Brintprogresstest 10 JP

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10 | Progress test

Working with words

Complete these sentences with words from the list.
Choose the correct answer from the words in italics.
maybe work sure consider prove reservations
1 We are still badly equipped / cramped. There
better worth rather
simply isn’t enough space for anyone to work.
2 I made all the changes we discussed, so the reports
are now state-of-the-art / up-to-date. 13 _____we should begin by brainstorming a few
3 The old warehouses are quite run out / run down. ideas.
Should we renovate them or build new ones? 14 It might _____ more difficult than we think.
4 Everything’s new here. Even the water-cooler! So 15 I really think we should _____ a few more
we’re about as well equipped / spacious as you can options.
be. 16 We might be _____ off going to another supplier.
17 It’s probably _____ seeing what staff think first.
Which intensifier cannot be used in each sentence? 18 I have some _____ about that proposal.
19 I’d _____ not bring in any more freelancers if at
5 How was your weekend? _____ quiet, actually. I all possible.
just read and watched TV. And you? 20 Sorry, but I don’t think that would _____.
a Fairly b Quite c Not very 21 I’m not entirely _____.

6 This isn’t _____ what I had in mind, but never

mind. It should be OK. Language at work
a exactly b quite c fairly
Match 22–30 to a–i.
7 The new Jaguar has a / an _____ powerful engine.
It does 0–60 in five seconds. 22 There isn’t a lot …_____
a very b exactly c extremely 23 There are some …_____
24 You don’t have much …_____
8 The new offices aren’t _____ easy to find. You 25 Only a …_____
need to turn right off the motorway. 26 A few …_____
a very b exactly c pretty 27 We don’t think many customers …_____
28 I’m sorry, but I don’t have …_____
Business communication skills 29 There aren’t many people …_____
30 How …_____
Complete these questions with the missing words.
a any paper clips left.
9 _____ about installing new phones? b left at the old headquarters now.
10 _____ don’t we ask them to give their comments? c of extra time, so your schedule must be right.
d employees would like a smoking room.
11 _____ you thought about introducing bonuses?
e running machines at the back.
12 _____ n’t we have an open plan office area f space in here, do you?
instead? g much of the day is spent in meetings?
h little money gets wasted using this system.
i care about quality, as long as the price is low.

Result __________ / 30 marks

Business Result Intermediate Progress Test 10 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Speaking test
Role card
This Speaking test has only one role card because each student has to give an individual presentation. Copy this
page and cut out the role card for the student. Then use the Speaking test results form to evaluate the student’s
performance. You can then cut out the results and give them to the student.

Prepare and give a mini-presentation. Follow these stages:

 introduce and describe the place where you work (style of office, atmosphere, current facilities)
 explain the advantages of the work place
 explain any disadvantages
 recommend two possible improvements
 be prepared to answer any questions on your presentation.

Speaking test results

Use this form to evaluate the student.

Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with some Yes, did this very well
(0 points) mistakes (1 point) (2 points)

describe his / her place of


explain the advantages of the

work place?

explain any disadvantages?

recommend two possible


answer any questions on the


Result__________/ 10 marks

Business Result Intermediate Progress Test 10 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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