Region VIII
Schools Division of Catbalogan City
Guinsorongan, Catbalogan City
I. Objectives
A. National Competencies
Describes the nature and background of the sport. (PE8GS-IIIc-1)
Learn the different moves of each chess piece.
B. Contextualized Competencies
Introduce the different famous chess player in the Philippines.
Give the different games played by Catbaloganon.
A. Reference: CG Arts pp. 47-47, Learning Module G8 Physical Education and Health
pages 119 - 128
B. Materials: Cartolina, Pictures, Blackboard, Chalks
C. Other Resources: DLHTM VI.A. GAMES
III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. DRILL (5 minutes)
Very good!
So now, I will give each group scrambled
pictures and you will be going to arrange it.
The first group who can arrange the
scrambled pictures will be given an addition
point. Then I’ll be asking some questions.
Did you understand? Yes, Ma’am!
Okay! Now let’s start. (the students are actively participated)
Okay, the group 1 is the winner. Kindly
write your names in ¼ sheet of paper.
Very well said, Laurence!
Yes, Karylle?
C. PREPARATION (5 minutes)
Did you get what I mean? Ma'am, Indoor activities is held inside a
building and these activities are done
during leisure time.
Okay, what does it mean indoor activities?
Anybody from the class?
Yes, Marielle?
(the student raised his hand)
Yes, ma’am!
Very good, Romina!
(Explain furthermore to the students)
Long ago, it was considered this game
reserved only for kings and members of the (the student raised her hand)
upper class. Nowadays, chess is played by
common people.
Ma’am, the modern design of chess pieces
Did you understand? bears the name of Howard Staunton.
Howard Staunton (1810 – 22 June 1874)
Now, let us know the famous chess player
was an English chess master who is
who gave a remarkable achievement in
generally regarded as having been the
world's strongest player ofhis time. These
Okay, who are they? Kindly give me one. type of pieces are now used all
tournaments worldwide.
Anybody from the class? Yes, Casey?
Yes, Jasmine?
Yes, Mark?
Very good!
What is pawns?
F. APPLICATION (3 minutes)
Yes, Ma’am!
Well, if you have no question about our
lesson it means to say that you understand (the students are actively participated)
our discussion very well. So let us see if
you’re just telling a truth.
Okay, I will show you the different chess
pieces and you will be going to executes the
movements of particular chess piece.
Did you understand?
Lets start!
(the student raised her hand)
LET'S SUM UP! (2 minutes)
Okay, who can give me a generalization of Ma'am, as a generalization of our topic,
our topic? Anyone in the class? we've discussed about the Chess-Its
Yes, Michelle? background, pieces names and movements
and the 10 benefits from playing chess.
Very good, Michelle!
We’ve also discussed the different famous
chess player here in the Philippines.
G. Assessment (5 minutes)
Direction: Write the correct answer.
1. What is an indoor recreational activity which is a battle between two players, who take in
turns to move their pieces, white and black?
2.What is the objective of the game chess?
3.Where did chess originated?
4. Who is the unofficial BEST CHESS PLAYER because he did not receive any award or title?
5. Who is considered as the First Official World Champions?
6.The most important and weakest chess piece.
7.This piece in chess can only move diagonally.
8.The most powerful piece and it also moves one straight direction-forward, backward,
sideward and diagonal.
9.The only pieces that move over other pieces and moves like an “L” shape.
10. It moves forward, but captures diagonally. It can never move backwards.
11-15. Give at least one benefit from playing chess. Explain briefly. (5 pts)
H. Assignment (2 minutes)
Direction: Search the following and write your answer in a 1 whole sheet of paper.
1.What is Domino indoor recreational activity?
2.What are the benefits from playing Dominoes?
3.Who are the famous Filipino Domino player?