PowerMax AH50-55
PowerMax AH50-55
PowerMax AH50-55
l Administrator Mode........................................................................... 20
Contents 3.1.3 Function Operation................................................................................. 22
Preface ............................................................................................................... 1 l Normal Sewing.................................................................................. 22
Safety Instruction ............................................................................................... 1 l Simple Sewing Mode........................................................................ 22
1 Product Introduction.................................................................................. 3 l Constant-Stitch Sewing .................................................................... 23
1.1 Overview ...................................................................................................... 3 l Start/End Back Tracking ................................................................... 25
1.2 Components & Accessories ........................................................................ 3 l Auto Thread Trimming ...................................................................... 27
1.3 Functions & Specification............................................................................ 5 l Presser Foot Lifting........................................................................... 27
2 Installation Instructions ............................................................................. 6 l Needle Stop Position ........................................................................ 27
2.1 Installation .................................................................................................... 6 l Back Tacking and Compensating Stitch .......................................... 27
2.1.1 Installation of Synchronizer...................................................................... 6 l Stitch Corrections.............................................................................. 28
2.1.2 Installation of Panel(HMI)......................................................................... 8 l Parameter Monitoring ....................................................................... 30
2.1.3 Control Box Installation ............................................................................ 8 3.2 Optional Operation Panel Instruction ....................................................... 31
2.1.4 Foot Pedal Installation.............................................................................. 9 3.2.1 Optional Operation panel (HMI) Description......................................... 31
l Foot Pedal Adjustment ..................................................................... 10 l Optional Panel LCD Area ................................................................. 31
l Foot Pedal Operation........................................................................ 10 l Optional Panel Keys Definition......................................................... 32
2.1.5 Power Connection .................................................................................. 11 3.2.2 Optional User Mode ............................................................................... 33
l Signal Wire Connection.................................................................... 11 l Operator Mode.................................................................................. 33
l Grounding.......................................................................................... 11 l Technician Mode............................................................................... 34
2.2 Adjustment ................................................................................................. 12 l Administrator Mode........................................................................... 35
l Restore Default Setting .................................................................... 13 3.2.3 Function and Operation.......................................................................... 36
3 Operation Instructions............................................................................. 15 l Normal Sewing.................................................................................. 36
3.1 Embedded Operation Panel Instruction ................................................... 15 l Simple Sewing .................................................................................. 36
3.1.1 Embedded Operation Panel (HMI) Instruction...................................... 15 l Constant-Stitch Sewing .................................................................... 36
l Embedded Panel Display Instruction............................................... 15 l Back Tacking Sewing........................................................................ 37
l Keys Functions.................................................................................. 16 l Thread Trimming............................................................................... 38
3.1.2 Embedded User’s Modes....................................................................... 17 l Presser Foot Lift................................................................................ 38
l Operator Mode.................................................................................. 17 l Needle Stop Positioning ................................................................... 39
-i- -ii-
l Back Tacking and Compensating Stitch .......................................... 39
l Stitch Corrections.............................................................................. 39
l Operation Monitoring ........................................................................ 39
4 Work Environment................................................................................... 40
5 Troubleshooting....................................................................................... 41 Please read this manual carefully, also
with related manual for the machinery
CAUTION: before use the controller. For installing
and operating the controller properly and
safely, qualified personnel are required.
to contact us.
Safety Instruction
-iii- · 1 ·
power on.
5. Turn off the power and remove plug prior to the following
1 Product Introduction
u Connecting or disconnecting any connectors on the 1.1 Overview
control box.
u Repairing or doing any mechanical adjustment. PMX AH50 Series Digital AC Servo System, the motor and
u Threading needle or raising the machine arm. the controller are separately mounted on the same bracket,
u Machine is out of work. providing a very flexible mounting solution for customers. The
6. Make sure to fasten all the fasteners firmly in the control system can be easily configured with different motors to match
boxes prior to the operation of the system. with various sewing machines, such as lockstitch, duel-needle
7. Allow an interval of at least 30 seconds before repowering lockstitch, heavy duty, and direct-driven sewing machines. To
meet customers’ varying needs ranging from thread trimming-only
the system after power off.
machines to fully automatic machines, the system is equipped
8. Repairs and maintenance work may be carried out by special with duel control panels, one is mounted on the sewing machine
trained electronic technicians. for easy access, and the other is embedded in the controller for
9. All the replacement parts for repairing must be provided or simple settings. The solenoid outputs are over current protected,
preventing damage of the controller in case of mis-wiring of
approved by the manufacturer.
external accessories. Employing a switch-mode power supply for
10. The controller must be firmly connected to a properly the sensitive control circuitry, the system can operate over a much
grounded outlet. wider voltage range. Side-mount connectors make the connection
more reliable and reduce the malfunction caused by oil leakage.
Be sure to connect the controller to a
properly grounded outlet. If the
1.2 Components & Accessories
grounding connection is not secured,
you may run a high risk of receiving a The system contains main body and accessories. Main body
serious electric shock, and the of the system composes of control box (Fig.1):
controller may operate abnormally.
· 2 · · 3 ·
1.3 Functions & Specification
Function and specification of PMX AH50 series Digital AC
Servo System (see table 1).
Controller Type PMX AH50-55 PMX AH70-65
Synchronizer unit contains a synchronizer (shown in Fig.2-1 Voltage Range AC 220±20% V 50/60HZ AC 220±20% V 50/60HZ
and 2-2) and adaptable magnetic cylinder & installation unit upon Output Power 550W 650W
different adaptable sewing machine head. Max. Sewing Speed 5000rpm 3000rpm
Nimble Positioning ★ ★
Fig.2-1 Synchronizer for Juki Fig.2-1 Synchronizer for Brother Needle up/Correction ★ ★
different shapes but identical functions. Thread Wiping, Back ★/★/★ ★/★/★
Overload Protection ★ ★
Operation Panel Optional, Blue Backlight LCD Optional, Blue Backlight LCD
Fig.3-1 Panel for Juki series Fig.3-1 Panel for Brother series Dimension 485X280X395mm 485X280X395mm
Please check whether the components listed on the packing (★It indicates the function.)
list are all included. Please contact supplier for compensation in
case of missing parts. (Packing list is inside the package box).
· 4 · · 5 ·
2 Installation Instructions
2.1 Installation
Fig.4c Fig.4d
2.1.1 Installation of Synchronizer
Juki series pulley: Mount the magnet in the left (Hole A)(Hole A in Fig.5).
Power off and remove the pulley
CAUTION: Brother series pulley: Mount the magnet in the third hole (Hole C)
while implementation.
clockwise from the mount screw Po (Hole C in Fig.5).
Step 1: Remove the pulley of the sewing machine; put the
synchronizer on the upper axis (For Juki series see
Fig.4a, for Brother series see Fig.4b).
Note: 1) There are scales at the right side of the
positioning synchronizer’s indicator. Make sure to keep
the longest scale at a position vertical to the central line
of the upper axis. 2) Keep the indicator of the
positioning synchronizer at the Upper position). Fig.5
Step 3: Put the assembled pulley back as shown in Fig.6;
ensure that there is no sense of attrition in rotation.
Note: Skip this chapter if it has been done.
· 6 · · 7 ·
2.1.2 Installation of Panel(HMI)
Step 2: Mounting the control box under the machine table (as
shown in Fig.9), and then screwing the lifting bracket.
· 8 · · 9 ·
will stop at the needle-up position.
l Foot Pedal Adjustment
2.1.5 Power Connection
Adjust the pedal connecting pole to obtain the optimised
pedal angle according the practical level. If the pedal pressure is l Signal Wire Connection
too weak, move the pedal pin from position B to A (see Fig.10).
Connections between control box and other accessories are
l Foot Pedal Operation illustrated in Fig.12. Plug these connectors into the corresponding
Caution: Take your foot off the pedal before power on. Operation Panel Synchronizer
Power Solenoid
· 10 · · 11 ·
Use the correct connector and extension wire when connecting
ground wire to Earth and secure it tightly.
Fig.14-1 Fig.14-2
u Down position adjustment: adjust the needle bar to the
lowered position (the needle bar shall be at its lowest
Fig.13 position), loosen the fixing screws of Down magnet (do not
Ensure all power cord, signal wire and take them off), slide the magnet left and right in the orifice of
grounding wire not be pressed by other the pulley (as shown in Fig.14-3). Fix the magnet immediately
Caution: matter or over-twisted ,and not be too after the red indicator turns on (as shown in Fig.14-4).
close to belt and belt wheel, keep
3cm-distance for safety.
2.2 Adjustment
System power on after it is steadily grounded (permanent
fixed grounding) ensure the voltage range and technical Fig.14-3 Fig.14-4
requirements complied with the indication on nameplate.
u Up position adjustment: adjust the needle bar to the up If the above operation cannot lighten the LED, it indicates
the synchronizer position need to be adjusted. Remove the
position (when the thread take-up lever is at its highest pulley, slightly loosen the fixing screws, and turn the
position), loosen but do not remove the fixing screws of Up synchronizer anti-clockwise (approximately 2-4mm). After that,
magnet, slide the magnet left and right in the orifice of the refasten the screws, install the pulley and repeat adjustment
steps explained above.
pulley (as shown in Fig.14-1). Fix the magnet immediately
after the green indicator turns on (as shown in Fig.14-2). l Restore Default Setting
Ensure that each parameter is consistent with the default
· 12 · · 13 ·
setting after power on.
PMX AH50 series servo system’s default setting: 3 Operation Instructions
u Normal sewing mode selected
PMX AH50 Series Control System is equipped with dual
u Needle Down at machine stop as default
control panels, one is mounted on the sewing machine for easy
u Slow start sewing disabled
access, and the other is embedded in the controller for simple
u Double Start/End Back Tacking
u Automatically thread trimming & auto foot lift after
trimming enabled
The installation and adjustment of the system is finished as
3.1 Embedded Operation Panel Instruction
shown in Fig.15 (For Juki series sewing machine):
3.1.1 Embedded Operation Panel (HMI) Instruction
· 14 · · 15 ·
l Keys Functions 3.1.2 Embedded User’s Modes
In the function selection area, 12 keys stand for different This product can define three user’s modes: Operator,
functions. Table 2 shows function of each key. Technician and Administrator.
Table 2: Functions of Keys
l Operator Mode
No. Key Function
Running status of the system (See Fig.17):
Enter Parameter setting, Parameter Monitoring selection
combination Key/parameter setting save
Increase Parameter Index Value of corresponding bit(with carry
function)/select sewing mode
Presser foot lifting key: Set presser foot lift mode/Increase Ten
6 One-shot-Sewing Selection: Select or not/Increase Entries bit
7 Set Start Back Tacking Mode Two LED under the 8 segment LED will be lightened from
Set End Back Tacking Mode /Decrease Parameter Index Value left to right in orderly during running. When the corresponding
of corresponding bit(with borrow function)
Normal Sewing Key: Set Normal Sewing Mode/Decrease function of , , , keys is selected, the corresponding LED
upper the key is lightened, otherwise will not. As the default
W Type Sewing Key: Select W Type Sewing/Decrease
10 setting, the system enters this mode when the controller is
Hundred bit
powered on. The operator can set the needle stop position
One-segment Sewing Key: Set One-segment Sewing
11 (Needle down stop position is the default setting; the
/Decrease Ten bit
corresponding LED will be lightened). The setting is available only
Four-segment Sewing Key: Set Four-segment Sewing/
12 after the next trimming. It’s not available to modify any parameter
Decrease Entries bit
and setting under operator mode (Details are shown in function
· 16 · · 17 ·
operation section).
press key to save the current parameter value and exit
the technician mode. (See details in table 3).
Table 3: Technician parameters
Display Range Default Remarks
P01 Start speed 100~300 200 spm
Maximum sewing
P02 100~5000 3500 spm
P03 Pedal speed curve slope 1~100 80 %
Maximum constant sewing
P04 100~4000 3000 spm
Fig.18 speed
P05 Start back tacking speed 200~2200 1800 spm
l Technician Mode
P06 End back tacking speed 200~2200 1800 spm
In this mode, technical parameters corresponding to various Constant back tacking
P07 200~2200 1800 spm
functions can be adjusted or reset according to practical needs so speed
Maximum manual back
that the system may run in the best condition. P08 200~4000 4000 spm
tacking speed
Stitch compensation
Step 1: Under running status, press key and key, the P09 100~300 200 spm
P10 Trimming speed 100~300 250 spm
system will enter the parameter index select mode.
P11 Slow start option 0~1 0
Under technician mode, use key and key to change P12 Slow start stitches 1~9 2 stitch
P13 Slow start speed 100~300 200 spm
Start back tacking stitch
the technician parameter index, then use , , , P14 0~50 24 ms
compensation 1
Start back tacking stitch
P15 0~50 20 ms
,keys and , , , keys to change the values. compensation 2
End back tracking stitch
Step 2: After change the parameters values, changing the P16
compensation 1
0~50 24 ms
technician parameter index will save the current End back tracking stitch
P17 0~50 20 ms
parameter value and switch to the other parameter, or compensation 2
· 18 · · 19 ·
Continuous back tacking
P18 0~50 24 ms
compensation 1 technician mode. Only press key and key to enter this mode
Continuous back tacking
P19 0~50 20 ms (The detailed parameters are shown in table 4).
compensation 2
Step of speed adjustment Table 4:
P20 (It is only available for the 0~200 50 spm Parameters Default
Display Range Remarks
optional panel.) definition value
P21 Restoring to factory setup 0 P31 Trimming angle 1 100~200 175 degree
P32 Trimming angle 2 10~90 60 degree
Recovery of default parameters: P33 Trimming angle 3 100~200 120 degree
Enter technician parameters mode and replace the last two Thread wiping
P34 5~80 30 ms
numbers of P21 with 88, then press key, the default (factory)
Lifting presser foot
parameters can be recovered. (After the recovery of Default P35 50~300 150 ms
start time
setting the value of P21 will recover to initial value). Pulsing of foot lifting
P36 1~20 5 ms
ON time
Slow start setting: Pulsing of foot lifting
P37 1~20 6 ms
Enter technician mode, set the last number of the parameter OFF time
P11 as 1 and then slow start setting is ok. Maximum time of
P38 2~60 20 s
foot lifting
One-shot-sewing setting:
Maximum time of
P39 2~60 20 s
Use key to select the one-shot-sewing setting. This mode is
Start delay after
only valuable for constant-stitch sewing mode (one-segment, P40 switching off the 0~800 200 ms
four-segment, six-segment, seven-segment and eight-segment foot lifting signal
sewing). One-shot-sewing mode makes beginning sewing of P41
Foot lifting
0~800 300 ms
confirming time
each segment by one shot pressing; pressing pedal doesn’t
Time of
need during the whole process. The LED upper the key will be P42 Compensating 0~800 150 ms
lightened if it be selected otherwise will not. stitches
Auto test interval
l Administrator Mode
1~100 10 100ms
· 20 · · 21 ·
HMI compensating If stop stepping the pedal, the operation will also stop and the
P45 Back stitch button 0~1 1
needle stop position setting auto trimming is disabled.
0:operator select
Special run mode When error of the machine synchronizer occurs, you can
P46 0~2 0 1:simple sewing mode
2:test motor initial angle select to use simple sewing mode to instead of the free sewing
motor/machine mode.
P47 800~1200 1000 0.001
head run rate
Password(only for
0~9999 ****
Password can get from l Constant-Stitch Sewing
optional panel) product supplier.
Pulsing of back tack
P49 70~500 100 ms
solenoid ON time Use , , key to select the corresponding mode, the LED
Test motor initial angle: upon the corresponding mode will light and glitter, and switch to
Under administrator mode, change the value of the the mode select status synchronously, such as W Type sewing
parameter P46 to 2. It means changing the operator mode to status(see fig.19) and four-segment sewing status(see Fig.20).
testing motor initial angle mode (suggest to detect the angle
without load); the motor initial angle can be monitored by
parameter index SP4. Please change this parameter to original
value after testing the initial angle.
3.1.3 Function Operation
l Normal Sewing
Press key, then press key will enter the free sewing
Fig.19: W Type Sewing
mode. It is ready for operation just by stepping the pedal.
· 22 · · 23 ·
type sewing, one segment sewing, four segment sewing, six
segment sewing, seven segment sewing, eight segment sewing,
auto test mode, the number sequence is 1~8.
Use the key to select switch to the other mode select status, l Start/End Back Tracking
for example, seven-segment status (see Fig.21), the LED on the
Start back tacking:Use key switch to start back tacking
key lights and glitters. status (see Fig.22).The current back tacking parameter A will
Under mode select status, use the key and key can
change the current mode. Use number symbol, free sewing, W
· 24 · · 25 ·
l Auto Thread Trimming
Temporality, one or two LED upper key will glitter. It means l Needle Stop Position
changing the end back tacking parameter currently.
Under running status, use key to select the needle up/down
Use key to return the run status. stop position. If the needle down stop position is selected, the
LED on the key will light, otherwise will not light.
· 26 · · 27 ·
of button trigger: trigger the button to compensate half a stitch, A B A B
press the button gently and release to compensate one stitch;
Keep pressing the button can get continuous compensating stitch
according to needs.
Constant-stitch sewing mode: Under this mode, the button Fig.a
is only available for compensating stitch. Stop before ¡ The last stitch of A becomes shorter or lost, as shown in Fig.b.
one-segment sewing is finished, it can be adjusted to needle up Correction: Reduce the value of P14 (Double End back
position (if the needle is up, the system will not response), by tacking: Reduce the value of P16).
pressing back tacking button. Stop after one-segment sewing is
finished, compensate stitch carries out, compensate stitch
depends on the condition of button trigger: trigger the button to
compensating half a stitch, press the button gently and release to
compensating one stitch; press the button not release can realize
continuous compensating stitch according to needs.
¡ The first stitch of free sewing becomes shorter or lost, as
Remarks:Under whatever sewing mode, it is unavailable to
shown in Fig.c. Correction: Increase the value of P15 (Double
press the button when the sewing machine is
End back tacking: Increase P17).
standstill after thread trimming.
l Stitch Corrections
Below is an example for stitches correction. (Double Start
back tacking, A=B=4 stitches)
If the stitch loci are appeared abnormally, please correct it as Fig.c
below: ¡ The last stitch of B becomes shorter or lost, as shown in Fig.d.
¡ The first stitch of B becomes shorter or lost, as shown in Fig.a. Correction: Reduce the value of P15 (Double End back
Correction: Add the value of P14 (Double End back tacking: tacking: Reduce the value of P17).
Add the value of P16).
· 28 · · 29 ·
3.2 Optional Operation Panel Instruction
pressing key and key. The system will not exit for overtime
optional stitch numbers, denotes auto presser foot lift function
under monitoring mode, please press key to exit the monitoring
mode. The detailed parameters are shown in the table 5.
Table 5:Monitoring parameters
Parameter Parameter Normal Value
Display Instruction Range
SP01 DC Bus Voltage 270~350 V
SP02 Motor Current xxxx 0.01 A
SP03 Motor rotate speed xxxx rpm
SP04 Motor initial angle xxxx Degree Fig.24 Operation panel (HMI)
SP05 Software Version Fact Value LCD area, located at upper half of the left side, indicates the
※Operator, Technician and administrator all can enter this mode. current status of the system (Fig.25), including sewing mode,
· 30 · · 31 ·
stitches, start/end back tacking settings, presser foot lifting, Four end back tacking key: set four end back
needle stop position, thread trimming, thread wiping and soft start
8 Select free sewing mode
etc.. The system will do self test after power on, during self test,
9 W type sewing key
all icons of display area will lighten then display the current setting
10 One-segment sewing key
of the system, and other icons without optional function will not
11 Four-segment sewing key
lighten. For example, auto thread trimming is selected then the
Select constant-stitch(six-segment,
icon will lighten, otherwise it is dark. 12 seven-segment, eight-segment)
sewing and auto-sewing mode
· 32 · · 33 ·
l Technician Mode l Administrator Mode
In this mode, technical parameters corresponding to various In this mode, various solenoid parameters set can be
regulated according to the practical need so that the servo system
functions can be adjusted or reset according to practical needs so
can normally run on every sewing machine. Parameters setting
that the system may run in the best condition. Parameters setting
under technician mode:
under technician mode:
Step 1: Under operator mode, press and keys to enter
Step 1: Under operator mode, press key and key, the LCD
administrator mode.
will display psd-0000, and then set the password by Step 2: Change administrator parameters index by the second
and the third key and key under administrator
Step 2: Use the last four keys and keys to input the
mode. The details of technician parameters are shown
in table 4.
password, and then press key. If the password is
Step 3: Parameters values can be changed by the last four
correct then enter technician mode, otherwise, it will
return to operator mode.
keys and keys.
Step 3: Change technician parameters by the second and the
third key and keys. The parameters are shown in Step 4: Under administrator mode, press key, the panel will
keys and keys. Administrator parameter P48 is the password to enter the
technician and administrator parameter. When restore the factory
Step 5: Under technician mode, press key, the panel will setup, the password also restore to the default value.
· 34 · · 35 ·
3.2.3 Function and Operation one-segment stitch mode has been selected.
Step 2: Change the corresponding parameters (E value) by
l Normal Sewing using and keys, the value range is 0-99 stitches.
Step 1: Press key, back tacking icon in display area is Step 1: Continuously press key, select the required mode
lightened, other icons are not, which indicates back
among , stop pressing the key and the
tacking mode has been selected.
Step 2: Change the corresponding parameters (A, B and D stitch mode has been selected.
Step 2: Change the corresponding parameters (E, F, G and H
values) by using and keys, the value range is 1-9
values) by using and keys, the value range is 0-99
Step 3: Tread pedal to start sewing after finish setting. stitches.
2. One-segment stitch Step 3: It is ready just step the pedal for operation.
Step 1: Press key, back tacking icon in display area l Back Tacking Sewing
lightens, other icons is not displayed, which indicates
Step 1: Press key or key to change the setting of back
· 36 · · 37 ·
tacking. setting modes: non-auto foot lift, auto foot lift after thread trimming
Start back tacking has following four modes:
, auto foot lift in sewing stopping and auto foot lift both
u None start back tacking
after thread trimming and in sewing stopping.
u Single start back tacking
Press key to select the desired mode, stop pressing to
confirm, then foot lift setting has been finished.
u Double start back tacking
l Needle Stop Positioning
u Four start back tacking
Press key to set needle stop position; it can be set as two
Step 2: Stop pressing to confirm, then this back tacking mode modes: needle up mode and needle down mode. Repeatedly
has been selected.
press key, the cursor will switchover between (needle down)
Step 3: Change the corresponding parameters (A and B values)
and (needle up). Select the desired mode and stop pressing to
by using and keys, the value range is 0-9 stitches.
confirm, then needle stop position setting has been finished.
Step 4: The start back tacking setting implemented after
finishing the stitches setting.
l Back Tacking and Compensating Stitch
Note: End back tacking setting method is similar with start back tacking The operation is similar with the embedded control panel.
setting method basically, except the key.
l Stitch Corrections
l Thread Trimming The operation is similar with the embedded control panel.
Press key to enter thread trimming setting, it can be set as
two modes: trimming or non-trimming. Repeatedly press key,
l Operation Monitoring
the icon in display area will lighten or darken, respectively
Under operator mode, press key and key to enter
standing for trimming and non-trimming.
l Presser Foot Lift monitor mode. Change the monitoring parameters by the third
Press key to enter presser foot lift setting, it has four and keys. The parameters details are shown in table 5.
· 38 · · 39 ·
5 Troubleshooting
4 Work Environment
u The system can automatic test itself after power on, and
1. Electromagnetic Interference:
provides a failure alarm function (only for optional panel). The
To avoid the false, please keep the product away from the
controller will stop and automatically initiate its protection
high electromagnetic machinery or electro pulse generator.
program to prevent accidents.
2. Temperature:
u If a failure occurs during system running, it also will display a
a. Please don’t operate the controller in room temperature is failure alarm (Error code) on the control panel (HMI).
above 45℃ or under 5℃.
u If a failure occurs, the HMI will buzz and the corresponding error
b. Avoid operating it directly in sun light or outdoors.
code will glitter on the display (see Fig.26):
c. Avoid operating near the heater.
d. Avoid operating in the area which humidity is less than 30%
or higher than 95%; also stay away from dew area.
3. Atmosphere:
a. Please don’t operate in dusty area, and stay away from Fig.26
corrosive material. u The following table 7 shows the Error codes, possible causes
b. Avoid operating in evaporate or combustible gas area.
and solutions for failures.
4. Aeration
· 40 · · 41 ·
Shut down controller power, check if the
HMI connection between HMI and controller is
Table 7: 10 Communication broken or loosen; if the controller still can not
Error failure work normally after restart, please replace it
Error Definition Solution and inform manufacturer.
Shut down controller power, check if the
Hardware Shut down the controller, Re-power it after connection wire between synchronizer and
01 Synchronizer
overload 30s interval, if the controller still works 11 controller is loosened; if the controller still
can not work normally after restart please
Software abnormally, replace it and inform replace it and inform manufacturer.
overloaded manufacturer. Initial motor Restart for 2~3 times, if the controller still can
Shut down the controller, check input power 12 angle detection not work normally, Please inform
voltage, if the voltage is lower than 190V, failure manufacturer.
please restart the controller after the voltage
03 Low voltage is normal, if the controller still can not work Please replace the controller and inform
normally after the voltage is recovered to the 13 HALL failure
normal level, please replace it and inform
manufacturer. DSP access
Voltage is too Shut down the controller, check input power 14 failure
04 high while voltage, if it is higher than 245V, please EEPROM
stopping restart the controller after the voltage is
normal, if the controller still can not work Motor Shut down the controller, Re-start it after 30s
Voltage is too normally after the voltage recovered to the 15 overspeed interval, if the controller still cannot work
05 high during normal level, please replace it and inform protection normally replace it and inform manufacturer.
Operation manufacturer.
Control box is burned down because of Irregular motor
Malfunction in short-circuit of magnets loops, please check operation
solenoid loops magnets loops and inform manufacturer as
well as recovery and replace the controller. Shut down the controller, check all
HMI access
connection wire; if the controller still can not
Malfunction in Shut down the controller, Re-start it 30s 17 EEPROM
work normally after restart, please replace it
07 current control interval, if the controller still can not work failure
and inform manufacturer.
loops normally replace it and inform manufacturer.
Shut down the controller, Re-start it after 30s
Shut down the controller, check the motor 18 Motor overload interval, if the controller still cannot work
power cord whether it is broken off, loosen, normally replace it and inform manufacturer.
damaged, or be tangled on the machinery by
08 Motor stalled
other stuffs. Restart controller after recovery,
if the controller still cannot work normally
please replace it and inform manufacturer.
Dynamic Please replace the controller and inform
Braking failure manufacturer.
· 42 · · 43 ·
n Turning off the power before
installing or removing HMI.
Special Remind:If the follow abnormalities happen to the
n Do not change HMI settings
system, it is possible that there is no buzz or error code
while sewing.
displayed. Please check as following instruction and feedback
n Don’t start sewing after setting
to manufacture in time.
HMI until HMI returns to the
Faults Checking methods Measures Caution:
ready status signaled by a
Check if the back
tacking button switches BEEP.
Both controller and HMI work
normally, pedal does not
on, the solenoid socket n Keep daily cleaning well to
is steady connected; the
work and no error alarm. avoid those errors caused by
plug of pedal sensor is
steady connected. dust deposition or other poor
Replace the damaged operation environment.
Controller indicating light is
Open front cover of
fuse wire (it is better to — End —
dark after power on and there do this job by 2006
controller and check
is no display on HMI. The authorized or specially
motor does not run. trained personnel from
Check if the trimming
setting is canceled, the
grounding is connected,
Thread trimming does not
the plug of pedal sensor
is steadily, and the
trimming solenoid is
damaged or not.
Properly adjust P31
parameter after
Check if P31 parameter eliminating the
Thread cannot be trimmed. setting is correct, and if mechanical problems
the trimmer is damaged. of sewing machine (i.e.
the trimmer of sewing
machine is abnormal).
· 44 · · 45 ·