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J. P. Rizal St. Talisay City, Cebu





In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirement

In Practical Research II and Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Presented by

AMBASAN, Dimple Grace


MOLINA, Michelle Amor

PATA, Rudora


Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown, Incorporated

July 2016

A heartfelt appreciation to the following people who had contributed a lot in the

completion of this research.

To the Administrative Research Development Center for being so concerned for the

student’s future by giving us the opportunity to make this research which is a great help

for our development and educational attainment.

To Sr. Nory B. Espulgar, S.M. and Sr. Laresa Morasa, S.M, for their support and by

allowing us to use the available facilities necessary for our study.

Researchers would like also to express their sincere gratitude to Mr. Emerson

Peteros, Practical Research II instructor, for sharing his expertise in the quantitative

phase of our research.

A heartfelt gratitude to our III instructor Mr. Crislee Negrido who have been supportive

to us and of course for helping us for the completion of our research specifically in the

qualitative phase, and also for providing us the printed copy of our research.

A wholeheartedly acknowledgement to Mrs. Ma. Domnena I. Anog, SMS Academic

Coordinator for her full support and for giving us the chance to use one of the computer

units in the computer laboratory for encoding purposes.

A word of thanks to our Research Adviser, Mr. Reymundo Gonzales, for his priceless

support and for helping us search for the related literature and studies for our research

and for the laptop that he lends to us.

A heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Tirsa Merano, a BPP trainer, for the effort, time and full

support and who continue inspiring the researchers to pursue and complete this

research by helping us search for the related studies and literature for our research.

A full acknowledgement to Sr. Maureen Antido and for all the 23rd batch mother sisters

for understanding our situation every time we can’t cope with the schedule gives.

A special acknowledgement to the Almighty God who became the source of all human

knowledge and wisdom.


Panel of Examiners


Table of Contents





Theoretical Background and Framework

Statement of the Problem

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation

Definition of Terms


Related Literature

Related Studies


Research Design

Research Instrument

Validity of the Instrument

Research Environment

Population and Sampling

Respondents of the Study

Data Gathering

Statistical Treatment of Data


Interpretation and Analysis of Data


Summary of Findings







Choosing a Matrimonial Vocation is a great responsibility to hold on for it is a

perpetual commitment between man and woman. As what Rivera stated, Marriage

requires two who persist beyond disagreement, disappointment or other challenges,

determined to continue relating to one another.

This study focuses on the challenges encountered and opportunities availed by

the married employees in fostering their matrimonial vocation. It aims to describe the

challenges encountered and opportunities availed by the respondents. This study

utilized Exploratory Sequential research design wherein, phenomenological approach

was employed in the qualitative phase while correlational design is used in the

quantitative phase. In the first phase, researchers conducted an interview to the 10

married employees who were chosen purposively. In the second phase, researchers

constructed a survey questionnaire in a form of Liker’s scale through the data gathered

from the first phase. A Stratified sampling is used in selecting 20 respondents in the

second phase. Married employees challenges encountered in sending their children in a

prestigious school and in terminating the vices of their partner. Hence, respondents

were very affected by the challenges encountered in fostering their matrimonial vocation

with an average mean of 3.855. Moreover, respondents considered their stable job,

lifetime partner and their child/children as their opportunities. Respondents were very

much satisfied by the opportunities availed with an average mean of 4.38.

hypothetically, challenges encountered and opportunities availed has significant

relationship in fostering their matrimonial vocation with a Pearson-r value= 0.640,

described as Moderately Positive Correlation which means the more challenges

encountered the more opportunities availed. Therefore, Marriage Guidance Advocacy

Program is recommended by the researchers.

Keywords: challenges encountered, opportunities availed, matrimonial vocation




Vocation is a summon to a concrete state of life such as religious vocation, single

blessedness and married life. According to the definition from society for religious

vocations, vocation is literally meant a “call’ from God, and anyone has felt God’s call

the universal call to holiness.

Choosing a matrimonial vocation is a great responsibility to hold on for it is a

perpetual commitment between man and women. As what Rivera (2011) stated,

“Marriage re quires two who persist beyond disagreement, disappointment or other

challenges, determined to continue relating to one another.

According to Fromm, love is an activity, not a passive effect; it is a standing in;

not a falling for. In the most general way, the active character of love is primarily giving,

not receiving. In a matrimonial ceremony, ‘I do” and “till death us part” covers up the

giving of oneself to the spouse or wife forever yet without reservation.

Fostering a matrimonial vocation is important. It is the ultimate responsibility of

the tow through the encountered challenges and opportunities. At some point,

challenges and opportunities encountered in fostering the matrimonial vocation is

evident on the married employees in the Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown,

Incorporated; Talisay, Cebu.

Broken homes and divorces are concrete evidence of unhealthy matrimonial

vocation. Broken homes exist due to the harmed the way the parents expose examples,
lessons and forms right conduct and attitudes in their children and even in their selves.

Parents are considered to be the basic foundation of the family. According to Bramlett

an Mosher (2002), despite the almost uniform happiness and optimism of newlyweds,

must first marriages will end in divorce or permanent separation and the rate of

dissolution for remarriages is often higher (Cherlin, 1992). Furthermore, divorce is a

legal separation between the couple.

Therefore, this study aims to describe the challenges and opportunities

encountered by the married employees of the Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown,

Incorporate in fostering matrimonial vocation so that they will be able to sustain.

Marriage Guidance Advocacy Program is the recommendation given to bridge the gap

between the challenges and opportunities encountered by the respondents in fostering

their matrimonial vocation.



This study is anchored from Waring’s (1988) MARITAL


intimacy increases theories a couple’s relationship and family functioning. Edward

Waring (1988) also believes the way to increase intimacy is through cognitive self-

discipline involves revealing one’s needs, ideas attitudes, beliefs and regarding a

relationship. This does not need emotional disclosure where couples reveal their

feelings. Waring uses cognitive self-disclosure because he found out that when couples

are experiencing problems in their marriage, their feelings towards each other are often

negative. When couples shared negative feelings it often resulted in distance between
them. Therefore, the way to increase intimacy which increases satisfaction in one’s

marriage and family functioning is to disclose information through cognitive self-

disclosure. This as well connected to TRIANGULAR THEORY OF LOVE. This theory

attempts to define of a loving relationship, which was a research base theory developed

by Stenberg (2002). This theory describes three different dimensions that are often

seen in relationship. These three concepts are commitments, passion and intimacy.

Commitment, it is being a committed relationship, means making a conscious decision

to love one another and to decide to maintain that love despite any difficulties that may

arise. Passion, when passion is present in a relationship it motivates the couple to be

united with each other. Intimacy, in intimate relationship, each partner is willing to help

one another and they are willing to share their most private thought and feeling with

each other (Crooks and, 2014). Third, GOTTMAN METHOD COUPLES THERAPY this

theory was created by psychologist John Gottman and his wife (2000), is another theory

that tries to explain how couples can make their marriage better. With the use of this

therapy Gottman found that he could predict divorce with 91% accuracy by analyzing

seven different variables in a couple’s behavior (Butter,2016). In this theory, Gottman

describes seven principles that should be in a marriage in order to make it successful;

Enhance Love maps, this means that “couples are intimately familiar with each other’s

world”. ; Nurture fondness and Admiration, it pronounces that even though a partner

may became distracted by another’s personality flows, they still feel that the person they

married is worthy of honor and respect, ; Turn toward each other instead of away if the

couples turn toward another, it shows a basis of emotional correction, romance, passion

and good sex life and it means that they are helpful to one another, ; Let partners
influence each other, Gottman found that the happiest and most stable marriage were

those in husbands and wives treated each other with respect and shared power and

decision making; solve solvable problems, Gottman states that resolvable problems and

perpetual problems need to be identified and distinguished in order for couples to

develop coping strategies; Overcoming Grid, it normally happens when a partner has a

dream for their life and they do not feel that dream is being addressed or respected by

their spouse, in order to overcome gridlocks, one needs to express understanding and

interest in their partner’s dream; create shared meaning, in order to make this couples

develop in atmosphere where partners feel encouraged to openly discuss their opinions

or beliefs (Gottman and Silver,2000). Lastly, THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGE is another

theory which tries to explain how to make a marriage successful. It raised a couple

great points. Gary Chapman (2013), who developed this theory suggests that each

individual has their own way of feeling they are loved or what recalls, their love

language. He describes five different languages as follows: Words of Affirmation, it is a

positive acknowledging their personality or character; Acts of Service, when a partner

helps another; Receiving Gifts, a partner sees a gift as an expression of love it implies

thought, effort and expenses; Quality Time, this time does not need to be filled with

talking, it can just be any activity that focuses on being with each other; Physical Touch,

has an emotional power can be expressed by lovemaking, holding hands or kissing.

Chapman states that, the answer to keeping emotional love alive is learning and really

jibing with each other’s language.


This exploratory sequential mixed method research aims to describe

the challenges encountered and opportunities availed by the employees of the Sisters

of Mary School- Girlstown, Incorporated, in fostering their matrimonial vocation.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the challenges encountered by the respondents?

2. How do the respondents deal with the challenges encountered?

3. What are the opportunities that the respondents encountered?

4. What are the benefits from the opportunities in fostering their matrimonial vocation?

5. What significance do these challenges and opportunities contribute in fostering their

matrimonial vocation?

6. To what extent do these challenges affect in fostering matrimonial vocation of the


7. To what extent are the respondents satisfied by the opportunities encountered in

fostering the matrimonial vocation?

8. Is there a significant relationship between the challenges encountered and the

opportunities availed in fostering their matrimonial vocation?

9. Based on the findings of the study, what recommendations are given to bridge the

gap between the challenges and opportunities encountered by the respondents in

fostering their matrimonial vocation?


This study aims to describe the challenges and opportunities

encountered by the regular employees of the Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown,

Incorporated in fostering the matrimonial vocation.

These are the beneficiaries of the study:

Married Employees

The married employees will be aware of their relationship and they

can gain ideas on how to cope with the challenges that they may encounter sooner.

They’ll be able to understand each extenuate circumstances and live in better


Engaged Couples

They can an idea on how to strengthen their in the midst of challenges

through preparing their selves to the possible o the possible impediments that they may



They can take actions-laws and policies that can strengthen the family

as a basic unit of the society.


They can make programs that can enhance or strengthen the

matrimonial vocation of the couples.

Future Researchers

This study may serves as their preference in which they can get

information from this study related to their topic.


This study aims to describe the challenges and opportunities

encountered by the regular married employees (teaching and non-teaching staff) of the

Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown, Incorporated in fostering their matrimonial vocation.

The researchers will have the gathering of data in the said institution on the regular

married employees as the intended participants of the study, From June 14 to July 14,

2016. The researcher’s limitations in gathering the qualitative and quantitative due to

the following reasons:

Most of the regular employees in the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Incorporated are


Most of the respondents are occupied by their works during our free time.

The researchers could not meet the respondents easily for the in-depth interview due to

the fixed time schedule set by the founder of the institution.

Some of the respondents refused to be interviewed since they are not willing to

participate in our study and due to time constraints.


There is no significant between a fostered matrimonial vocation and

encountered challenges and opportunities.


 The encountered challenges and opportunities availed of the married employees

can affect in fostering their matrimonial vocation.

 The encountered challenges and opportunities availed can help the married

employees in fostering their matrimonial vocation.


Adaptive Processes are ways that is teaching couples a set of skills for resolving

problems and dealing with disappointments when they arise.

Challenges are the intrinsic and extrinsic hardships and difficulties that the married

employees encountered in their marriage.

Commitment is being in a committed relationship which means making a conscious

decision to love one another and to decide to maintain that love despite any difficulties

that may arise.

External Stressors are causes of stress wherein the root cause is not involving one’s

self. I could be caused by other factors like environmental factor.

Fostering is ways or act of making marriage stronger and better by having an intimate


Internal Stressors are causes of stress wherein the root cause is involving oneself.
Intimacy is the willingness to help ine another and they are willing to share thier most

private thought and feeling with each other.

Marriage Guidance Advocacy Program a set of enhancement activities and programs

done by the married couples to givr them some tips and guidance on how to develop a

strong and healthy marriage.

Matrimonial Vocation is a vocation chosen by some of the employees of tthe Sisters of

Mary School- Girlstown, Inc., Talisay City, Cebu.

Opportunities are the benefits and consequences acquired/availed by the married

employees from their challenges encountered.

Passion is one of the three concepts according to the Triangular Theory of Love that

are often seen in a relationship that motivates to the married couples to be united.

Unconditional Love is the fullest kind of love an individual strive for and it includes

intimacy, passion, and commitment among the married ouples



Related Literature

When couples were asked to rate the most important success in their

marriage and they generally point their most positive relationship yet the couples that do

this are the strongest and happiest with their relationship change, more positive and

more negative in some parts, happiest couple change their belief accordingly to

whatever aspects have declined must not be important after all (Neff and Karney, 2008).

As a result, global evaluation of marriage tend to be stable daily, that motivates to

protect but specific aspects perceptions in marriage tend to vary positive on good days

and less positive on bad days (McNutty and Karney 2007). Less positive perceptions

don’t disappear, even happy newlyweds believe that, their partners are not perfect (Neff

and Karney, 2003). Spouses can stay their relationship positive by generating spouses’

failings that limit any broader implications those failings may have. In any kind of

vocation, there would really be defective situations that serves as challenges and could

be an opportunity to foster their matrimonial vocation.

Despite the almost uniform happiness and optimism of newlyweds,

most first marriages will end in divorce or permanent separation (Bramlett and Mosher,

2002). It happens to have this result due to unhealthy matrimonial vocation. In most

cases, it represents a forcible and unwanted challenge in a highly valued belief,

emotional change and costly to the couple marital satisfaction tends to decline the
newlyweds even in marriages remain injured (Van Lanningham, Johnson and Amato,


Wives whose parents divorced when they were children and

husbands whose childhood family environments were highly negative, have more

difficulty resolving problems together and are at risk for declines in marital satisfaction

as a result (Storey, Karney, Lawrence, and Brad Bury, 2004). Parents are considered to

be the basic foundation of the family. Parents must do their ultimate responsibility

towards their children which includes exposing-excellent attitude and overwhelming

love, so as to foster their matrimonial vocation.

Those who encounter stressful circumstances will have a hard time

maintaining their relationships and among individuals encountering similar levels of

stress, the most at risk for relationship problems are the ones who also have numerous

enduring vulnerabilities. The encountered stressful circumstances that may be but, their

relationship into risk is considered to be one of the many challenges that help in

fostering their matrimonial vocation.

Related Studies

The definition of marital quality or unhealthy marriage we includes the

couples’ commitment to one another, the ability to communicate and resolve conflicts

effective, lack of domestic violence, fidelity, time together, intimacy and social support

(Moore et al., 2004).

As stated by Gottman and Levenson (2000), to foster skills and practices

that promote friendship and intimacy in the marital relationship, such as caring,

nurturing, verbalizing affection and appreciation, and disclosing intimate information is

another important general relationship emphasis. A critical buffer for couples when they

face challenges such as econokills in order to build intimacy in a matrimonial

relationships, so that if they encounter challenges they’ll not be hopeless in passing

those, for they have developed their capabilities in dealing those challenges.

Family history on marriage can also influence how their children deal with

their own marriage. According to Storey, Karney, Lawrence and Bradbury (2004), wives

whose parents divorced when they were children and husbands whose childhood family

environments were highly negative, have more difficulty in resolving problems together

and are at risk for declines in Marital Satisfaction as a result.

Conditions relevant to families in general include the strengths and

vulnerabilities each spouse brings to the relationship and conditions may be especially

critical for understanding and designing program of their financial circumstances, such

couples. Typically experiences more difficulties and stresses that can challenge the

maintenance of healthy relationship and marriages (e.g., Ooms and Wilson, 2004). To

maintain their matrimonial vocation strong and fruitful, couple should consider their

weaknesses positively instead of leading those weaknesses into threats and make them

realize that they could still experience sufferings within their relationship such as

emotional and financial sufferings within their capabilities and abilities.

Both couples in a matrimonial vocation must develop a significant skill that

would aid the encountered challenges into opportunities in fostering their vocation. Core

elements on healthy marriages are communication skills, conflict management skills,

effective anger and stress management, emotion regulation, and friendship building

skills (i.e., caring, nurturing, expressing affection, showing empathy attempts to

connect), (e.g., Alden-Baeaer, Higgin-Bothan, and Lamke, 2004; Broadway,2000;

Moore et al.,2004).

Beyond immediate family members, there is evidence that fostering

stronger relationships with external family and non-family networks can be beneficial

(Delongis, Capreol, Holtzman, O’brien and Campbell). As stated by Ganong and

Coleman (2004), a perceived lack of social support has a negative impact on the

marriage. Feeling supported and validated can have a positive impact on marital and

family functioning (Visher, 2001).

Creating a strong, intimate marital bond is important to establish in the

minds of the couple as well as in the minds of children (Cissna, Cox, and Bochnor,

1990). The children may be less likely to attempt to undermine the relationship if they

view new couple as a solidified team (Afifi, 2008; Cissna et, al., 1990).


Research Design

This study utilizes an exploratory sequential mixed research method

which expresses a straight forward relationship due to clear distinct stages, and

describes easier the challenges and opportunities encountered by the marries

employees in fostering their matrimonial vocation. Exploratory sequential research

method, consist of two distinct phases, the qualitative which is conducted first and

supported by the quantitative phase. In the qualitative phase, correlational design is


The research utilize the phenomenological approach in the qualitative

phase in order to describe the encountered challenges and opportunities in fostering

matrimonial vocation of the married employees

In the Sisters of Mary School- Girls town, Inc., Talisay City, Cebu with

the aid of an unstructured interview guide. In the quantitative phase, correlational study

is used, to determine the relationship between challenges and opportunities with the aid

of researchers- made instrument based from the themes generated in the qualitative

phase of the study.

The result of this study will be the basis for a proposed Marriage

Guidance Advocacy Program in order to bridge the gap between the challenges and

opportunities encountered by the respondents in fostering their matrimonial vocation.

Research Instrument

The first phase of the study, researchers used an unstructured

interview guide to describe the challenges and opportunities encountered by the

married employees in the Sisters of Mary School- Girls town, Inc., Talisay City, Cebu

through the face- to- face interview.

The second phase the researcher- made questionnaire to gather the

needed data for the quantitative phase of the study. The questionnaire contains about

questions on the extent to which the respondents are affected by the challenges and

opportunities encountered in fostering their matrimonial vocation. It has indicators which

were measured using the five- point scale namely: 5- very much affected; 4- very

affected; 3- affected; 2- less affected; 1- not affected.

Validity of the Instrument

The researchers-made instrument was subjected to the reliability and

validity test. To test the content validity of the instrument, the researchers used the test

for homogeneity of the items being scaled to measure construct byconsulting the

research adviser, Practical Research II teacher, Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

instructor and Guidance Counselor through comments and suggestions.

Research Environment

This study is conducted in the Sisters of Mary – Girlstown, Inc.,

Talisay, Cebu. It is composed of three buildings, three workshops and two gymnasiums.

The institution is a catholic private school run by the nuns. The researchers conducted

the study to describe the challenges encountered and opportunities availed by the
married employees in the Sisters of Mary School – Girlstown, Inc., Talisay in fostering

their matrimonial vocation.

Population and Sampling

The sample was drawn from 140 employees in the Sisters of Mary

School-Girlstown, Inc., Talisay City, Cebu. There are 40 married employees and 84

whose social status is single.

Qualitative phase: During this phase, purposive sampling is used in

selecting the married employees as the respondents of this study for they believed that

the completion of this study would b obtain from the married employees. Researchers

conducted an interview from the 10 married employees. After this phase, researchers

will proceed to the quantitative phase.

Quantitative phase: Researchers employed the stratified random

sampling in selecting the married employees as the respondents. In order to have a

proportional representation of the samples, researchers conduct a survey from another

20 married employees.

Respondents of the Study

All research participants were chosen purposively in the Sisters of

Mary School - Girlstown, Incorporated; Talisay, Cebu ; the married employees that is

composed of teachers, teacher aides, maintenance worker, bakery and kitchen workers,

doctors, drivers and security personnel. Qualified respondents are those who had

received the sacrament of Matrimony and are bound in the Sisters of Mary School -

Girlstown, Incorporated; Talisay, Cebu.

Table 1. The table below shows the respondents in the qualitative research.

1 Carpentry Worker

2 Teacher

3 Security Guard

4 Security Guard

5 Kitchen Worker

6 Teacher

7 Teacher

8 Bakery Worker

9 Teacher

10 Bakery Worker

Table2: The table below shows the respondents in quantitative phase


1 Dentist

2 Accountant

3 Carpentry Worker

4 Teacher

5 Carpentry worker

6 Teacher

7 Teacher

8 Kitchen Worker
9 Kitchen Worker

10 Teacher

11 Teacher Aide

12 Teacher Aide

13 Driver

14 Kitchen Worker

15 Nurse

16 Clerk

17 Security Guard

18 Teacher

19 Kitchen Worker

20 Kitchen Worker

Data Gathering

This exploratory sequential mixed method research aims to describe

the challenges encountered and opportunities availed by the married employees in

fostering their matrimonial vocation. Researchers take several steps to gather data.

During the preparation stage, researchers identified the variables based on the

agendum given (Challenges and Opportunities in nurturing a chosen vocation), followed

by creating a problem and specific questions. Researchers send an approval letter

signed by our PRII instructors and Research leader to the principal’s office to ask the list

of the employees. In the gathering stage, researchers administered the survey through

an in-depth interview to the married employees in the Sisters of Mary School -

Girlstown, Incorporated; Talisay, Cebu. Data will be organized and in the mixing

process, qualitative and quantitative data will be integrated during interpretation.

The result of this study will be the basis for the propose output in

order to bridge the gap between the challenges encountered and opportunities availed

by the respondents in fostering their matrimonial vocation.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The primary methodology of this study was based on the exploratory

design which consists of two phases: qualitative phase and quantitative phase. The first

phased used an unstructured interview which aimed at describing the challenges

encountered and opportunities availed in fostering the matrimonial vocation of the

married employees of the Sisters of Mary School - Girlstown, Incorporated; Talisay,

Cebu. The data collected were subjected to thematic content analysis which was used

to develop an instrument for the quantitative phase. The second phase, the researchers

used the self-made instrument which was built in the first phase.

The data gathered from the respondents in the quantitative phase of

the study using the researchers-made instrument was classified and analyzed

according to the needs of the problem. To provide clear objective, valid and reliable

representation, analysis and interpretation of the important facts and information that

were gathered in this study, the following statistical procedures were used:
Weighted Mean. This tool was used to quantify the responses of the

respondents as to the extent of the factors in fostering the matrimonial vocation of the

married employees.

Likert’s Scale. This tool is used to determine the extent of the factors

that affects in fostering the matrimonial vocation of the married employees.

Numerical Ratings Descriptive Rating Verbal Interpretation

4.21-5.00 Very Much Affected Has greatly satisfied the respondents

3.41-4.20 Very Affected Has moderately satisfied the respondents

2.61-3.40 Affected Has substantially satisfied the respondents

1.81-2.60 Less Affected Has minimally satisfied the respondents

1.00-1.80 Not Affected Has not satisfied the respondents





This study is mainly conducted to describe the challenges encountered and

opportunities availed by the employees of the Sisters of Mary School – Girlstown,

Incorporated, in fostering their matrimonial vocation. Specifically, this study sought to

answer the following questions:

Findings on Qualitative Phase

4.1 Challenges encountered by the married employees of the Sisters of Mary

School – Girlstown, Inc., in fostering their matrimonial vocation:

Table 1

Respondents Responses Significant Statement Theme

“Financial problem, since kulang Providing the basic needs of

ang kita para sa mga the family such as food,
panginahanglanon, maglisod ko shelter, clothing, etc. Raising
og buhi sa akong pamilya hilabi their child/children with a Financial
na ang asawa na walay trabaho, good health, with an
kulang ang kwarta we don’t have educational attainment and matter
R2, R3, R4, work, hindi ka makasupport sa morally upright manner. In
R5, R7, R8, R9 basic needs, usahay dili addition, having an challenges
makaabot ang sweldo para sa insufficient wage, negative
mga gastoson, may mga attitudes and vices
pangangailangan tayo na hindi (alcoholism, excessive
matugunan. gambling) are another
challenges encountered.
Challenges in raising their child/children with a good health, an unstructured

interview conducted, the married employees had recognized their challenges

encountered in fostering their matrimonial vocation which is raising their children with a

good health. As the respondents stated, “…when our children got sick…”

The researchers analysed, interpreted and associated the financial matter in

fostering their matrimonial vocation.

The financial matter is believed to affect the raising of their child/children with a

good health as Kneider (2005) suggested that, low income married couples are

comparatively more vulnerable to marital dissolution and their children are at greater

risk for negative outcome. The research respondents stated, “ Money is our

challenge…, we need to provide the basic needs of the family”, revealed that they have

the ultimate responsibility to provide the basic needs of the family which includes the

food, clothing, shelter, care and medicine. In this reason, the research respondents

laboured hard because they are the basic foundation of the family (Mortola,1988). As a

responsible parent to their child/children, the research respondents are in need to

anchor the health security of their child/children. Providing medicine and sending them

in the hospital, if their child/children got sick are a challenge for the respondents which

can be associated on financial matter for it cost a big amount of money to send one in

the prominent hospital.

Challenges in sending their child/children to school and with an educational

attainment. Respondents’ response, “We need to send our children to school”, revealed

that their challenges encountered include the raising of their child/children with an
educational attainment. The completion of their child/children’s studies from primary to

tertiary educational attainment, tuition fee and miscellaneous fee for instance, are

viewed to be part of financial challenge encountered in pursuing an attainment in an

education by their children.

Challenges in raising their child/children with a morally upright manner, as the

respondents stated, “…behaviour of our children, lack of respect because of the outside

influence”, recognized to be one of the respondents’ challenges encountered in

fostering their matrimonial vocation.

In this concept, the researchers analysed and interpreted the gathered data in

different perspective: disagreeable peers influenced behaviour and environmental

influenced behaviour.

In this case, disagreeable peers influence was recognized to affect the raising of

their child/children with a morally upright manner. Considering the disagreeable peer

influence the upbringing of the child/children’s behaviour may be considered to be a

challenge by the respondents in fostering their matrimonial vocation. The (married

employees), as a parents are the ones who endure this situation because they are the

one responsible to raise their child/children with a morally upright manner.

Environmental influences greatly affect the behaviour of the child/children.

Positive or negative behaviour will be develop depends on the atmosphere of the

environment where the child or children grow up. Disarrayed environment may result to

reckless behaviour of the child/children. Otherwise, well thought of environment may

result to morally upright manner.

In conclusion, disagreeable peer influence and disarrayed environmental

influences have a great impression of the behaviour of the child/children.

Challenges terminating the vices of their partner, through conducting an

unstructured interview, it was identified that bringing the vices of their partner into halt

was spotted as one of the encountered challenges of the respondents in fostering their

matrimonial vocation.

In this scrutiny, the researchers distinguished some definite vices: alcoholism=m,

excessive cigarette smoking and gambling.

According to Merriam - Webster Dictionary, alcoholism is defined as medical

condition in which someone frequently drinks too much alcohol and becomes unable to

live a normal and healthy life, revealed that excessive and usually compulsive drinking

of alcohol leads to psychological and physical dependence or addiction.

Excessive cigarette smoking is one of the identified vices by one or both of the

married couples, which also leads to unhealthy life and addiction.

Gambling as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, playing a game in which

one can win or lose money or possessions. Based on the data gathered, gambling

could produce a bad or unpleasant result on married couples.

As a result, alcoholism, excessive cigarette smoking and gambling is summoned

that is often and provocative, inciting and threating in fostering the matrimonial vocation

of the married employees in the Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown, Incorporated.

4.2 Ways that the married employees undertake in dealing with their encountered


Table 2

“We solve the problem together Married employees in the

and face it together, I pray to God Sisters of Mary School-
and also ask help to our parents, Girlstown, Inc., dealt their
muhilom nalang ko og makipag- encountered challenges Effective
R2, R3, R4, istorya para dili modako ang through positively facing it
R7, R8, R9, away, harapin mo ang problema and solving it together, ways in
huwag mong talikuran, wala ko seeking help and advice to
nagluya, pray to Go d, og faith to their parents, humble oneself dealing
God and think positively. during critical point of their
Maghahanap ako nag solution at relationship (e.g. challenges
hindi ako magigive-up, I will not
surrender og mag-ampo sa Ginoo

Through an unstructured interview that was conducted researchers distinguished

on how the respondents deal with the challenges encountered in fostering their

matrimonial vocation.

First, positively facing the challenges are some ways that the married couples

undertake in fostering their matrimonial vocation. As Bradbury and Karney (2000)

revealed that, people who are able to acknowledge their partner’s faults while

maintaining positive views of their marriage overall have more stable satisfaction over

time, and they are less likely to divorce in the early years of marriage (Neff & Karney

2005). Secondly, solving the encountered challenges together helps the married

couples to reconnect and foster their relationship. In connection, the definition of marital

quality or unhealthy marriage includes the couple’s commitment to one another, the
ability to communicate and resolve conflict effectively, lack of domestic violence, fidelity,

time together, intimacy, and support (Moore et. al.,2004). Thirdly, humble oneself during

critical point of their relationship for instance, a quarrel on arousal of financial crisis.

Respondent 3 reveals that, one of the member of the married couple will be quiet or

never fight back as to avoid quarrel and conflict which sometimes results to the

extenuation of any aspects of marital relationship and even will end to a permanent

separation. Fourthly, seeking help and advice from their parent’s wisdom, this reveal

that on the time that they can no longer handle some of the challenges encountered,

they would stretches forth to their parent’s wisdom. Lastly, no to surrender and

connecting to God.

4.3 Opportunities availed by the married employees of the Sisters of Mary School-

Girlstown, Incorporated in fostering their matrimonial vocation.

You are welcome to another Being able to provide the

family and you will have your basic needs of the family that
extended family, you will more includes sending their
mature and responsible. Naka- children into a prestigious Family
R2, R5, R8, anak ko og usa, nagkatrabaho ko. school are opportunities for
R9, R10 Hindi pabaya na asawa at walang them. Moreover, having a Betterment
bisyo. Nagkanaa ko og anak og responsible partner in life
asawa kay lain kaayo kung walay and being welcomed inn the Opportunities
anak og asawa. extended family is an
opportunities availed as well.

In this case, the researchers found out that having a life time partner is an

opportunity availed by the respondents. As stated by one of the respondents, “… it is an

opportunity for me to have her as my wife and I’m glad for itf…” , revealed that they find

it good to have a partner to live with. It was recognized also that the respondent is
happy because he have her as his partner in life. In addition, their partner serves as

their aid in times when they encountered some challenges or difficulties especially in

their own family such as financial matter, providing the basic need of the family, sending

their child/children into a prestigious school and etc. Moreover, they are satisfied with

their partner since their partner is responsible. Furthermore, their child/children, who is

the fruit of their love is/are another opportunity for them that can help the married

couples experience the fullest of their vocation since their child/children gives joy to the

couples and a family wouldn’t be completed without them since, a family is composed of

a mother, father and the children. In addition, having an extended family is another

opportunity availed by the married couple since having acquaintances and friends will

help them to acquire another opportunity which is work since some of their friends

provide them jobs that enables the couples to provide the basic needs of their children

and sending their children into a prestigious school.

4.4 Contributing Benefits for the Family Betterment of the married employees that

serves as their opportunities in fostering their matrimonial vocation.

Daghang kaila, daghang i-offer The success of their children,

nga trabaho og skills discovery, very strong foundation of the
R2, R3, R5, Naka trabaho ang akong anak og family which results to a
R8, R10 nakahatag og gamay. Nakarapos God-fearing child are the
sila through my effort. May benefits from the success as a
makatabang sa ako unya sa opportunities availed in
akong anak kung makahuman sila fostering their matrimonial
og eskwela. Benepisyo sad ang vocation. In addition, skills Foundation
magkanaa og God-fearing nga discovering is viewed to be
anak. part of their benefits.
Achievements are the result of all the struggles and essential part of one’s life

because it serves as a motivation to pursue many things in life. Based on the responses

of the respondents, the achievement or the success of their children’s achievement they

can help them when they grow old. Through their children’s achievement, they can find

a better job and through their stable job they can help their parents as a sign of their

gratitude towards their parents’ sacrifices tor them to be successful.

Another motivational variable that leads the parents to say that their marriage is

being fostered through the strong foundation inside their family which results to have a

God - fearing children. Through the respondents responses, having a God-fearing

children is a great benefit for them since it’s not anymore hassle to teach their children

on what is right or wrong for they already know what to do and they have less burden.

In addition, skills is viewed to be part of their benefits gotten from the

opportunities availed in fostering their matrimonial vocation upon fostering their

matrimonial vocation, they have encountered many challenges but behind those

challenges, they have availed opportunities, its benefits in which they were able to do

things strongly which they haven’t done before.

It implies that the success of the married employees’ children serves as a strong

foundation gotten from the opportunities availed in fostering their matrimonial vocation.

4.5 Strengthened relationship on encountered Challenges and Availed

Opportunities in fostering their Matrimonial Vocation.

Makes our relationship healthy, Encountered challenges and Strengthened

makapastrengthen, mapaduol sa availed opportunities help the
Ginoo. It makes me stronger and married employees to relationship
to pursue many career, strengthen their relationship on
magkasinabtanay sa usag-usa towards their partner.
R2, R3, R5, napatunayan ko sa sarili ko na Furthermore it stretches forth encountered
R7, R8, R9 kaya kong suportahan kahit ano to the extent that their Challenges
sila. relationship to God was also
strengthened. and Availed

In this case encountered challenges and availed opportunities helps the married

employees to strengthen their relationship towards their partners. As stated by the

respondent, “it makes our relationship healthy nakapastrengthen…..”, revealed that

those challenges that they’ve encountered, make them stronger and it doesn’t affect

their relationship since every time that they could encountered challenges, the more

their relationship will be strengthen. In addition, their relationship to God was also

strengthen since every time they encountered challenges, they asked help from God

and asked advises from their parents.


Respondents Responses Significant Statement Theme

“Financial problem, since kulang Providing the basic needs of

ang kita para sa mga the family such as food,
panginahanglanon, maglisod ko shelter, clothing, etc. Raising
og buhi sa akong pamilya hilabi their child/children with a Financial
R2, R3, R4, na ang asawa na walay trabaho, good health, with an
R5, R7, R8, R9 kulang ang kwarta we don’t have educational attainment and matter
work, hindi ka makasupport sa morally upright manner. In
basic needs, usahay dili addition, having an challenges
makaabot ang sweldo para sa insufficient wage, negative
mga gastoson, may mga attitudes and vices
pangangailangan tayo na hindi (alcoholism, excessive
matugunan. gambling) are another
challenges encountered.

We solve the problem together Married employees in the

and face it together. With those Sisters of Mary School,
challenges I pray to God and ask Girlstown, Talisay dealt with
help to our parents. Muhilom their encountered challenges Effective
nalang ko og makipag istorya through positively facing it
para dili mudako ang away. and solving it together, Ways in
R2, R5, R8, Harapin mo ang problema ‘wag seeking help and advice to
R9, R10 mong talikuran. Wala ko nagluya their parents, humble oneself Dealing
pary to God and faith to god. during critical point of their
Think positively maghahanap ako relationship (e.g. quarrel) no Challenges
ng solution at hindi ako gigive-up to surrender anf connecting
and I will not surrender. to God.

You are welcome to another Being welcome in the

family and you will have your extended family and having a
extended family, you will more responsive partner in life are
mature and responsible. Naka- opportunities availed. Family
R2, R5, R8, anak ko og usa, nagkatrabaho ko. Moreover, having a
R9, R10 Hindi pabaya na asawa at walang responsive partner in life, Betterment
bisyo. Nagkanaa ko og anak og having a child/children and
asawa kay lain kaayo kung walay having jobs is an Opportunities
anak og asawa. opportunities availed as well.

Daghang kaila, daghang i-offer The success of their children,

nga trabaho og skills discovery, very strong foundation of the
Naka trabaho ang akong anak og family which results to a
nakahatag og gamay. Nakarapos God-fearing child are the
R2, R3, R5, sila through my effort. May benefits from the success as a
R8, R10 makatabang sa ako unya sa opportunities availed in
akong anak kung makahuman sila fostering their matrimonial
og eskwela. Benepisyo sad ang vocation. In addition, skills Foundation
magkanaa og God-fearing nga discovering is viewed to be
anak. part of their benefits.

Makes our relationship healthy, Encountered challenges and Strengthened

makapastrengthen, mapaduol sa availed opportunities help the
Ginoo. It makes me stronger and married employees to relationship
to pursue many career, strengthen their relationship on
R2, R3, R5, magkasinabtanay sa usag-usa towards their partner.
R7, R8, R9 napatunayan ko sa sarili ko na Furthermore it stretches forth encountered
kaya kong suportahan kahit ano to the extent that their
sila. relationship to God was also
strengthened. and Availed
Findings of Quantitative phase:

Table 1

4.6 The extent of the challenges encountered in fostering matrimonial vocation of

the married employees – respondents.

Challenges Weighted Verbal

Encountered Mean Interpretation

Q1 4.15 Very Affected

Q2 4 Very Affected

Q3 3.85 Very Affected

Q4 3.85 Very Affected

Q5 3.8 Very Affected

Q6 3.95 Very Affected

Q7 3.2 Very Affected

Q8 4.2 Very Affected

Q9 3.8 Very Affected

Q10 3.75 Very Affected

Overall Mean 3.855 Very Affected

Table 1 shows the extent of the challenges in fostering matrimonial vocation of

the married employees with an overall mean rating of 3.855, described as very affected.

This means that, married employees of the Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown, Inc.,

Talisay were very affected by the challenges encountered in fostering their matrimonial

Table 2 The extent of the respondents’ satisfaction by the opportunities availed in

fostering their matrimonial vocation.

Opportunities Weighted Verbal

Availed Mean Interpretation

Q1 3.75 Moderately Satisfied

Q2 4.3 Very Much Satisfied

Q3 4.3 Very Much Satisfied

Q4 4.7 Very Much Satisfied

Q5 4.35 Very Much Satisfied

Q6 4.35 Very Much Satisfied

Q7 4.55 Very Much Satisfied

Q8 4.65 Very Much Satisfied

Q9 4.7 Very Much Satisfied

Q10 4.15 Moderately Satisfied

Overall Mean 4.38 Very Much Satisfied

Table 2 presents the extent of the respondents’ satisfaction by the opportunities

availed in fostering their matrimonial vocation of the married employees with an overall

mean 4.38 which can be described as very much satisfied which means that, married

employees were very much satisfied by the opportunities availed in fostering their

matrimonial vocation.
Table 3

Significant relationship between the challenges encountered and opportunities

availed by the married employees.

Variables Significant Degrees of Com. Com. Tab. Decision Interpretation

Level (r) (t) (t)


And 0.05 18 0.640 3.534 2.1 Reject Significant

01 Ho


Table 3 shows the computed r-value= 0.640, described as moderately positive

correlation which means that, the more challenges encountered, the more

opportunities availed; computed t-value= 3.534 with a significant level of 0.05 and

degrees of freedom 18. As the process goes on, the researchers found out that the

null hypothesis is rejected through does gathered values; the researchers were able to

make an implication that there is a significant relationship between the challenges

encountered and opportunities availed by the married employees of the Sisters of Mary

School- Girlstown, Inc., Talisay in fostering their matrimonial vocation.

4.9 Recommendations given in order to bridge the gap between the challenges

encountered and opportunities availed by the respondents in fostering their

matrimonial vocation.
In the light of the findings presented and drawn conclusions a proposed Marriage

Advocacy Guidance Program is hereby offered.

General objective: to be able to give tips and guide to the married employees of the

Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown, Incorporated in fostering their Matrimonial Vocation

Activity Specific People Materials Frequency of

Objective Needed the Activity


Seminar for the To be able to Married couples Laptop, Twice a month

Married Couples orient the and Engaged projector, (first and fourth
couples microphone and Sunday of the
employees of the
Sisters of Mary flyer Month)
Girlstown, Inc. of
the different
challenges that
they may
encounter and
show possible
solutions in
respect to the to
that challenge.

Couple’s To be able to let Married Couples Tables and Once a month

Discussion married couples chairs
share their (second Sunday
innate feelings
of the Month)
and thoughts
towards each

Family Day To be able to All family Microphone, Once a month

Program develop a strong members tables, and (third Sunday of
chairs the Month)
among family


Summary of Findings

Based on the processes assimilated in the study, the researchers found out that

the challenges encountered by the married employees in the Sisters of Mary School-

Girlstown, Incorporated; Talisay, Cebu in fostering their matrimonial vocation are in

different viewpoint: raising their child/children with a good health and with an

educational attainment is associated with financial matter; with morally upright manner,

is defined by the disagreeable peers influences and disarrayed environmental

influences; terminating the vices of their partner, is distinguished definitely; alcoholism,

excessive cigarette smoking and gambling. Hence, there are ways that the married

employees took in dealing their encountered challenges; positively facing and solving it

together; humble oneself during critical point of their relationship (e.g. quarrel); seeking

help and advice to their parent’s wisdom; no to surrender and above all connecting to

God. On the other hand, opportunities availed by the respondents includes having

partner in life, an opportunity to send their child/children into a prestigious school and

being welcomed in the extended family. Moreover, benefits from the opportunities

availed were enumerated: success of their child/children such as educational

attainment; a very strong foundation of the family which results to a God fearing

child/children; and skills discovery. Encountered challenges and availed opportunities

give significance that contributes in fostering their matrimonial vocation: strengthened

their relationship towards their partner and towards God. Married employees were very
affected by the challenges encountered in fostering their matrimonial vocation with an

average mean rating of 3.855. the respondents have also availed opportunities in

fostering their matrimonial vocation with an average mean rating of 4.38 which can be

described as very much satisfied by their availed opportunities. Hypothetically, the

challenges encountered and opportunities availed by the married employees has

significant relationship with an r-value=0.640, described as moderately positive

correlation in which the more challenges encountered the more opportunities availed by

the respondents in fostering their matrimonial vocation. Thus, the encountered

challenges on the following themes namely: financial matter challenges and family

betterment opportunities.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions are thereby stated:

1. The married employees encountered challenges in fostering their matrimonial

vocation, when it comes to raising their child/children with an educational

attainment and providing the needs of the family.

2. The married employees encountered challenges in fostering their matrimonial

vocation, in raising their child/children with an excellent attitude or in a morally

upright manner and in handling unpleasant attitudes of their partner and in

terminating the vices of their partner as well.

3. The married employees encountered challenges in fostering their matrimonial

vocation, when their child/children got sick that can lead them into simultaneous

debts due to insufficient wage.

4. The opportunities availed by the married employees in fostering their matrimonial

vocation are their stable job, child/children and their lifetime partner.

5. The opportunities availed by the married employees in fostering their matrimonial

vocation are understanding each other’s weaknesses, helping one another to

solve the problem encountered and seeking advices from partner’s knowledge

and wisdom. They also become more mature and more responsible parents.

6. The married employees were very affected by their encountered challenges in

fostering their matrimonial vocation.

7. The married employees were very much satisfied by the opportunities availed in

fostering their matrimonial vocation.

8. The married employees’ challenges encountered and opportunities availed has

significant relationship in fostering their matrimonial vocation.


In the light of the findings presented and drawn conclusions, researchers recommended

the following:

Married Couples

Married couples must be educated when it comes to solving their encountered

challenges and accepting the opportunities. Thus, researchers recommended the

implementation of Marriage Education Program (MEC).

Engaged Couples
Engage couples must be oriented to the possible challenges that they may be

encountered and in the opportunities they may be availed when they get married so that

they will be able to foster their matrimonial vocation. Hence, the implementation of

Engaged Couples Orientation on Matrimonial Vocation (ECOMV) is recommended by

the researchers.


Government officials should take an action and can make policies that can help

fin fostering the matrimonial vocation of the married couples. Thus, researchers

recommended the implementation of Government Program to Help in Fostering

Matrimonial Vocation of the Married Couples.


Church must conduct a seminar to the engaged couples and married couples at

least once a month, so that engaged couples will be prepared for the possible

challenges that can lead them into trouble and the opportunities availed that make them

satisfied. Hence, researchers recommended the implementation of Seminar on

Awareness of Challenges Encountered and Level of Satisfaction in fostering their


Interview guide

1. What are the extrinsic challenges that you encountered?

2. What are the intrinsic challenges that you encountered?
3. Did these extrinsic challenges weakens your chosen matrimonial vocation?
4. Did these intrinsic challenges weakens your chosen matrimonial vocation? How?
5. How did you deal with the challenges that you encountered?
6. What are internal stressors that you’ve encountered that may affect in fostering
your matrimonial vocation?
7. How do the external stressors affect the opportunities that you’ve availed in
fostering your matrimonial vocation?
8. What are the opportunities that you’ve availed?
9. What are the benefits that you can get from these opportunities that you’ve
availed in fostering matrimonial vocation?
10. What are the benefits that you can get from these challenges that you’ve
encountered in fostering your matrimonial vocation?

A survey on the Challenges Encountered and Opportunities Availed by the

Married Employees in fostering their Matrimonial Vocation

Years of Marriage:

We are glad to inform you that you are one of our respondents in the
quantitative phase of our research which aims to describe the challenges
encountered and opportunities availed by the employees of the SMS-GT., INC.,
in fostering their matrimonial vocation. Your answer will significantly affect the
result of our study. We are looking forward for your honest, sincere and patience
in answering this questionnaire.

Direction: The following are the challenges encountered that may affect the
married employees in fostering their matrimonial vocation. Please respond to the
statements by putting a checkmark (/) to the boxes that best describes the level
to which you are affected. Use the rating scale below.
5- very much affected
4- moderately affected
3- affected
2- less affected
1- Not affected

CHALLENGES 5 4 3 2 1

1. Providing the basic needs of your child/children (e.g.,

food, shelter, clothing, etc…)

2. Raising your child/children with a good health

3. Sending your child/children to school

4. Raising your child/children with a morally upright


5. The completion of your child/children’s studies from

primary to tertiary education.

6. Handling the unpleasant attitude of your partner.

7. Stopping the vices of your partner.

8. Having sufficient wage which will sustain the basic

needs of your family.

9. Having simultaneous debts due to insufficient wage.

10. Raising your family by your own effort.

Direction: The following are the opportunities availed that may affect the married
employees in fostering their matrimonial vocation. Please respond to the statements by
putting a checkmark (/) to the boxes that best describes the level to which you are
satisfied. Use the rating scale below
5- very much satisfied
4- moderately satisfied
3- satisfied
2- less satisfied
1- not satisfied


1. Having an extended family.

2. Having a stable job.

3. Understanding each other’s weaknesses.

4. Having child/children.

5. Having a lifetime partner.

6. Helping one another to solve the problem


7. Becoming more mature in life.

8. Becoming more responsible parent.

9. Becoming stronger with the obstacle faced in the

family life.

10. Seeking advice from partner’s knowledge and wisdom


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Dimple Grace A. Ambasan

She is a grade 12 student of the Sisters of Mary School, Talisay Campus, born
and raised by a Filipino family in Matiao, Mati, Davao Oriental. She had been an active
member of the Culinary Arts club of the said school. She had succellfully taken up her
assessment in Bread and Pastry Production NCII, and a currently recipient the
Electronic Product Assembly and Servicing NCII.

Michelle Amor S. Molina

She is a grade 12 student of the Sisters of Mary School- Talisay campus. She
was born and raised by a Filipino family in Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte. She is
the governor of the Culinary Arts Club and her inclination to this area made her one of
the student teachers in Bread and Pastry Production NCII. She is a NCII holder in Bread
and Pastry Production and a currently recipient of the Technical Drafting NCII.

Mary Joy P. Handugan

She is a grade 12 student of the Sisters of Mary School- Talisay campus. She
was born and raised by a Filipino family in Hingatungan, Silago, Southern Leyte. She’s
also one of the members of the school’s vocation group. She’s a Dressmaking NCII
holder and a currently recipient of Mechatronics NCII.

Rudora A. Pata

She is a grade 12 student of the Sisters of Mary School- Talisay campus. She
was born and raised by a Filipino family in Bulado, Guihulngan City, Negros Occidental.
She is a member of the school’s vocation group and a Compter Hardware Servicing
NCII holder and a currently recipient of a Technical Drafting NCII.

Carol R. Planas

She is a grade 12 student of the Sisters of Mary School- Talisay campus. She
was born and raised by a Filipino family in Ressurection, San Fernando, Masbate. She
had been an active secretary of a dressmaking club of the said school. She had been
successfully passed her assessment in Computer Hardware Servicing NCII.

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