the
advertisement. Management will not be responsible for postal delay, if any. The
envelope containing the application should mention the post to which the application
relates and should be written in the format indicated be
Advertisement No:
Payment of fee should be made by way of demand draft only, drawn in favour
General Manager, Madurai Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union, Madurai and
payable at Madurai Demand draft can be drawn in any one of the Nationalised
Banks / Cooperative Banks and examination fees for each post should be remitted
separately. Any other modes of payment like cheque, postal order and cash will not
be accepted.
1. Applications
If a candidate is eligible for more than one post he / she should send Separate
application for each post. The filled in application, complete in all respects along
with Xerox copies of required documents should be sent to the address mentioned in
the advertisement either by Registered post or speed Post. If sent by any other
mode, it is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure the receipt of the application
in the office before the last date mentioned in the advertisement. Management will
not be responsible for postal delay, if any. Application should be sent along with
filled in Hall ticket and other enclosure listed in the Application. In the Hall ticket the
Examination Roll No. need not be filled up by the applicant at the time of submission
and the same will be assigned by the Management while sending Hall ticket for
appearing for the written test.
2. Mode of Payment of Examination Fee where ever applicable
Payment of fee should be made by way of demand draft only, drawn in favour of
General Manager, Madurai District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union, Madurai and
payable at Madurai Demand draft can be drawn in any one of the Nationalized
Banks / Cooperative Banks and examination fees for each post should be remitted
separately. Demand drafts obtained earlier to the date of advertisement will not be
accepted and any other modes of payment like cheque, postal order and cash will
not be accepted.
3. Qualification in Tamil
Every candidate on the date of the Notification for the post should possess and
adequate knowledge in Tamil.
Explanation: For this purpose a person will be deemed to possess and adequate
knowledge in Tamil:
(a) In the case of a post for which the educational qualification prescribed is the
Minimum General Educational Qualification and above, He / She must have
passed the S.S.L.C. Public Examination with Tamil Medium.
(b) The candidate should pass the Tamil Language proficiency test, conducted by
the Tamilnadu Public Service Commission within 3 years from the date of
entry into service.
4. Community Certificate
5. Priority Certificate
iii) Communications asking for reasons for non-selection and request for
exemption from age limit or other qualifications will not receive any
7. Written Test
There will be a written test for the selection of all categories . In the Hall
ticket, the Roll No. need not be filled up by the applicant at the time of submission of
application. Hall ticket duly authorized by the authority will be communicated
mentioning the Roll No., date, time and venue of the written test.
8. Disqualification / Debarment
(a) If the applicant attempts any tampering, alteration with the documents or
certificates, he is liable to be debarred from appearing for any of the
selections and examinations conducted by the Management and
consequently from entry into service.
(e) Their admission at all the stages of examination for which they are
admitted by the Management viz.(written) Examination and oral
Test will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the
prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification any time before or
after the (Written) Examination and oral test, it is found that they do
not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions; their candidature for the
examination will be cancelled by the Management.
(i). Do not bring into the Examination Hall any article such as books, notes, loose
sheets, electronic or any other type of calculators, mathematical and drawing
instruments, Log Tables, stencils of maps, slide rules, Test Books and rough
sheets etc.
(ii). Mobiles phones, or any other communication devices are not allowed inside
the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of
these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from
participation in future examination.
(iii) Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned
items including mobile phones / electronic devices to the venue of the
examination, as arrangements for safekeeping cannot be assured.
Those candidates who have an overall score of less than 40% shall not be
considered for selection.
Other conditions
(iii) Any claim by a candidate that he / she has obtained a higher or additional
qualification made after the submission of an application will not be
(iv) The claims of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational /
technical qualifications and community are accepted only on the
information furnished by them in their applications. Their candidature
therefore will be provisional and subject to the Management satisfying
itself, about their age, educational / technical qualifications, community etc.
Mere admission to the interview or inclusion of name in the list will not
confer on the candidates any right for appointment. The candidature is
therefore, provisional at all stages and the Management reserves the right
to reject any candidature at any stage, even after the selection has been
Candidate is not entitled is not entitled for travelling allowance and dearness
11. Probation
(i) A blind impaired who applies with reference to nay of the Management
notifications should produce a medical certificate from a Government
Medical Officer to the effect that he / she is totally blind and not in a
position to write the examination on his own.
(ii) He / She should also indicate in old letters on he top of his application
that the application relates to a blind candidate.
(iii) The Management will arrange for the Scribes and will also pay for
(iv) The blind impaired will be seated in a separate room under the direct
supervision of the Chief Invigilator. They will be granted half an hour
extra time for writing the Examination.
(v) At the closure of the examination, the scribe will read what has been
written in the answer books so as to enable the blind candidate to
ensure that the scribe has written what he / she had dictated. A
declaration to this effect should be given in writing by the blind
candidate for reference of the management.
Failure to comply with instructions (i) and (ii) above will entail rejection of the
(i) The Management will arrange for the scribe and will also pay them.
(ii) The scribes should possess the same or equivalent qualification as
possessed by the disabled persons, particularly hands.
(iii) Scribes will not be appointed on regular basis as full time Government
(iv) All such Differently Abled candidates appearing for the written test will
be seated in a separate room under the direct supervision of the chief
(v) The Differently Abeld persons, who are unable to write with either arms
and are provided with scribes assistance, will be granted extra half-an-
hour time for writing examinations conducted by the Management.
Note: All Differently Abled persons, who are unable to climb the staircase, will be
allowed to write the written test in the Ground Floor.
PSTM Certificate
Seal of the