Unsteady Flow HEC Errors
Unsteady Flow HEC Errors
Unsteady Flow HEC Errors
Other Issues
1. If a drop structure is present in the HEC-RAS model, the best way to
represent this is as an inline structure.
2. Lateral and inline structure stability factors can improve model stability.
To improve model stability, try to get the stability factors close to a value of
3. Check the weir coefficient used for roadway decks.
4. If the model crashes at the beginning of a simulation, check the initial
conditions such as discharge values, storage area elevations, and downstream
boundary conditions. If the model crashes during the simulation, check the
computed water surface profiles to pinpoint the model stability locations.
5. For models that start up unstable, define the model so that the river
network is flooded (i.e., high downstream boundary condition). Then, gradually
lower the downstream water surface elevation to match initial conditions for
Other Tips
1. Try running the unsteady flow model with steady state flow conditions
(i.e., a hydrograph with a constant flow value over time). This will help you
identify what other issues could be causing the model to fail in its
2. Eliminate structures (i.e., roadway crossings, inline structures, lateral
structures) in the model. Perhaps one of the structures is causing the model to
fail. If the model suddenly runs after removing the structures, then place the
structures back in, one at a time, to see which structure(s) are causing the
3. Replace any steep reaches with an artificial inline structure. This will help
in transitioning the flow from an upper reach to a lower reach, bypassing the
steep reach where supercritical flow could be occurring which often causes
model instability.
4. Use the Modified Puls Routing option to represent steep river sections
or low flow conditions.
5. Use the Variable Time Step option where the HEC-RAS computational
engine dynamically recomputes the required time step during the simulation
based upon the Courant number specified.