Masters in Finance
Masters in Finance
Masters in Finance
Master in Finance
Master in Advanced Finance
ie Business School
Letter from the Dean 4
Excellence 6
International 8
Madrid 10
Entrepreneurship 12
Innovation 16
Network 18
Responsibility 20
Community 24
Masters in Finance 26
1 Master in Finance 34
Admission Process 72
Alumni 74
Careers 76
entrepreneurs that embrace change and lead with humanity to generate employment, sustainable value, and
social well-being.
Since IE Business School first embarked on this undertaking over three decades ago, continuous changes
have left their mark on the corporate world, making our mission an even more exciting project. In order to
achieve our objectives, we have a 400-strong faculty, comprised of professors who teach students from
over 80 countries on our master, doctorate, and executive education programs. They all share the same
objective, namely to shape business leaders that contribute to the creation of value through competitive,
innovative, and socially responsible business initiatives. This commitment is evidenced by our 40,000-strong
alumni network that hold management positions in over 100 countries, serving as IE ambassadors worldwide.
If I had to state what differentiates IE Business School, I would doubtless say that it is how we bring together
incredibly diverse groups of students and faculty in an intensive learning experience, against a backdrop of
a major European capital city. The student-centric learning model means that active participation plays a
pivotal role in IE programs, fostering debate and teamwork that culminate in highly practical, interactive classes,
led by outstanding professors, holding many doctorates form leading European and US universities. Moreover,
IE gleans great advantage from its valuable international contact network, which provides a privileged insight
into the corporate community that IE serves and equipping IE students with essential knowledge and skills.
Students and alumni also maintain and build on contacts through the IE communities platform
( This pioneering initiative provides students, alumni, professors, and associate professionals
with an interface whereby they can share theoretical and practical knowledge about sectors, functional areas
or geographic regions regardless of their geographic location.
This is how we recreate the IE experience each day, with the work and enthusiasm of all those who form
part of the IE Business School community. It's an experience that has positioned us as an innovative and
entrepreneurial school. A school that forms opinions. A school that makes a difference.
Santiago Iñiguez
IE Business School Dean
IE is Excellence
ie Business School
IE Business School is recognized by the international press, who rank IE as a leading international business
Distance Learning MBA ranking - 2nd worldwide. 1st in Europe January 2008
th th
MBA - 16 worldwide. 7 in Europe October 2009
MBA ranking - 3 worldwide September 2009
MBAs - 1 worldwide September 2009
“With the highest student satisfaction rating of all of BusinessWeek's ranked schools, U.S. and international, IE's student
body is among the most diverse in the world.” From the BusinessWeek article about the rankings. November 2008.
IE is accredited by the
world's three leading AACSB International EQUIS AMBA
Association to Advance European Quality Association of MBA´s
accreditation bodies. Collegiate Schools of Business Improvement System
IE is a founding member of the Sumaq Alliance, a network of leading business schools in Spain and Latin
America; EGADE; Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico; EAESP - Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil; INCAE Business
School; IE Business School; IESA, Venezuela; Catholic University of Chile; University of Los Andes, Colombia;
University of San Andres, Argentina.
Partnership with the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, offering executive training and the
GSMP (Global Senior Management Program).
33% Women
350 Part-time professors
30 Guest professors
100 conferences with guest companies 75% Bilingual Spanish/English
500 professors through The Sumaq Alliance
Just some of the international prizes won by • Luciano Benetton, President of the Benetton Group.
our students and professors: • William Gates, President of Microsoft.
• Reuben Mark, President of Colgate-Palmolive.
• EFMD, European Case Writting Competition, • Michael Treschow, President of Atlas Copco.
Innovation Challenge. • Romano Prodi, Former President of Italy.
• EFMD Multimedia Case Award. • Sergey Brin and Larry Page, founders of Google.
• Freshfield, European Best Lawyer. • Craig R. Barret, CEO of Intel.
• Best MBA Student. AMBA.
• Beta Gamma Sigma. The International
Honor Society.
• Brandon-Hall, Execllence in E-learning
IE is International
ie Business School
IE in Madrid
Madrid is the capital of Spain and Europe's fourth largest city. Its geographic location makes it
a cultural crossroads, offering a wealth of history in its architecture and traditions, as well as
breathtaking modernity. Its offerings include a world-class cultural heritage, including extraordinary
artistic riches of the so called 'Golden Triangle', comprised of the Prado, Reina Sofia and Thyssen
museums. Visitors also enjoy a vast range of tourist activities and sports facilities both in the city
and surrounding areas.
The people of Madrid are known for their zest for life. The city's restaurants, cafes and theaters,
coupled with major shopping areas and malls that host everything from top international
designers to exquisite local specialities make the city a hub of activity both day and night.
Madrid is Spain's financial and business center and home to the Spanish Parliament, the
head quarters of all spains top companies, and those of the multinationals operating in
Spain. This Spanish and cosmopolitan environment, together with a lively cultural and
social scene, puts Madrid in a league of its own and provides the perfect backdrop for
rounding off a unique educational experience.
IE is Entrepreneurship
ie Business School
• IE Business School was among the vanguard IE Business School was founded by
when, in 1983, it created a department entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. Since its
exclusively dedicated to the promotion of inception, we have worked to support new
entrepreneurship. initiatives and to promote entrepreneurship in
the business world.
• 14% of IE graduates start up their own
ventures over the course of their careers. The following are the main initiatives launched
by the department for Entrepreneurial
• Under the guidance of the professors from the Management:
Department for Entrepreneurial Management
and with the support of over 100 external Venture Lab ( V-Lab), the center for
professors, alumni entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs par excellence. Venture Lab brings
professionals from the world of business start- together all forms of entrepreneurial ventures:
ups, all IE students work in groups to draw up new business projects, family business projects,
their own business plan as part of their program. corporate projects and social projects. V-Lab,
IE is Entrepreneurship
ie Business School
with the support of Caja Madrid, promotes IE Business Plan Competition encourages the
entrepreneurial development through a series development of high potential projects. A
of annual activities which stimulate the competitive dynamic (there are various
development of innovative projects and bring committees to follow the projects' progress),
together financing sources and Master students the spirit of cooperation, support, conferences,
as well as the alumni community. and a privileged network come together to
make the entrepreneurial experience offered
Venture Day (V-Day) ends a year of hard work by IE a unique opportunity to shape
and intense entrepreneurial activity with a entrepreneurial initiative.
flourish. Students with projects of clear
entrepreneurial merit but with a lack of funding Iceved (International Center for Entrepreneurship
have the opportunity to present their ideas to and Ventures Development), a platform that
over 100 investors on a designated day, on links 25 business schools from across the world
which the school is imbued with the spirit of and which develops various research projects,
entrepreneurship. facilitates networking, and training in the field
of business start-ups.
IE is Innovation
ie Business School
• Renewal of course content every year in order to incorporate the latest trends
in management tools and models.
One of IE’s proposals to optimize the use of new technology is the Online Education
Some of our programs are followed by students who work in 20 different countries
who study over the Internet. These courses include presential periods in different
cities across the world and as well as online training stages. During the online
periods, participants work on the material in teams by using time-delayed debate
forums and video-conferences. This blended format means that many executives
can take part in our executive training programs without neglecting their
professional responsibilities.
IE is Network
ie Business School
Alumni Association
The Alumni Association promotes relations
between IE Business School graduates and
acts as a platform for networking for its
40,000 alumni members in over 100
different countries.
Through the Association, we promote the
continuous training of our graduates and
provide assistance in their professional
The Annual Alumni Conference has
become the flagship event and the main
networking event in the alumni calendars.
This important event, which brings
together over 1500 alumni, coming from
more than 60 countries across the globe,
alumni best reflects the spirit in which
the Association was created: to develop a Annual Alumni Conference, 2004
network uniting graduates and to promote Dr. Muhammad Yunus
their continuous training. Nobel Peace Prize 2006
IE is Responsibility
ie Business School
Other consolidated initiatives include the IE addresses Social Impact Management from
Chair in Corporate Ethics funded by the IE 3 essential angles: knowledge, generated by
Alumni Association, or the IE code of research, and transferred through teaching
professional conduct, the result of a joint and events; the engagement of IE students,
effort by professors, students and alumni. This alumni, established professionals, and other
commitment culminated in the creation of a members of the IE community to implement
dedicated depar tment, Social Impact knowledge; and outreach, via strategic
Management at IE, which now plays a pivotal collaborations and social entrepreneurial
role in the day-to-day fabric of the school. alliances and initiatives whereby IE members
interact with the community.
Knowledge Outreach
Research is powered by social impact Outreach takes many forms, including alliances
management centres at IE, like with organizations like the Global Compact
• The PwC/IE Center for Corporate Responsibility with IE forming part of the GC Principles for
• PwC/IE Public Sector Center Responsible Management Education
• The IE Center for Diversity workgroup. It also includes events, such as the
• The IE Center for Eco-Intelligent Management organization by IE of the Sumaq-led 1 st
European-Ibero American Congress on
IE Business School is including the Social Impact Corporate Responsibility, and dedicated
Management in all academic areas. support, like IE’s sponsorship of the EFMD CSR
case study award. The different IE research
Engagement centers organize their own activities and
Engagement of students and alumni in CR events in their fields to bring further impetus
activities starts with the admissions process and to their work. Conference cycles run by the IE
continues through numerous initiatives, Center for Eco-intelligent Management, for
including: the Net Impact Chapter, a speaker example, take innovation beyond the
series led by IE students covering topics standard improvements required by law. They
related to corporate responsibility and examine how eco-intelligence requires the
sustainability; EcologIE, platform which addresses alteration of product design criteria, the
environmental challenges at IE; student clubs development of new human resource skills and
dedicated to Diversity, Entrepreneurship, and new approaches to manufacturing processes
Women in Business; the Mentor Program, which and customer relationships. In short, IE
provides a link between prestigious professionals Business School’s drive to address social and
and IE students; internships and pro bono environmental issues as one of the major
consultancies in NGOs; and career support in challenges facing business organizations in the
the form of corporate presentations by NGOs 21st century forms an integral part of the
and international bodies like the World Bank or school´s strategic vision and future roadmap.
the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Knowledge Engagement
Research IE Students
Teaching IE Alumni
Forums Professionals
IE Community
Strategic Collaborations
Social Entrepreneurship
IE is Responsibility
ie Business School
many people would get out of poverty
2008 2013
if we make this graph happen?
Other related CSR Projects for the Masters
in Finance
IE is Community
ie Business School
Adidas Event. Marketing Club. Photo by Otmar Winterleitner. IE Student´06. Photgraphy Club
Community Finance Club Event. Photo by Otmar Winterleitner.
IE student ´06. Photography Club
Learning beyond the classroom is a vital part of the IE Experience. FamilIE facilitates, coordinates,
and encourages a rich and varied range of student-run clubs and activities, creating great social
and professional opportunities that complement academic life. Academic, sporting, regional, and
social clubs to match every interest, whether you are looking to balance the rigours of the academic
program or to gain leadership experience and skills in specific fields or industries.
Through nearly 25 clubs, you will find chances to meet and interact with other students, faculty,
alumni, leading figures in the business community who visit campus. You may network, learn,
gain management skills, and enhance your personal and professional growth. Since new clubs
may be founded every year at students' initiative and demands, you are encouraged to start a
new club, wherever you see fit!
Families and partners are welcome at all clubs and activities.
Currently active Clubs include:
SpringFling 2006
Masters in Finance
ie Business School
The Master in Advanced Finance is a 12-month program that targets professionals with 2-5 years
of experience in finance or other professional fields such as engineering, law or business administration.
Participants will undertake a one-year full-time program designed to refocus their career on the
financial world and who aspire to work in the finance industry at an associate level. Either if your
background is finance or not, the Master in Advanced Finance will allow you to embark an ambitious
career in the financial world by equipping you with a deep understanding of the most advanced fields
in finance today, including commodities, behavioral finance or fixed income and equity derivatives.
Both masters will cover up-to-the-minute fields that now play a critical role in the finance world, such
as risk control, emerging markets, current global economic issues, financial entrepreneurship and how
to invest in markets. The masters will also furnish you with the practical applied knowledge you will
need to succeed as a financier, including presentation skills, ethical dilemmas or negotiation.
These masters employ a highly practical approach.You will not only be asked to assimilate knowledge,
but also to apply it to financial markets, demonstrating your capacity to generate profits using your
skills. You could also be required to select investment opportunities for private equity firms, analyze
these opportunities, value them, and present a finance plan to the faculty and to a real private equity
investor. Additionally, our “open sessions” will bring the opportunity to meet industry experts from all
the fields of finance, affording relevant contact with the business world.
IE also offers a valuable and powerful tool: networking with IE's 3,700 finance alumni through IE's web-
based finance communities, where you can access advanced knowledge in the field of
finance, discuss key financial topics with your colleagues or share job offers.
CFA exams are the most renowned qualifications for finance professionals worldwide, which
guarantees IE Masters in Finance a place among the world’s most prestigious educational
programs and a leading position in ethical and professional standards.
IE Masters in Finance students have several scholarships available per calendar year to enable
them to take CFA level I.
2 Aimed at
3 Masters Structure
The financier of the future is a sophisticated professional who interacts with many parties in a
complex world.
The program provides a fine-tuned financial education in an environment that encourages you
to extend your leadership capabilities while developing specialized expertise in this discipline.
Building a solid understanding of financial principles, these programs impart detailed knowledge
of the operations and activities of financial markets and provide a comprehensive view of the
international world economy.
The Masters in Finance will equip you with the understanding and know-how you need to
undertake the functions of finance with maximum effectiveness, efficiency and professionalism,
International MBA + Master in Advanced Finance
preparing you to apply the functions of finance to create value both in investment banking, other
financial companies, the industry and greater society.
Language English
Student profile Recent graduates or Professionals who wish to Entrepreneurs or professionals
young professionals accelerate or switch their who seek top positions in finance
careers industry
Age range 22-24 25-31 25-35
Average professional 0-18 months 2-5 years 5 years
Program length 10 months 12 months 21 months
Calendar September-June (following year) January-December April-December (following year)
*A small no. of specialized courses may be taught in the afternoon, to allow for the work schedules of professors
who are practitioners.
My year at IE was the hardest and at the same time the most
amazing of my life. Professors and students from all over the
world don't just teach what you can find in books, they teach you
about life, culture and how to survive in this hectic modern world.
I made friends for life and many
professors' comments and observations will remain with me
forever. In addition, it opened doors when it came to finding a
job, which in the endis one of our biggest concerns.
Maria Paiva
Master in Finance 2007
BBVA Debt Capital Markets, Spain
Master in Finance
The Masters in Finance takes a detailed and disciplined look at the tools, techniques, theoretical
know-how, and practical focus that makes it possible to put these functions into practice. The
experience is enhanced by additional studies and tools that assist decision making in areas
directly or indirectly affected by the financial manager's reactions.
• The most appealing syllabus designed by professionals from the capital markets based on
the needs of the financial recruiters
• Strong faculty with a sizeable percentage of practitioners from the finance industry
• IE is the first school in Spain to be awarded the status of CFA Institute Program Partner.
The CFA Institute is one of the most internationally renowned bodies in the field of finance
deeming us ready to form part of the most prestigious educational institutions. We are confident
that this will not only further increase IE’s prestige within the financial world but that this
recognition of the program will also have many benefits for our students with regards to career
• Strong 3,700 alumni network from IE's finance programs since 1977, supported by on-site
finance oriented networking (Finance Club & Financial Community)
• An eminent practical approach: investment game, private equity valuation project, equity
research report project, company valuation project
International MBA + Master in Advanced Finance
Aimed at:
People who work or are planning to work in:
• Corporate finance
• Sovereign wealth funds
• Venture capital and private equity
• Equities
• Fixed income
Dual Degree
• Derivatives
• Asset management
• Hedge funds
• Private banking
• Financial consulting
• Auditing
• Public finance
• Finance departments of large corporations
Both programs will cover key financial areas that aim to replicate the same areas and functions in capital
markets and investment banking. These areas, which are letter-coded, are:
Areas Subjects
Corporate Finance (CFI) Financial issues that have a direct impact on business
organisations including leverage, dividend policy, financing
or equity valuation, as well as the implications of mergers
and acquisitions for the investment banking industry.
Financial Accounting Analysis (FAA) Accounting analysis skills which any financier should master
to excel in his/her function. These courses will be biased
towards international accounting, creative accounting
detection and financial analysis.
Applied Knowledge for the Different key concepts that serve as basic tools for the
Financial Manager (APP) successful financier, including negotiation, presentation
skills or building of financial models using excel.
Economics for Markets (ECO) Practical macro information that is key for financial markets,
including how macro data should be read in order to have
an informed opinion of where to invest, and recent macro
developments that will shape the world in this century,
such as the rise of China or the impact of geopolitics.
Master in Finance
The courses for each area will follow a progressive approach, starting from the basics and building
up in terms of complexity and sophistication to reach the most advanced courses taught during
the third period. The structure has also been designed to enable participants to prepare for
interviews with recruiters, which could start as early as autumn.
*The structure may be altered depending on market dynamics and company demands.
Dual Degree
Masters in Finance
1 Master in Finance
Master in Finance
pag 34
Concept 35
Intended for 35
Structure 36
Program Content 40
3 Dual Degree
International MBA +
Dual Degree
Master in Advanced
pag 60
Concept 61
Intended for 61
Structure 62
4 Faculty 64
Master in Finance
ie Business School
1st place CFA
(Chartered Financial Analyst)
Competition 2009
Master in Finance
Sebastian Mentzen (Germany)
Naz Okten (Turkey)
Andres Dobles (Costa Rica)
Jonas Aita (Germany)
Sakhee Joisher (Great Britain)
The Master in Finance equips participants with up-to-the minute knowledge in key areas of
finance such as leveraged buy-outs, credit derivatives or mergers and acquisitions. The program
will play a pivotal role in increasing candidate appeal in recruitment processes for leading financial
institutions such as investment banks private equity or asset management. This is a program
centred around finance, in line with the demand of the recruiting market in the financial arena.
Further areas covered include macroeconomics, financial accounting, financial entrepreneurship,
presentation skills and negotiation. In addition to finance courses, students will be required to undertake
level I of the CFA Charter, a highly respected international degree within the finance industry.
Intended for:
Students with an outstanding academic record who have just completed their undergraduate
studies, with limited or no professional experience and who aim to pursue a career as analyst in
investment banking (corporate finance, equities, fixed income derivatives, etc.), financial boutiques,
hedge funds, private equity, private banking, asset management on the finance area of a corporation,
or as an entrepreneur with a financial angle.
*A small no. of specialized courses may be taught in the afternoon, to allow for the work schedules of professors who are practitioners.
Master in Finance Structure
ie Business School
The structure may be altered depending on market dynamics and company demands
Master in Finance
PERIOD III (April-June)
Applied Finance
Arbitrage Strategies
Behavioral Finance
Commodities Markets
Creating Value through Corporate Change
Creative Accounting
Equity Derivatives & Volatility
Financing Entrepreneurial New Ventures
Hedge Funds
Investment Game - Period III
Islamic Finance
Macroeconomics & Asset Allocation
Mergers & Acquisitions
Private Equity
SRI & Microfinance
CFA I Preparation
*Foreign exchange
Master in Finance Class Profile 2009
ie Business School
Age (Average: 23,5. Range: 20-26) Consulting 9%
Entertainment /Hospitality Management 6%
20% 80%
24-26 years 20-24 years Finance/Banking 40%
High Tech/E-commerce/IT 6%
Industrial Productions/Energy and
Mining/Construction 6%
Law/Auditing/Tax 11%
Others 9%
Recent-graduate 14%
Geographic Distribution
Undergraduate Degrees
9% 39%
Spain Other Western Business/ Commerce 43%
Europe Economics 23%
Africa & Middle East 9% Engineering 17%
4% Eastern Law 9%
North America Europe
Others 6%
13% 14% Social Sciences 3%
Asia Latin America
Program Content
ie Business School
Mariana Montalvao
Master in Finance 2007
Global Market Control Associate -Deutsche Bank, London
ie Business School
IE Business School's Master in Finance has been the perfect choice for me
after graduating in International Business Administration. The program is one
of the most comprehensive of it kind, covering all key areas from corporate
finance, through capital markets to alternative investments. It offers everything
a finance professional needs to know to excel in financial markets, taught
by some of the most excellent professors in the field. One of the things I
most appreciate about the program is that 75% of courses are taught by
practitioners who are renowned experts in the world of finance. Most
importantly, the program has led to successful interviews with some of the
best firms in investment banking, private equity and consulting, including
Lars Christian Wilde
Current student, Goldman Sachs M&A, Morgan Stanley Private Equity, and McKinsey &
Master in Finance 2009 Company.
ie Business School
structured products. The course will also analyse mechanisms used to identify and correct these
hybrid instruments and securitizations. abuses will also be explored.
The IE experience has truly been a challenging and rewarding one; on both
academic as well as personal fronts. Not only have I learnt a lot of technical
and practical financial knowledge from inspiring professors, but interactions
with peers from diverse nationalities (particularly through group work) have
widened my global perspective and mindset. Although tough at times, the
need to juggle work and leisure has trained me into a more organized, time-
effective individual, as it is important to “work hard and play hard” in vibrant
Madrid! Overall, I am most thankful to IE for the wonderful friends I made
and whom I intend to stay in touch with for the unforeseeable future - this
year would never have been the same without them!
Christina Yuen
Master in Finance 2008
UBS Investment Bank, London
Corporate Finance
Master in Advanced Finance
ie Business School
The Master in Advanced Finance affords up-to-the minute knowledge in the most innovative
areas of finance such as securization, swaps, commodities, equity derivatives, leveraged buy-outs,
geopolitics, behavioral finance, value at risk or Islamic Finance.
Participants receive an education that can play a pivotal role in increasing candidate appeal in
recruitment process for tier I financial institutions like investment banks, hedge funds, private
banking, sovereign wealth funds and private equity firms.
Intended for
Professionals (with or without previous finance experience) who wish to pursue a career as
*A small no. of specialized courses may be taught in the afternoon, to allow for the work schedules of professors who are practitioners.
Master in Advanced Finance Structure
ie Business School
(January-April) (May-July)
* Foreign Exchange
The structure may be altered depending on market dynamics and company demands
I chose IE because of its good position in the rankings, the quality of life in Madrid,
and the option to prepare for CFA I. IE's reputation has played a definite role in
getting interviews with possible future employers, and I had the chance to meet
a lot of bright and interesting people, many of whom are now friends.
Oliver Steinki
Master in Finance 2007
Morgan Stanley Quantitative Equity
Research, Geneva
Arbitrage Strategies
Asset Allocation
Banking & Insurance
Commodities Market
Issuance of Securities
Private Banking
Private Equity & Leverage Buy Outs
Project Finance
Dominik Lanz
Master in Finance 2008
Nomura Investment Bank, Germany
Master in Advanced Finance
ie Business School
Consulting 15%
Age (Average: 28.6. Range: 24-39) Finance 10%
Investment Banking 15%
20% 80%
Commercial Banking 35%
Geographic Distribution
Undergraduate Degrees
20% 20% Business/ Commerce 40%
Spain Europe
Economics 25%
5% Engineering 10%
North America
15% Finance/ Banking 5%
Europe Non EU Law 5%
25% 5% Mathematics 5%
Asia Latin America Social Sciences 5%
Technology 5%
Work Experience
Average 5 years
Work experience range 2.2-14.5 years Average GMAT 670
Program Content
ie Business School
PERIOD I (January - April)
Dual Degree: International MBA +
ie Business School
In response to this, IE has launched its Dual Degree International MBA (IMBA) + Master in Advanced
Finance (MIAF) which combines IE´s top-ranked IMBA program with the sophisticated and deep
financial education provided by MIAF, the first CFA Program Partner in Spain.
Intended for
Entrepreneurs or professionals who seek top
positions in corporate finance, financial consulting,
venture capital and private equity, asset
management, public finance and the finance
departments of large corporations.
*A small no. of specialized courses may be taught in the afternoon, to allow for the work schedules of professors who are practitioners.
Dual Degree
Dual Degree Structure
ie Business School
Ozgur Senturk
Current student of the Dual Degree Program 2010
Previous position: Head of Trade & Commodity Finance
TEB N.V./Amsterdam (A subsidiary of BNP Paribas)
Dual Degree students will graduate in 21 months, having mandatorily started the degree with
the International MBA (IMBA) from April to December in their first year. Instead of taking elective
courses during their second year (January to May), Dual Degree students will join the whole
Master in Advanced Finance (MIAF) program from January through December.
The Dual Degree program is structured as follows:
International MBA*
(April-June) (July-September) (October-December)
(January-April) (April-July) (September-December)
* Please refer to page 48 of this brochure for more details on the MIAF program structure.
In the first year of the Dual Degree, students will become cognizant with cutting-edge knowledge
and techniques in all functional areas of management. The program will start with innovative
workshops in areas such as team building, critical thinking, cross-cultural and effective
communication, creativity, and decision-making, coupled with a balanced training and development
program that cultivates personal and interpersonal skills and abilities, including, negotiation,
leadership, and coaching.
The first period of IMBA will focus on the fundamentals of quantitative analysis, economics,
International MBA + Master in Advanced Finance
marketing, accounting and organizational behavior, laying the foundation for the rest of the
program. The second period provides the triple core of management - strategy, finance, and
operations, while the third period will emphasize the integration of the management of people,
of technology and of the firm's social and political environment in different countries.
During the second year, students will acquire a solid grounding in the leading edge fields in
finance such as financial stability, securitization, leveraged buyouts, behavioral finance or Islamic
Students can be exempted from several subjects of the MIAF program subject to approval by
MIAF professors, if they have achieved a satisfactory academic performance in the equivalent
Dual Degree
classes during their IMBA program in the first year. The subjects that students can be exempted
from in their 2nd year are:
Master in Finance
Allard, Gayle Azpilizcueta, Borja
Chair of Department of Economic Environment, Managing Director, Head of M&A Spain and
IE Business School Portugal, Credit Suisse, 2006- 2009
Research chair, Price Waterhouse Coopers-IE Managing Director, Investment Banking Division
Center on the Public Sector London/Madrid, UBS Investment Bank, 1997 -
Research Economist, The Economist Intelligence 2006
Unit, 1990-present Corporate Finance Analyst, Lehman Brothers
Economist, JP Morgan, Madrid, Spain, 1996-1998 International (Europe), 1995-1997
Ph.D. in Economics, University of California at Analyst, INDIGO Inversiones, S.A., Madrid, 1993
Davis -1994
MA in International Economics, Johns Hopkins Bachelor in Law & Finance, Universidad
School of Advanced International Studies Pontificia Comillas - ICADE
Hedge Funds Analyst, BBVA Research, Madrid, Financial Risk Manager, Certified by the Global
2006 - 2007 Association of Risk Professionals, 2000
Analyst and consultant in Pro Invest General Management Program, IESE, 1990-1996
International Ltd, Warsaw, 1997-1999 Bachelor of Arts in Business and Economics
Ph.D. in Economics, Carlos III University, Madrid Bachelor of Arts in Law
Bachelor in Mathematics, the Warsaw
Polytechnic University, Poland García Peri Álvarez, Cristina
Managing Director, Equity Capital Markets,
Gallo Villoria, Carlos Merrill Lynch International, London, 2004-2006
Head of Exotic Options and Alternative Funds, Managing Director, Equity Derivatives & Head
Asset Allocation of Corporate Marketing, J.P Morgan Chase
Department, Invercaixa Gestión SGIIC, 2005 - London, 2000-2003
present Vice President, Equity Derivatives, J.P. Morgan
Senior Assets Manager,Invercaixa Gestión SGIIC, & Co., London, 1995-1998
2004-2005 Vice President, M&A, J.P. Morgan & Co., London,
Senior Funds Manager, Invercaixa Gestión 1994
SGIIC,1998- 2004 Associate, Corporate Finance, J.P. Morgan & Co.,
Expert in Derivatives,HSBC Investment Bank, Madrid, 1992-1993
1994-1998 Associate, M&A, J.P. Morgan & Co., London, 1990
Option Markets Operator, MEFF Equities, 1993- Associate, Corporate Finance, Goldman Sachs
1994 International, London, 1989
Board Member of Management for CFA Business Analyst, McKinsey & Co, Madrid, 1986-
Spain,1993- present 1988
CFA Charterholder, 2002 MBA, Harvard Business School, U.S.A., 1990
Bachelor in Economics and Business, Bachelor in Economics & Finance, I.C.A.D.E.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid University, 1986
Master in Finance
General Manager, Hyundai Spain, 2007 - present MBA, INSEAD Fontainebleau, France 2000
General Manager, Subaru Spain, 2006 BSc in Business Administration, Major in
Head of car distribution, Subaru Spain Finance, Universidad Pontificia Comillas Madrid,
Financial Director, Serdetec, 2005-2006 Spain, 1997
Profesor of Financial Management, Universidad Bachelor in Law, ESSEC Paris, France, 1997
Pontificia Comillas, 2005-present
Ph.D. Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 1997 de León, Alfonso
Bachelor in Economics and BA, Universidad Managing Director, Co-Head of the Alternative
Pontificia Comillas, 1994 Investment, Mizuho International, 2007-present
Director, Head of the Special Credit Situations
de Heredia, Tomás group, Deutsche Bank AG, London, 2006-2007
M&A and Corporate Finance Director, InverCaixa Vice President, Structuring & Sales, Deutsche
Valores SV, 2003-present Bank AG London, 2005-2006
Equity Analysis Chief for Telecommunication, Associate, Structuring & Sales for Derivative
Media and Internet, InverCaixa Valores SV, 1998- Projects & Fixed Income, Deutsche Bank, Spain,
2000 2002-2005
Advanced Management Program, IESE (PDD) Analyst, M&A, Schroeder Salomon Smith Barney
CFA Charterholder, 2001 (Citigroup), 2001
Bachelor in Business Administration, Founder and CEO, SPINGOLF S.L., Madrid, 1996-
Universidad Complutense (CEU San Pablo), 2001
1995 Founder & Director, BOLG Investment, Madrid,
America, Merrill Lynch, 1989 - 1992 Private Banking Director, Deutsche Bank, 2005
CEO, New York, Savory Mill, 1984 -1989 - present
Merrill Lynch London, 1978 Regional Private Banking Director, Deutsche
Bank, 2001-2005
Martínez Ferreira, Rafael Director HNWI (High Net Worth
Hera Plasco, Board Member and Managing Individuals Private Banking), Deutsche Bank,
Director 1996-2001
Ph.D. Economics Manager Director, GesNatWest, 1995-1996
Master in Business Studies General Financial Subdirector, Caja de Ahorros
Bachelor in Engineering de Santander y Cantabria, 1992-1994
Associate Director of Assets, Santander,1987-
Maguire, Laura 1992
Executive Director Doctoral Programs, IE Bank of America, 1984 -1987
Business School The Austin Company, 1978 - 1982
Associate Professor, Human Resources Area, IE Bachelor in Engineering
Business School
Ph.D. Candidate, Universidad Autónoma de Naslin, Sandrine
Madrid Former Head of Iberian Equities and Managing
MBA, IE Business School Director, UBS Securities, Spain
Degree in English Philology, Universidad Ranked top European building analyst for 6
Autónoma de Madrid. consecutive years
Graduated with a European Business
Morales Plaza, José Ignacio Administration Degree (honors), École
Corporate Chief Financial Officer and Head of Supérieure de commerce De Reims
Strategies & Business Development, Sener
Grupo de Ingeniería (SGI), 2005-present Nieto Carol, María Jesús
Senior Financial Analyst, BBVA Head of Advisor to Director General of Banking
Consumption, 2005-2000. Regulation, Bank of Spain, 2000-present
International Senior Auditor, Corporate Audit Visiting scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta,
Department, F.Hoffman La Roche Inc., U.S.A. and 2004-present
Switzerland, 1999-2000 European Central Bank, 1998-2000
Senior Supervisor, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Council of Economic Adv isors to the Spanish
1999 President, 1996-1998 and the International
Member, European Accounting Association, Monetary Fund 1991-1995
1995 MBA, University of California, U.S.A.
Ph.D. in Progress, Universidad Complutense de Ph.D., Universidad Complutense, Madrid
Madrid, Thesis: Financing of renewable progress Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Instituto de
MBA, IESE Business School Contabilidad y Auditores de Cuentas, Spain
Master in Finance
Founder, Siebiera&Asociados (C.W. Downer Professor of Accounting, IE Business School,
M&A Boutique), 2009 2006 - present
Global Strategy, ThyssenKrupp Group, 2005 Lecturer in Accounting, The London School of
Responsible of Merger Integration, 2000 Economics and Political Science, 1996-1999
Managing Director Spain, ThyssenKrupp Ph.D. in Economics, University of Oxford
(Rodisola), 2003 “Dottorato di ricerca” in Public Economics,
Head of Business Development, M&A projects University of Pavia
in France, Spain, the UK and Brazil, ThyssenKrupp Laurea (BSc) in Social and Economic Sciences,
Group, 2000-1998 magna cum laude and special distinction, “L.
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen Bocconi” University, Milan
Learning Process
ie Business School
Master in Finance
The teaching methods used in the Masters Teamwork
in Finance are based on practical and Participants are divided into groups based on
interactive learning processes. Although their profile and background to analyse specific
almost all IE classes rely on the case method to cases. These work groups share experiences and
drive the learning experience, professors also knowledge, thereby enriching discussions and
frequently use other techniques, such as the the learning process.
interactive and online investment game, role
playing, multimedia applications and online Conferences
business simulations. IE classes are not abstract Certain course sessions are presented in the
or focused on theory. Instead, participants learn form of video conferences selected in
is merely a stage in the drive towards program time system, interactive markets system, and
objectives. One of the financier's main roles is modules system, students will have the
decision making, and this particular skill is opportunity to put into practice, in a simulation,
acquired through the case method, by discussing what they are learning in their other classes.
real business situations in which choices must The real time system enables students to
be taken in a broad range of sectors and manage risk and return of positions in real time
positions. to learn how theory is applied in practice. The
interactive markets system allows students to
Dual Degree
Case Method trade with each other and the modules provide
Important as it is, the acquisition of knowledge tutors in fixed income, equity, and options.
is merely a stage in the drive towards program
objectives. One of the financier's main roles is Students will build equity and bonds portfolios
decision making, and this particular skill is simulating real life experiences and using live
acquired through the case method, by discussing market data. Students will write reports
real business situations in which choices must justifying the rationale behind their portfolios
be taken in a broad range of sectors and and their security selections.
Admissions Process
ie Business School
The main objective of the admissions process is to select students with the highest potential. We seek
candidates that are dynamic, motivated, creative, and who not only present an excellent academic and
professional background, but also offer the kind of interpersonal skills that will permit them to obtain
maximum benefit from the program.
Candidates must also offer the following • Photocopies of complete university transcripts,
qualities: or anticipated grades if your degree is still
• Professional achievements incomplete (complete with original version or
• Leadership potential copy bearing official stamp)
• Academic excellence • Photocopy of passport or ID card
• One passport-size photo
Admissions at IE Business School is a rolling- • 2 Letters of recommendation (academic or
basis process and as such there is no deadline professional)
for applications for a particular intake. • Application Fee: 120 euros
However, given the limited number of places • English Language Certificate (TOEFL, IELTS or
on the program, we recommend that you Cambridge)
initiate the application process many months,
or even a year, in advance. Exam
As part of the admissions process, candidates
Basic Admissions Criteria must present either a valid GMAT or GRE score.
Candidates must have a bachelor´s degree or GMAT and GRE test center and exam dates can
equivalent from an accreditated educational be found at or
institution and be fluent in the English language.
Professional experience and language skills are Interview
highly regarded and each candidate's merits will Once the application form has been assessed,
be individually assessed. candidates may be called to interview, which
will examine the data provided in the
Application Form application in greater detail and determines
The application form provides the Admissions whether the candidate's profile will stand him
Committee fundamental information when it or her in good stead for the content and
comes to evaluating candidates for master demands of the program.
programs. To access the application form, visit, Scholarships and Financial Aid
IE offers an online application form also available To support the diversity within IE programs, the
through TopApply: IE Foundation awards tuition funding assistance
to talented students in need of financial aid
In addition to submitting the application form, based on merit, distinctive competences and
applicants must send: academic excellence. IE has also formed
agreements in conjunction with leading Spanish
banks to offer IE students attractive packages to
finance tuition and living expenses.
Selection Committee
Admissions Committee
Alumni Association
ie Business School
Open Forums
Law/tax, e-Business, telecommunications and
information technologies, cooperations
management, corporate communication,
ie Business School
The Careers Advice Service aims to take an active role in all students' careers development. We
educate students and alumni in developing the necessary skills for success in the job market.
IE Business School
Programs in English
If you want to learn more about the program, our faculty and other IE initiatives:
• Please contact our international offices:
• Request the full brochure or more information at IE in Madrid:
IE Business School
Admissions Department
María de Molina, 13
28006 Madrid, Spain
Tel.: +34 91 568 96 10
Fax: +34 91 568 97 10
• Download the pdf program:
International Offices
ARGENTINA-Buenos Aires MEXICO-Mexico City
Contact: Federico Paviolo Contact: Alvaro Sanchez
e-mail: Yolanda Fernandez
BRAZIL-São Paulo
Contact: Newton Campos PERU-Lima
e-mail: Contact: Bruno Garro
CHILE-Santiago de Chile
Contact: Mauricio Yury PORTUGAL-Lisbon
e-mail: Contacto: Ines Holtreman
Contact: Albert Krisskoy RUSSIA-Moscow
e-mail: Contact: Esin Nisanci
Contact: Patricia Salgar SINGAPORE-Singapore
e-mail: Contact: Dirk Hopfl e-mail: