Engleza Cls A 11 A B Bar PDF
Engleza Cls A 11 A B Bar PDF
Engleza Cls A 11 A B Bar PDF
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Limba engleză
1. As reported by The Guardian, insomnia affects more than half of British people, with women
being three times more likely to be affected than men.
2. In spite of the fact that she is not a specialist in medical science, she has noticed that many
people around her, such as friends and colleagues, have trouble sleeping.
3. Surveys have shown that insufficient sleep affects people’s lives, causing health issues such
as diabetes and depression.
4. Since she considers the inability to sleep a serious problem, and she is not affected by it, she
feels that others can benefit from her experience.
II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each gap. (10x1p=10 p)
1 – circular; 2 – star-shaped; 3 – establishment; 4 – monotonous; 5 – unable; 6 – beautifying;
7 – slummy; 8 – outside; 9 – whimsical; 10 – picturesque
Suggested answer
But the book was expensive and it had just come out/had just been published. Stefan was an
avid reader/ was keen on reading. Reading fascinated him, but, a long time ago he had noticed
something surprising/that had come as a surprise (to him). He would spend/used to spend/
months/month after month making lists of authors and books and (would) say/think/used to
say/think/said/thought to himself once I have read all of them, my mind will certainly be different,
I’ll see the world in a different light. So he would/used to go/went to the library and start/started
reading/to read.
1 – A; 2 – B; 3 – C; 4 – D; 5 – C
II. ESSAY WRITING OPINION ESSAY 50 points ------ Use the Marking Scheme
devices, mechanics,
mechanics, and length
and length requirements
requirements. .
VOCABULARY A wide range of A range of The range of A limited A very narrow
vocabulary is vocabulary is vocabulary is range of range of
used used adequately vocabulary is vocabulary is
appropriately and appropriately used in the present present; errors
accurately and accurately essay; errors within the in word
throughout the in the essay; in word essay; less choice/formatio
essay; precise occasional choice / common n predominate;
meaning is errors in word formation are items of spelling errors
conveyed; minor choice/formatio present when vocabulary can make the
errors are rare; n are possible; more are rare and essay obscure
spelling is very spelling is well sophisticated may be often at times. The
well controlled. controlled with items of faulty; register used in
The register of occasional vocabulary spelling the opinion
the opinion essay slips. The are errors can essay is
is totally relevant register of the attempted; make text inappropriate
to the task, being opinion essay spelling can understandin for this type of
organically is relevant to be faulty at g difficult. writing.
integrated all the task with times The The register
along the slightly register of the of the essay
discourse. incongruent opinion essay is
lapses within is partially inconsistent
the discourse relevant to due to the
the task with mixture of
a narrow styles
of style,
leading to
halts in the
of ideas.
STRUCTURES A wide range of A range of A mix of A limited A very narrow
grammatical grammatical complex and range of range of
structures is used structures is simple grammatical grammatical
accurately and used accurately grammatical structures is structures is
flexibly and with some structures is present present within
throughout the flexibility along present along the the essay;
essay; minor the essay; throughout essay; errors
errors are rare; occasional the essay; complex predominate;
punctuation is errors are errors are language is punctuation
very well possible; present when rare and may errors make
controlled. punctuation is complex be often the text
well controlled language is faulty; obscure at
with occasional attempted; punctuation times.
slips. punctuation errors can
can be faulty make text
at times. understandin
g difficult.
EFFECT ON The interest of The text has a The effect on The effect on The text has a
TARGET READER the reader is good effect on the reader is the reader negative effect
aroused and the reader. satisfactory. non-relevant. on the reader.