DLL-EntrepW10 2019

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DAILY LESSON LOG Department of Education Grade Level:11- ICT A.

11 EIM A 11 EIM B
Region III 11 FOOD A 11 FOOD B
Learning Area: Entrepreneurship
( Aug 5-9, 2019) SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: 1st Quarter

Teacher:Vivian V. Villacortes,RN,LPT


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrates The learners demonstrates The learners demonstrates
understanding of environment understanding of environment understanding of environment
and market in one’s and market in one’s and market in one’s
locality/town locality/town locality/town
B. Performance Standards The learner independently The learner independently The learner independently
creates a business vicinity creates a business vicinity creates a business vicinity
map reflective of potential map reflective of potential map reflective of potential
market in one’s locality/town. market in one’s locality/town. market in one’s locality/town.
C. Learning Competency/s: 4.4 Forecast the costs to be 4.5 Compute for profits; and 4.6 Create the company’s five
incurred CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0h-j-16 (5) year projected financial
CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0h-j-15 statements.

II. CONTENT Forecast the costs to be Compute for profits Create the company’s five (5) FIRST PERIODIC TESTS
incurred year projected financial
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from www.lrmds.gov.ph, www.google.com
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Internet access within the school vicinity; Personal Laptop; LCD projector,chalk amd board, graphic organizers
A. Reviewing previous lesson (3 minutes)
or presenting the new lesson Review of the pass lesson:
B. Establishing a purpose for (7 minutes) (10 minutes) (15 minutes)
the lesson
Prayer Prayer Prayer
House Rules House Rules House Rules
1.Attention towards the 1.Attention towards the 1.Attention towards the
speaker speaker speaker
2.Attitude towards teacher and 2.Attitude towards teacher and 2.Attitude towards teacher and
co-learners co-learners co-learners
3.Respect and abide the 4 3.Respect and abide the 4 3.Respect and abide the 4
Core Values of DepEd Core Values of DepEd Core Values of DepEd
4.Checking of attendance 4.Checking of attendance 4.Checking of attendance
Task 1:
Forecast the Cost Task 1: Task 1:Film Viewing
Image of the Day https://www.youtube.com/watc
C. Presenting (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes)
Examples/instances of new
lesson Task 2. Make A Lists Task 2. Oral Recitation Task 2. KWL Chart

Ask the learner’s to list down in Ask the learner’s ideas about
a ½ crosswise sheet of paper the topic
1. What do you see upon 1.What do you know about
looking at the images above? “Computing the Profit”?
2. What do you remember
about the forecast cost? 2. Do you think considering the
3. How forecasting cost helps importance of computing the
in entrepreneurship? profit of a business now adays Ask the learner’s ideas about
will enhance Philippine the topic
Economy? 1. What do you know about
“Creating the company’s five
(5) year projected financial
2. What do you want to know
about the “Creating the
company’s five (5) year
projected financial
3. Do you think learning to
“Create the company’s five (5)
year projected financial
statements.” will make the
entrepreneur more productive?

(Annotations Graphic
organizer in English
Reading and Writing)

D. Discussing new concepts (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes)

and practicing new skills #1
Task 3: Write a reflection Task 3: Write a reflection Task 3: Write a reflection
about about about
“Forecast Costs” In a ½ “Compute for profits” In a “Create the company’s
crosswise sheet of paper. ½ crosswise sheet of five (5) year projected
paper. financial statements.” In a
Rubrics as follows: ½ crosswise sheet of
3pts Format Rubrics as follows: paper.
5pts Understanding Definition 3pts Format
of Terms “Forecast Costs” 5pts Understanding Definition Rubrics as follows:
2 pts Idea Development of Terms of Profits 3pts Format
Total of 10 points. 2 pts Idea Development 5pts Understanding the
Total of 10 points. definition of creating the
company’s five year projected
financial statements
2 pts Idea Development
Total of 10 points.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes)
(Leads to Formative Task 4 Analysis on the Task 4: Think-Pair Share Task 4 Analysis on the five
Assessment) forecast costs The students will be year projected financial
1. Is there a relationship Group and they will assign a statement
between forecast cost and leader and a presenter. 1. Is there a relationship
entrepreneurship? “What is the effectiveness of between projected financial
computing for profits in statement and future business
business model in the enterprise?
Philippines in terms
G. Finding Practical Students summarize their Students summarize their Students summarize their
applications of concepts and understanding on Forecasts understanding on computing understanding on “Creating the
skills Costs for profits of business company’s five (5) year
enterprise. projected financial

H. Making generalizations Forecasting costs help in Understanding the importance “Creating the company’s five
and abstractions about the facilitating the entrepreneurial of computing for profits enable (5) year projected financial
lesson decision. the young entrepreneurs to statements” are undertaken so
have a positive outlook on that an entrepreneur can have
getting into business in the projected future investment.
I. Evaluating Learning (15 minutes) (15minutes) (15 minutes)
A. Diagnostic (Assessment for A. Diagnostic (Assessment for
Learning) Learning) A. Diagnostic (Assessment for
Task 5 Group Activity Task 5 Group Activity in a form Learning)
The learners will be asked to Role playing Task 5 Group Activity Human
form 4 groups which will be per Tableu
row DIRECTIONS: Directions:
Row1- create a song for 1. Form a group composed of 1. Form 4 groups
forecasting costs and present sixto ten members. 2. Assign a discussant
it in the class 2. Each group will think of a 3. The group will portray a
Row 2 - create a banat and let business type and will show to human tableau for the concept
the other members of the class the class how the particular of “Five years from Now? How
listen business will operate. do you see yourself”
Rowp 3 – write a rap song 3. The groups will then
about forecasting costs and demonstrate to the class how Rubrics
sing it in front of the class they will compute for the 40% Vision about the
Rowp 4 – Make a news outline earnings in a day. future/Relativity about the
about forecasting costs that is Examples of business types concept 30%
used by Food Processing Creativity/Originality
Students, EIM Students and Fruit stalls 30% Teamwork
ICT Students Sari sari store 100% Total
(Annonation News Outline Restaurant
related to Journalism)
Content(5) Content 10
Coherence(5) Presentation 15
Relevance (5) Discipline 15
Mechanics(5) Total of 40 points
Total (20)ROUP2 GROUP3
J. Additional activities for ASSIGNMENT/ ASSIGNMENT/ ASSIGNMENT/
application or remediation AGREEMENT: AGREEMENT: AGREEMENT:
The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
students to prepare for the students to prepare for the students to prepare for the
activity for the next day. activity for the next day. First Periodic Tests.

A. No. of learners who earned 11- ICT A -50 11- ICT A -49 11- ICT A -52
80% on the formative 11 EIM A -40 11 EIM A -39 11 EIM A -40
assessment 11 EIM B -39 11 EIM B -37 11 EIM B -39
11 FOOD A -38 11 FOOD A -37 11 FOOD A -38
11 FOOD B-39 11 FOOD B-40 11 FOOD B-39
B. No. of Learners who 11- ICT A -7 11- ICT A -8 11- ICT A -5
require additional activities 11 EIM A -4 11 EIM A -5 11 EIM A -4
for remediation 11 EIM B -4 11 EIM B -6 11 EIM B -4
11 FOOD A -5 11 FOOD A -6 11 FOOD A -5
11 FOOD B-4 11 FOOD B-5 11 FOOD B-4
C. Did the remedial lessons 11- ICT A -7 11- ICT A -8 11- ICT A -5
work? No. of learners who 11 EIM A -4 11 EIM A -5 11 EIM A -4
have caught up with the 11 EIM B -4 11 EIM B -6 11 EIM B -4
11 FOOD A -5 11 FOOD A -6 11 FOOD A -5
lesson. 11 FOOD B-4 11 FOOD B-5 11 FOOD B-4
D. No. of learners who
continue to require NONE NONE NONE
E. Which of my teaching Inquiry based teaching Inquiry based teaching Inquiry based teaching
strategies worked well? Why strategy,visualization and strategy , visualization and strategy ,cooperative learning
did these work? cooperative learning cooperative learning. and visualization

F. What difficulties did I No difficulties encountered. No difficulties encountered. No difficulties encountered.

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or Planned Innovation Planned Innovation Planned Innovation
localized materials did I Localized news composition Contextualized localized role Local song composition
use/discover which I wish to playing Poetic literary piece
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


SHS Teacher II SHS Assistant Principal II

Noted by:


Principal III

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