PTO Budget Update - 12/7/2010
PTO Budget Update - 12/7/2010
PTO Budget Update - 12/7/2010
a > Net proceeds are paid to the school, which has zero net effect on the budget.
b >Per 8/17/2010 minutes, PTO approved $100 for each returning teachers and $150 for each new teachers. There were
41 returning teachers and 1 new teacher.
c > Net income/expense realized for 2010-2011 School-Year. No further cash outflows or inflows are expected for this
d > The PTO started selling ads in the directory during the 2010-2011 school-year. As a result, the directory should provide
additional funding rather than an expenditure in the current year and in the future; therefore, the directory account has been
reclassified from expense to income.
e > Receipts for PTO dues and directory ads were mixed. Based on ad sales records, $325 of income was reclassified from
the PTO Donations/Membership Dues to the Directory, Net account.
f > Per 11/9/2010 minutes, the budget has been adjusted. The regular SCRIP budget was increased from $0 to $500 now
that we have a volunteer to run the program. SCRIP (Grocery Cards) is perfoming above expections; therefore, the budget
was increased from $2,000 to $2,500. We projected a budget overrun of $1000 for the learning center; therefore, the
learning center budget was increased from $7,700 to $8,700. Factoring all changes the budget remains balanced.
g > Per 11/9/2010 minutes, $100 was moved from the reading counts budget to create the media center budget. Funds
were used to support the media center's book fair.
Huddleston Elementary PTO
Cash Flow
11/9/2010 - 12/7/2010
None -
None -
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