066 LW Tensile Tester v2.0 PDF
066 LW Tensile Tester v2.0 PDF
066 LW Tensile Tester v2.0 PDF
L&W Tensile Tester is the fourth generation of test width to be used. Further L&W Tensile Tester
L&W product’s horizontal tensile tester since 1975. has a proven clamp design, with a cylindrical clamp
Horizontal measurements have proven to be a more holding the test-piece in place on a flat surface. The
reliable and easier method to determine the strength clamps are also totally backlash-free. This design
properties of paper than vertical measurements. is recommended by both the ISO and TAPPI stan-
In a single measurement four basic properties are dards. What more is, for converted products, spans
calculated: tensile strength, stretch at break, TEA and as short as 50 mm can be used for testing between
tensile stiffness. In addition, eight other industry perforation lines.
standard properties can be calculated and reported
based on these four basic characteristics. Measurement procedure
The test-piece is inserted and positioned correctly
Ergonomic design and intuitive user interface with the help of the guides on the clamps. Either the
L&W Tensile Tester is designed with attention to operator presses the easily accessible start button or
ergonomics and efficiency. The table area has been the measurement starts automatically when the
enlarged to make it easier to manage test-pieces, sensors are activated. The clamps close and the test-
the start button is placed near to the test-piece input piece is stretched until it breaks, thereafter the clamp
and the easy to use colour touchscreen has intuitive return to the start position. L&W Tensile Tester
menus and large easily accessible buttons. measures according to all established standards.
Predefined measurement programs are easily
adapted as required, and the capacitive colour touch Measurement results
screen has a protective surface for easy cleaning and The measurement results are presented as SI or
durability with fast response and high resolution. foot-pound units, on the colour touch screen, either
tabular or graphic. The result can also be printed on
Superior clamp design the optional built-in printer, on a network printer or
To ensure that the test-piece is aligned there are exported via Ethernet.
guides on each clamp that rectify the test piece.
And with a simple switch the operator can change the
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01 Benefits
Load the test-piece.
• Ease of use:
A light sensor de-
tects the test-piece -- Auto-start, a photocell detects the presence of a sample,
and measurement
and automatically initiates a measurement sequence
starts. Convieniently
located start button -- Large touch screen for good overview
for manual start.
-- Intuitive user interface
02 • Comfortable testing:
After the test-piece
-- The horizontal design creates a ergonomic way to do tensile testing
breaks, the clamp return
to the start position. -- The large table area in front of the clamps makes it easy to handle the test pieces
• High repeatability:
Unique clamp design for -- Superior clamp design
-- Automatic compensation if the test-piece is not stretched at
tensile tests.
Designed in the beginning of the measurement
accordance with
The water level is
regulated by using
the communicating The wet tensile breaking strength is an important Measurement procedure
vessels principle.
performance characteristic of paper that will be The test-piece is clamped and then the first clamp
05 processed wet, or that will be subjected to wetting, moves so that the test-piece is automatically im-
A dry test-piece is placed
whether accidentally or intentionally during use. mersed into the water soaking vessel. The test-piece
between the clamps. The
test-piece is then wetted Example of such products include, tissue products, is wetted a predefined number of seconds,
in the soaking vessel.
photographic paper, bags, moisture food wraps, and is automatically pulled to break according to
06 saturating papers, and any other papers subjected a standard tensile test. The water level in the soak-
The test-piece is wetted
to stress during processing or use, while wet. ing vessel is automatically regulated using the
for a predefined number
of seconds, and is communicating vessels principle, with a water
automatically pulled to
L&W Tensile Tester is a perfect choice for dry and bottle beside the instrument.
break according to a
standard tensile test. wet tensile testing of tissue paper. The wetting and
tensile test sequence is fully automated. Standard Benefits
Wetting device parts. test span for wet tensile testing is normally 100 mm. • Fully automated testing sequence,
When wet tensile testing, a water soaking vessel is including test-piece wetting
placed between the clamps. • Automatic filling and regulation of the
water soaking vessel
• Additional test results
-- Wet tensile strength retention
-- Wet tensile strength
Water bottle
Soaking container
Water level
adjustment Test piece
Distance block
Optimum fracture resistance is essential for exception that 50 mm wide test-pieces containing
avoiding cracking and the consequent risk of 20 mm wide centre notches are used in the fracture
expensive web breaks in paper machines and toughness test. The instrument uses the recorded
printing presses. Good fracture resistance is also data for numerical calculation to predict the frac-
important for reducing the risk of cracking, for ture strength and fracture strain of notched paper
example when punching corrugated fibreboard. webs, for a given standard paper web geometry.
The standard geometry is a two metre long and one
L&W Tensile Tester can predict critical strength metre wide paper web, containing a 10- millimetre
and strain for large paper webs with some defects edge cut. This standard geometry can be used to
such as a small edge cut. What is needed is an inte- predict and rank the fracture properties of paper
grated notch-punch for making a 20 mm centre cut materials. The specified methods are based on in-
in the test-piece, an anti-buckling guide to keep plane fracture mechanics theory (J-integral).
the test-piece flat during measurement and also
a special software that can predict, based on Benefits
advanced numerical calculation, critical stress and • Integrated notch-punch
strain for a large web with an edge cut. The instru- • Predicts web breaks
ment uses an evaluation procedure developed by • Additional test results:
RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) the procedure Measurement values (in SI or FPS units)
is described in ISO TS 17958. -- Facture toughness
Predicted measurements for 2 × 1 metre sample
Measurement procedure -- Fracture strength
Two series of laboratory tensile testing has to be -- Fracture strain
done: one traditional tensile test series and one Statistics
fracture toughness test series. Both these tests -- Confidence limits
are performed following ISO 1924-3, with the
Measured Predicted
Integrated notch punch and anti buckling guide. Numerical calculation to predict fracture strength and fracture strain.
Measure on small test piece. Predict fracture strength and strain on a large sample.
15 mm wide
50 mm wide
Measurements and analysis is
done inside L&W Tensile Tester,
no extra software is needed.
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ABB AB / Lorentzen & Wettre The information provided in this data sheet contains descriptions
3 BLW 06600den200