320 CRPC Petition

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District: - South 24 Parganas.


Ref. :- G.R. Case No. 2641 of 2008
(Sonarpur P.S. Case No. 864/2008)

(Bimal Bera De-facto Complainant)

Leave Petition -Vs.-

Mangala Mondal & Champak Mondal


Humble Petition filed u/s 320(2) of the

Cr.P.C by the above named De-facto


Most respectfully sheweth:-

1. That today is fixed for evidence for this instant Case.

2. That the petition is filed by the aforesaid De-facto Complainant in the above
numbered case through his Ld. Advocate duly represented him by filing fresh
VAKALTNAMA, with this Petition.

3. That the Charge Sheet No. 596, dated 27/10/2008, has been filed by the Concerned
P.S., in the above numbered Case, against the Two accused under Sections 325 of

4. That a talk of Compromise has been continuing between the Parties amicably, so that
the De-facto Complainant, the Victim, are seeking Leave of the Ld. Court to
compromise the above mention litigation forthwith. There is no need for the case to
be proceeded with further.

5. That the aforesaid De-facto Complainant has no objection if the Accused are
discharged from this instant Case.

Hence it is prayed that this Ld. Court

may accept and effect the compromise between
the parties by allowing this petition and pass
such Order/Orders as your Honour may deem fit
and proper for the ends of Justice.

And for the act of kindness your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray .

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