P5 - Common Mistakes and Remedial Strategies - Sample PDF

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Fostering deep processing to master principles, concepts and skills using structures of thought and presentation
Inadequate attention to structure and “Also, candidates could still benefit by giving more thought to
presentation renders answers unclear and “And I believe that the best learning process in any the presentation of their answers e.g. with the use of
kind of craft is just to look at the work of others.” subheadings and numbered points. This would not only
disjointed. Wole Soyinka improve the organisation of their answers but would also assist
their marker.” Examiners Report December 2011 p2
“The question concerned the performance reporting Learning tasks
and management at a restaurant. This question strikes - Learn as you study the elements of well presented Practice and consolidation tasks
at the core of the skills of a strategic performance texts (titles, sub-headings, paragraphs, topic - Trace the development of ideas from the title to the
advisor – assessing and improving existing sentences, punctuations, introductions, conclusion.
performance reporting, ii) calculating and evaluating conclusions, and diagrams, numbering and - Appreciate the qualities of unity, coherence, specific
the use of certain performance measures, and iii) referencing the scenario details) accurate relevant details and succinct sentences.
considering how measurement and reporting impact on - Appreciate how structured materials help you - Craft sentences using the 4Cs and then evaluate your
management. The question was generally poorly done understand and learn more efficiently by actively writing using 4Cs criteria. Award professional marks.
with many candidates lacking the analytical and critical exploring how structure is used to create meaning - Study the examiners’ writing styles: articles, answer guides
skills needed to produce a good answer.” p2 Examiners in accounting: SOFP, SOCI, SOCE, SOCF, notes and examiners reports as models of professional writing.
report on q1, June 2012 to the accounts, analytical commentary by CEO, - Read professional articles and evaluate their styles and
CFO, and COO. merits from the perspective of professional writing and the
Possible causes of weaknesses - Practise writing structured answers and notes as exercise of professional judgement. (See below)
Many of these weaknesses can be attributed to: you learn e.g. concept maps, notes that link
- Fragmentary texts that don’t coherently explain concepts to evidence and examples of
subject matter in ways that enable students to build conceptualised understanding. Study models of professional writing illustrating critical
mental models of the concepts and principles of - Focus on developing these abilities because most thinking, professional judgement, use of relevant knowledge
the subject matter. Instead provide lists that are not of the marks will be scored by those who are able and application of strategic management accounting
related to contexts. to deploy skills in solving unstructured problems techniques.
- Students are spending a lot of time trying to such as evaluation and analysis of scenarios. ACCA June 2012 Question 1i
memorize de-contextualised knowledge without a ACCA June 2012 Answer to q1i
reasoning framework or method being “As in previous diets better presented answers which
introduced and without explaining what questions demonstrate neat layout, logical structure and a
are necessary to seek to answer. It is hard for the readable style offer an easier opportunity for markers SENSE AND MEANING IN PERFORMANCE
students and it is unrewarding task. to understand and so credit the points being made. This MANAGEMENT
- Lack of a guided practice to enable students to is something that will always remain an important
build skills and confidence. point for candidates.” Examiner’s report June 2012.
- Lack of adequate practice exercises that allow Sense making is about achieving coherence and consistency.
students to develop the ability to use knowledge Structure, content and meaning in Tesco plc annual Ideas such as strategy, structure and systems cohere if they are
and skills in unfamiliar contexts. performance report 2012 integrated as suggested by Mckinsey 7s. For example, it makes
- The question bank approach is daunting for the Tesco plc Annual report 2012 sense that a diversified business with global operations such as
student. It would help if adequate guidance is Meaning is essential for performance reporting. Tesco plc adopts a divisional structure to allow decisions to be
provided to i) explain the competences to be tested made that reflect different local conditions. Performance
by attempting specific questions; ii) past questions Meaning is present where useful insights are measurement and appraisal at the divisional level must
therefore take account of the different local conditions. In order
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only address certain aspects of a topic in a certain produced from data. Insights are present where data for Tesco plc to operate as a unified organisation pursuing
way. The student can be helped if a) other aspects is organised and related to performance objectives consistent objectives through different businesses across
not examined can be identified in the lead to the and success indicators thus enabling evaluation of different geographical locations it must establish a technology
questions or group of questions, b) other types of performance against targets. If the information driven network system that allows it to achieve its operational
questions are set for further practice in honing orients management towards action meaning is and strategic objectives, for example, the management of its
relevant competences, c) the extent of practice strongest although this does not guarantee that the value chain and value network.
required to develop certain competences can be actions and outcome(s) would be desirable. For
identified in the practice plan linked to the example, ”what gets measured gets managed” (Peter Operations (production, sales, cost of sales, etc), investment
question. Drucker) may well bias action towards managing and financing are functionally integrated such that they are
measurable performance factors to the exclusion of interdependent on each other for the creation of value. It can be
The result is that students don’t make sense of what factors that are not measured. This could lead to argued that together (operations, investment and financing)
they learn and they don’t make learning meaningful by sub-optimisation and dysfunctional behaviour where form the basic value framework that drives value throughout
relating it to real-life experiences and by exploring for example, qualitative factors such as customer the value chain of the organisation. This insight is evident in the
ways in which what they have learned can be used. satisfaction are not addressed adequately because analysis and commentary in q1i June 2012
they are not measured.
This shallow learning is not adequate for tackling Meaning
questions that require a broad skill set including ACTION Meaning is related to the question why should I study the
versatile application of relevant knowledge, skills, Open the link above and explore how Tesco plc subject Advanced Performance Management? In other words
judgement, commercial awareness and appreciation of achieves meaningful professional presentations. what is the relevance and usefulness of this skill set, body of
environmental factors and limitations. Make note of knowledge and insights to me in my professional capacity?
- The methods used to report performance (e.g.
The following guide is to assist students who want to time series report by stakeholder) This meaning based learning is very important for APM
improve as suggested by the examiner to actively - How the information is structured? How does because analysis, application, evaluation and synthesis must
engage with relevant case study and exercises so that this help achieve meaning as suggested above? reflect the relevant issues in the context for it to be valid.
they can find meaning in what they learn and thereby - Action centred information. Otherwise it is not helpful. In an exam, failing to take account
persist with the learning objective until they master it. - Scope (what is covered) and integration (how of the context (or situational factors) is a guarantee of failure to
Then they can produce insightful analysis and are the various parts of the value chain reflected answer the question asked.
evaluative synthesis of the kind desired by the in the combined performance information?)
examiner. See column 3 for guidance on studying - Insights produced (what do we learn about how The examiner gives the rationale for the syllabus but each
answer to question 1i June 2012 as a model of Tesco plc goes about succeeding? What drives student has to engage with it and develop a personal response to
analytical thinking and evaluation. Tesco plc’s success? How is that reflected in it in terms of how it fits in with their aspirations. This will
the performance report?) provide the motivation for mastering the subject and actually
Please also refer to How to Study P5 Efficiently. This - Problems highlighted (how important are the enjoying it instead of just treating it as another subject to be
guide is to help you learn effectively. The section on problems?) studied for the ultimate qualification.
Elaboration-Rehearsal is aimed at making learning - Critical thinking examples within Tesco plc
meaningful. reports (Identify examples of CT: e.g. what do Of course sense making has to take place before meaningful
they say they can do better and why?) interpretation can be possible.
- Are there any improvements that you can make
to the report? Own generated CT.
To get the most out of studying an exemplar always be clear
about the learning objectives you want to achieve in studying
the exemplar. This ensures that you are focused and disciplined
about the amount of time you want to allot to the task. This

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approach will ensure you notice much more and integrate the
new skill/knowledge immediately.

Goal: to learn how to write for P5 and achieve the standards set
by the examiner as specified in the quote above. Specifically, to
develop the ability to write fully developed answers in a clear
and concise manner reflecting the core of the skills of the
strategic performance advisor.

a. to learn the principles of effective essay writing by studying
exemplars of essay writing.
b. to develop paragraph skills by using a model as a guide to
effective paragraph construction
c. to develop effective sentence skills by learning the principles
in action using an exemplar

1. Read the mark scheme (MS) to identify the key features that
the examiner expects to see in the answer. Pay attention to the
mark break down because this highlights priorities. Check your
understanding of the features in the MS.

2.Pay attention to the layout at the beginning – don’t throw

away marks.

3. Understand the paragraph structure: this is a good model of

how to use paragraphs to make meaning clear and to develop
your answer logically – the “logical structure” recommended by
the examiner.

4. What is meant by logical structure? There are two aspects: i)

the overall structure of the answer and ii) the paragraph
structure which make up the answer or essay.

Overall structure
5. The overall structure is logical if it begins with an
introduction and develops in an order that reflects the natural
order in which the question is answered, the process happens,
the arguments flow, events occur, etc. Where appropriate it
ends with a conclusion and possibly a recommendation. It is all

6. This answer has a logical structure to it because it begins

with an introduction containing the thesis that the current report

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has some strengths but many weaknesses, develops the answer
by discussing separately, the strengths and weaknesses of the
report in support of the thesis, and suggests improvements
(recommendations) as required by the question.

There is no separate conclusion at the end because each

paragraph contains its own conclusions and recommendations.

6. Generally a paragraph expresses (discusses, explains, argues,
evaluates) one distinct aspect of the essay. E.g. if you are
writing about budgeting the following are logical paragraphs: i)
objectives of budgeting, ii) method of budgeting, iii) scope, iv)
structure, v) forecasts and plans, etc.

7. A paragraph consists of a topic sentence and several

sentences that develop the answer in an integrated way. The
topic sentence expresses the main idea of the paragraph. The
topic sentence is usually the opening sentence of the paragraph.
For example, the first sentence of the opening paragraph is the
topic sentence because it expresses the idea that the report has
strengths and weaknesses implying that it is not fit for purpose.
This is developed further in the paragraph by giving specific

8. The first paragraph is special in that it is an introduction.

An introduction performs three functions: i) it introduces the
main idea of the essay (assessment of the strengths and
weaknesses of the current report); ii) it gives an order of
development of the essay (discuss strengths and then
weaknesses), and iii) it contains a thesis statement (in essence
the report is inadequate for its purposes which is the main issue
the essay is preoccupied with).

9. A thesis statement is a statement that contains a point of

view that the writer wishes to pursue in the essay. In this case
the writer’s point of view (or opinion) is that the current
performance report is inadequate and should be improved. Note
the skill with which he pursues this point of view throughout
the essay. For example, note the number of paragraphs and
sentences within the paragraphs that are used in analysing and
discussing the weaknesses!

Develop paragraph skills

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i) Identify the topic sentences in each of the seven paragraphs.
ii) What is the main idea (the theme) of each sentence?
iii) Where is the sentence located?
iv) Why do you think the sentence is located in that way?
v) How does the main idea reflect the answer to the exam
question q1i?
vi) Trace the development of the main idea in the paragraphs.
How does the examiner develop the main idea in each
paragraph? Is it logical (what you expect). For example, the
examiner develops the introduction by giving examples of the
features (not the details) of the current report that he considers
as strengths and succinctly explains why they are strengths.

This is logical. The paragraph is unified because each feature

used is a strength.

Notice also the order of development –“organise and connect”.

The first feature is about the business as a whole and a high
level indicator “profit” is highlighted. Then progressively
smaller units are used – in this case “product categories” and
the components of the high level “profit” indicator are used
(sales and costs relating to product categories). This is also an
example of logical organisation and “readable style”. It helps
the reader to understand the report and appreciate the

Using paragraphs to move and develop the essay

Notice how the second paragraph develops the main theme in
the first paragraph – that the current report is inadequate. How
is this theme developed? By showing that the scope of the
current report is seriously limited in not including cash, a
critical indicator of performance, growth potential and survival.

The examiner then strengthens his criticism by justifying the

organisation’s operational and strategic requirements for cash
(contextualising the critique to add relevance and validity). The
paragraph ends with a recommendation based on its critical
analysis and evaluation.

This paragraph is placed second immediately after the

introduction because it develops the broad themes highlighted
in the introduction – the unbalanced focus on “profit” as a
measure of performance and the implications for stakeholders
and management, particularly where profit may not translate to

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the expectations of owners to “make money” in the short term.

This paragraph is a good example of how to

- prioritise issues in a discussion
- justify a critique
- support a recommendation
- write succinctly
- develop a theme from the introduction
- craft controlled, clear and concise sentences

I encourage you to study its features and reproduce it several

times: first in the examiner’s words, then in your own words.
Use its principles to study other paragraphs and to develop your
own paragraph skills.

Paragraph and sentence skills

10. The theme of the third paragraph is clarity – the
presentational features that render meaning clear. Use this
paragraph as an exemplar of how to address style issues
because the examiner covers most of the style features as if
giving guidance on best practice.

11. Notice that the topic sentence is always short and clear in
all of the seven paragraphs. Sentence quality is a feature of
clarity. You should pay careful attention to your sentences and
make sure they are varied (short for topic sentences) and
controlled to make your meaning clear. This includes paying
attention to the grammar.

12. Please refer to writing topic sentences if you want to find

out more about sentence skills.

13. Notice also how the examiner reflects his awareness of the
audience (non accountants) and their needs. You must show
sensitivity to your audience by varying your words and
sentences to reflect their needs.

Use of detail in paragraphs to illustrate (an argument, concept,

proposition, principle)
14. The fourth paragraph is of critical importance to the
student because it is an exemplar of how to use details in
writing to support a proposition. The proposition is that if the
report identifies performance by functional area this would be
an improvement because it would allow the performance of

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each manager to be evaluated using relevant KPIs derived from
CSFs for that area. This is aptly demonstrated with skill and
precision in the variety of examples chosen.

I encourage you to study this paragraph carefully. What you

may take from this:

- You need to first identify the performance management issue

before you decide which details to use and how to use the
details to make your points. Because details are easy to identify
and calculate students frequently misuse details, waste time and
produce irrelevant answers. You can overcome the temptation
by studying this good example and practising a lot, thinking
carefully about how the writer uses details sparingly and

- How to identify the performance management issue for

discussion. Notice how the topic sentence identifies the issue
clearly and fully and prepares us for a meaningful discussion.
You can develop this ability by learning the principles of
performance management actively and getting plenty of
practice in applying them in a variety of ways. Please refer to
How to Study P5 Efficiently. The sections about
Elaboration-rehearsal, Encoding, Retrieval, and
Application are designed to build your expertise.

- Having identified the issue (lack of reporting by functional

area) you need to then develop your answer by identifying a
specific deficiency which the issue highlights (It summarises
the overall build up of profit but, for example, it cannot be
easily used to identify performance of the service staff, except
indirectly through growth in total revenue). This sets up the
rest of the arguments which then logically flow (as solutions to
the problem) making the answer very coherent and useful to the

- Notice how the examiner does not get bogged down in details.
At this level detailed calculations are not required. You may
only need to refer to them as in this example.

- Remember that these skills are needed for work as an

accountant in all capacities, not just to pass exams. Therefore I
encourage you to invest quality time and effort in developing
them and to work hard.

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Memory dump approach You need to understand the various learning tasks: see - Design a step-by-step example of how student goes about
table below mastering a subject matter for the P5 exams. This should
- Learning facts in a fragmented way is not enough. correspond to the stages in the efficient learning process.
This answer approach indicates a failure to You need to bring it together to form a coherent -
learn effectively; not engaging with the whole after every study session. Refer to learning
subject matter, not developing understanding, frameworks: 5Ps (pause, ponder, probe, pose,
not practised at applying knowledge because predict); Bloom’s taxonomy (take each concept
the student has no real understanding or right up the taxonomy); conceptualise your
understanding; use the value framework to link
interest. each idea, principle, model, of performance
management to the overall value creation
This can be helped by process.
- prompting students to focus on the nature - You then need to apply the knowledge. This takes
of the subject and its cognitive time. Application involves practice, active
revision, consolidation, setting notes in a coherent
requirements structure e.g. concept mapping.
- assessing students motives and readiness - You then need to practise mini exam style
to study the subject questions. Clarify the objectives for practice e.g. to
- encouraging students to check the model hone skills in evaluation of performance
answers as a way of assessing cognitive management systems in a non commercial context
e.g. healthcare, education, etc.
requirements - You may need to then consolidate your notes after
- encouraging students to match learning to metacognitively reviewing the practice experience.
cognitive requirements to evaluate, - After consolidating you need to make sure you
analyse, apply, discern and conclude. remember the knowledge. By encoding it in long-
term memory through deliberate recitation and
meaningful applications.
- Strategies for remembering include: frequent
recitation, elaborative rehearsal, repeated practice.
- You may then need to test your knowledge and
understanding further using graded exercises.
- Then you may need to test your knowledge and
understanding by attempting full past question or
(future question) in the relevant topic e.g.
performance management.
Failing to address the two part question: - strategies to improve delayed focus - Worked examples on sample of questions

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…and… - strategies to improve active reading - Comprehension tests on a sample of questions
- strategies to improve sustained engagement (trace
This could be due to the primacy-recency the development of the argument: premise,
reasoning, conclusion)
effect which is indicative of poor reading and
retention skills. The primacy-recency effect
simply means that

“In a learning episode we tend to remember

best that which comes first and remember
second best that which comes last and
remember least that which comes just past
the middle of the episode.” HBL, David A

Failing to address both parts in the two part

question may also be indicative of poor
English language skills in failing to spot the
conjunction “and” that clearly signals that the
question is in two parts and therefore the
answer should also be in two parts.

Poor attention to detail is a serious failing in

an accountant which it is hoped these notes
will contribute towards rectifying.


“However, poor analysis of the question - Encourage students to use all analysis tools in - Use models of analysis and reasoning in contexts
requirement often lead to candidates missing answering questions including F5 tools such as where clear and concise reasoning is used to
learning curve and variance analysis.
out on possible marks. (The question required - Analyse the information in the scenario (context) analyse, evaluate options, methods and practices.
an analysis of the management style, and and present answers using a framework such as Examples: i) justify the use of ABC v Absorption
evaluation of the appraisal system and balanced score card, performance prism, the costing ACCA Dec 2010 q2a.; ii) assess the
suggestions for improvements to the reward sections in the question e.g. JIT production, JIT suitability of KPIs ACCA Dec 2011 q2a; iii)
system.) Additionally, some candidates left purchasing, JIT performance measurement, etc assess the suitability of branch information
- Don’t forget to use knowledge gained in other
marks un-scored when they did identify subjects such as P3, P1 E.g. culture, governance,
ACCA q4a; iv) evaluate transfer pricing methods
relevant improvements to the areas in the triple bottom line ACCA June 2011 q1b; iv) evaluate costing
requirement as they failed to offer any - Application involves: i) compute, ii) interprete, approach ACCA June q5c
justification or explanation as to their iii) analyse, iv) reason, v) conclude - Practise self-explanations to process deeply the
© 2013 Sekoyen Accountancy Solutions Ltd. All rights reserved
relevance to Albacore.” Examiners Report, central elements of the learning objectives in
December 2011 each of the examples.
- Use graded exercises that show the progression
from F5 to P5
- Employ meta-cognition to draw attention to the
specific competences to be developed such as
analysis, evaluation and synthesis ensuring that
these are adequately honed.
- Practise all skills regularly in the context of
adviser, consultant and internal reporter. Refer to
Revision and Practice Plan for further guidance.
Failing to read the question asked accurately A range of remedial actions are required: Exercises that require critical thought and
instead, substituting another question in its - Motivate student through…real-life verification of understanding. Ch 9, p221
place. Examiners Report June 2011 p2. This performance management stories where - worked examples
could be the culmination of a series of students are guided in identifying and - fill in the blanks
motivational, self-management and learning explicating performance management issues, - faded exercises
problems. principles and practices. - objective questions
- Engage students through range of interactive - evaluative exercises
This may indicate lack of student self- and stimulating learning activities involving
discipline or interest and motivation for the digital learning systems to try to increase Create interest
subject. active interest in the subject - compare the features of similar questions from
- Data response: there is no substitute for a two or more exam diets (to abstract the relevant
It may also indicate problems with learning. specific response that uses the data in the structural, contextual and conceptual features
For example, students may not identify and scenario if the question requires it. You are using the convergence principle)
address sub-skills such as reading, writing required to i) refer, ii) infer, iii) create - analyse case studies (with varied context
and thinking skills. Thus, failing to read the information or insights from the given data examples)
question accurately may indicate inability to (project). A general answer won’t do. It must - compare the features of case studies
read adequately at an advanced level. be specific to the context. - analyse news items in terms of performance
Remedies must address the sub-skills as - If the question requires a comparison you management aspects
threshold competences. What this means is must do one. Therefore practise a lot.
that it must be made explicit that adequate - Read at least one newspaper every day.
reading skills are required before the student Analyse it.
can study the subject. Otherwise, the student
will struggle.

Encourage students to focus on developing

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adequate sub-skills by
- analysing examiners comments to identify
skills that are required
- cross reference this analysis to the
syllabus for validation
- design remedial exercises (interactive
would be ideal for skill development
through deliberate practice)

Another way to focus minds is to provide a

readiness assessment checklist. This will
prompt students to consider the threshold
skills required.

Provide attitude check assessments to focus

students’ attention on their attitudes and the
link between attitude and outcome.

Provide skill check assessments to identify

where students are weakest and most likely to
need help to improve learning quality.
Exemplify lazy learning and effective
learning in direct comparisons (tabulate) to
highlight problems.

Provide checklists to help students monitor

their own learning.

Motivate students: link qualities required to

master to qualities required by employers. So
they are not wasting time by investing in
developing competences in analysis,
evaluation, synthesis, etc.
Required for the role of an advisor to senior management or independent clients on how to assess and control the performance of an entity
including identifying difficulties or predicting corporate failure
Failing to integrate various elements of the Encourage students to use integrative Failing to integrate can obviously be remedied with
© 2013 Sekoyen Accountancy Solutions Ltd. All rights reserved
syllabus to produce a coherent response that approaches to learning. Examples: smart and sustained practices. The following guide
addresses all the requirements of the question. - When studying any element of could be very effective if applied assiduously.
performance management such as a
“A further reason for the poor performance in section concept, method, principle, model, issue, Study models of integrated texts depicting the interaction between
A (especially Q1) could be that candidates treat the various elements to create value within a chosen strategy.
etc, trace the element’s linkages to the Examples: ACCA June 2012 q2b, p18
different examination levels as if they are independent ultimate objective of creating value for
modules rather than building up to a final The need to satisfy stakeholders drives the integration and
comprehensive understanding and ability in the subject
the business. harnessing of all the parts of the value network to achieve
(so remember, F5 underpins P5). There was a general - This is intellectual level three type of the objectives of the organisation.
unfamiliarity with the application of methods for learning. It requires the student to
decision-making under uncertainty (Q1) and variance What can be learnt:
associate new learning with prior learning - How models are used to explain how an organisation
analysis (Q4) that may evidence this fault.” Examiners’ to identify linkages. For example, when
Report December 2011 p2 integrates its critical success factors to create value for
studying employee reward practices it is its stakeholders.
essential to evaluate the reward practice in - The relationship between strategy, structure and
relation to the overall business and systems and the drivers of value
- The role of budgets, costing systems and business
corporate strategy being pursued by the process in achieving strategic objectives.
organisation (P3 Business Analysis). For - How detail is used in supporting arguments
example, if an organisation is pursuing a - How to develop answers
cost leadership strategy cash rewards may - How to write clear and concise arguments
be counter productive to its intentions to Test your understanding.
- Identify the concepts, principles and models used in
become a cost leader whereas this may the answer
not be an issue for an organisation - Explain how the writer uses details in the answer
pursuing a differentiation strategy where without getting bogged down.
cash bonuses may be indispensable to - What are the main arguments used in the answer?
attracting individuals with unique - Explain how the writer supports the argument that
focusing on stakeholders is beneficial in terms of
competences. widening the scope of performance measurement.
- Identify the qualities of professional writing in the
answer: neat layout, logical structure, readable style,
clear and concise reasoning and coherent explanations.



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