Green Leafy Vegetables
Green Leafy Vegetables
Green Leafy Vegetables
Spinach Omelette Recipe Grow Leafy Vegetables
The consumer demand for vegetables is becoming greater everyday.
The reason is simple. Vegetable is inexpensive. Vegetable gardening, on
the one hand, augments family income; on the other, it helps boost the
government’s food production campaign.
Start now and turn your backyard into a veritable source of green
leafy vegetables.
Alugbati is one of the most popular
vegetables in Western Visayas,
Ingredients particularly in the province of Iloilo. It
can be grown also in other parts of
1lb fresh spinach the country.
1/2 onion (diced small)
4 large eggs The young and tender leaves of
salt and pepper alugbati are cooked with other
2 knobs of butter vegetables such or with eggplant,
squash, mongo or with meat, dried fish,
Method and shrimps.
1. Wash & blanch spinach in salted boiling water for approx 5 mins. Basella alba and Basella rubra
Drain and squeeze dry. are species of alugbati which were introduced into the country and believed
to have come from Tropical Asia. Basella alba is the white variety while
2. Melt 1 knob of butter in frying pan on medium heat and fry the onions Basella rubra is the red variety.
till golden, remove and mix with the spinach, season with salt and
The vegetable easily adapts to a wide range of soil types but it thrives
best in a well-drained clay loam soil. It is grown from an altitude of one
3. Beat eggs in a small bowl. Melt remaining butter on medium heat in meter above sea level to high elevation and can be cultivated throughout
the frying pan. Pour in eggs, stir them with a fork as they cook for the the year.
first minute. The best time for planting is at the end of the rainy season. Alugbati is
propagated through seeds and cuttings 20 to 25cm long. In using cuttings,
4. Lower the heat and add the spinach to the omelette, stir twice then the leaves are usually removed before planting so as to reduce water loss
leave mix to cook and set. Serve and enjoy.
through transpiration.
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HOW TO PLANT Pass wooden plow or cultivator between the rows when the plants
are 20 to 35cm tall to hill up the plant and to suppress the growth of
Plow and harrow the field. Plant three (3) to four (4) cuttings per hill weeds. Thinning is done along with cultivation, or immediately.
at distance of 20-30cm between hills in furrows spaced at 50 to 75cm
apart. If there are more cutting, plants 7 to 10 cuttings per hill with a Proper fertilization is necessary for the growth of Saluyut. Ammonium
distance of 40 to 50cm between hills. sulphate at the rate of 200 to 300kg per hectare is used as top dressing
when the seedlings are two to three weeks old. The fertilizer is applied in
Cultivate by hilling up the soil either with a garden hoe or animal drawn the furrows and lightly covered with soil.
plow. Weed by hand regularly.
In the absence on any commercial fertilizer, barnyard manure or
Irrigate when necessary. Apply compost fertilizer for best results. organic, or compost are recommended at the rate of 500 to 750kg per
Saluyut is affected by jute semi looper, hairy caterpillar and jute mites.
Asparagus is one of the most Stem rot is the only disease observed in Saluyut.
delicious, wholesome and
appetizing vegetables. As a SPINACH
processed product, it is canned
and frozen in large quantities. Spinach is a nutritious vegetable. It is rich
vitamins A and B and contains very high amount
The varieties grown locally of calcium and potassium. It is eaten as salad
are Mary Washington, Martha Washington, colossal and Palmetto. or in combination with other vegetables.
It can be grow in nearly all kinds of soil, but deep loose soil is preferred. The local Baguio variety is considered of
Asparagus grows best in places with a climate similar to Baguio and its superior quality because of its broad and tender
environs. leaves.
HOW TO PLANT It grows in sandy loam soil with medium
fertility and good drainage. It is planted during
Seeds are sown in drills 15 to 30 inches apart. The rows may be the rainy season.
spaced 24 to 36 inches apart in a well-prepared field. Check the growth
of weeds by shallow cultivation or by the use of herbicides. Transplant the HOW TO PLANT
seedling grown for a year. The depth of planting varies from 6 to 14 inches,
depending on the physical characteristics of the soil. Regardless of the Prepare the land thoroughly.
depth of the furrows, the crown should not be covered over two (2) to Spinach can be directly broadcast or drilled. For drill planting, spaces
three (3) inches deep at planting time. The distance between rows is four from 25 to 30cm between rows and 10 to 15 cm between hills should be
(4) to six (6) feet. The distance between plants should not be less than 18 maintained. Clean by shallow cultivation. Hand weed and thin when
inches. Cultivate to kill weeds. The first harvest is made at the start of the necessary. Spinach is harvested by hand when the leaves are tender or
third season or after the plant has two full growing seasons in the permanent when the plants are from 15 to 20cm high. Apply compost or organic
bed. fertilizer for best results.
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Saluyut is not as popular as other Cabbage is considered an
vegetables, thus, its cultivation is important part of a well-balanced
limited. It is pan-tropic in distribution. diet. It is usually eaten fresh or
It grows mostly in a clearing, on rice combined with other foods.
paddy banks and in open, low wet
places near settlements. It contains protein,
carbohydrates, vitamin and different
In the Philippines, the tops are minerals which are essential body
eaten as vegetable particularly by the requirements. The varieties of cabbage are Succession, All Head Early,
Ilocanos. It is either cooked with bamboo shoots and fish or meat, or with Charleston, Make Field, Exhuizen Glory, Copenhagen Market, Marion
other vegetables. It is an excellent source of iron, calcium and phosphorous. Market, Golden Arce and Early Plant Dutch. Lately, two outstanding
Japanese hybrids, KY and KK have been successfully grown under
The leaves are also used for medicine purposes. It is very effective lowland conditions in the country.
for headaches.
Cabbage grows at sea level up to 1,900 meter above sea level. It is
The fruits are used by the sino-Annamites as laxative and cure for ideally grown in well-drained clay loam or sandy loam with plenty of organic
inflammations and abscesses. The oil from the seeds is used to treat skin matter.
It is commonly grown at the end of the rainy season or from September
Saluyut grows under a wide range of soil types both poor and rich, to March.
although soil with plenty of organic matter is ideal. Avoid sandy and porous
soils under laid with stones and boulders. HOW TO PLANT
It is usually planted in the beginning of the rainy season and during the Sow the seeds in seed boxes or in seed beds 10cm deep, 45cm wide
months of May and June. In places where there is a uniform distribution of and 60cm long. The developing seedlings are fertilized with ammonium
rainfall, like Southern Mindanao, it is planted anytime of the year. sulphate.
HOW TO PLANT Plow and harrow the fields twice before transplanting to reduce the
soil info fine filth. Make one meter wide plots and remove weeds. Scatter
Prepare the land thoroughly well-decayed organic matter and pulverized the soil while mixing it with
Drill the seed uniformly four to five inches apart in the furrows at the the former.
rate of 5 to 6kg per hectare. For big scale planting and in open spaces, Transplant only vigorous seedlings which are three (3) to four (4)
seeds are judiciously broadcast and lightly covered with soil by passing a weeks old and four (4) inches high. Separate them 45cm apart (square) in
wooden harrow intended for the purpose. plots. Water and provide shade. Transplant during cloudy days or late in
the afternoon in order that the seedlings will not wilt.
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Cultivate and water the plants alternately before heading stage. Two important species of pechay are the heading type and the non-
Weeding should be done when the seedlings are about six (6) to eight (8) heading type. The first one is represented by the Wong Bok variety and
inches tall. the second one by the Indian, Japanese Yellow Leaf, and Native Green
Use 250 to 300kg of ammonium sulphate or 110 to 135kg of urea
per hectare to attain size. For best results, apply organic or compost The native Green leaf, often called Chinese pechay, is preferred by
fertilizer. nutritionists because it is rich in food nutrients.
Spray the plants with insecticides and copper fungicides at 10 to 14 Although pechay grows in any kind of soil, rich sandy soil is preferred.
days interval to prevent the occurrence of pests and diseases. The planting season is from September to December when the climate
turns from mild to cold and is favourable to the plant.
Crop rotation, use of well-drained soil, good management practices
and avoiding heavy seedlings in the seed bed help prevent the occurrence HOW TO PLANT
of plant diseases.
Sow the seeds in wooden seed boxes, flower pots or pans and pots.
CAULIFLOWER Water the seedlings twice a day. Spray registered insecticide to protect
the developing seedlings against pests. if overcrowding, prick some of the
Cauliflower, considered as the seedling and transfer to some other seed plots.
aristocrat of the cabbage family, is
exacting and delicate in its climatic Divide the land into plots one meter wide and of convenient length.
requirements. It is grown in the country Leave a path of about 30cm between the plots. Cultivate the soil to a tilt.
for its white tender head formed by
Transplant when the seedlings have formed one or two pairs of true
the shortened and thickened parts of
leaves at 20cm apart during cloudy days. Water the plants daily until harvest.
the flower called the curds. These
curds are made into salad, either alone or in combination with other Cultivate the plants whenever the soil appears compacted or when
vegetables, and in the preparation of pickles. the plots become weedy to promote aeration and to kill the weeds that
would compete with the plants in the absorption of food nutrients.
The locally grown varities of cauliflower include the Snowball grown
in Baguio and along its mountain trails where suitable conditions are found. Apply six to ten petroleum cupfuls of barnyard manure per square
Early Patna and Early market are cultivated both in the highland and in the meter to accelerate the growth of the plants.
Use 5g ammonium sulphate per plant or 200 to 300kg of ammonium
HOW TO PLANT sulphate per hectare in case of field gardening.
Soak seeds in water overnight to induce quick germination. Sow in Harvest the plants as soon as they are big enough to market. Cut off
seedbeds. When the seedlings have attained a height of about 15cm with a sharp knife or pull together with the roots and wash.
transplant to plots each measuring about a meter wide. Set the seedlings
25cm apart in rows spaced about 40cm. Mulching is recommended for
faster growth. Cultivate with shallow spikes to kill the weeds and to loosen
the soil.
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HOW TO PLANT Irrigate to keep the soil cool and moist. The use of compost or organic
fertilizer is recommended. To harvest, cut with a sharp knife at the base.
Mustard seeds are sown in wooden seed boxes, flower pots or in
plots. Provide a partial shade to protect the germinating seeds. Water the KANGKONG
seedlings twice a day. Spray recommended pesticides to protect the
developing seedlings against pests. Prick some of the seedlings and transfer Kangkong is one of the vegetables
to other seed boxes or seed plots in case of overcrowding. rich in protein, calcium, phosphorous,
Divide the prepared land into plots of one meter wide and of convenient iron and carbohydrates. It is an aquatic
length, providing a working path of about 30cm wide. plant grown in swamps, rivers, rice
fields and lakes.
Transplant the seedlings at a distance of about 20cm each way when
they have formed one or two pairs of true leaves. Water the plants daily The tops or young shoots of
until harvest. Kangkong are boiled with fish or meat
as in “sinigang”. The tops without the
Harvesting is done during cloudy days, late in the afternoon, or when leaves are prepared as adobo or
there is a light shower. pickles.
Cultivate whenever the soil appears compacted. Or when the plots The varities of kangkong are the
become weedy to promote aeration and to kill the weeds that compete aquatic, local upland and imported dry land.
with the plants for nutrients. Practice crop rotation, and use of disease-
free planting materials. The aquatic strain creeps and reaches to about 10cm in length with
Use 5g ammonium sulphate per plant five days after transplanting and pale green stem, broad and dull pointed leaves with lighter colour. The
10g 15 days after. local upland variety has brown stem with pale green, narrow and pointed
They are harvested as soon as the plants are big enough to market.
It grows under any existing climate in the Philippines. However, the
Aphids are the primary pests of mustard, including cutworms and best soils for Kangkong are the swampy places, around lakes and river
mustard worms. Damping-off is the primary disease of mustard. banks and backyard where water is available. It grows luxuriantly at sea
Practice crop rotation and cleanliness. For the control of these pests,
consult the nearest Bureau of Plant Industry office. Kangkong can be planted all year round either in the form of seeds,
vine cuttings, shoots or root stocks.
Pechay is one of the most common leafy
vegetables in the market. It is commonly eaten fresh, Plant Kangkong 30cm apart around fishponds, or artificial lakes, one
alone or in combination with other foods. It contains to three rows until some vines are allowed to creep on the surface of the
calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, ascorbic water to serve as partial shade. It also serves as partial feed for fish.
acid, protein and carbohydrates.
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Prepare the paddy in the same way as that of planting rice. After the The leaves as poultice are useful in reducing glandular swelling.
weeds decayed, plant the 25cm long kangkong shoots or stem vines at a Decoction of the roots is considered to revive delirious patients. It is also
distance of 30 to 50cm each. used for cleaning sores and ulcers. The bark is used as rubefacient applied
to the bites of snakes to prevent the poison from spreading. The bean oil
Shallow cultivation is done at the early growth of development. from the seeds is said to be used for salads and culinary purposes and it is
Weeding is a necessity in the upland culture of Kangkong. also a good illuminant.
Irrigation is needed to reach the maximum growth. HOW TO PLANT
Dry land kangkong tops or shoots are ready for harvest when they Malunggay can be grown in any kind of soil provided that it is well-
are about one and a half months old. However, if soils are furrowed and drained. For best results, however, loam and clay loam soils containing a
fertile, Kangkong can be harvested three weeks after planting. fairly good amount of humus are the best.
Only hoppers and certain worms could damage the leaves of Malunggay cuttings are planted during rainy season. Commercially,
Kangkong. It is resistant to infection brought by any disease. matured cuttings are preferred for they sprout earlier and grow faster.
KATURAY In preparing the cuttings, desired branches are cut one meter or more
in length. These are planted directly into the field taking into consideration
Katuray is a tall and slender tree that that the older portion is buried in the ground at a depth of not more than
bears long, slender hanging pods about one foot.
one foot long, white or wine-red flowers
approximately 5 to 7cm. They are widely In some places in the North where it is planted not only as vegetables
distributed in the country and are usually but also for fencing purposes, cutting are planted at a distance of one
found in backyards, along roads and in meter. But an ideal distance should be five meter each way to give room
lot boundaries. for the expansion of the top.
The young leaves and pods may be MUSTARD
cooked and eaten while flowers and
flower buds are commonly cooked and Mustard is one of the most common leafy
used for medicinal purposes. vegetables in the market. It is rich in calcium, iron,
phosphorous and vitamins.
There are two distinct types of katuray: one bearing white flowers and
the other bearing wine or rose-red flowers. Katuray flowers contain water, There are two mustard, the Tagalog and the
ash, protein and fat. Katuray thrives in both dry, moist areas. It grows in Chinese. The first is smaller but more pungent than
low altitudes and propagated through seeds and cuttings. the second.
Germinate the seeds in plots and boxes. Transplant the seedling when It grows in any kind of well-drained soil but,
they are about 75 to 100cm high. If propagated by cuttings, select straight if available, rich sandy loam soil is preferable. The
branches with a base diameter of at least 3cm or more. Plant the cuttings plants are usually planted from September to December when the climate
turns from mild to cool.
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HOW TO PLANT immediately in the field to avoid drying. The best time to plant is usually or
just before the rainy season.
Sow the seeds in seed boxes or seedbeds. The developing seedlings
are fertilized with ammonium sulphate. These seedlings are ready for HOW TO PLANT
transplanting 20 to 30 days after sowing.
Prepare the land thoroughly. Dig holes after preparing the land at the
Plow and harrow the field until the soil is reduced to a very fine tilt. prescribed distance of planting.
The land is divided into plots one meter wide and at any desired length.
Provide a working path of about 40cm between plots. Normally, the rate of seedling for katuray is approximately 400g to a
hectare. At this rate, the distance is 5cm between rows and 5cm between
Apply six to ten petroleum cupfuls of mixed compost for every then plants. For seedling, the holes must be at least 45cm deep and 30cm in
plots. Transplant the seedlings when two pairs of true leaves have diameter. For cuttings, the holes are deeper.
developed at days or late afternoon. Water immediately after transplanting
and everyday thereafter for the plant’s rapid continuous growth. Apply simple ring weeding at least 3 to 4 times a year. Irrigation is
necessary only when the plants are newly planted. Once the tress are
Weed with bare hands or use a garden hoe. established to grow by the themselves.
Lettuce can be harvested in 60 to 70 days from planting. Lettuce If spaces are available, other plants like upland rice, legumes and
grown for home use can be harvested when plants are big enough for use. others may be intercropped.
Aphids are the primary pests of lettuce. Apply organic fertilizer such as compost and farm manure, if available,
in the hills prior to planting. A moderate application of complete fertilizer is
The most common diseases of lettuce are Bottom Rot, gray Mold also recommended.
Rot, Brown Blight and Downy Mildew. Practice crop rotation and
cleanliness. For the control of these pests, consult the nearest Bureau of Katuray is affected by the following insect pests:
Plant Industry office.
1. Maruca testatulalis, Geyer
MALUNGGAY 2. Euproctisnscantillan (Walker), a Ymantriid
Malunggay is one of the most common 3. Prodenia litura Faricus, a cutworm
vegetable trees throughout the Philippines,
especially in settled areas with low and medium For the control of these pests, consult the nearest Bureau of Plant
altitudes. Industry office.
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true spinach. Spinach oleracea Linn. Kulitis is commonly known as In drill planting, the distance between rows is about 15 to 20cm.
Philippine spinach. Thinning and transplanting of seedlings are done when plants reach the
height of about 5 to 8cm at a distance of about 10cm during cloudy days.
The local spinach is an annual leafy weed-vegetable, dispersed or
propagated by seeds. It grows erect with several branches when full grown. Water the plants after transplanting to encourage the early recovery of
The leaves are large and ovate. The flowers are borne at the terminal buds the plants and prevents and prevent mortality.
and leaf axils.
Cultivate lightly to kill weeds and also to allow green succulent and
Kulitis is rich in vitamins A and C, potash and phosphorous. They are tender plants to develop.
prepared as salads, either green or blanched, or blended with other
vegetables. Apply fertilizer after the plants have recovered from the effects of
transplanting. Use 300 to 400 kg of ammonium sulphate, or 150 to 200
The varities of Kulitis recommended for cultivation are: kg of Urea. Otherwise, the use of compost or organic fertilizer is
• Native – This variety is spiny but soft, especially when still young,
the leaves are medium-size with green upper surface and stem are In direct seedling use one-half of the required amount of fertilizer at
reddish. seedling stage and add the other half after seven to ten days.
• Tiger Leaf – The leaves are variegated. They are large, soft and After harvesting the first crop, cultivate and fertilize the field. Allow
tender. This variety is spineless. only one (1) to two (2) shoots of the plant to grow. Ratooning is done
repeatedly as long as the produce marketable shoots.
• Baguio spinach or Green Leaf – The leaves are green, broad
and almost oval in shape. LETTUCE
The young plants and leaves are succulent and tender. The plants Lettuce is the most important salad
are spineless and are claimed to be of superior quality. crop grown in most homes and school
gardens throughout the country.
The crop can be grown throughout the year in all parts of the country
provided there is enough moisture in the soil. It is tolerant to high Its leaves are eaten raw as an
temperature. It can be grown in any type of soil. But for commercial ingredient of salad. It is also used as
production, a well-drained sandy loam to clay loam soil type, fairly rich in decoration for other food
organic matter is preferred. preparations.
HOW TO PLANT This vegetable is planted anytime
of the year provided there is an
Prepare the land thoroughly.
abundant supply of water. It thrives best, however, from September to
In home gardens, slightly elevated plots are made. The seeds are February when the climate is relatively cool.
broadcast, drilled or raised in seed boxes.
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