GL Tech Guide
GL Tech Guide
GL Tech Guide
General Ledger
Technical Guide
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Publication Information
Release: Infinium General Ledger Release 14.0
Publication Date: May 2009
Document Number: 20090407080045
Table of Contents
Intended audience
Purpose of this guide
Organization of this guide
Conventions used in this guide
Related documentation
Intended audience
This guide is for the Infinium General Ledger (Infinium GL) technical
personnel who perform system management tasks.
Use this guide as a reference at your site and also to complement the
instructor’s presentation during a portion of the Infinium GL Technical course.
This reference and training document combines the technical information into
parts. Each chapter includes the following:
Function keys
Infinium AM function keys and universal Infinium GL function keys for the
IBM System i are described in the following table. All Infinium GL function
keys are identified at the bottom of each screen.
A selection screen, similar to Figure 2, is the screen from which you select a
record or records to perform an action.
When we first explain a task in this guide, we fully document how you access
a prompt and selection screen. If a related task uses that prompt or selection
screen, we include the prompt and selection steps in that task. However, we
do not include the screens again.
Promptable fields
A plus sign displayed next to a field indicates that you can choose your entry
from a list of possible values. Place the cursor in the field and press F4 to
display a list of values.
Position the cursor at the desired value, type 1 and press Enter.
Type the value in the appropriate field.
The table below lists Infinium names and the corresponding product
abbreviations that are associated with this product.
Application Abbreviation
Application Abbreviation
Related documentation
For further information about Infinium GL, refer to the following documents:
Topic Page
Course information
The purpose of this course is to provide you with basic technical information
that will assist you with establishing, converting, customizing, and
maintaining your Infinium GL system.
Course agenda
Control files
Entity Controls
Sequential Numbering Overview
Company Controls
Chart of Accounts Controls
Infinium RW considerations
Infinium RW Files
Macro Rebuild Program Flow
Rebuilding Account Macros
Recreating All Macros
Budget processing
Budget Journal Structure
Budget Processing
Budget Journal Processing Data Flow
Converting Budgets
Infinium GL system overview | 1-5
C o n tro l
P r o c e s s in g R e p o rts
F ile s
J o u rn a l S ta n d a rd
E n ti ty
P ro c e s s i n g R e p o rts
B ud g e t In fi n i u m
C odes
P ro c e s s i n g R e p o rt W ri te r
A llo c a ti o n
C o m p a ny In fi n i u m Q u e ry
P ro c e s s i n g
C o m p a ny C u rre n c y
G ro u p s P ro c e s s i n g
C h a rt o f In tra c o m p a n y
A c c o u n ts P ro c e s s i n g
P a re n t In te rc o m p a n y
A c c o u n ts P ro c e s s i n g
G e n e ri c P e ri o d E n d
C o m p o n e n ts P ro c e s s i n g
Ye a r E n d
S e c u ri ty
P ro c e s s i n g
T ra n s c o d i n g
Major components
Control files
Control files
Control files are used to set up the basic structure of the Infinium GL system.
Entity controls
Entity controls define global defaults and controls.
Code values
System codes define various system attribute values.
Company controls
Company controls define the companies within the Infinium GL system.
Chart of accounts
The chart of accounts is the account hierarchy used within Infinium GL.
When you convert an existing system to Infinium GL, it creates a translation
table for referencing the old system's accounts to the Infinium GL accounts.
Company groups
A company group is a grouping of Infinium GL companies that are processed
as a unit.
Security is established to control access to the companies, accounts and
fields within Infinium GL.
Major components | 1-7
Journal processing
Data is entered into journals either manually through the Infinium GL system
or from a foreign subsystem. If a foreign subsystem interfaces with Infinium
GL, the data is converted through a user-modified Infinium conversion
Journal entries are posted to the ledger as either monetary or statistical
Recurring journals
Journal entries that are entered on a recurring basis can be included at pre-
determined times during journal processing.
Budget processing
You can create, modify and list various types of budgets. Budget processing
files are available to Infinium RW.
Allocation processing
You can create journals for allocating amounts from one account to other
accounts based on percentages and/or ratios.
Currency processing
Infinium CM is used for foreign currency processing. Infinium GL can
maintain balances in multiple currencies.
A variety of reporting methods for both standard and customized reports are
available in Infinium GL.
Standard reports
Infinium GL provides the capability to automatically generate a variety of
standard reports.
Infinium RW
Infinium RW is a report generator that is provided with Infinium GL for
creating customized reports, such as consolidated reports for your Infinium
GL companies.
Infinium QY
Infinium QY provides the capability to create and generate reports using any
Infinium files.
Concepts and terminology | 1-9
This section contains Infinium and Infinium GL concepts and terminology that
you should be familiar with before proceeding to the remaining parts. These
terms and concepts are used throughout the Infinium GL system.
Control files
Control files contain various user-defined default values and system
parameters that are required to operate the Infinium GL system.
Entity refers to information and controls that are applicable to the entire
Infinium GL database. You define entity controls once, regardless of the
number of companies defined in your database.
For each code type, you can assign one or more valid code values.
Examples of code values that you might assign to the code type AYR are the
accounting years 2005, 2006, and 2007.
Infinium provides the code types. In most cases, users define the code
values. A few code values, such as those for account use, are defined by the
Parent accounts
Parent accounts are used specifically to build an account hierarchy. Once
defined, a parent account is attached to each general ledger account on the
chart of accounts.
For example, if you have a parent account called Cash, you would have that
parent account on all of your general ledger cash accounts to group all of
your bank accounts together.
Masking is a technique for selecting multiple accounts for a function. You
enter specific values to define the basic elements of your selection criteria
and use asterisks as wildcards to specify that Infinium GL is to select all
occurrences of the masked components.
A range is a group of consecutive accounts that has a beginning and ending
point. The beginning and ending points are inclusive.
A macro is a logical grouping of accounts used in Infinium RW for account
selection. Macros are often created using masks or ranges.
User fields
User fields are fields that Infinium GL provides to help meet your specific
processing needs.
Translation tables
Infinium GL uses translation tables to associate non-Infinium GL accounts
with Infinium GL accounts.
A journal is a grouping of detailed transaction records that must be in
balance. Each journal consists of one header record and an unlimited
number of detail records.
A batch is a grouping of journals that includes data for the same time period.
Currency processing
Infinium GL provides the ability to process and report financial information in
foreign currencies. The system provides functions that revalue financial
balances, translate financial data, and remeasure financial data. The Infinium
CM system is used to provide translation information.
Multi currency
Multi currency allows a company to maintain transactions in currencies other
than the base or secondary currency. Currencies that are other than the base
or secondary currency are referred to as foreign currencies.
Revaluation is the process of recalculating the value of a foreign balance at
the current exchange rate. Infinium GL automatically posts gain/loss values
to the revaluation gain/loss account.
1-12 | Chapter 1 Introduction
Dual currency
Dual currency allows you to maintain two ledgers in two different currencies
per company. You can enter journals in either currency. Typically, the system
automatically converts the base currency to the secondary currency or
converts the secondary currency to the base currency. Optionally, you can
choose to enter a currency to one ledger without updating the other ledger.
Remeasurement is a feature of dual currency processing that allows you to
recalculate account balances from the base currency into the secondary
currency or from the secondary currency into the base currency at period
end. Infinium GL posts gain/loss values to remeasurement gain/loss
Translation is the process of converting the currency balances of one
company to another company with a different currency. Account balance
translation translates the account balances at the end of a period.
You can create a translation set to link the GL company and the translation
company and to identify the translation adjustment account. You can
translate monetary and/or statistical amounts. Budget translation is not
Transcoding is used to post financial information from one or more
companies to another company called the transcode company. This can be
used to satisfy governmental regulations that require reporting based on legal
companies, to accommodate different account structures, or to consolidate
accounts for management reporting. Multiple accounts can be transcoded to
a single transcode account.
Transcoding creates journal entries that go through the same accept and
post process as regular journal entries.
Allocation processing
Allocation processing distributes an origin amount to one or more target
accounts based on appropriate percentages or ratios. The allocation process
creates journal entries that use the same accept and post process as regular
Concepts and terminology | 1-13
journal entries. Allocations are used for monetary and/or statistical amounts
and can also be used with budgets.
Intracompany processing
Intracompany processing involves transactions within one company.
Intracompany processing allows for divisional accounting by maintaining
multiple sets of balanced books within a single company. Intracompany
processing creates journal entries that use the same accept and post
process as regular journal entries.
Intercompany processing
Intercompany processing involves transactions between two or more
companies for the purpose of keeping the companies in balance.
Intercompany processing creates journal entries that use the same accept
and post process as regular journal entries. Infinium GL can be set up to
automatically balance journals using a predefined table.
Chapter 2 Defining Control File
This chapter includes a brief overview of the major control files that define the
basic components of the Infinium GL system. This information is included in
the course to make you aware of the control file settings that often lead to
user questions.
Topic Page
The controls that must be defined before you can use the Infinium GL
Company definitions
The chart of accounts hierarchy
Entity controls overview, GLPET | 2-3
Entity controls are global attributes for the Infinium GL system that define and
control various system components.
The entity control attributes are stored in the Entity Control file, GLPET.
Note: Entity controls must be defined before you can process data in Infinium
2-4 | Chapter 2 Defining Control File Attributes
Files updated
Menu option
Figure 2-1: Work With Entity Control GL System Definition selection screen
Entity controls overview, GLPET | 2-5
You should define the entity control attributes in the sequence they appear
on this screen. This ensures that all attribute considerations have been
Type 5 in the appropriate Opt field to select the attribute that you want to
display or modify.
Note: After entity controls have been initially set up, Infinium GL displays the
attribute screens in protected mode. To update the fields on an attribute
screen, you must press F23 once that screen is displayed.
The Base Data screen is used to specify basic information about your
Infinium GL system.
This is the currency code that Infinium GL uses as a default for all companies
on the system. The currency code must exist as a value in the code table for
code type CUR.
2-6 | Chapter 2 Defining Control File Attributes
The value in the PC file transfer method field determines the type of file
transfer method that Infinium GL uses to upload and download data. Infinium
GL supports only IBM Client Access AS/400.
The Minimum records scope field specifies the number of records in the
Chart of Accounts file, GLPCT that Infinium GL reads to locate records
that satisfy the selection criteria.
The Maximum percentage scope field specifies the percentage of the
Chart of Accounts file, GLPCT that Infinium GL reads to locate records
that satisfy the selection criteria.
When reading records, Infinium GL uses the larger of the two options and
displays a window if the scope value is reached. The window gives the user
the option to continue or stop searching.
Date format
The date format specified in this field is used throughout the Infinium GL
Edited date
Account user fields are alphanumeric fields that you can use to group specific
accounts in Infinium RW macros.
Account user fields provide the ability to select accounts that cannot be
selected with either masks or ranges.
To produce a report that lists all accounts associated with product ABC:
2 Type the value ABC in the Product user field for each account that is to be
included in the macro.
These fields control the length of the data values that the user can type into
the account user fields. The user must type at least the minimum number of
characters, but cannot exceed the maximum number of 10 characters when
entering data into the fields.
The value in the Min field cannot be less than 1 or greater than the Len
The value in the Max field is fixed at 10 characters.
This field identifies a user-defined program that Infinium GL calls to edit data
that a user enters into the account user field. Infinium GL performs the edit
when the user types a value and presses Enter on the Work with chart of
accounts screen.
The Account User Field Exit program, GLGUFF, is a shell program provided
by Infinium for user-generated account user field exit programs. You can
modify this program to meet your specific needs.
A value of 1 in this field instructs Infinium GL to verify that the values typed
into the user field match code values established for that field.
These codes are set up using the Work with code values function.
The code types for account user fields are A01 through A04.
Required Field?
A value of 1 in this field instructs Infinium GL to verify that the user types a
value into this user field when adding an account record.
Entity controls overview, GLPET | 2-9
4 alphanumeric
2 numeric
1 date
A date field called Sales-date could be defined to identify the date that a sale
is made.
2-10 | Chapter 2 Defining Control File Attributes
You can specify a value into the Len field for alphanumeric fields only.
Numeric and date fields are fixed length fields. The following field lengths
apply to transaction user fields:
This field applies to numeric fields only and is fixed at 2 decimal positions.
These fields control the length of data values that a user types into the
alphanumeric transaction user fields. A user must type at least the minimum
number of characters, but cannot exceed the maximum number of 10
characters when entering data into the fields.
The value in the Min field cannot be less than 1 or greater than the Len
The value in the Max field is fixed at 10 characters.
This field identifies a user-defined program that Infinium GL calls to edit data
that a user enters into the transaction user field. If a user exit program is
specified, Infinium GL performs the edit when a user types a value and
presses Enter during journal entry and also during proof processing.
A value of 1 in this field instructs Infinium GL to verify that the values typed
into the user field at journal entry time match code values established for that
These codes are set up using the Work with code values function. The code
types for transaction user fields are U01 through U04. Code values can be
assigned to alphanumeric fields only.
Entity controls overview, GLPET | 2-11
Required Field?
A value of 1 in this field instructs Infinium GL to verify that the user types a
value into this user field when adding a transaction record.
The Journal Controls and User Exit Programs screen provides the capability
Journal entries that contain invalid or inactive account numbers can either
be posted to a suspense account or the posting process can be halted.
Remove zero dollar journal detail lines encountered during the accept
Specify how the system handles journal auditing. Specify whether the
Does not perform journal auditing
Audits only header changes
Audits both header and detail changes
Assign user-defined programs that perform special processing at the
following points within the journal processing procedure:
Before a journal is accepted
Before posting occurs
After posting occurs
A value of 1 in this field indicates that invalid journal entries are posted to a
suspense account.
A value of 1 in this field indicates that zero dollar journal detail lines
encountered during the accept process should be posted.
A value of 0 in this field indicates that zero dollar journal detail lines
encountered during the accept process should be removed.
Entity controls overview, GLPET | 2-13
A value of 0 in this field indicates that the system should not keep audit
records for additions, changes, and deletions to journals.
A value of 1 in this field indicates that the system should create audit records
for journal header additions, changes, and deletions.
A value of 2 in this field indicates that the system should create audit records
for journal header and for detail additions, changes, and deletions.
The following are examples of the types of tasks that can be performed with
user exit programs:
Special calculations
Additional validation procedures
Routines for writing to a non-Infinium subsystem
Generation of special data files for reporting purposes
A value of 0 in the Enable chart of reporting? field prohibits the use of chart of
reporting hierarchies.
Last used id
The Last Used id is an internal counter that displays the last component
identification number that Infinium GL assigned to a new reporting
component in the chart of reporting hierarchy.
Note: If you enable currency processing at the entity and company levels,
you must use Infinium CM.
The Last report number field displays the report number that Infinium GL
assigned to the last report created in Infinium RW. Infinium GL uses this
number to track reports.
This field controls whether or not the system uses dynamic storage in the
Rebuild account macros function, as follows:
You can use transcoding to post financial information from one or more
companies to another company called the transcode company. This can be
used to satisfy governmental regulations that require reporting based on legal
companies or to consolidate accounts.
Enable transcoding?
If you type 1 in the Enable transcoding? field, transcoding fields and prompts
will display throughout Infinium GL.
WARNING! Once you have enabled transcoding and have posted any
journals, do not disable transcoding. Disabling transcoding after journals
have been posted may result in corrupted data.
The Allocation Controls screen determines the handling of accept and post
activity for allocation journals.
Entity controls overview, GLPET | 2-19
Key points
Journal Processing
Budget Processing
Infinium RW
Query Interface Reports
Actuals, GLPWA
Budgets, GLPWB
Note: If you elect to use the weekly reporting feature, this could have a
considerable impact on disk space utilization.
2-20 | Chapter 2 Defining Control File Attributes
Note: If the Maintain debit/credit balances? field is set to 1 and at least one
company is set to 1 for the corresponding debit/credit field, Maintain
debit/credit balances? cannot be changed back to 0.
Entity controls overview, GLPET | 2-21
If you use Infinium PA, you ordinarily enter all project-related transactions in
Infinium PA. You can then transfer the transactions to Infinium GL as
described in the Infinium PA documentation.
You can also enter project-related transactions in Infinium GL, and transfer
these transactions back to Infinium PA.
Accepts only valid Infinium PA project IDs and related project values
during regular journal entry, mass journal entry, uploading journals from a
spreadsheet, and entry of recurring journals. Refer to the Infinium GL
Guide to Processing and Reporting.
Displays project accounting data in the Infinium GL interactive trial
Prints project accounting data on the following reports:
Proof Input Journals
Accepted Input Journals
M-T-D General Ledger
Y-T-D General Ledger
2-22 | Chapter 2 Defining Control File Attributes
Processed Journals
Selective G/L Ledger
Job Costing Analysis
General Ledger Report (Query Interface)
Job Costing Analysis (Query Interface)
Caution: Once you activate the interface with Infinium PA, Infinium GL uses
only Infinium PA project identifiers (job code values) and no longer uses any
existing Infinium GL job code values. In addition, project related data that you
enter or update in an Infinium GL journal is not passed back to Infinium PA
unless you type 1 in the Transfer to PA field.
For more information about using Infinium PA with Infinium GL, refer to the
Infinium GL Guide to Controls, Infinium GL Guide to Processing and
Reporting, and the Infinium PA documentation.
You use Work with parent accounts to create, maintain and delete parent
accounts. Parent accounts are defined specifically for use with Infinium
Financial Manager.
Infinium GL
Infinium PL
Infinium AR
In conjunction with Infinium FP, Infinium GL provides you with the ability to
sequentially number monetary journals for auditing purposes. If you use this
feature, the system assigns a unique number to each monetary journal when
it is posted.
The particular needs of your organization determine how you implement this
For Infinium GL, you can set up sequential numbering for monetary journals
only. The document type for monetary journals is MJRNL. In addition, you
can specify journal source code values as subtypes.
For further information about this feature, refer to the Infinium GL Guide to
Processing and Reporting.
Company controls overview, GLPCN | 2-25
The company controls function provides the capability to define the attributes
for each company in the Infinium GL system. These attributes include:
The Company Controls file, GLPCN, consists of one record per company.
Files updated
Menu option
You should define the attributes in the sequence that they appear on this
screen. This will ensure that all attribute considerations have been
Note: Currency and Weekly controls are displayed on this screen only if they
are enabled in entity controls.
2-28 | Chapter 2 Defining Control File Attributes
This field is used to control the allowable periods in which Auto accrual
journals can reverse. Either 12 or 13 accrual periods are available.
The Current accounting year and Current accounting period fields contain the
default year and period that Infinium GL uses for any input batches created
Company controls overview, GLPCN | 2-29
for the company. Infinium GL uses these fields in journal processing and user
You can perform year end processing only for the current year specified in
this field. The year must exist as a value in the codes table for code type
Suspense account
Infinium GL uses the suspense account in the Accept and Post process when
an invalid account is encountered.
The suspense account must exist in the chart of accounts before it can be
entered on this screen.
You type the retained earnings account in this field after defining it in the
chart of accounts. Infinium GL cannot perform a year end close if a value is
not entered in this field.
The value entered in the Job code name field is displayed as a prompt on the
Journal Entry screen. Infinium GL uses the job code to group transactions by
specific jobs or projects.
Intercompany processing?
The Account Structure screen is used to define the account structure that
Infinium GL uses for a company.
Note: Once your account structure and accounts are defined, you cannot
change the structure.
Fill Char
The fill character specifies the character that Infinium GL uses when
resolving account numbers that are typed using a keying shortcut.
The Adjust field determines the character adjustment of the component when
Infinium GL resolves the account number from a keying shortcut. The first
component is always right justified.
Company controls overview, GLPCN | 2-31
Generic Combination
This field specifies if and how accounts from the chart of accounts can be
combined with generic accounts, from the Generic Accounts file, to
automatically create new accounts at journal entry time.
Alternate Sequence
The Alternate Sequence fields allow you to define two alternate reporting sort
sequences for your chart of accounts.
Note: Once you have set up alternate sequences for a company, the only
way to change them is by using the option Mass change alternate sequences
within the chart of accounts control file functions.
The Report Controls screen specifies the totaling options for various reports
that are based on the account components.
Print Heading
You specify totals for the normal account sequence and alternate sequence
A and B. For each sequence, you specify whether the system should
maintain totals by account component for the specific type of account, A, L, I,
E (Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenses).
The budget names entered in the Current budget, Current plan and Current
forecast fields are existing budgets. You can enter variables in Infinium RW
reports to use the values entered on this screen.
The specified budgets must be defined in the Work with budgets function.
The Budget Quarter Controls allow you to budget by quarter. For each period
you specify the appropriate quarter.
Company controls overview, GLPCN | 2-33
To define the source and reference information for the journals that
Infinium GL creates for this company from Infinium RW and/or Lotus
To activate debit/credit support for this company
If you specify 1 in this field, the system maintains debit and credit balances in
addition to monetary balances for this company. To activate this field, the
Maintain debit/credit balances? field on the Balance Controls screen of Work
with entity controls must be set to 1.
You can use the Purged History screen to display purged history data for a
You can use the Period Controls screen to define and monitor period and
posting information.
You can use the Intracompany Processing Controls screen to define the
intracompany accounts for a company.
You can use the Currency Controls screen to define currency information for
a company. Infinium GL displays this screen only if currency processing is
enabled on the Entity Control record.
Note: If you enable currency processing for any company, you must use
Infinium CM.
The Historic rate type field refers to an exchange rate type that is defined
within Infinium CM. This field identifies the rate type that Infinium GL uses to
translate the balance of an account, which has the Translation method field in
the Chart of Accounts record set to 1, into a reporting currency used by the
The Current rate type field refers to an exchange rate type that is defined
within Infinium CM. This field identifies the rate type that Infinium GL uses to
translate the balance of an account, which has the Translation method field in
the Chart of Accounts record set to 2, into a reporting currency used by the
The revaluation process also uses this rate to revalue an account that has
the Revalue field in the chart of accounts set to 1.
Company controls overview, GLPCN | 2-37
The Average rate type field refers to an exchange rate type that is defined
within Infinium CM. This field identifies the rate type that Infinium GL uses to
translate the balance of an account, which has the Translation method field in
the Chart of Accounts record set to 3, into a reporting currency used by the
This screen and the screen on the next page define control information for
multi-currency processing.
The Journal entry rate type field refers to a rate type that is defined in
Infinium CM. This field identifies the rate type that Infinium GL uses to
convert foreign journal entries into the base currency during journal
2-38 | Chapter 2 Defining Control File Attributes
On this screen you can press F6 to create a record for each currency that
you want to revalue.
Within each record you specify the revaluation gain and loss accounts for
each foreign currency entered.
Company controls overview, GLPCN | 2-39
The Transcoding Controls screen contains the controls that Infinium GL uses
during the transcoding process for this company.
Transcoded company?
Transcode to company
Infinium GL uses this screen to define the weekly reporting format for this
This screen lists the characteristics of the document selected for display on
the previous screen. You use this screen to assign a number series to this
document type.
Chart of accounts overview, GLPCT | 2-43
Files updated
Menu option
Posting limits
You can establish posting limits for both debits and credits entered to this
Restricted to journals
You can enter values for the account user fields that are defined on the Entity
Controls record. If an account user field is defined as required, you must
enter a value on this screen.
You can use these fields to specify a time period for which this account is
valid. If both of these fields are blank, the account is always valid.
Chart of accounts overview, GLPCT | 2-45
Permit Intercompany?
Account use
Monetary (M)
Statistical (S)
Both (B)
Non-posting (N)
Account type
Asset (A)
Liability (L)
Income (I)
Expense (E)
Permit budgets?
A value of 1 in this field specifies that this account can be used in budgets.
Permit generics?
A value of 1 in this field specifies that this account can be combined with
generic accounts to create new accounts.
If you specify a currency code that is not the base or secondary currency,
Infinium GL restricts the account to journals of the specified currency. You
cannot change the currency code after entries have been posted to the
2-46 | Chapter 2 Defining Control File Attributes
Translation method
The Translation method field should contain one of the following values:
Figure 2-34: Work with Chart of Accounts screen with Dual Currency Details
This chapter includes information on the shell program that Infinium provides
for converting the chart of accounts data from your existing general ledger
system to Infinium GL.
Topic Page
After completing this chapter you should have a basic understanding of the
chart of accounts conversion process.
Basic information about the chart of accounts conversion program | 3-3
Files updated
Caution: GLGCCT is only a shell program; therefore, you must provide the
technical information that describes your data and special processing
instructions to Infinium GL. Do not modify this or any program directly in the
GL2000 program library. Copy it to the Infinium GL Custom library, GLCUST,
for modification. You cannot compile GLGCCT in its current state.
Note: Infinium GL system upgrades may include new fields that relate to the
conversion of the chart of accounts. Therefore, you should compare the
GLPCT file layout in the Defining Control File Attributes chapter to the
GLGCCT program to be certain that all fields are initialized properly and are
included in the program as needed.
3-4 | Chapter 3 Converting the Chart of Accounts
Conversion considerations
The conversion process is a coordinated effort between you and your users.
Before modifying the conversion shell program, you must know basic
information about the conversion including the following:
Post-conversion recommendation
When all accounts are successfully converted, you can use the Purge chart
of accts audit log function to purge records from the GLPCU file. This
function is discussed in the “Managing Disk Space” chapter.
Chart of accounts conversion program structure, GLGCCT | 3-5
for each
Initialize Yes
program Error
variables on input?
Read input Execute
record subroutine
Valid Print detail
Company? line on report
Re-initialize No
GLPCT fields End of file? A
C Yes
input account Print end
of report
B End
S ta rt A
C re a te ne w W ri te /up d a te
a c c o unt fro m e ntry to
o ld a c c o unt tra ns la ti o n ta b le
D e te rm ine p a g e
num b e r fro m
GLPET E xe c ute s ub ro utine
D e te rm ine fie ld
va lue s fo r End
D oes
U p d a te G L P C T
G L P C T re c o rd
re c o rd
e xi s t?
W ri te G L P C T
re c o rd
Start B
Yes 1
GLPCT record C
exist? End
Determine page
number from
Determine field
values for
Topic Page
Batch Control
Input Journal
Long Journal
Journal Totals Journal Exchange Description
Input Journal
Currency Detail
File Description
Files updated
Note: The Work with journals function does not create GLPCD records; they
are created during accept processing. However, the Work with mass journal
entry function does create GLPCD records.
Menu option
This screen displays records from the Batch Control file, GLPBT. Each
record that Infinium GL displays on this screen represents one batch. You
can press F6 to create a new batch.
Infinium GL derives the batch number from the Last Batch Number field,
ETBNBR, in the Entity Control file, GLPET.
Journal count
The number in the Journal count field specifies the number of journals that
are included in the batch.
A status value of SBM or ACT indicates that another user is working with the
batch. A blank status value indicates that the batch is available.
Creating or displaying a journal | 4-7
A value of ERR in this field indicates that the batch contains errors that will
prevent it from being accepted and/or posted.
Note: The Work with Journals function is limited to displaying journals with
fewer than 9,999 journal details. To work with journals that contain more than
9,999 journal details, you can use the Work with mass journal entry function.
This screen displays the fields on the Batch Control file, GLPBT.
Accounting Year/Period/Week
Specify the accounting year, period, and week (if weekly reporting is
enabled) that this batch will update.
You can specify any year, period, and week for which your user ID has
Manual Tape
You can type manually calculated totals for the batch in the Total journal and
Dr/Cr totals fields to validate the totals that Infinium GL generates. If the
4-8 | Chapter 4 Loading Journal Input Files
system-calculated totals do not match the manually entered totals, the batch
is placed in error.
To select a journal to display or work with, type 5 in the Opt field and press
Type 7 in the Opt field and press Enter to copy a journal to a recurring
Press F6 to create a new journal
Press F5 to copy/reverse an existing journal into the batch
Press F7 to copy a recurring journal into the batch
Creating or displaying a journal | 4-9
Infinium GL uses the data entered on this screen to create a record in the
Input Journal Header file, GLPGH.
If you press F17 to add a long description, the description is stored in the
Long Journal Description file, GLPJD.
4-10 | Chapter 4 Loading Journal Input Files
This screen displays the system-calculated totals for the journal. Optionally,
you can enter manual totals for the Total distributions and Dr/Cr total
Infinium GL places the journal in error if the manual tape and system
calculated totals do not match.
Creating or displaying a journal | 4-11
The Journal Details screen is used to display or update data on the Input
Journal Detail file, GLPGX.
The job code name, defined as “Project” on the Base Data screen of the
Work with company controls function, is used for the Job Costing Analysis
You can define the transaction user fields (in this example, Invoice,
Customer, Units, Vendor, Salesperson, Commission, and Contracted) in the
Work with entity control function.
Converting history
Interfacing from Infinium and non-Infinium subledgers
4-12 | Chapter 4 Loading Journal Input Files
Input Journal
Subledger Subsystem
Subledger Long Journal
Data Progam Journal Interface Description
Pass data
via 9
Input Journal
Currency Detail
Start B
Initialize No Create
program new batch?
environment (BTBNBR=0
Parm 1)
Yes Perform Program
QQEND = 1? Create Batch
(Parm 9) Header
(Diagram #6)
(Diagram #2)
No Create
Yes Create new journal?
new batch? (GHJRNL=0
(BTBNBR=0 Parm 2)
Parm 1)
No Create Journal
Restore saved (Diagram #3)
batch header
fields to GLPBT
Create Journal
(Diagram #4)
Yes Create
new journal?
(GHJRNL=0 Save copy of
Parm2) records/numbers
for batch &
No journal header
Restore saved
journal header Return control,
fields to GLPGH leaving program
and files open
B End
Start A
First Auto Run proof
batch to be B accept on? (Parm 7) for last
processed? Journals exist? batch
Yes First Run proof,
journal to be accept and post
processed? for last batch
Retrieve next
Update last available batch
journal header number
to 'E'
Update last
batch header
batch header
Start A
Yes No Long
journal descr.
journal to be
(Parm 4)
journal detail
Increment batch
and journal
header counters
batch type? A
amount? A
Create Currency
(Diagram #5)
Initialize GLPCD
record based on
(Parm 6)
A No
Retrieve next
converted amount
array element
(Parm 5)
Initialize GLPCD
with converted
converted amts A
to process?
B No
Start A
Yes No
First Auto
journal to be Run proof
accept on? (Parm7)
processed? for last batch
Journals exist?
No B
Update last
batch header
These parameters:
To use this API, you must be sure that your calling program contains code for
the following:
Input specifications for the four externally defined data structures and for
the Journal Long Description record
An initialization of the control fields as required for the current session, for
example initializing field BTBNBR with zeroes to create a new batch
A detail data transfer loop that contains initialization of appropriate
parameter fields and a call to program GLGFSI, passing the nine
When the transfer is complete, a final call to program GLGFSI to shut
down GLGFSI and the Infinium GL files. To shut down GLGFSI, move 1
to QQEND, Parameter 9, before calling GLGFSI.
4-20 | Chapter 4 Loading Journal Input Files
The file sizes specified in the input specifications allow for record size
expansion in future releases.
The following tables illustrate specific field values that your calling program
can pass to GLGFSI. Program GLGFSI assigns values for all other fields,
ignoring values passed by your program. To see the values that GLGFSI
assigns, refer to the “Field Values Assigned by Program GLGFSI” appendix.
Program flow for GLGFSI | 4-21
JDDESC OPT Long journal Additional 800 bytes to further identify the
description journal
The following table summarizes the GLPCD records GLGFSI creates based
on the number of CDRCD occurrences passed in Parameter 5.
Number of CDRCD
occurrences in parameter 5 GLPCD Records created by GLGFSI
Number of CDRCD
occurrences in parameter 5 GLPCD Records created by GLGFSI
For information on using Infinium CM, please refer to the Infinium CM Guide
to Setup and Processing.
Sample programs
Infinium provides you with the following sample programs that illustrate
methods for calling GLGFSI:
The pages that follow contain flow diagrams for these programs as well as an
overview of the recovery procedure contained in program XXGGLI.
Please refer to the “Sample Programs for Calling GLGFSI” appendix for
source code listings of these sample programs.
You can pattern your programs after these sample programs as appropriate
for your subledgers.
Start c
New No
Initialize fields month or NEWBCH=0?
year? (new batch)
Read Move zeroes
input record to BTBNBR, Send message
GHJRNL, and batch/journal
NEWBCH creation in
End Initialize batch
of E header fields
Read next
input record
journal header A
Validate record fields
for inclusion in
End of File Processing
Load journal
detail fields
Transfer D Call GLGFSI to
to GL? close files
Call GLGFSI to
transfer data to
Yes GL files
This recovery approach uses field XXCODE in the subledger file to identify
whether data transfer has already been attempted or completed. XXCODE
can contain the following values:
Type of How
request identified How processed: XXCODE/action
Start A
Initialize Validate
variables (call GLGAPI)
Initialize Account Write error
test data valid? message
Begin Load journal
processing detail fields Yes
More journal
Initialize batch Set up
header fields converted
Move '1' to
Initialize Call GLGFSI to
journal header transfer data to
fields GL files RUNFSI
Call GLGFSI to
close files
Topic Page
Ac c e p t
G L G 3 P c a lls A c c ept
P r o c e s s in g P ro o f No
P re -a c c e p t P ro g ra m E nd
( D r iv e r P r o g r a m P ro g ra m E rro rs ?
U s e r E x it G LG G HA
P ro g ra m
Y es
E nd
P o s t P r o c e s s in g G L G 1 P c a lls P o s t in g G L G 2 P c a lls
(J o b C o n tro l P re -p o s t U s e r P ro g ra m P o s t -p o s t U s e r E nd
D e t a il s ) E x it P ro g ra m G L G TH M E x it P ro g ra m
Tra n s c o d e T ra n s c o d e
Y es G L G 3 P c a lls P re - No
P r o c e s s in g J o u rn a ls P ro o f P ro g ra m a c c e p t U s e r E x it E rro rs ? A
A c c ept?
( D r iv e r P r o g r a m P ro g ra m G LG G HP A P ro g ra m
G LG G H A2 ) G L G TR C
Y es
E nd E nd
P u rg e
A c c ept G L G 1 P c a lls P o s t in g G L G 2 P c a lls
Ye T ra n s c o d e d
A P ro g ra m P os t? P re -p o s t U s e r P ro g ra m P o s t -p o s t U s e r E nd
s B atc hes
G LG G HA E x it P ro g ra m G L G TH M E x it P ro g ra m
E nd
Accept processing
The Proof Input Journals program, GLGGHPA, performs the following for
each batch:
Edits the batch header, journal headers and journal details
Deletes system generated journal details created in the balancing
routine of a previous proof
Updates journal totals as appropriate
If suspense processing is enabled, creates a suspense record for
each journal detail in error if applicable
Edits currency distribution records, GLPCD, and creates records as
Balances monetary journals including the following, as appropriate:
Verifies journal balance by processing currency
Creates intercompany balancing entries in GLPGX
Verifies journal balance by company/currency combinations,
including base and secondary currencies
Verifies intracompany balances
Creates intracompany balancing entries in GLPGX if specified in
company controls
Creates exchange rounding entries in GLPGX
5-4 | Chapter 5 Journal Posting Process
Note: If the value in the Post zero dollar transactions? field on the entity
controls is 0 and the transaction is a zero dollar transaction, the program
does not create the transaction detail record, GLPTX, and the program
deletes the input journal detail record, GLPGX.
Post processing
Post processing is controlled by job control details that call the following
The Call Posting Pre-execution program, GLG1P, calls the posting pre-
execution user exit program, if specified in the Entity Control record.
The Post program, GLGTHM, processes each batch as follows:
Sets CDSTS to 2, for each currency distribution record, GLPCD,
associated with a posted transaction detail record
Accept and post process | 5-5
Transcode processing
The Post journals & close period function performs post processing as
described earlier in this chapter, with the following exceptions:
The Post program, GLGTHM, selects data based on the accounting year
and period, and optionally on the company, instead of by batch.
Program GLGTHM closes the period based on the postings fields defined
on the company controls, as described below.
Note: Auto reversal entries must be posted through the Post journals & close
period function.
Menu option
Infinium GL displays this screen when you select the Period Controls
attribute from the Attribute Selection screen in Company Controls.
You can define the values in the Postings Per Period fields to specify the
number of times you anticipate running the Post journals & close period
function for each period.
If you do not want to use the Postings Per Period fields to control rolling the
period forward, set this field to 35 for each period. In this case, you can use
one of the following methods to roll the period forward:
You can use the Work with company controls function to manually roll the
period forward.
You can use the Mass change company controls function within the
Company Control File Functions to programmatically roll the period
Postings to date
The Postings To Date field displays the number of times Infinium GL has
performed the Post journals & close period operation for this company.
When the value in the Postings To Date field equals the value in the
Postings Per Period field, Infinium GL rolls the current period on the
Company Control forward to the next period.
Direct postings
The Direct Postings field indicates the number of Accept and Post operations
performed within the period for this company.
5-8 | Chapter 5 Journal Posting Process
The journal posting process executes accept and post user exit programs as
well as user exit programs for transaction user fields.
The following batch user exits are available with respect to accept and post
The names of these exit programs are specified on the Entity Control User
Exit Programs screen.
Batch user exit programs must accept the key for the Task Coupling file,
GLPLC, as a parameter.
Batch errors
If a user exit program encounters an error in a batch, you can post all but the
batch in error by using the batch number fields LCBNB1 through LCBNB6 on
the Task Coupling file. To eliminate a batch that is in error, blank the batch
number in the appropriate field. Be sure that your batch user exit programs
check all six of the batch number fields.
The Task Coupling file has only six batch number fields. To submit more than
six batches to post, write more records to the Task Coupling file. Each job on
the job queue will have six batches.
Batch user exits | 5-9
Your exit programs may not have the same effect when they are called by
the Post journals & close period function. This is true because Post journals
& close period is not submitted by batch number.
During mass journal entry processing or any function that performs proof
processing, the transaction detail validation program, GLGVGX, calls user
exit programs defined in Entity Controls for your transaction user fields.
Note: Your user exit programs can update any of the transaction user fields
as applicable. However, changes to any other transaction fields are ignored.
If your transaction user exit program returns an error to the calling program,
the journal is marked in error. In this case, the journal detail is not eligible for
5-10 | Chapter 5 Journal Posting Process
Batch Batch Status *
Batch Batch
Control Control Control
Interactive Balance
Trial Balance GLPWA
Proof Input
Batch Control
Currency Detail
File descriptions
The table below summarizes files updated as a result of accept and post
File Description
The Batch Control record contains the Batch status field, BTSTS, which
indicates the current status of the batch and prevents concurrent update of
the batch.
P Accepted
Menu option
If a batch was executing when the problem occurred, journals may have
been partially updated. This function uses the value in the Delete flag field,
GHDLT, to determine whether journals were partially updated and must be
After the Update batch control flags function resets journals in a batch, you
can complete the batch recovery by running the Accept & post journals
option or the Post journals & close period option, as follows:
Rerun the Accept & post journals option if the batch displays in the
selection list for Accept & post journals.
Run the Post journals & close period option if the batch does not display
in the selection list for Accept & post journals.
WARNING! Exercise care when resetting the batch control flag. Changing
the flag so that it does not match actual circumstances will lead to
unpredictable results.
You should change a status value of E to blank only if the batch was
abnormally interrupted during processing. Never change a status of P to
blank, because this status indicates that the batch has completed posting.
5-16 | Chapter 5 Journal Posting Process
Infinium PL, Infinium AR, Infinium PA, and Infinium FA are set up for the
Foreign Subsystem Inquiry function. The fields are set as follows:
Understanding the walkback process | 5-17
Infinium PL
Field Value
Infinium AR
Field Value
THPOST Contains a non-blank value
TXSN2 Contains the GL closing sequence number from the Infinium
AR field, GTGLCN, in the ARPGT file
Infinium PA
Field Value
Infinium FA
Field Value
Infinium FA
Field Value
Topic Page
Application programs that access the API Manager are less likely to be
affected by subsequent releases of Infinium GL than if they access the
specific APIs directly. To access new information in an Infinium GL release,
you simply recompile the application program over the new release.
Other than providing a means for creating generic accounts, the API
Manager does not provide for adding, changing or deleting information in
Infinium GL.
Note: If you create interfaces to Infinium GL, your user profile should be a
member of the S2KOBJOWNR group profile or should have *USE rights to
S2KOBJOWNR objects. This ensures that any objects you create have the
proper authority to access Infinium objects.
Overview diagram
account number
Resolve account
by page number
Subledger GLGCTC3
Create generic
Receivable API Manager
Chart of account
validity date
Check account
Infinium Fixed
GLGAPI activity
generic account
Application Account/company
level security
Read account
under mask
company number
The following two parameters are passed between the subledger program
and the API Manager.
The Control Data Structure, GLSCTL, remains the same regardless of the
information that is being accessed. The general data structure varies
depending on the particular request.
Note: The lengths of the data structures in your subledger programs must
match the API Manager data structure lengths to avoid overwriting program
The fields in data structure GLSCTL are illustrated in the following table.
The tables on the following pages explain how to populate these fields for
each type of request.
6-6 | Chapter 6 Validating Data from Non-Infinium Subsystems
The table below provides additional detail about the API Manager parameters
for reference code 01.
Input parameters
The table below provides additional detail about the API Manager parameters
for reference code 02.
Input parameters
The table below provides additional detail about the API Manager parameters
for reference code 03.
Input parameters
The table below provides additional detail about the API Manager parameters
for reference code 04.
Input parameters
QZRET Return Code 0 Account is valid for this date (no errors)
1 Account is not valid for this date (errors encountered)
QZRES Reason Code 00 Date is valid
01 Year is less than valid year
02 Year is greater than valid year
03 Period is less than the valid period for the year
04 Period is greater than the valid period for the year
QZMID Message ID Returned message ID if applicable (if QZRMT = 1)
QZMSG Message text Returned message text if applicable (if QZRMT = 1)
6-10 | Chapter 6 Validating Data from Non-Infinium Subsystems
The table below provides additional detail about the API Manager parameters
for reference code 05.
Input parameters
The table below provides additional detail about the API Manager parameters
for reference code 06.
Input parameters
The table below provides additional detail about the API Manager parameters
for reference code 07.
Input parameters
Input parameters
Input parameters
The table below provides additional detail about the API Manager parameters
for reference code 08.
Input parameters
Program GLGCM2 is designed to remain active and leave files open when it
returns control to the calling program. The calling program can use the
QZCND parameter to specify whether to search from the beginning of the
GLPCT file or from the current record in GLPCT. When processing is
complete, the calling program can use QZCND to close program GLGCM2.
Resolve/edit company number, reference code 09 | 6-19
The table below provides additional detail about the API Manager parameters
for reference code 09.
Input parameters
This example illustrates a request using reference code 01. The parameters
are data structure GLSCTL, which is defined as QQCTL, and the general
data structure parameter, which uses file GLPCT and is defined as QQCTC.
** Define control data structure
** Resolve/Edit GL account
After GLGAPI returns control, the QQCTC data structure contains the
account number information for the requested account.
Sample program
You can pattern your program requests for GLGAPI services by copying the
sections of code that pertain to the specific function to be performed.
6-22 | Chapter 6 Validating Data from Non-Infinium Subsystems
Chapter 7 Performing Supervisory
Topic Page
You can use account level security to restrict users from or to specific
accounts. Assigning account level security is a two part process:
Note: Infinium GL Security Groups are separate and distinct from Group
User Profiles in Infinium AM. A Group User Profile assigned to a Security
Group will not grant security to its member user profiles.
Files updated
Menu option
Type the name of the security group that you want to display or modify.
You add companies to the group by pressing F23, placing a character in the
Opt field of each company to include, and pressing Enter to add the selected
companies to the security group.
The value in the Secured from or to field specifies the type of account
security for users in this security group.
After you create the security group, you assign the security group to the
appropriate users.
Assigning application and account security | 7-7
You implement application security within the Infinium GL system at the user
level. Security information is stored in the Infinium GL User Definition file,
If you have access to the Work with user security controls function, you can
maintain application security for any other user that has:
The security level of a user is maintained in the Infinium AM User Control file,
Restricting access
All functions
By company, if security groups are set up
By account
Journal and budget maintenance only
By current period
By a specific number of preceding months (0 - 13)
By a specific number of succeeding months (0 - 13)
By certain source and/or reference codes
7-8 | Chapter 7 Performing Supervisory Functions
File updated
Menu option
Figure 7-5: Work With User Security Controls user selection screen
Type 5 in the Option column next to the appropriate user and press Enter to
select the user for which you want to apply security.
Assigning application and account security | 7-9
Figure 7-6: Work With User Security Controls attribute selection screen
Key points
Type 5 in the Option column next to the appropriate attribute(s) and press
Enter to select the type of security you want to apply.
You should define the security attributes in the sequence they appear on this
7-10 | Chapter 7 Performing Supervisory Functions
Figure 7-7: Work With User Security Controls - Base data screen
You define a default account number and default translation table on this
screen. In addition, you specify whether to enable AutoPost at Mass journal
entry and whether to display account descriptions in journal entry.
Default account
The default account is used as a keying short cut for entering account
numbers during journal entry.
Assigning application and account security | 7-11
Figure 7-8: Work With User Security Controls - Company & account screen
On this screen you assign a security group to which the user is restricted.
The security group contains the companies and/or accounts for which the
user has authority.
Figure 7-9: Work With User Security Controls - Chart of reporting screen
7-12 | Chapter 7 Performing Supervisory Functions
On this screen you can restrict the user to a reporting company group.
A reporting company group contains the reporting company(s) for which the
user has access when using Infinium RW Component Reporting, also known
as Chart of Reporting.
Figure 7-10: Work With User Security Controls - Accounting period screen
On this screen, you restrict the user's access to specific accounting periods
for journal entry purposes.
Restrict to periods?
Type 1 to restrict the user to the periods specified in the Preceding periods
and Succeeding periods fields.
Preceding Periods
Succeeding Periods
The values you type into the Preceding periods and Succeeding periods
fields are based on the current period value in Company Controls. They must
refer to periods within the same accounting year.
If you type 1 in the Restrict to periods? field and type 0 in these fields, the
user is restricted to the current period.
Figure 7-11: Work With User Security Controls - Journal security screen
On this screen you can enable the user to override journal processing
restrictions that otherwise apply to this user in the assigned security group.
You can also specify restricting the user to processing journals that have
specified source and reference codes, and you can indicate the user's mode
of entry for debits and credits.
If either of the following bypass fields is set to 1, the user can view and select
accounts from the entire chart of accounts when prompting for account
numbers in Infinium GL journal-related functions.
If this field is set to 1, the user can create and update journals bypassing the
company and account security defined in the security group assigned earlier
in these controls. The user is still subject to security set within a specific
account such as year and period limits.
The following functions and options are affected by this field: Work with mass
journal entry, Work with journals, Work with recurring journals and, within the
first two of these, the Copy to recurring journal option.
7-14 | Chapter 7 Performing Supervisory Functions
If this field is set to 1, the user can proof, accept, and post journals bypassing
the company and account security defined in the security group assigned
earlier in these controls. The user is still subject to security set within a
specific account such as year and period limits.
The following functions are affected by this field: Proof input journals, Accept
and post journals, and Accept input journals.
You can use masks and ranges; however, you cannot use masking when
specifying a range.
Debit/Credit Entry
This field determines how the user can enter debit/credit amounts in journal
entry functions and whether the user can make correcting debit/credit entries.
This field is accessible only if the Maintain debit/credit balances? field on the
Balance Controls screen of Work with entity controls is set to 1.
If this field is set to 1, the user can enter debits and credits during journal
entry for the following functions:
Setting this field to 1 also allows the user to enter normal debit and credit
entries as positive amounts and enter correcting debit and credit amounts as
negative amounts in the above journal entry functions.
Assigning application and account security | 7-15
On this screen you restrict the user to an intercompany group and define a
default intercompany table.
These restrictions are in effect at journal entry time only. They do not apply to
7-16 | Chapter 7 Performing Supervisory Functions
Figure 7-13: Work with User Security Controls - Infinium RW security screen
If you set the Allow user to change field to 1, the user can override the default
run option.
Recalculating account balances and resetting transcoded journals | 7-17
WARNING! Many local factors can affect how to perform a successful recovery.
Before using either Recalculate account balances or Reset transcoded journals,
do the following:
If the account balances for a company become corrupted, you can run the
Recalculate account balances function, RECALCAB, to recreate monetary,
statistical, numeric, user field, debit, and credit balances.
Transaction records were purged by use of the Purge journal & summary
files function
The following quick reference table shows six different scenarios for
recalculating a company’s account balances and, if applicable, for resetting
that company’s transcoded journals.
RECALCAB processing
Files updated
Menu option
This function clears balances in the GLPGL and GLPWA files and calls the
Post program, GLGTHM, to rebuild balances from the GLPTX file. If
transcoding is enabled, this function also performs transcode processing by
calling program GLGGHA2.
You can use this function to create debit and credit balances for a company.
7-22 | Chapter 7 Performing Supervisory Functions
RTJ processing
The Reset transcoded journal function, RTJ, uses the Reset Transcoded
Files program, GLGBRF2, to reset the Transcode Complete flag in the
Transaction Header file, GLPTH.
File updated
Menu option
This function resets the Transcode Complete field, THTCMP, to 0 for the
journals that match the criteria you specify on this screen. A field value of 0
makes journals available again for transcoding.
7-24 | Chapter 7 Performing Supervisory Functions
Once the program creates the new database, you must create a new version
in Infinium AM that accesses the new library.
Note: The person submitting this function must have authority to use the
CRTLIB command.
Menu option
The system defaults the current library in the From database library field. You
must complete the To database library field with the library you want to
create. The new database library must not exist because the program
creates it.
All other fields are optional. However, to copy only a portion of the production
database, Infinium recommends that you copy by company group or
Note: When using transcoding you should use a company group to include
both the GL and transcoded companies.
7-26 | Chapter 7 Performing Supervisory Functions
Chapter 8 Infinium Report Writer
Topic Page
File Description
Account Macros
Read Macro
Definition record Macro Definition
Account Yes
in FNPMP Write/delete
Macro Explosion Macro Explosion
Macro? FNPME
record FNPME
EOF on
The Rebuild account macros function incorporates changes for accounts that
were created or modified in the Work with chart of accounts function into
existing macros. Infinium GL writes these new or modified accounts to the
Chart of Accounts Audit Log file, GLPCU.
The program that Infinium GL uses to rebuild macros is the Rebuild Account
Macros program, FNIRAM. To rebuild account macros, Infinium GL does the
After all FNPMP records have been processed for the current GLPCU
record, FNIRAM enters a value of A in the posting field, CUPOST, in the
Chart of Accounts Audit Log file.
After all GLPCU records have been processed, the New Account Re-
explosion program, GLGFMR, reads the GLPCU file. For records that
have an A in the CUPOST field, GLGFMR changes the value to P.
The Rebuild Account Macros program, FNIRAM, uses the CUACTN field to
identify the account maintenance type as new, changed or deleted, as
8-6 | Chapter 8 Infinium Report Writer Considerations
1 Add account
2 Delete account
3 Change account
The rebuild program excludes a macro from the rebuild process if it meets
any of the following criteria:
Note: To assure optimum rebuild efficiency, you should rebuild your macros
daily during off-hours.
Files updated
Menu option
Caution: During the rebuild process, Infinium RW and the Chart of Accounts
functions should not be used. However, you can run the various Journal
Processing functions and Accept and Post functions.
When you run the macro rebuild process, consider the following:
1 The Rebuild account macros function may run for an extended period of time.
The duration depends upon the following factors:
The number of records in the GLPCU file in which the CUPOST field is
The number of macros
How frequently you run the Rebuild account macros function
The Rebuild account macros function should be run nightly for optimum
The setting for the Use dynamic storage? field in the ReportWriter Entity
Control screen
Specifying 1 in this field results in improved run time for the rebuild job
but can slow down the system for other users.
Specifying 0 in this field results in more database access but uses less
memory to process the rebuild job.
2 If you add account user fields to your Chart of Accounts file, be sure to create
the macros that use these user fields before running the Rebuild account
macros function.
You can run the Recreate all macros function from the Supervisor Functions
menu to recreate your account macros if they become misaligned as a result
of any of the following:
1 Clears all accounts from the Macro Explosion file, FNPME, except for multi-
select macros (METYP value of M)
b Reads the Chart of Accounts file, GLPCT, to find all of the accounts that
qualify for each FNPMP macro definition read
d Places a P in the CUPOST field for every record in the Chart of Accounts
Audit Log file, GLPCU
Caution: If you cancel this job, it re-executes from the beginning when you
restart the recreate function.
Files updated
Menu option
WARNING! Use this function only when necessary because it could possibly
run for days. The run time is a function of the total number of macros, records
in FNPMP, the total number of Infinium GL accounts, records in GLPCT, and
the complexity of each macro.
Recreating all macros | 8-11
Caution: Infinium RW and the Work with chart of accounts function should
not be used during the recreate macros process. However, you can run the
various Journal Processing functions including Accept and Post functions.
8-12 | Chapter 8 Infinium Report Writer Considerations
Chapter 9 Understanding Budget
Topic Page
Budget processing
Converting budgets
Files involved and their relationships
Budget journal structure | 9-3
Budget Batch
Budget Input
Journal Header
Budget Input
Journal Detail
File Description
During interactive budget entry, the system updates budget files, as follows:
Interactive budget entry is done through the Work with budgets option, which
is the only function that creates a budget header.
Work with budgets does not provide an audit trail of budget updates.
Files updated
Menu option
Type the company for which you want to view or modify the budget.
Type 5 in the Opt column next to the appropriate budget and press Enter to
select the budget to display or modify.
9-6 | Chapter 9 Understanding Budget Processing
This screen displays when you press F6 from the previous screen.
On this screen, you can create a new budget header record, GLPBH.
Interactive budget entry | 9-7
If you type 1 in this field, the Work with budgets function allows no changes
to dollar amounts for the budget. However, the Work with budget journals
function can be used to make changes to the budget's dollar amounts.
9-8 | Chapter 9 Understanding Budget Processing
Select the budget detail that you want to display or modify. Specify whether
you want to work with budget records for a year, period, or week (if weekly
reporting is enabled at the entity level).
This screen displays budget detail information for the account selected on the
previous screen.
9-10 | Chapter 9 Understanding Budget Processing
Files updated
Menu options
You must create a budget header before you can perform Budget Journal
Type 5 in the appropriate Opt field and press Enter to select the Budget
Journal with which you want to work.
9-12 | Chapter 9 Understanding Budget Processing
Reference code
The Reference code is an optional field that further identifies the budget
Manual tape
You can type a manually calculated total for the batch in the Manual tape
field to validate the totals generated by Infinium GL.
Accounting year/Period
You can type any accounting year and period to which you have authority.
The batch is posted to the specified year and period.
Budget journal processing | 9-13
Type 5 in the Opt column next to the appropriate journal to modify an existing
budget journal.
Each budget journal header record has an 800 byte Expanded description
Infinium GL displays manual and system generated totals on the lower third
of the screen.
Budget code
Work with
Post Budgets
Budget Journals
Create Budget
Budget Input GLPBO Transactions
Journal Header
GLPBJ Delete
Create Budget
Budget Input GLPBQ Transactions
Journal Detail
GLPBK Delete
Budget Balance
Budget Batch
Header GLPBO
Detail GLPBQ
Budget Balance
Master GLPBX
File Description
File Description
Converting budgets
You can convert budgets into Infinium GL using one of the following
By converting into the Budget Batch Control file, GLPBB, Budget Input
Journal Header file, GLPBJ, and the Budget Input Journal Detail file,
GLPBK and then posting to the Budget Balance Master file, GLPBX.
GLGCBX reads each record in the input file and creates one Budget
Balance Master record per account number. If multiple input records exist
for the same account number in the same budget, this program updates
one record instead of creating a new record for each input record.
For each budget account, enter 1 in the Budget used field, CTBUSD, in
the Chart of Accounts file, GLPCT. You must do this to use the account in
Infinium ReportWriter.
Note: If you are converting a budget, you should use the Work with budgets
function to manually create a budget header record (GLPBH) in Infinium GL
before converting the budget.
9-20 | Chapter 9 Understanding Budget Processing
Conversion considerations
The conversion process is a coordinated effort between you and your users.
Before choosing and modifying a shell conversion program, you must know
the following:
Programmatically with a conversion program
Flow diagrams are provided on the following pages for each budget
conversion shell programs.
Note: Programs GLGCBJ and GLGCBX are only shell programs. Before
making any modifications, copy the shell program to the Infinium GL custom
library GLCUST, where you can modify it to match your input data and
processing needs.
Caution: Infinium GL system upgrades may include new fields that relate to
the conversion of budget data. Therefore, you should compare the file
layouts at the end of this chapter to the conversion program to be certain that
all fields are initialized properly and are included in the program as needed.
Budget journal conversion program structure, GLGCBJ | 9-21
for each
Start B
Initialize GLPBJ
record Read next input record
for each
Read input record
Update budget detail
fields GLPBX
End of No
D Does Write
exist? record
No Yes
Valid Update GLPBX record
Print detail line on
No report
header exist? D
Read next input record
B End
Topic Page
To utilize disk space efficiently, you should periodically perform the following
maintenance procedures:
Purge files
Clear selected physical files
Reorganize files
Purging files
To purge Infinium GL and Infinium RW work files, run the Purge journal &
summary files option.
GLPWAH for Purge program
GLGTHPG Purge Transaction Files program
GLGGLPG Purge Summary program
GLGPG Driver program for calling GLGWAPG, Purge Weekly
Balances program
GLPWA After Purge program
Files updated
Menu option
When you run this purge function, Infinium GL performs the following:
Because the purge function clears the target files prior to data transfer, you
should be sure your current target files are saved off-line prior to running a
10-6 | Chapter 10 Managing Disk Space
2 Transfers each record from the data files to the target files and then deletes
the records from the data files.
3 Reorganizes the data files to remove deleted records after the data transfer
is completed.
All data prior to and including the year/period you specify is purged.
You can purge detail records without purging summary records. You can also
include or exclude intercompany transactions.
The table below illustrates the data files that Infinium GL purges, the target
files that Infinium GL creates and the criteria for purging the data.
After the purge process creates these target files, you should save these files
to tape and clear the target files, as described in “Saving Purged Data” later
in this chapter.
Caution: To purge summary records, GLPGL, for a particular year, you must
purge detail records, GLPTX, through Period 14 for that year.
You should consult your application users to determine the frequency that the
purge operation is performed, as this has a direct impact on data available for
reporting. Infinium recommends that you keep a minimum of two years of
summary data and one year of transaction detail data.
You should monitor the growth of these files on a regular basis to assure that
the purge frequency that you select is appropriate.
After running the purge function, you should run the function Save purged
data to tape and then clear the target files.
WARNING! Because the purge function deletes and then recreates target
files prior to data transfer, you should be sure your current target files are
saved off-line prior to running the next purge.
Menu option
After you save the purged data to tape, you should clear the GLPGLH,
GLPTHH, GLPTXH GLPPSH, GLPCDH, and GLPWAH files with the Clear
Physical File Member command, CLRPFM, to recapture the space on the
Purging the chart of accounts audit log | 10-9
You can purge records from the Chart of Accounts Audit Log file, GLPCU,
based on a date range.
File updated
Menu option
Purging the Chart of Accounts Audit Log file has no effect on the Rebuild
account macros function because the rebuild function processes records for
which CUPOST is blank (not processed).
Purging batch prompt data | 10-11
This function purges and reorganizes files that the system uses to process
batch jobs and to show the last selected values on the prompt screen.
File updated
Menu option
The Purge through date should not include any date for which submitted jobs
have not run.
Purging journal audit data | 10-13
This function purges the files that are used for journal auditing.
Files updated
Menu option
This function clears the GLPJA, GLPJX, GLPBA, and GLPBU files based on
the submission criteria you enter.
Clearing selected physical files | 10-15
You can clear the following files by using the IBM Clear Physical File Member
command (CLRPFM):
Clearing this file prevents users from displaying and referencing reports.
Reorganizing files
After purging data, run the Reorganize application files function to optimize
disk space utilization. This procedure reorganizes Infinium GL and Infinium
RW work files.
Menu option
After running the reorganize function, check the report that Infinium GL
generates to verify that the reorganization ran properly.
Reorganizing files | 10-17
Do not use the job log to determine the success of the reorganization as it
may not give an accurate account of the reorganization process.
10-18 | Chapter 10 Managing Disk Space
Chapter 11 Interfacing with Client
Access System i
Topic Page
Prerequisites 11-3
Setting up your system 11-4
Formats for uploading and downloading files 11-7
11-2 | Chapter 11 Interfacing with Client Access System i
Before using Client Access System i to perform the tasks described in this
manual, you must ensure that the following prerequisites have been met:
This subfolder has all files that are uploaded to or downloaded from
Infinium GL.
This subfolder contains all files that have been downloaded from Infinium
Note: When configuring Client Access System i, make sure that all
appropriate users have authority to this GL2KFLR folder on the System i.
See the “Prerequisites” section listed above.
11-4 | Chapter 11 Interfacing with Client Access System i
Follow the basic steps shown below to set up your system files for use with
Client Access System i.
2 Modify the PC batch or configuration file. See your IBM Client Access
System i manual for details.
3 Ensure that executable (extension .EXE) programs are located in the proper
4 Create an optional batch file to allow access to Lotus 1-2-3 or Excel from the
Infinium GL Client Access System i menu.
If your directories differ from those listed above, substitute your directories in
the appropriate locations in the example below.
2 If you are using PC Support modify the configuration file to assign your virtual
drive to the GL2KFLR folder. See your IBM PC Support manual or Client
Access System i manual for details. This step is not necessary if you are
using Client Access/95.
3 Ensure that execution type programs (extension .EXE) are located in the
proper directories.
4 Optionally, create a batch file in the root directory called L123.BAT to access
Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS from the Infinium GL Client Access System i menu.
Note: The option to start Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows or Excel from within
Infinium GL is not available if the PC is running in the Windows environment.
You can use the WRKDIRE (Work Directory) command to enter these user
profiles into the System i system directory. A user profile with QSECADMIN
or QSECOFR authority may be required to use the WRKDIRE command.
Refer to your System i or PC Support documentation for more information on
using this command.
11-6 | Chapter 11 Interfacing with Client Access System i
Any other user profiles that will be using Client Access System i or PC
Support in Infinium GL must also be entered into the System i system
Note: Because PC Support and Client Access System i are IBM products,
direct questions that relate to their use to IBM customer support personnel.
Formats for uploading and downloading files | 11-7
You can upload input journal entries and budget journal entries. Additionally,
you can download information from the Interactive Trial Balance and Infinium
Before importing the downloaded file, you must adjust the size of the
columns of the Lotus 1-2-3 or Excel files that receive the downloaded data in
order to display the information correctly. If you are downloading from the
Interactive Trial Balance, adjust the size of the columns as indicated in the
following table:
To download information from Infinium RW, select Work with macro reports,
Work with COR reports, or Work with report groups depending on the
location of the report output you want to download.
Press F14 to download the report to a file in the GL2KFLR folder and FNPVD
subfolder. Type a valid filename. If you plan to import this file to Lotus 1-2-3
or Microsoft Excel, you must use the default file extension (.PRN).
A virtual drive links your PC to a folder on the System i. You store your
documents in the folder on the System i, similar to a directory on your PC.
You must use the folder GL2KFLR/FNPVD within your virtual drive to transfer
Infinium RW files to or from Infinium GL.
Before importing the downloaded file, you must adjust the size of the
spreadsheet columns in order to display the information correctly. Adjust the
size of the columns as indicated in the following table.
You can create and upload input journals to Infinium GL using any PC
spreadsheet application that creates a file in the DIF (Data Interchange
Format) or CSV (Comma Delimited Format) format. The columns for input
journals must have the following format:
Formats for uploading and downloading files | 11-9
You must use the 36-character column size for the account number,
regardless of the size of your actual account number.
If you include project information in columns K through M and Infinium
Project Accounting is activated in Infinium GL, the system validates the
Job Code as a project identifier, adding leading zeros if necessary.
You must save your Lotus 1-2-3 or Excel files in the Lotus 1-2-3 DIF file
format or CSV file format. Using Lotus look-alike DIF files will cause
unpredictable results.
The columns of the Lotus 1-2-3 or Excel files that provide upload data for
budget journals must have the following format:
11-10 | Chapter 11 Interfacing with Client Access System i
You must use the 36-character column size for the account number,
regardless of the size of your actual account number.
You must save your Lotus 1-2-3 or Excel files in the Lotus 1-2-3 DIF file
format or CSV file format. Using Lotus look-alike DIF files will cause
unpredictable results.
Appendix A Field Values Assigned by
Program GLGFSI
The “Loading Journal Input Files” chapter includes several tables that
illustrate the specific field values that your calling program can pass to
Topic Page
Overview A-2
Batch Control file, GLPBT A-3
Input Journal Header file, GLPGH A-4
Input Journal Detail file, GLPGX A-6
Currency Distribution file, GLPCD A-7
A-2 | Appendix A Field Values Assigned by Program GLGFSI
Program GLGFSI assigns values for all other fields, ignoring values passed
by your program. This appendix lists the values GLGFSI assigns for these
fields and is organized by the following files:
Note: These tables do not contain all fields. Only the fields for which GLGFSI
assigns values are included.
Batch Control file, GLPBT | A-3
Appendix B Sample Programs for
Calling GLGFSI
This appendix includes program source listings for the following sample
programs and sample reports:
Topic Page
Posting report