Aug 5, 2019 Entrepreneurship TQ Midterm Exam
Aug 5, 2019 Entrepreneurship TQ Midterm Exam
Aug 5, 2019 Entrepreneurship TQ Midterm Exam
___ 35. What is the size of the arena where the entrepreneur’s business will play?
A. Refining process B. Market size C. Marketing Research D. None of these
___ 36. ___ selling the same product and are structured similarly.
A. direct competitors B. Indirect competitors C. free competitors D. None of these
___ 37. ___ do not offer exactly the same product type.
A. direct competitors B. Indirect competitors C. free competitors D. None of these
___ 38. What is the process of grouping similar or homogeneous customers according to demographic,
psychographic, geographical, and behavior?
A. Market Intelligence B. Psychographic Segmentation
C. Market Segmentation D. Demographic Segmentation
___ 39. ___ includes customer profiling , drives the entrepreneur on what correct strategies to employ.
A. Market Intelligence B. Psychographic Segmentation
C. Market Segmentation D. Demographic Segmentation
___ 40. ___ is also called socioeconomic segmentation.
A. Market Intelligence B. Psychographic Segmentation
C. Market Segmentation D. Demographic Segmentation
___ 41. What is the process of grouping customers according to their perceptions, way of life, motivations, and
A. Market Intelligence B. Psychographic Segmentation
C. Market Segmentation D. Demographic Segmentation
___ 42. Which of the following is the process of grouping customer according to their actions?
A. Behavior segmentation B. Demographic Segmentation
C. Psychographic segmentation D. None of these
___ 43. Which of the following is the most reliable and credible ways of getting relevant information from the target
A. FGD B. Observation C. Interview D. Online surveys
___ 44. ___ is the process of getting answer from a questionnaire blueprint found in the web.
A. FGD B. Observation C. Interview D. Online surveys
___ 45. ___ uses the purchase patterns of the customer.
A. FGD B. Observation C. Interview D. Online surveys
___ 46. What is commonly used by market researcher to capture qualitative results from target customers? It is
usually led by a moderator.
A. FGD B. Observation C. Interview D. Online surveys
___ 47. ___ is any physical good, service or idea that is created by an entrepreneur or an innovator in serving the
needs of the customers.
A. Market size B. Opportunity C. Product/Services D. Price
___ 48. ___ is the peso value that the entrepreneur assigns to certain product or service.
A. Price B. Product C. Place D. Promotion
___ 49. ___ refers to any location of the medium of transaction.
A. Price B. Product C. Place D. Promotion
___ 50. ___ is how the product or service is presented to customers.
A. Price B. Process C. People D. Packaging
58-65. Give a precise situation that will define each of the type of PRICING.
Analytic Rubric 5 3 1
Clarity clearly stated and Slightly Vaguely explained
understandable understandable
Content/ All important points Some points are not Lacking in thought
Comprehensiveness are discussed included
Accuracy Concise and well- Slightly redundant in lengthy yet winding
stated thought in idea
Grammar, spacing and No error Some errors are Severe in errors
Punctuation observable
Neatness No erasures and nicely Some erasures are Incomprehensible
written present