Class 5
Class 5
Class 5
Representative democracy comprises a form of democracy wherein voters choose their
representatives to act in their interest.
Modern representative democracy implies: outstanding types of representative democracy are (i)
Parliamentary and (ii) Presidential.
Parliamentary System
Almost by definition, Parliament is supposed to be supreme. There is fusion of the Executive and
Legislative powers inasmuch as the Executive are not separate centres Parliamentary system lays
greater emphasis on the concept of executive answerability to Parliament. When majority in the
House comes to be opposed to it parliamentary system the head of the government is different
from the head of the State.
Presidential System
Presidential system is distinguished by the President being elected by the people as the head of
the State for fixed term. He is the centre of power head of the State as also of the Government as
his tenure is dependent on retaining the confidence of the Legislature or enjoying majority
support for his policies. The executive vests in him and he is free to choose the heads of different
who may be called Secretaries or Ministers. The doctrine of separation of powers and functional
differentiation between the Executive the Legislature and the Judiciary exists. Judicial review is
almost absolute with the Supreme Court deciding from time to time what the U.S. Constitution is.
Mixed systems with features of both Presidential and Parliamentary, systems have been
experimented with varying degrees of success e.g. in France, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh etc.
Other issues:
Instead of performing their parliamentary duties they are constantly probing for opportunities to
increase their privileges, and abuse their spouse passes, allow their companions to travel without
ticket and generally put themselves above the law. The Executive has assumed the law-making
functions. Acrimony and bitterness generated by divisive politics that the floor of Parliament has
become the area of street fight and the House is not allowed to function for days.
Reforming parliamentary system in various aspects: If our existing democratic institutions can be
revived, a great deal can be achieved. Some reforms towards this end:
• Reduction of poll expenditure
• Simultaneous elections to all representative institutions, regular elections to local bodies
• State financing of elections
• Democratization of political parties