DUDBC Terms of Reference (TOR)

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Mid and Western Nepal and Others Cluster/Corridor Terms of Reference UGDP/DUDBC/S/QCBS-2.


Terms of Reference (TOR)


The Preparation of DPR under Mid and Western Nepal and Other
Cluster/Corridor, Nepal

Contract ID No.: UGDP/DUDBC/S/QCBS-2.06/33

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Urban Development
Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
Urban Governance and Development Program: Emerging Towns Project
Project Coordination Office
Babar Mahal, Kathmandu

May, 2016
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Mid and Western Nepal and Others Cluster/Corridor Terms of Reference UGDP/DUDBC/S/QCBS-2.06/33


1. Background ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2. The Objective .................................................................................................................................. 5
3. The scope of works for each stage is given below: ........................................................................... 5
4. Methodology .................................................................................................................................... 7
5. Expected Output ............................................................................................................................ 11
6. Qualifications of the Consulting Firm and Key Personnel ............................................................... 12
7. Deliverables for Each Municipality ................................................................................................ 20
8. Payment schedule for Each Municipality's Report ........................................................................... 21
9. Contract Duration of Service........................................................................................................... 21
10. Facilities to be Provided by the Client ............................................................................................. 22
11. Selection Criteria: ........................................................................................................................... 22
12. Work Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 22

Government of Nepal

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Mid and Western Nepal and Others Cluster/Corridor Terms of Reference UGDP/DUDBC/S/QCBS-2.06/33

Ministry of Urban Development

Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
Urban Governance and Development Program: Emerging Towns Project
Project Coordination Office
Babarmahal, Kathmandu

Terms of Reference for the Preparation of DPR under Mid and Western Nepal and
Others Cluster/Corridor,
Contract ID No.: UGDP/DUDBC/S/QCBS-2.06/33

1. Background
The Government of Nepal (GoN) is executing the Urban Governance and Development
Program: Emerging Towns Project (UGDP: ETP) in Mechinagar, Itahari, and Dhankuta (Eastern
Cluster) and Lekhnath, Baglung and Tansen (Western Cluster) municipalities with the assistance
from the World Bank and GIZ (limited until June 2014) to support the municipality through
appropriate technical and financial investment support. The Project Development Objective
(PDO) of UGDP: ETP is to improve capacity of the participating municipalities to plan,
implement and fund urban development activities. Therefore, the UGDP: ETP is structured into
three components:

1. Strengthening Municipal Planning Capacity for Urban Development;

2. Capacity Building for Municipal Infrastructure Development; and
3. Institutional Development.

A Project Coordination Office (PCO) at Department of Urban Development and Building

Construction (DUDBC) has been set up for the day to day preparation and implementation of
such activities. The PCO comprises of a Project Director (PD) deputed from the DUDBC.
DUDBC/PCO has recruited a Municipal Support Team (MST) with funding from IDA to
provide the services of a multidisciplinary team of experts for achieving its main objectives.

The primary objective of block grants under component one is to enhance the capacity of the
participating municipalities in the planning and implementation of local level infrastructures. The
progress shows that it has been successful and effective in that direction. The participating
municipalities have already developed an initial pipeline of 16 sub-projects out of which some
are already completed while others are in different stages of completion. The institutional
development activities for the municipalities are a core part of the project, and critical for
achieving the PDO. Under this component, a number of activities such as training,
implementation of revenue billing software, preparation of GIS base maps and building bye-
laws, implementation of REP, O&M and IPs have to be implemented with desired result. ID
components support the institutional strengthening of project agencies-Ministry of Urban

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Development (MoUD),the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (MoFALD),

Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC), Town Development
Fund (TDF) and Urban Development Training Centre (UDTC). PCO works in close coordination
with these agencies for their activities to be well implemented.

As per approved programme of UGDP: ETP for the current fiscal year 2015/016, there is a need
to prepare Detail Project Report (DPR) of 16 municipalities- Koshi Haraicha, Birtamod, Damak,
Urlabari (Eastern Cluster/Corridor), Gaur, Jaleshwor, Dhanushadham, Rajbiraj, Triyuga (Mid
Terai Cluster/Corridor), Byas, Putalibazar, Pokhara, Shuklagandaki, (Western Cluster/Corridor)
and Tilottama, Ramgram, Jiri (Mid and Western Nepal and others Cluster/Corridor). These
municipalities have been selected on the basis of objectively verifiable criteria.

The primary objective of the preparation of DPR is to make investment for the construction of
infrastructures projects in respective municipalities. The criteria for the selection of new
emerging municipalities are based on two fundamental premises such as economic potential and
urban development needs. This has necessitated looking into economic potential vis-a-vis
development needs of the emerging municipalities while developing the criteria. The criteria for
the selection of the new emerging municipalities have given due consideration to emerging
municipalities nearby ongoing six UGDP: ETP municipalities. The rationale behind this
consideration was guided by the fact that the cost for provision of socio-economic infrastructure
services and facilities tends to be high when municipalities are scattered than they are clustered.
This consideration emphasizes the need for the selection criteria to achieve functional clustering
effect among the municipalities selected in order to achieve 'economy of scale' in the provision
of basic urban services and facilities.

This study of Jiri, Ramgram, Tilottama (Mid and Western Nepal and Others Cluster/ Corridor of
247 sq. km.) involves three stages: i) Indicative Plan and Programme (IP) ii) Pre- Feasibility
Study (PFS) and iii) Feasibility Study Report with Detail Design and Drawings (DPRs). During
the study, the consultant shall review, inter alia, respective municipality's plans and programmes,
Business Plan of DUDBC, National Urban Policy, 2007 and National Urban Development
Strategy (NUDS), 2015 in addition to other materials as a part of literature review. The
preparation of Indicative Plan shall be within the general principle as visualized by National
Urban Development Strategy (NUDS), 2015 prepared by Ministry of Urban Development. In
addition to this, the consultant shall also review the Land Use Policy 2012 published by Ministry
of Land Reform and Management which seems quite relevant and worth reviewing while
preparing the plan.

In order to carry out these crucial works effectively and successfully, there shall be a provision
of Expert Review Committee (ERC) at PCO comprising of experts from Professional
organizations and related government agencies. In addition to this, there shall also be a provision
of Project Appraisal Team (PAT) which shall consists of International and National expert
besides representative from PCO to supervise the field works and to provide expert advice to
ensure the quality of the outputs. An inclusive 7-9 members Municipal Coordination Committee
(MCC) shall be formed under the chairmanship of Executive Officer of municipality with
members from political parties, social workers, teachers, women, professionals etc. before the
start of field visit of the consultant in each municipality to make local level decisions and support
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consultant activities. As per the approved TOR, UGDP: ETP wish to hire the services of reputed
and established consulting firms.

2. The Objective
The main objective of this assignment is to prepare Detail Project Report (DPR) of infrastructure
projects in each municipality within one cluster/corridor through following three stages:

 Stage I: To carry out Preliminary Study for Indicative Plan and programme
 Stage II: To carry out Pre-Feasibility Study
 Stage III: To carry out Feasibility Study with Detail Project Report (DPR)

3. The scope of works for eachstage is given below:

Stage I: Preliminary Study for Indicative Plan and Programme

The consultant shall review the existing plans (Periodic /Physical Development /Long Term
Development Plans etc) and prepare indicative plan if they are not available or obsolete. The
outcome of this study is the preparation of Indicative Plan with program and projects.

a. to collect and review of relevant documents, reports, maps from different sources (desk
b. to establish and maintain a field liaison office in the municipalities.
c. to conduct field observation/walk over survey, etc. for collecting specific data and
information, measurement, location of key infrastructure data on maps and for
supplementing and verification of collected data and information.
d. to conduct an Introductory Workshop to brief about the objectives, processes and
outcome of the study and formation of Contact Group (CG) from among the local people.
e. to conduct field verification survey and to organize Stakeholder Consultative
Workshop (SCW)-1 where overall vision, key challenges, opportunities along with the
possible comprehensive and visible and integrated programmes and projects of the
municipality will be discussed. CG shall assist the consultant during field works in the
collection of data and information etc. The consultant shall present conceptual Indicative
Plan in SCW-1.
f. to submit SCW-1 report and discuss and make presentation at PCO about the output of
g. to submit draft inception report with preliminary Indicative plan and preliminary long list
of programmes and projects.
h. to analyze the socio-economic status that present the profile of a particular municipality
in terms of health and educational status, issue of gender and social inclusion, ethnic
groups, sources of livelihood, households size, migration pattern, inflow and out flow of
goods and services, existing different types of industries, development potentials and
needs, financial institutions, housing condition, squatters, renters etc., demographic and
urbanization trends.

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i. to analyze financial capacities of municipality, plans and programmes etc. of each

municipality in the cluster.
j. to perform institutional capacity analysis that shall state the capability of a particular
municipality to implement the projects in terms of human resources and financial.
k. to project population for each municipality for next 20 years with different scenarios
(high, medium and low variant) based on the growth rate of 2011 census or prevailing
growth rate in case of new municipality.
l. to analyze different types of existing infrastructures including their present condition,
coverage and the needs for the future based on the projected population. The consultant
shall verify whether or not there are O&M plans of each municipality for existing
m. to analyze opportunities and constraints for development for identification of areas for
future expansion based on present physical growth trend and to collect land transaction
data from Land Revenue Department for the last five years etc.
n. to prepare Indicative Plan for 20 years time horizon. Further, this plan shall be
accompanied by existing land use plan, proposed land use plan, future expansion area
along with thematic maps of different infrastructures including roads, drainage/sewerage,
electricity, communication etc. in appropriate and agreed scale with PCO using up to date
available technology.
o. to develop criteria for the screening of long list of identified programme and projects in
consultation with MCC and table of contents for the Pre-feasibility study reports.
p. to Submit Final Inception Reports with Indicative Plan and screened long list of
identified programmes and projects to municipalities and PCO.
3.2 Stage II: Pre-Feasibility Study

The outcome of this study is the preparation of Pre-Feasibility Report (qualitative). Therefore,
it shall not be limited to the following activities:

a) to organize SCW-2 and finalize the Indicative Plan and the long list of screened
programme and projects based on the criteria developed by the consultant.
b) to submitSCW-2 report with finalized Indicative Plan and long list of programme and
projects to municipality and PCO.
c) to prepare guidelines/by-laws for implementation of Indicative plan.
d) to conduct reconnaissance survey by team of multi-disciplinary experts and support staff
for further data and information collection.
e) to conduct rapid assessment (Land suitability, social, technical, economic, environmental
etc aspects) based on the field data and information, prepare the alternatives that shall be
considered during pre-feasibility study and tentative cost estimate, investment plan of
each project.
f) to prepare location maps, Conceptual plans, measurement drawings, thematic maps etc.
g) to present and submit Draft Pre-feasibility Study (PFS)Report to municipalities and
Expert Review Committee (ERC) at PCO.

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h) to develop criteria for the short listing from the finalized long list of programme and
projects and table of contents for feasibility study reports and DPR.
i) to submit of Final Pre-Feasibility Study Report incorporating comments, feedback etc.
to PCO and Municipalities.

3.3 Stage III: Feasibility Study with Detail Project Report (DPR)

The following works shall be carried out during this stage and the final outcome of this study is
the DPRs which comprises of feasibility report along with detail engineering design and working

a) to organize Stakeholder Consultative Workshop -3 for finalizing short listing of

selected programme & projects.
b) to SCW-3 report with finalized short list of programme and projects shall be submitted to
municipality and PCO.
c) to conduct detail field study for data and information collection.
d) to conduct detail engineering survey and data collection.
e) to analyze data, design, work out alternate program and projects
f) to prepare drawings and cost estimate.
g) to carry out feasibility analysis including economic, social, environmental, financial
analysis and other aspects.
h) to organize presentation and consultation meeting at Municipalities.
i) to conduct field verification and additional data and information collection if required.
j) to prepare and submit Interim DPRs to municipalities.
k) to organize Public Hearing.
l) to discuss Interim DPRs with MCC at municipalities and ERC at PCO.
m) to submit Draft Feasibility Study Report with DPRs to PCO and municipalities.
n) to present Draft Feasibility Study with DPR at municipalities and ERC.
o) to incorporate suggestions / comments with verification of site, data, design alternatives
p) to submit Final Feasibility Study Report with DPRs to PCO and municipalities with
incorporation of all the comments and feedback.

4. Methodology

There shall be three stages of study as follows:

4.1 Stage I: Preliminary Study for Indicative Plan and Programme

The total time allocated for this stage is 1.75 months. The allocated time for each activity is
given in the work schedule below. This stage of study includes collection of secondary data and
information and its review, field visits, workshops and discussions in each Municipality, other
relevant agencies and organizations and PCO. The suggested methodology to carry out this stage
of study is as follows:

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The consultant shall establish the field office in the cluster municipalities for the field work
to liaison with MCC. After two weeks in the field to collect field level data and information,
the consultant shall organize half day/one day Introductory Workshop open to all interested
local people in consultation with Municipal Coordination Committee (MCC). During this
Introductory Workshop, a Contact Group (CG) shall be formed with representatives from
local clubs, NGOs, users committee, community development organizations, targeted groups
etc. The objective of forming CG is to assist the consultant in the field during data and
information collection and field verification and it shall work through MCC to keep
consultation process manageable. This CG shall be spatially representative also and if not
additional CG needs to be formed. This shall be followed by field verification with necessary
questionnaire and check list for interactions with local people, key informants, organizations
and agencies etc. After this field verification, the consultant shall organize Stakeholder
Consultative Workshop-1 (SCW) that shall be attended by representatives of local political
parties, professionals, social workers/community leaders, women, teachers etc. During SCW-
1, the consultant shall present existing plans and programmes including vision of the
municipality where there is a plan already prepared and request the participants how they
would like to see their city grow in future. As there are no plans in the case of new
municipalities, therefore the consultant prepares the base map, develops the vision and
explains how the city shall be developed in future. After this presentation the discussion will
be held to identify possible comprehensive and integrated programmes and projects in a
participatory approach in line with the vision and conceptual Indicative Plans presented.
The consultant shall submit SCW-1 report and discuss and make presentation at PCO about
the output of SCW-1.The entire team of experts of the consultant is also expected to be
present in this meeting at PCO. After this meeting at PCO the consultant shall submit the
Draft Inception Report with preliminary Indicative Plan and long list of identified
programmes and projects. The consultant shall concentrates in the preparation of Indicative
Plan with draft regulation guidelines and develops the criteria for screening the long list of
identified programmes and projects from SCW-1.The consultant shall submit the Final
Inception Report with Indicative Plan and long list of identified programmes and projects.
While developing the screening criteria, the consultant shall incorporate strategic project
which shall benefit to more than one particular municipality and spatially also locate beyond
one municipality border such as link roads, solid waste management (Landfill site), drinking
water, drainage, park etc. Furthermore, the consultant shall keep in mind the possibility of
identifying more visible, comprehensive and integrated nature of project rather than a
number of fragmented projects. Such projects could be land development, redevelopment of
the areas, regional/city parks and open spaces, lake/pond rehabilitation, public markets,
roads/ring road, land fill site, transport network, regional/city bus parks etc. During the
preparation of the above programmes and projects, the consultant shall strictly adhere to
Planning Norms and Standard 2015 published by DUDBC.
4.2StageII: Pre- Feasibility Study

The pre- feasibility study helps to eliminate inferior alternatives in a situation where there are
several possible methods to achieve the desired objectives, eliminate non-viable projects,
eliminate unsuitable locations, decide whether modifications are required for a particular project
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to make it a viable one etc. The outcome of this study is the submission of Pre Feasibility
Reports (PFRs). The total allocated time for pre-feasibility study is 1.5 months.

The consultant shall conduct SCW-2 to finalize Indicative Plan and screened long list of
programme and projects (with total cost of approx US$ 30-40 millions) based on the criteria
developed by the consultant. This indicative plan shall be backed up by appropriate bye laws and
guidelines with an objective to materialize the plan. The SCW-2 report with finalized Indicative
Plan and long list of programme and projects shall be submitted to municipality and PCO.

After the submission of this report, the consultant with team of multi disciplinary experts
including the support staffs of the field office shall visit the field and carryout necessary
reconnaissance survey and collect required data and information. During this period the CG shall
assist the team in all field level works.

The consultant shall devote another two weeks in the field for rapid assessment focusing on land
and soil suitability, social, commercial, institutional, economical and environmental aspects of
project analysis following the guidelines of GoN and potential future funding agencies. Based on
the field data and information the consultant shall prepare the alternatives, tentative cost estimate
and investment plan of each project. The consultant shall coordinate with MCC and PAT shall
accompany the team during this period.

The consultant shall prepare location maps, conceptual plans, measurement drawings, thematic
maps etc. and prepare draft Pre-feasibility Report and submit to municipality and PCO. The pre-
feasibility report shall include the short list of programmes and projects (with cost of approx US$
15-20 millions) which is found feasible from pre-feasibility study. The municipality and ERC at
PCO shall provide necessary comments/feedbacks and suggestions and the consultant shall
submit the Final Pre-feasibility Report after incorporating those comments/feedbacks and
suggestions to municipality and PCO. In this stage, all listed programme and projects shall be
assessed to examine whether or not these projects are worthwhile to conduct feasibility study.

4.3 Stage III: Feasibility Study with Detail Project Report (DPR)

The consultant shall organize Stakeholder Consultative Workshop -3 for finalizing the short
listed programme & projects in pre-feasibility report. The SCW-3 report with finalized short list
of programme and projects shall be submitted to municipality and PCO.

After this workshop, detail field study shall be done for data and information collection. During
this field work, the consultant shall collect all necessary technical, social, economic etc data and
information required for the feasibility study. Based on such data and information, the feasibility
study of the finalized short listed programmes and projects as per (a) to (f) below shall be carried

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The consultant shall conduct detail engineering survey, data collection, data analysis, design,
drawing, cost estimate and work out for all alternate projects. After this the consultant shall
organize presentation/consultation meeting at municipality. As there may be possibility of further
field verification and need for more data and information after presentation in municipality, thus
field verification and additional data/information shall be collected. The DPR shall be prepared
for all finalized short listed projects. The Interim DPR shall be submitted and presented to
municipalities and to PCO for comments and feedbacks. Once this is done, a Public Hearing
meeting shall be organized to disseminate the outcome of the study to the local people and all
stakeholders. After public hearing, the discussion meeting at municipality and PCO will be held
on Interim DPR. The Draft Feasibility Study Report with DPR shall be prepared after
incorporation of comments and suggestions received from the municipality and ERC/PCO and
submitted and presented to municipality and PCO. The Final Feasibility Study Report with DPR
shall be submitted with incorporation of all the comments and feedback from municipality and

a) Economic feasibility: The consultant shall analyze in detail the benefits that shall accrue
from a particular project over a period of time and the cost/investment that needs to be
made to implement such project through the indicators such as EIRR, Benefit-Cost ratio
and others.
b) Social feasibility: The proposed project shall benefit the community lagging behind in
the society especially children, single women, physically unable people. It shall also look
into the displacement and resettlement issues and recommend the socially acceptable
c) Environmental feasibility: The proposed project shall address environmental and
disaster risk issues to analyze for likely negative impacts to assess the viable mitigating
d) Financial feasibility: It involves the analysis and calculations like Financial Internal
Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV). Further, the consultant shall carry
out relevant financial analysis deemed necessary for major infrastructures project in
consultation with PCO. Financial analysis shall also cover institutional borrowing
capacity, possible contribution by municipality and community etc. as an integral part of
the study.
e) Institutional feasibility: The proposed projects shall be analyzed for role and
responsibility of municipality, stakeholders and agencies directly or indirectly involved in
the municipal development process and activities. It shall recommend the implementable
institutional framework such as PPP and other viable modalities within the cluster
municipalities. This shall include an assessment of the municipality’s human resources
and their capacity building needs.
f) Technical feasibility: The proposed projects must be assessed for geo-seismological and
hydrological soundness. Further, it needs to consider the availability of lands and its
accessibility, availability of local skilled/unskilled labors, raw materials, appropriate
technology etc. Conduct detail engineering survey, design and cost estimate of alternative

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The total allocated time for this stage of work is 2.75 months. The total time period for the
completion of entire study for this cluster of 3 municipalities is 6 months.

5.Expected Output

The key outputs for each stage, inter alia, are as follows:

Stage I: Preliminary Study for Indicative Plan and Programme, which shall include:

 Location Map of the cluster municipalities and its interconnection network in 1:2,50,000
 Base map of the each municipality in 1:10,000 or in better scale
 Indicative plan of each municipality with existing basic infrastructure and services in
1:5,000 or in better scale.
 Draft Inception Report with preliminary Indicative Plan and long list of identified
programmes and projects.
 The expert’s team analysis (each expert shall submit their individual analysis report to
consulting team) of the Indicative plan with the location and description of all the major
long list of projects including ongoing and prospective projects of other urban sectors’
 Final Inception Report with Indicative Plan and screened long listed program and projects
for further study in each municipality and the expert’s team analysis on how the city shall
be grown and developed in the near future.
Stage II: Pre-Feasibility Study, which shall include:

 The final Indicative plan of the city in 1:10,000 or in better scale with location and
description and final long lists of program and projects with total cost of approx US$ 30-
40 millions.
 Preparation of Final planning regulation guidelines.
 Analysis of land suitability, social, environmental, commercial, economic, financial etc.
aspect of program and projects along with their alternatives.
 Measurement survey, site plan with location, conceptual design, drawing / sketches,
tentative cost estimation and investment plan of the program and projects for further
 Draft Pre-feasibility study Report with the short list of programmes and projects (with
cost of approx US$ 15-20 millions) which is found feasible from pre-feasibility study.
 Final Pre-feasibility Report with the short list programme and projects those are
worthwhile to conduct feasibility study with expert’s team analysis.
Stage III: Feasibility Study with Detail Project Report (DPR), which shall include:

 Final Short list of program and projects with total cost of approx US$ 15-20 millions.
 Existing site plans/network plans with proposed design and drawing of the final short
listed projects for DPR in 1: 500 to 1:1,000 scales.
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 Proposed site plans/ network plans in 1:100 to 1:500or in better scale of the final short
listed projects.
 Detail engineering design, cost estimate and investment plan of the same.
 Detail working drawing (1:100) of the final short listed projects and details in 1:50 or in
better scale.
 Procurement plan, Bid Documents and other Procurement Documents for procurement of
works/ goods and supervision consultants.
 Operation and Maintenance Plan
 Project Implementation, Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
 Social and Cultural Safeguard Measures
 Environmental and Disaster Management Plan
 Draft Feasibility Study Report with DPR
 Final Feasibility Study Report with DPR

6. Qualifications of the Consulting Firm and Key Personnel

The Consulting firm must be legally registered/recognized/competent institution. It must have

registered in PAN/VAT in their respective country and timely cleared the taxes.

The consulting firm shall have prior experience in preparing Detail Project Report (DPR) of
infrastructure Projects including Prefeasibility / Feasibility Study. Consulting firms, which have
prepared DPR of municipalities, shall be preferable.

The team shall consist of experts with relevant knowledge and experience in the similar fields
and assignment. Key personnel proposed in one Cluster/corridor must not be repeated in other

Personnel Requirements:

The personnel allocated shall be for Mid and Western Nepal and Others cluster / corridor
comprising three municipalities. There shall be one Principal Team Leader (PTL) and three
Deputy Team Leaders (DTL). In each municipality 1DTL, 1Civil Engineer and 1Office
Administrator / Computer Operator shall be working from the beginning to end while other
experts shall work as per their inputs.

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The staffing requirements of key personnel for this assignment shall include a minimum of the following positions:

S Personnel No. IP-1.75 PFS-1.5 Feasibility Total Educational Experience Indicative responsibilities
No months months Study with Inputs Qualification
. DPR-2.75 in man
months months
1 Principal Team 1 1.75 1.5 2.75 6 Minimum Master degree Minimum 10 years Responsible for leading the teams in
Leader in civil engineering/ of relevant all 3 stages of studies, overall
architecture/urban experience after management, coordination,
planning and management degree and more Monitoring and Oversight and
related degree than10 years Preparation of Progress Reports,
preferable. responsible for managing workshop
Experience in and Meetings.
similar assignment
in different
2 Deputy Team 3 1.75 1.5 2.75 18 Minimum Master degree Minimum 7 years Responsible for leading the team in all
Leader/Urban in civil engineering/ of relevant 3 stages of studies, overall
Planner/ Civil architecture/urban experience after management, coordination and
Engineer planning and related degree and more provision of technical inputs and
degree than 7 years carrying out quality control of key
preferable. deliverables.
Experience in
similar assignment
in different
3 Economist 1 1 1 2.75 4.8 Minimum Master degree Minimum 5 years Responsible in all 3 stages of studies,
in Economics of relevant analyzing the economy of
experience after municipalities, potentials,
degree and more development needs linkages between
than 5 years municipalities within the cluster and
preferable. beyond. Also carry out economic
feasibility study.
4 Sociologist 1 1 1 1 3 Minimum Master degree Minimum 5 years Responsible in all 3 stages of the
in Sociology/Social of relevant studies, in particular for studying
Development experience after social safeguard issues and social
Studies/anthropologist degree and more impact assessments of Municipalities
and related degree than 5 years and selected projects.
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5 Environmentalist/ 1 1 0.5 1 2.5 Minimum Master degree Minimum 5 years Responsible in all 3 stages of the
Environment in Environmental Engg./ of relevant studies, in particular for studying
Engineer Environmental Science experience after environmental issues of the
and related degree degree and more municipalities and suggesting
than 5 years mitigation measures (EIA/IEE/EMP
preferable. etc) for the selected projects.
6 Municipal 1 1 1 1 3 Minimum MBA/MBS/M. Minimum 5 years Responsible in all 3 stages of the
Financial Expert Com and related degree of relevant studies, in particular analysis of urban
experience in /municipal finance stakeholders’
financial analysis and mapping, (borrowing
management after capacity, capital investment budgeting
degree and 5 years including financial feasibility
preferable. analysis)
7 Hydrologist 1 1 0.5 1 2.5 Minimum Master degree Minimum 5 years Responsible in all3 stages of the
in Hydrology and related of relevant studies, in particular for walkover
degree experience after survey, rainfall data collection and
degree and more analysis, flood prediction,
than 5 years ground/surface water use
preferable. potential/protection and, study of
watershed areas etc.
8 Geologist/Eng. 1 1 0.5 1 2.5 Minimum Master degree Minimum 5 years Responsible in all 3 stages of the
Geologist in Geology/ Engg. of relevant studies, in particular for walkover
Geology and related experience after survey, Geological study, risk
degree degree and more assessment for suitability for
than 5 years infrastructure development etc.
9 Transportation 1 0 1 2.75 3.75 Minimum Master Degree Minimum 5 years Responsible in 2 stage of the studies,
Engineer in Transportation of relevant in particular for the transportation area
Engineering experience after
degree and more
than 5 years
10 Structural Engineer 1 0 1 2.75 3.75 Minimum Master Degree Minimum 5 years Responsible in 2 stage of the studies,
in Structural Engineering of relevant in particular for structural analysis
experience after
degree and more
than 5 years
11 Sewerage/Drainage 1 0 1 2.75 3.75 Minimum Master Degree Minimum 5 years Responsible in 2 stage of the studies,

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Engineer in Water Resource of relevant in particular for

Engineering/ Hydraulics experience after
Engineering/ Integrated degree and more
Water Resource than 5 years
Management preferable.
12 Geomatics 1 1 1 1 3 Minimum Bachelor Minimum 3 years Responsible in all 3 stages of the
Engineer degree in Geometric of relevant studies, in particular for the collection
Engineering and GIS experience after of information, surveying and
related degree degree and more preparation of GIS based base maps,
than 3 years thematic maps and plans.
13 Civil Engineers 3 1 1 2.75 14.3 Minimum Bachelor Minimum 3 years Responsible in all 3 stages of the
degree in Civil of relevant studies, in particular for supporting the
Engineering experience after experts, surveying, designing,
degree and more drawing, estimating and facilitating
than 3 years meetings and workshops.
14 Architects 2 1 1 2.75 9.5 Minimum Bachelor Minimum 3 years Responsible in all 3 stages of the
degree in Architecture of relevant studies, in particular for architectural
experience after development of the cities,
degree and more architectural refinement of the
than 3 years projects, preparation of site plans,
preferable. concept/final design and drawings.

15 Unallocated 4 1 1 2.75 19 Based on Requirements as per PCO

experts: Expertise in their respective field and mobilized approval.
Electrical/Urban by the consultant as per PCO approval.
Design/ Landscape/
Infrastructure and
16 Supporting Staff: 3 1.75 1.5 2.75 18 Experienced in their respective field and Supporting in all 3stages of the studies
Office mobilized by the consultant as per PCO in central and field office management
Administrator/Com approval and supporting experts in the field
. Operator work
17 Supporting Staffs: 3 0 1.5 2.75 12.8 Experienced in their respective field and Supporting in 2 stage of the studies in
Sub-Engineer/ mobilized by the consultant as per PCO central and field office management
Draft Person approval and supporting experts in the field

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Detail job description of personnel

1) Principal Team Leader (PTL)

Responsible for leading the teams in all 3 stages of studies, overall management,
coordination, monitoring and oversight and conducting regular meetings and progress
reporting to the client. Furthermore, the Principal Team Leader shall develop guidelines
for DTL to manage and run effectively each team for successful completion of their
responsibilities. He shall also develop reporting system, format and ensure timely
preparation of project progress Reports.

2) Deputy Team Leader (DTL)

Responsible for leading the team under the Principal Team Leader's guidance, overall
management, coordination and provision of technical inputs and carrying out quality
control of key deliverables and delivery of outputs in time. The deputy team leader shall
arrange workshops and presentation meetings, collect individual analysis report of each
stage from each expert and shall consolidate and synthesize them and provide as inputs to
technical engineering team/planning for their consideration.

3) Economist
Economist is expected to be involved in all three stages of study shall be responsible for
studying economic and demographic aspect including projection of population, analysis of
development needs and potentialities, inflow and out flow of goods and services, market
study, linkages between municipalities within the cluster and beyond, migration pattern
etc. In addition to this, Economist shall also assist the team in economic analysis to ensure
the viability of identified top six/seven projects from economic point of view and also
assist in analyzing the economic aspect for implementation of projects.

4) Sociologist
Sociologist is expected to be involved during all the three stages of the study and shall be
responsible for studying social safeguard issues of the identified and prioritized projects
thoroughly foreseeing in advance the likely impact and protest/dissatisfaction from the
local people by raising the issues like resettlements, displacements, compensation often
seriously affecting and hindering the implementation of the particular project. In addition
to this, Sociologist shall also study the local culture, social values and norms including
local festival celebrations.

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5) Environmentalist/Environment Engineer
Responsible in all 3 stages of the studies, in particular for studying environment issues of
pollution like industrial, air, water, and solid waste management of Municipality.
Furthermore, the expert shall also study and analyze state of natural resources and propose
strategies to conserve them to make the livable city. The expert shall analyze the
environmental viability and develop criteria for selection of projects for feasibility study
and DPR preparation. The expert shall see the likely negative impacts from the proposed
projects for DPR and propose mitigating measure like IEE/EIA/EMP to address such
negative impacts.

6) Municipal Financial Expert

The Expert is expected to be involved during all the 3 stages of the studies. During the
appraisal stage, the expert shall appraise the financial management system, check whether
present system is adequate to carry out future plans/projects, analyze the gap and
recommend reform measures in the present system. The expert shall develop criteria for
selection of projects. During the second stage of study, the expert shall carry out financial
feasibility analysis of the selected project. Similarly, during the third stage of study, the
expert shall carry out complete package for the proper implementation of the reforms/new
system in the municipality of the particular municipality and assess closely the trends of
revenue and expenditure pattern of municipality for the last five years and make projection
of the future.

7) Hydrologist
Responsible in all 3 stages of the studies, in particular for data and information collection
from the related agencies, walkover survey with measurement of water discharge, ground
water level and quantification, identification of the need of hydrological station,
quantification and calculation of rainfall, study of watershed areas, analysis of
hydrological data for determination of flood hydrographs for different years of return
period and identification of water sources and preparation of hydrological suitability map
for all selected project and alternatives projects.

8) Geologist/Engineering Geologist (EG)

Responsible in all 3 stages of the studies, in particular for the preparation of inventory of
geological condition through walkover survey and support planning team by suggesting
areas for urban growth and expansion as well areas for controlling urban growth during
appraisal study. During feasibility study, Geologist/EG shall assist in the study for
infrastructure development in particular area and carry out geological risk assessment to
ensure feasibility of projects. Similarly, during DPR, he/she shall assist in locating

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strategic projects from the point of view of geological suitability analysis and suggest
team the appropriate measures for the protection of important selected project against
natural calamities.

9) Transportation Engineer
Responsible in Feasibility and DPR stage of the studies, in particular for the analysis of
the existing transportation system of municipalities, planning functional design, operation
and management of urban transportation system, planning of different mode of
transportation system.

10) Structural Engineer

Responsible in Feasibility and DPR stage of the studies, in particular for the design and
analysis of building, bridges etc. including economic and social infrastructure projects.

11) Sewerage/Drainage Engineer

Responsible in Feasibility and DPR stage of the studies, in particular for the design and
analysis of sewerage system, sewerage treatment plant, storm water drainage systems and
other related works.

12) Geomatics Engineer /GIS Expert

Responsible in all 3 stages of the studies, in particular for the collection of information
and preparation of GIS base maps, thematic maps and plans during the appraisal study
and assist in the preparation of land suitability analysis for selected and alternative
projects including preparation of different maps like land use, thematic maps, etc. towards
the preparation of Indicative Plan.

13) Civil Engineer

Responsible in all 3 stages of the studies, in particular in supporting the other members of
the team during appraisal study. During feasibility study, civil engineer shall assist in
design, drawing and estimation for selected and alternative projects. Similarly, during
DPR, the civil engineer shall support the team in designing, drawings, cost estimate
including bid document preparation.

14) Architect
Responsible in all 3 stages of the studies, in particular for studying the architectural
history of city and preparation of inventory of important structures and sites during the
first phase of the study, preparation of site plans, alternate design and drawings in the

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second phase of the study. And detail design and drawing of selected projects. The
architect shall help other experts in enhancing the aesthetic value of selected projects for
DPR during design period.

15) Support Staff

Secretarial support staff is expected to be involved throughout the study period and assist
teams relating to secretarial works like computer typing, report compilation and
reproduction, photo copying, registry works etc. including any other works as directed by
the teams during the study period.

7. Deliverables for Each Municipality

S No. Reports: for each Contents Timeline (after
municipality signing the contract)
1. Submission of Draft Background, methodology, data sources, list 4 weeks
Inception Report of literature reviewed, list of collection of
(3sets hard copy and 1 maps, staffing, key outputs, plan for
soft copy) accomplishing work, schedule of activities
and delivery, preliminary Indicative Plan,
long list of program and project etc.
2. Submission of Final Background, methodology, data sources, list 7 weeks
Inception Report of literature reviewed, list of collection of
(3sets hard copy and 1 maps, staffing, key outputs, plan for
soft copy) accomplishing work, schedule of activities
and delivery, Indicative Plan, screened long
list of program and project etc.
3. Submission of Draft Pre- Draft Pre-feasibility Report with analysis of 11.5 weeks
Feasibility Report (3 sets Land suitability, social, technical,
hard copy and 1 soft economic, environmental etc. and tentative
copy) cost estimate, investment plan etc

4. Submission of Final Pre- Final Pre-feasibility Report with analysis of 13 weeks

Feasibility Report (3 sets Land suitability, social, technical,
hard copy and 1 soft economic, environmental etc. and tentative
copy) cost estimate, investment plan etc

5. Submission of Draft Draft feasibility study report with DPR 22 weeks

Feasibility Study Report including Engineering Survey, data
with DPR (3 sets hard analysis, design, and work out alternate
copy and 1 soft copy) projects, drawing and cost estimate, tender
documents, specification and BOQ,
Economic, social , financial analysis etc.
6. Submission of Final Final feasibility study report with Final 24 weeks
Feasibility Study Report DPR report incorporating comments,
with Final DPR (6 sets suggestions and feedback received on the
hard copy and 1 soft draft report.

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The consulting firm shall report to the Project Director DUDBC, PCO and work in full
coordination with the PCO as well as concerned municipality. The draft reports shall be
submitted to the PCO for review and feedback and recommendations. The final report shall have
the revision and recommendations incorporated.
All reports and other written outputs shall be submitted to UGDP: ETP in electronic and hard
copies. These electronic copies shall include relevant reports as well as underlying data related to
the reports. These shall become property of UGDP: ETP. In addition, 1 copy each of all relevant
reports shall be provided to each of the study municipality.

8. Payment schedule for Each Municipality's Report

The payment shall be made in six installments in the following manner: feasibility study report
with DPR
S No. Deliverables Payment of Payment Condition
contracted amount
1. Draft Inception Report 15 Upon acceptance of Draft Inception Report
by the Client
2. Final Inception Report 10 Upon acceptance of Final Inception Report
by the Client
3. Draft Pre-feasibility 10 Upon acceptance of Draft PFS by the Client
Study Report
4. Final Pre-feasibility 10 Upon acceptance of Final PFS by the Client
Study Report
5. Draft Feasibility Report 35 Upon acceptance of Draft Feasibility Study
with draft DPR Report with Draft DPR by the Client
6. Final Feasibility Study 20 Upon acceptance of Final Feasibility Study
Report with Final DPR Report with Final DPR by the Client
Note: Taxes shall be levied on all payments as per prevailing financial rules and regulations of the government of Nepal

9. Contract Duration of Service

The consulting firm shall complete the assignment within 6 months from the date of signing the

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10. Facilities to be Provided by the Client

The client shall provide all available related project documents (study reports, PDP, Periodic
plans, GIS maps, Base Maps, business plans, manuals, guidelines, norms and standards etc.) to
the consulting firm for quality and timely output of the assignment.

11. Selection Criteria:

The consulting Firm shall be selected following Quality and Cost Based Selection Method
(QCBS) set out in the Consultant Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under
IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrower, January 2011 (“Consultant
Guidelines”). Only short listed firms with the most appropriate qualifications and references
shall be invited to submit technical and financial proposals.

12. Work Schedule

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Work Schedule for Preparation of Feasibility Study Report with Detail Project Report (DPR) of Mid and Western Nepal and Others Cluster/Corridor (6
Preliminary Study for Indicative Plan Feasibility Study (FS) with Detail
Pre-Feasibility Study
and Program Project Report (DPR)
S N. Particulars Days
1st month 2nd month 3rd month 4th month 5th month 6th month
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 Desk study (central and local level) 8
Field visit and study: Walk over survey by the Team of
Experts for data, maps, information collection 11
Introductory workshop (1/2-1day and formation of Contact
Group (CG) 3
Field verification and 1 day Stakeholder / Municipal
4 Authority Consultative Workshop (SCW)-1 (potential long
list) 7
Discussion/Presentation at PCO and Submission of Draft
5 Inception Report with preliminary indicative plan and long
list of programme & Projects 3
Preparation of further Indicative Plan and development of
6 criteria for screening of of Identified long list of programme
& Projects 19
Submission of Final Inception Report with indicative plan
7 and screened long list of programme & Projects to PCO and
Municipalities 2
Stakeholder Consultative Workshop -2 (Final Indicative plan
8 with regulation guidelines and Final long list of programme & 3
Projects )
Reconnaissance survey by the team of multi disciplinary
9 experts and support staffs for further data and information 9

Rapid Assessment (Land suitability, social, technical,

economic,environmental etc aspects) based on the field data
10 12
and information, prepare the alternatives, tentative cost
estimate and investment plan of each project

Preparation of location maps, Conceptual plans,

11 9
measurement drawings, thematic maps etc
Presentation and submission of Draft Pre-feasibility study
12 Report with short List of feasible programs and projects to 3
municipalities and Expert Review Committee (ERC) at PCO
Submission of Final Pre-Feasibility study Report with short
13 List of feasible programs and projects incorporating 9
comments/feedback etc. to PCO and municipalities
C 82
Stakeholder Consultative Workshop -3 (Final short List
14 of feasible programs and projects for feasibility study
and DPR) 3
15 Detail field study for data and information collection 7

Engineering Survey, data collection, data analysis, design,

work out alternate projects, drawing and cost estimate
Data and information collection and Feasibility Analysis
(Economic, social, financial etc.) 8
18 Presentation/Consultation meeting at Municipalities 3
19 Field Verification and additional data/information collection
Preparation and Submission of Interim Feasibility Study
Report with DPR to municipalities 8
21 Public Hearings 2
Discussion at municipalities and Expert Review committee
(ERC) at PCO on Interim Feasibility Study Report with DPR
Submission of Draft Feasibility Study Report with DPR to
PCO and Municipalities 2
Presentation on Draft Feasibility Study Report with
DPR at Municipalities and ERC 5
Incorporation of suggestions / comments with verification of
25 site, data, design alternatives etc and finalize Feasibility
Study Report with DPR 14
26 Submission of Final Feasibility Study Report with DPR.

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