OJ 10 B Engleza 2024 Bar

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Ministerul Educaţiei

Centrul Naţional de Politici și Evaluare în Educație

Etapa județeană/sectoarelor municipiului București a olimpiadelor naționale școlare -

Probă scrisă
Limba engleză


• Se punctează oricare alte modalităţi de rezolvare corectă a cerinţelor.

• Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.


I. Read the text below and do the tasks that follow on your answer sheet.

A. Choose the right synonym for the words given below, according to their meaning in
the text. (3x1p=3p)
1 b; 2 a; 3b
B. Rephrase the following sentences so as to preserve the meaning. (3x1p=3p)

1. …. it does is to……
2. …. has been shown by …..
3. …. only does volunteering play …..
C. Choose the right words to fill-in the summary. (4x1p=4p)

1. enhance; 2. focuses; 3. cultivates; 4. shaping

II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that best fits in each sentence.
III. For questions 1-10, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the
lines are correct and some have a word that should not be there. On your answer sheet, if
a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number on your answer sheet. If a line has a word
which should not be there, write the word down next to the number on your answer sheet.
1. in 6. it
2. by 7. to
3. √ 8. some
4. if 9. √
5. √ 10. up

Probă scrisă la limba engleză clasa a X-a secțiunea B

Barem de evaluare și de notare
Pagina 1 din 3
Ministerul Educaţiei
Centrul Naţional de Politici și Evaluare în Educație

IV. Translate into English: 10 points

grammar structures 4 points
vocabulary 4 points
fluency 2 points


For a long time, the neighborhood between Victory Square and "Lupoaică" has been a decorative
and peaceful area. It was born on a piece of land - Bonaparte Park - located on the outskirts of
the city, therefore in a spacious, quiet area, very attractive to the prosperous bourgeoisie who
wanted picturesque and comfortable houses. After the revolution, the proximity to the Government
building suddenly turned the area into a turbulent backdrop of street politics. I have the misfortune
of living across the street from an establishment, "Saga," which at first seemed like a decent
experiment. Things have deteriorated rapidly, with large gang parties organized, weddings
scheduled, and music played. Loudly. Deafeningly. Shamelessly. For about a year, I've been
listening every evening, along with a multitude of terrified neighbors, to the same tapes of
Armstrong and Pavarotti (who have, of course, become odious in this way).

B. Integrated Skills (60 points)

I. Five paragraphs have been removed from the following interview. Choose from the
paragraphs A-F the one which fits each gap 1-5. There is one extra paragraph which you
do not need to use. (5x2p=10p)

1C 2E 3B 4F 5A

II. REPORT (50 points)

Use the Marking Scheme

Probă scrisă la limba engleză clasa a X-a secțiunea B

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Ministerul Educaţiei
Centrul Naţional de Politici și Evaluare în Educație


Analytical Excellent Good Adequate Weak Inadequate Task not
criteria attempte
10p 8p 6p 4p 2p d
Task The report/proposal is The report/proposal covers the The report/ proposal addresses The report/ proposal does The report/ proposal
achievement completely relevant to requirements of the task but the the requirements of the task but not cover the requirements does not relate to the
the task, fully developing content points could be more not all content points are of the task; the content task
all content points; the fully extended; The format of the included; the format may be points are attempted but
format of the report/ report/ proposal is observed; faulty at times; the purpose of many irrelevant details are
proposal is fully the purpose of the report/ the report/ proposal is presented included, the format is faulty;
observed; the purpose proposal is presented; the but it is not very clear; there are the purpose for writing/ the
of the report/proposal is information is appropriately lapses in the categorization of conclusion is missing or the
clearly and fully categorized in spite of minor the information; the conclusion information is inappropriately
explained, the inaccuracies; the conclusion is not logically linked to the categorized
information is drawn could be better content
appropriately substantiated
categorized, a relevant
conclusion is drawn
Organization There is a logical There is a logical progression The text is generally coherent There is serious The text is not logically
and cohesion progression throughout; although minor inconsistencies but the internal organization of inconsistency in the organized and does not
the paragraphs are well are possible; the paragraphs are some paragraphs may be faulty; organization of the text; the convey a message; no
built, well extended, the well built but could be more the topic sentence is not always sequencing of ideas can be control of cohesive
topic sentence is clear; extended or balanced; a range clear or may be missing; followed with difficulty; devices.
a wide range of of cohesive devices is used cohesive devices are present paragraphing may be
cohesive devices is effectively. but sometimes they are not missing; cohesive devices
used effectively. accurate. are limited or most of them
are faulty.
VOCABULARY A wide range of A range of vocabulary is used The range of vocabulary is A limited range of vocabulary A very narrow range of
vocabulary is used appropriately and accurately; adequate; errors in word choice/ is present; less common vocabulary is present;
appropriately and occasional errors in word formation are present when items of vocabulary are rare errors in word
accurately; precise choice/ formation are possible; more sophisticated items of and may be often faulty; choice/formation
meaning is conveyed; spelling is well controlled with vocabulary are attempted; spelling errors can make predominate;
minor errors are rare; occasional slips; the register is spelling can be faulty at times; text understanding difficult; spelling errors make
spelling is very well appropriate, although minor there are inconsistencies in there are major the text obscure at
controlled; the register is inconsistencies are possible. register. inconsistencies in register times.
appropriate throughout..
STRUCTURES A wide range of A range of grammatical A mix of complex and simple A limited range of A very narrow range of
grammatical structures structures is used accurately grammatical structures is grammatical structures is grammatical structures
is used accurately and and with some flexibility; present; errors are present present; complex language is present; errors
flexibly; minor errors are occasional errors are possible; when complex language is is rare and may be often predominate;
rare; punctuation is very punctuation is well controlled attempted; punctuation can be faulty; punctuation errors can punctuation errors
well controlled. with occasional slips. faulty at times. make text understanding make the text obscure
difficult. at times.
EFFECT ON The interest of the The text has a good effect on The effect on the reader is The text has not a relevant The text has a negative
TARGET reader is aroused and the reader. satisfactory. effect on the reader. effect on the reader.
READER sustained throughout.

Probă scrisă la limba engleză clasa a X-a secțiunea B

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