Feb 19

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte
Inopacan, Leyte


Teacher PHILIP D. PELICANO Grade Level Grade 11-Magenta

Teaching Date February 19, 2020 Learning Area Reading and Writing

Teaching Time HUMSS (3:00 – 5: 00) Quarter Quarter 3 2nd Semester

A. Content Standard The learners understand the relationship of a written text and the
context in which it was developed.
B. Performance Standard The learner writes a 1000-word critique of a selected text on the
basis of its claim/s, context, and properties as a written material.

C. Learning Competencies/ Formulates evaluative statements about a text read. –

Objectives EN11/12RWS-12RWS-IVac-9
a. Formulates assertions about the content and properties of a
text read. – EN11/12RWS-IVac-9.1
b. Formulates meaningful countries in response to claims made
in text read. – EN11/12RWS-IVac-9.2
II. CONTENT Text and Context Connections (Critical Reading)
Critical Reading as Reasoning
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide
3. Textbook pages None
4. Additional Materials from None
Learning Resources Portal
5. Other Learning Resources
III. PROCEDURES Projector, speaker, printed-out materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson or  Preliminary Activities/ Routines/Checking of
presenting new lesson  Attendance/Classroom Management Etc.
 Something to ponder
The teacher will review previous lesson and the students are
expected to answer and recall the lesson.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Lest Communicate:
Lesson The teacher will start asking the learners the following processing
1. How you are going to express your feeling to someone?
2. What do you usually do in expressing your ideas n in order to
convince your listener?
C. Presenting examples/instances of Let’s communicate:
the new lesson  The teacher will present a jumble letters and the learners
will arrange it to form a word.
 SERASSTION – is a stylistic approach or technique
involving a strong declaration, a forceful or confident and
positive statement regarding a belief or a fact.
 MIACL – is a central argument of the text.
 MIACLACOUNRET – is an opposing viewpoint to the
central claim.
 Video-Communication – The teacher will show a video to
the learners that serves to enhance your knowledge on
claims and counterclaims.
D. Discussing new concepts and Inner Circle – Outer Circle
practicing new skills #1 Form 6 teams with 8 members. The even numbers in each team
stand outside in a circular formation and the odd numbers stay
inside in a circular formation. Given 5-10 minutes, recall an article
read. The ones inside the circle will provide the claim and the one
outside, the counterclaim. If possible, vice-versa. This is done until
everyone in the circle has clockwise and counterclockwise
respectively and exchanged claims with somebody inside and
outside the circle
E. Discussing new concept and Team Member – Teaching Design
practicing new skills # 2 Form 3 teams. (Team 1 to discuss about Assertion; Team 2 to discuss
about Claims; Team 3 to discuss about Counterclaims.) As one
team presents, the other teams give reaction/s comment/s, share
relevant samples. Other members of the team may add input.
F. Developing Mastery Read the following articles carefully. Below each, identify the
claim presented but create your own counterclaim.
Article 1. Developing Your Sense of Humor: Take Yourself Less
Claim: _____________________________
Counterclaim: ____________________________
Article 2. Choose any recent article from a newspaper or
Claim: ____________________________________
Counterclaim : ____________________________
G. Finding practical application of Insight Sharing
concepts and skills in daily living 1.Have each student discuss his/her ideas with a partner.
2.Have each pair join another pair to expand their sharing?
3. Call on a few students to share their small group discussion.
H. Making generalizations and Digging Deeper
abstractions about the lesson 1. Have the students summarized what they have learned for
today’s lesson.
2. The teacher gives necessary corrections/additional insight
regarding the lesson
4.The learners will have to outline their learning from this lesson.
5.Define the terms used in the lesson.
6. Formulate and raise questions regarding this lesson.

IV. EVALUATION Formulates assertions about the content and properties of a text
read; title Brevity is an Asset
V. ASSIGNMENT 1. What is a book review?
A. No. of students who earned 80%
in the formative test
B. No. of students who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

Prepared by:

Philip D. Pelicano

Checked by: ___Mrs. Vilma M. Apostol__


Time: ____________________

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