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Station Class and Intermediate

Protect Your Power.

Page 1 | March 2012


Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. (Company or HPS), warrants all its Tests, inspections and acceptance of all material must be made at
products sold to be merchantable (as such item is defined in the the factory. Purchasers’ inspectors are welcome at the factories
Uniform Commercial Code) and to be free from defects in material and are provided with the necessary facilities for carrying out
and workmanship. Buyer must notify the Company promptly of their work. Name and phone number of who should be contacted
any claim under this warranty. The Buyer’s exclusive remedy for for inspections should be given to HPS no later than two weeks
breach of this warranty shall be the repair or replacement, F.O.B. prior to scheduled shipment date.
factory, at the Company’s option, of any product defective under the
warranty which is returned to the Company within one year from LIMITATION OF LIABILITY
The Company shall in no event be liable for any loss of profits or any NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFITS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF USE
consequential or special damages incurred by Buyer. The Company’s OF THE EQUIPMENT OR ANY ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, LOSS
warranty shall run only to the first buyer of a product from the OF CAPITAL, COST OF SUBSTITUTE EQUIPMENT, FACILITIES OR
Company, from the Company’s distributor, or from an original SERVICES, DOWNTIME COSTS, OR CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES OF
equipment manufacturer reselling the Company’s product, and is non- THE BUYER FOR SUCH DAMAGES. Any claim by Buyer for breach
assignable and non-transferable and shall be of no force and effect of the foregoing warranty shall be deemed waived by Buyer
if asserted by any person other than such first Buyer. This warranty unless submitted to HPS in writing within thirty (30) days from
applies only to the use of the product as intended by Seller and does the date Buyer discovered, or by reasonable inspection should
not cover any misapplication or misuse of said product. have discovered, the alleged breach. Any cause of action for
breach of the foregoing warranty shall be brought within one
Warranty – Application year after the cause of action has accrued.

Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. does not warrant the accuracy of and 1850 Richland Avenue, East, Aiken, SC 29801
results from product or system performance recommendations
resulting from any engineering analysis or study. This applies 573.682.5521 p
regardless of whether a change is made for the recommendation, 573.682.8714 f
or if it is provided free of charge.
Responsibility for selection of the proper product or application NOTE: Because Hubbell Power Systems Inc., has a policy of
rests solely with the purchaser. In the event of errors or continuous product improvement, we reserve the right to change
inaccuracies determined to be caused by Hubbell Power Systems, design and specifications without notice.
Inc., its liability will be limited to the re-performance of any such
analysis or study. Copyright 2012 Hubbell Power Systems Inc./Ohio Brass

Page 2 | March 2012

Surge Arresters

Overview ......................................................................................................... 5
Arrester Selection Guidelines......................................................................... 6
Products: Polymer Housed Surge Arresters.................................................. 8
PVI-LP, Intermediate Class (ESPTM Polymer)............................ 9
EVP, Station Class (ESPTM Polymer)....................................... 13
SVN, Station Class (Silicone Polymer)................................... 17
Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters .............................................. 22
VL, Station Class ................................................................... 23
MVN, Station Class................................................................ 26
VNX, EHV Station Class......................................................... 30
General Information..................................................................................... 31
Accessories / Hardware................................................................................. 32
Arresters FAQs............................................................................................... 36
Engineering Terminology............................................................................. 38
Routine Factory Testing................................................................................ 40


Page 3 | March 2012

Hubbell Arresters
More Than a Half-century of
Arrester Innovation

Ohio Brass introduced its first

surge arresters more than a half-
century ago. Since then, Hubbell
Power Systems (HPS) and the Ohio Brass brand have led the industry in
innovation, reliability and service.

During this time Hubbell, through the Ohio Brass brand name, introduced
the world’s first polymer-housed arresters, advanced MOV block technology
and refined manufacturing processes. The company has obtained many
patents for products and design features that have helped keep Hubbell
arresters at the forefront of technology.

Since your customers’ power is

only as reliable as your delivery
system, trust your lines, substations
and reputation to Hubbell Power
System’s Ohio Brass arresters.

Page 4 | March 2012
Equipment Protection is Job One – Next to your people,
your power grid infrastructure is your largest and most valuable
investment. Protect it with Hubbell Power Systems (HPS) surge
arresters. Every lightning strike, insulator flashover and switching
surge adds wear and tear to your equipment, prematurely aging it, and requiring you to shoulder the
costs of replacement. Even the smallest surge can shorten your equipment’s life. Surge arresters, however,
extend the life of your system by limiting the voltage across your equipment during a surge event.

How Arresters Work – Arresters, when placed in substations or on transmission or distribution lines,
protect connected equipment against all types of voltage surges. Appearing as a very high impedance at
normal operating voltages, the arrester rapidly transitions to a very low impedance on the arrival of a high
voltage surge resulting from lightning or switching activity. The arrester, typically connected from line-to-
ground across the equipment to be protected, then provides a by-pass route for surge current and, at the
same time, clamps the line-to-ground voltage to a level well below the insulation withstand level (BIL or
BSL) of the equipment. Once the surge has passed, the arrester returns to its original state, and the system
survives the event without disruption.

Advancing Arrester Technology – The Ohio Brass Company, now fully integrated into Hubbell Power
Systems, began the manufacture of surge arresters in 1950. The company had been, and continues to
be, a major manufacturer of high voltage insulators, using the knowledge and experience gained in that
long history to improve and innovate the arrester product lines, first with its own production of porcelain
housings, later with the development of polymer materials for high voltage insulation that are now used
for the latest technology polymer-housed arresters. Separately from the insulating materials development,
the company was among the very early pioneers in metal oxide varistor (MOV) technology, which is at the
heart of all modern surge arresters. It is the MOV that provides the non-linear resistance characteristic that
gives the arrester the voltage limiting and current by-pass characteristics mentioned above. Over the years,
HPS has made great strides in MOV technology, improving energy handling capability and providing better
voltage clamping, allowing us to continue providing our customers with “best of class” surge protection,
accompanied by “best in class” customer service.

Our High Quality MOV Blocks and Polymer Housings – We opened our MOV block plant in 1977 to
control the most critical components of our surge arresters. This long history with MOV technology ensures
that the MOV blocks used in HPS arresters will always meet our exacting standards.

Our proprietary ESPTM weathershed material, made of a silicone/EPDM alloy, resists tracking and provides
exceptional leakage distance. It has proven its mettle in some of the toughest weather conditions for the
past decades.

We perform extensive testing on all of our products to ensure that all of our arresters meet or exceed
industry standards.

These features protect your lines, your linemen and your bottom line.

Page 5 | March 2012

Arrester Selection Guidelines
Selecting the Right Arrester for Your Needs – Selecting an appropriate arrester requires
knowledge about your system and specific application. Factors that come into play are:

• Maximum system voltage

• System grounding practices (effectively grounded, impedance grounded, ungrounded)
• Insulation level of equipment to be protected
• Desired margins of protection to be provided
• Levels and durations of power frequency overvoltages
• Lengths of lines that will be switched
• Mechanical loads that arrester will be subjected to
• Available line-to-ground fault current
• Environmental conditions.

Summary Table Comparison

Rated Short Maximum Maximum
Product MCOV Housing Material Energy Capability Circuit Current Working Short-Term
Class Rating
Line (kV rms) (kJ/kV-MCOV)† (Pressure Relief) Cantilever Cantilever
(kV rms) (kA rms) (in-lb) (in-lb)
PVI-LP Intermediate 3 - 72 2.55 - 57 ESPTM Polymer 6.0 40 2,000 4,000
EVP Station 3 - 228 2.55 - 180 ESP Polymer
9.0 63 10,000 ‡ 20,000 ‡
SVN Station 18 - 444 15.3 - 353 Silicone Polymer 13.0 65 35,000 70,800
VL Station 3 - 48 2.55 - 39 Porcelain 9.0 65 28,000 70,000
MVN Station 54 - 444 42 - 353 Porcelain 13.0 65 60,000 150,000
VNX Station 396 - 444* 318 - 353* Porcelain 19.8 65 110,000 275,000

* Higher and lower voltage units are available upon request.

† Energy imparted to the arrester over a one minute period, from which the arrester can thermally recover at
MCOV under usual service conditions.

‡ For ratings of 115kV MCOV & above, the maximum working cantilever is 5,000 in-lb & the maximum short-term
catilever is 10,000 in-lb.

Normal Operating Conditions (per IEEE/ANSI Std. C62.11)

Arrester Standard Operating Conditions
• Nominal Power Frequency Range: 48 Hz to 62 Hz
• Ambient Air Temperature: -40 °C to 40 °C
• Altitude: Up to 6,000 ft above sea level (1,800 m)
- Hubbell arresters are suitable for operation at altitudes up to 12,000 ft (3,600 m).

* For applications outside the usual service conditions, or any other application related question, please
contact your Hubbell Representative.

Page 6 | March 2012

Arrester Selection Guidelines
Normally Recommended Arrester MCOV for Various System Voltages
Arrester MCOV (kV)
System Temporarily Ungrounded,
L-L Voltage Grounded Impedance Grounded or
kV Neutral Ungrounded Circuits
Nominal Maximum (1) (2)
2.40 2.52 2.55 2.55 2.55
4.16 4.37 2.55 5.1 5.1
4.8 5.04 5.1 5.1 5.1
6.9 7.25 5.1 7.65 7.65
8.32 8.74 5.1 7.65 8.4
12 12.6 7.65 10.2 12.7
12.47 13.1 7.65 12.7 12.7
13.2 13.9 8.4 12.7 12.7
13.8 14.5 8.4 12.7 15.3
20.78 21.8 12.7 19.5 22
22.86 24 15.3 19.5 22
23 24.2 15.3 19.5 22
24.94 26.2 15.3 22 24
34.5 36.2 22 29 36
46 48.3 29 39 48
69 72.5 42 57 70
115 121 70 98 115
138 145 84 115 131
161 169 98 140 152
230 242 140 209 220
345 362 209 – –
400 420 245 – –
500 550 318 – –
765 800 470 – –

Notes: (1) For normal duty. Line-to-ground fault up to

30 minutes.

(2) For severe duty. Line-to-ground fault up to
2,000 hours.

Page 7 | March 2012

Polymer Housed Surge Arresters

Page 8 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – PVI-LP
PVI-LP, Intermediate Class
Overview – PVI-LP arresters are the most economical arrester to use on systems up to 69
kV (72.5 kV max). They are particularly suited for light-to-moderate duty applications
where light weight and compact profile are of particular importance. Their narrow
profile allows smaller phase-to-ground clearances and phase-to-phase spacings than
other arresters, making them particularly well-suited for installations where space is at a
premium, such as cabinets or other electrical enclosures and on mobile substations.


• “Wrap” design, using fiberglass reinforced epoxy stranding to

to form a wrapped envelope directly over the MOV blocks

• ESP™ rubber housing applied over wrapped MOV module

• Silicone compound interface between module and housing

to render a void-free assembly

• Tripod base (Slotted 8.75” – 10” bolt circle)


• Less than half the weight of a comparably rated

porcelain-housed arrester

• Narrow profile for reduced clearance to ground and

between phases

• Install straight from the package – no field

assembly required

Flash Fact:
Today’s MOV arresters provide
much better protection than older
Silicon Carbide designs.

Page 9 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – PVI-LP

PVI-LP Electrical Characteristics

MCOV Maximum Maximum Discharge Voltage using an

Standard Maximum TOV Capability (3)
Duty Cycle Maximum 0.5µs 8/20 Current Wave (kV)
Arrester Switching Surge
Rating Continuous Discharge
Catalog Protective Level 1 sec 10 sec
(kV rms) Operating Voltage Voltage 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 40kA
Number (kV) (2) (kV rms) (kV rms)
(kV rms) (kV) (1)
300803-3001 3 2.55 8.6 6.4 3.7 3.6 6.8 7.2 7.5 8.1 9 10.1
300805-3001 6 5.1 17.1 12.7 7.5 7.1 13.6 14.4 15 16.2 17.9 20.2
300808-3001 9 7.65 25.8 19.1 11.2 10.7 20.5 21.6 22.6 24.4 27 30.4
300809-3001 10 8.4 28.4 21.1 12.3 11.7 22.6 23.8 24.9 26.9 29.8 33.5
300610-3001 12 10.2 34.1 25.3 14.9 14.2 27.1 28.6 29.9 32.3 35.8 40.3
300813-3001 15 12.7 42.9 31.8 18.6 17.7 34.1 36 37.6 40.6 44.9 50.6
300815-3001 18 15.3 51.6 38.3 22.4 21.3 40.9 43.2 45.2 48.8 54 60.9
300817-3001 21 17 56.9 42.2 24.9 23.7 45.1 47.7 49.9 53.8 59.6 67.1
300620-3001 24 19.5 68.3 50.6 28.6 27.2 54.2 57.2 59.9 64.6 71.5 80.6
300822-3001 27 22 77.4 57.4 32.2 30.7 61.4 64.9 67.9 73.2 81 91.3
300824-3001 30 24.4 85.3 63.3 35.7 34.0 67.7 71.5 74.8 80.7 89.3 101
300629-3001 36 29 102 76.0 42.5 40.5 81.3 85.9 89.8 96.9 107 121
300831-3001 39 31.5 108 80.4 46.1 43.9 86.1 90.9 95.1 103 114 128
300636-3001 45 36.5 125 92.8 53.5 50.9 99.3 105 110 118 131 148
300639-3001 48 39 137 101 57.1 54.4 108 115 120 129 143 161
300642-3001 54 42 148 110 61.5 58.6 117 125 130 140 155 175
300648-3001 60 48 165 122 70.3 67.0 131 138 145 156 173 195
300657-3001 72 57 199 148 83.5 79.5 158 167 175 188 209 235

Notes: (1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10-kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting
in 0.5 µs. This can be used for coordination where front-of-wave sparkover was formerly used.

(2 500A surge of 45 µs time to crest.

(3) TOV Capability is based on No Prior Duty.

Flash Fact:
The most common duty on substation arresters
comes from system switching events not lightning.

Page 10 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – PVI-LP

PVI-LP Physical Characteristics

MCOV Recommended Minimum

Height Leakage
Standard Arrester Duty Cycle Maximum Continuous Clearance (Inches) Net Weight
Dimension Distance
Catalog Number Rating (kV rms) Operating Voltage (Pounds)
(Inches) (Inches) Ph - Ph Ph - Gd
(kV rms)
300803-3001 3 2.55 6.8 15.4 4.4 3.3 6
300805-3001 6 5.1 6.8 15.4 4.6 3.2 6
300808-3001 9 7.65 6.8 15.4 4.7 3.3 6
300809-3001 10 8.4 6.8 15.4 4.9 3.5 6
300610-3001 12 10.2 6.8 15.4 4.9 3.5 6
300813-3001 15 12.7 12.2 30.8 6.2 4.8 10
300815-3001 18 15.3 12.2 30.8 6.6 5.2 10
300817-3001 21 17 12.2 30.8 7.6 6.2 10
300620-3001 24 19.5 12.2 30.8 7.6 6.2 10
300822-3001 27 22 17.6 46.2 9.6 8.2 14
300824-3001 30 24.4 17.6 46.2 9.8 8.4 14
300629-3001 36 29 17.6 46.2 9.8 8.4 14
300831-3001 39 31.5 23 61.6 12.8 11.4 17
300636-3001 45 36.5 23 61.6 12.8 11.4 17
300639-3001 48 39 23 61.6 12.8 11.4 17
300642-3001 54 42 28.4 77 15.8 14.4 20
300648-3001 60 48 28.4 77 15.8 14.4 20
300657-3001 72 57 33.8 92.4 19.8 18.4 23

Figure 1 Base Mounting Information

10.0 B.C.
10.0 B.C.
8.75 B.C.


120° APART


120° APART


Height 4.3 DIA



Height 4.3 DIA



Page 11 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – PVI-LP

PVI-LP Part Number Selection

30 X YYY - 3001

Step 1: Configuration Step 2: Catalog Key

X -> 1 3 YYY YYY
(standard) (underhung) Rating (kV) Rating (kV)
Top Cap Cap Tripod Tripod 2.55 803 22.0 822
"0" ... Small Top, Tripod Base "1" ... Small Top, Small Base
"0" ... Small Top, Tripod Base "1" ... Small Top, Small Base
(vertical mointing only)
(vertical mointing only)

Bottom Tripod Cap Cap Tripod 5.1 805 24.4 824

7.65 808 29.0 629
8.4 809 31.5 831
10.2 610 36.5 636
12.7 813 39.0 639
15.3 815 42.0 642
"0" ... Small Top, Tripod
... Small Top, Tripod Base "1" ... Small Top, Small"1" ... Small "2"
Base Top,...Small
Top, Small Base "3" ... Tripod Top, Tripod Base
"2" ... Tripod Top, Small Base
(vertical mointing only)(vertical mointing only)
"3" ... Tripod Top, Tripod Base
17.0 815 48.0 648
19.5 620 57.0 657
S.P.C. __ __
F.A.I. __ __
S.P.C. __ __ PKG/LABEL __ __
F.A.I. __ __ INSP/TEST __ __
GAUGES __ __

Step 3: Hardware

• 3001: • 3002: • 3011:

Top: Single Eye Bolt
"2" ... Tripod Top, Small
... Tripod Top, Small Base "3" ... Tripod Top, Tripod
"3" ...
Top: 4-Hole NEMA pad with
Tripod Top, Tripod Base
Crossarm Mount (for use
(underhung) (underhung)
Bottom: Single Eye Bolt (2) Single Eye Bolts with 301XXX) codes only

__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __

__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __
Bottom: Single Eye Bolt
GAUGES __ __ GAUGES __ __

-3001 Hardware Code Code

-3001 Hardware -3002 Hardware Code Code
-3002 Hardware

*For additional hardware options or non-standard configurations,

please contact your
Code -3002 Hardware Code 301XXX-3011 301XXX-3011
*See page 33 for hardware details.

Page 12 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – EVP

EVP, Station Class

Overview – The new EVP Polymer Housed Station Arrester by HPS and Ohio Brass
represents the absolute latest in surge arrester technology. Based on proven PVN
technology, our EVP line maintains our proprietary ESPTM weathershed material
and protective levels. However, it has an even more robust sealing system to
reduce moisture ingress to an unprecedented minimum. EVP arresters also feature
a redesigned housing profile for maximum material utilization, and even make
ordering easier by using an intelligent numbering system.

• Optimized wrap pattern and end hardware
• Even more effective sealing system
• Aluminum Top Cap
• Tri-pod base (standard 8.75” to 10” BC) Slotted

• The latest in surge arrester technology
• Utilizes proprietary ESPTM weathershed material
• More robust sealing system reduces moisture ingress

Our EVP Arresters Feature:

EVP Means Sustainability – As
• 25% Recycled Packaging Material
• 15% Less Production Mass
an industry leader in resource
• 50% Recyclable Packaging conservation and preservation,
we are continually integrating
sustainability practices into our
Factory Torqued Sealing
Threaded for 1/2 inch bolt
manufacturing processes.
(terminal hardware)

Secondary Gasket Radial Seal

End Cap
Main Gasket

RTV Sealant

Polymer Housing

Machined Aluminum
End Terminal

Page 13 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – EVP
EVP Electrical Characteristics
MCOV Maximum Discharge Voltage using an
Standard Maximum TOV Capability (3)
Duty Cycle Maximum Maximum 0.5µs 8/20 Current Wave (kV)
Arrester Switching Surge
Rating Continuous Discharge
Catalog Protective Level 1 sec 10 sec
(kV rms) Operating Voltage Voltage (kV) (1) 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 40kA
Number (kV) (2) (kV rms) (kV rms)
( kV rms)
EVP000300 3 2.55 10.5 6.0 3.62 3.47 6.4 6.7 7.1 7.6 8.2 9.3
EVP000500 6 5.1 18.6 12.0 7.25 6.94 12.8 13.5 14.1 15.2 16.4 18.7
EVP000800 9 7.65 27.0 18.0 10.9 10.4 19.2 20.2 21.2 22.7 24.6 28.0
EVP000900 10 8.4 29.4 19.8 11.9 11.4 21.1 22.2 23.3 25.0 27.0 30.8
EVP001000 12 10.2 35.1 24.0 14.5 13.9 25.6 26.9 28.2 30.3 32.8 37.4
EVP001300 15 12.7 43.4 29.9 18.0 17.3 31.9 33.5 35.2 37.7 40.8 46.5
EVP001500 18 15.3 51.6 36.1 21.7 20.8 38.5 40.4 42.4 45.5 49.1 56.1
EVP001700 21 17 57.8 40.1 24.2 23.1 42.7 44.9 47.1 50.5 54.6 62.3
EVP001900 24 19.5 65.7 45.9 27.7 26.5 49.0 51.5 54.0 57.9 62.6 71.4
EVP002200 27 22 73.6 51.8 31.3 29.9 55.3 58.1 60.9 65.4 70.7 80.6
EVP002400 30 24.4 81.2 57.5 34.7 33.2 61.3 64.5 67.6 72.5 78.4 89.4
EVP002900 36 29 97.0 68.6 41.4 39.6 73.2 76.9 80.7 86.5 93.6 107
EVP003100 39 31.5 105 74.4 44.8 42.9 79.3 83.4 87.4 93.8 101 116
EVP003600 45 36.5 121 86.0 51.9 49.6 91.8 96.4 101 108 117 134
EVP003900 48 39 129 91.9 55.4 53.0 98.0 103 108 116 125 143
EVP004200 54 42 145 104 62.5 59.8 111 116 122 131 141 161
EVP004800 60 48 160 114 69.0 66.0 122 128 134 144 156 178
EVP005700 72 57 192 137 82.8 79.3 147 154 161 173 187 214
EVP007000 90 70 242 172 104 99.3 184 193 202 217 234 267
EVP007400 90 74 245 174 105 101 186 195 205 220 238 271
EVP007600 96 76 257 184 111 106 196 206 216 232 251 286
EVP008400 108 84 289 207 125 120 221 232 244 261 283 322
EVP008800 108 88 289 207 125 120 221 232 244 261 283 322
EVP009800 120 98 322 241 139 133 246 259 271 291 315 359
EVP010600 132 106 350 262 152 145 268 282 296 317 343 391
EVP011500 144 115 382 286 166 159 293 308 323 346 375 427
EVP013100 168 131 447 334 194 185 342 360 377 405 438 499
EVP014000 172 140 462 344 199 191 352 370 388 416 450 513
EVP014400 180 144 480 357 207 198 366 385 403 433 468 534
EVP015200 192 152 510 381 221 211 391 411 430 462 499 569
EVP018000 228 180 605 453 262 251 464 487 511 548 593 676

Notes: (1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10 kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting
in 0.5µs. This can be used where front-of-wave sparkover was formerly used.

(2) Discharge voltages are based on a 500A surge of 45 µs time to crest through 88 kV MCOV and 1,000A
surge of 45 µs time through 180 kV MCOV.

(3) TOV Capability is based on No Prior Duty.

Page 14 | March 2012

7.0 D

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – EVP

EVP Physical Characteristics

Duty Cycle
Maximum Height Leakage
Figure 1
Arrester Minimum
Rating Continuous Dimension Distance Clearance (Inches) Weight
(kV rms) Operating (Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)
Voltage (kV rms) Ph - Ph Ph - Gd
EVP000300 3 2.55 9.9 19.6 9 4.5 13
EVP000500 6 5.1 9.9 19.6 9 4.5 13 Height
EVP000800 9 7.65 11.7 30.1 9 4.5 15
EVP000900 10 8.4 11.7 30.1 9 4.5 15 A (DROP)
EVP001000 12 10.2 11.7 30.1 9 4.6 15
EVP001300 15 12.7 13.5 35.4 9.7 5.4 17 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2
13.5 35.4
B17.2(DIA) 40.5
Figure 2
EVP001900 24 19.5 17.2 40.5 12.1 7.4 22
EVP002200 27 22 17.2 40.5 12.9 8.2 22
EVP002400 30 24.4 17.2 40.5 13.8 8.9 22
EVP002900 36 29 20.9 50.9 15.4 10.3 27 B (DIA)
EVP003100 39 31.5 20.9 50.9 16.2 11.1 27
EVP003600 45 36.5 24.5 61.5 17.9 12.6 31
EVP003900 48 39 24.5 61.5 18.8 13.3 31
EVP004200 54 42 24.5 61.5 20.5 14.9 31
EVP004800 60 48 28.2 71.9 22.1 16.2 36 7.0 DIA

EVP005700 72 57 31.9 82.4 25.4 19.2

7.0 DIA
EVP007000 90 70 46.3 123 30.5 23.7 59
EVP007400 90 74 46.3 123 30.8 24 59
EVP007600 96 76 46.3 123 32.2 25.2 59
EVP008400 108 84 46.3 123 35.6 28.2 59
EVP008800 108 88 46.3 123 35.6 28.2 59
EVP009800 120 98 53.7 143.9 48.6 36 73 10.0 B.C.
8.75 B.C.

EVP010600 132 106 53.7 143.9 51.6 38.7 73 Height .56 WIDE SLOT
120° APART

EVP011500 144 115 61 164.8 55 41.7 82

EVP013100 168 131 72.5 184.5 61.7 47.7 97
EVP014000 172 140 83.5 215.8 74.4 60.5 120 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 BASE MOUNTING INFORMATION

EVP014400 180 144 83.5 215.8 76.3 62.4 120 Base Mounting
10.0 B.C.
Grading Ring Diameters 8.75 B.C.

HeightDiameter (B) (inches)

Arrester MCOV Drop (A) (inches)
120° APART
98–131 9.0 16.5
140–180 14.5 27.9


Page 15 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – EVP
EVP Part Number Selection

EVP X YYY 0 0 - 3001

Step 4: Hardware
Step 1: Configuration For EVP0 & EVP2, standard housing
configurations (upright & underhung):
0 2
X -> 1 3
(standard) (underhung) • 3001
Top Cap Cap
"0" ... Small Top, Tripod Base
"0" ... Small Top, Tripod Base
Tripod Tripod "1" ... Small Top, Small Base
"1" ... Small Top, Small Base
(vertical mointing only)
(vertical mointing only) Line: 4-Hole NEMA
Bottom Tripod Cap Cap Tripod pad with (2) Single
Eye Bolts

Ground: Single
Eye Bolt
-3001 Hardware Code -3002 Hardware Code

• 3002
"0" ... Small Top, Tripod"0" ... Small Top, Tripod Base
Base "1" ..."2"
"1" ... Small Top, Small Base Small Top, Small
... Tripod Base Base
Top, Small "3" ... Tripod Top, Tripod Base
Line: Single Eye Bolt
"2" ... Tripod Top, Small Base "3" ... Tripod Top, Tripod Base
(vertical mointing only)(vertical mointing
Ground: Single

Eye Bolt

Step 2: EVP Part Number Table

S.P.C. __ __
F.A.I. __ __
GAUGES __ __
Y N __ __
F.A.I. __ __
GAUGES __ __

-3001 Hardware Code -3002 Hardware Code

* See page 33 for hardware details
2.55 003 48 048
Step 3: Housing Creepage – (0-Standard)
5.1 005 57 057
"2" ... Tripod Top, Small"2"
... Tripod Top, Small Base
008 70
"3" ... Tripod Top, Tripod"3" 070
... Tripod Top, Tripod Base
8.4 009 74 074 Height Creep
003 008 013 017 029 036 070 098 140 (in) (in)
10.2 010 76 076 - - - - - - 048 057 - - 115 131 - 180

__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __

__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __

005 010 015 024 031 042 088 106 152

12.7 013 84 084

0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9.9 19.6
15.3 015 88 088 1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - 11.7 30.1
17 017 98 098 2 1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - 13.5 35.4
19.5 019 106 106 - 2 1 0 - - - - - - - - - - 17.2 40.5
22 022 115 115 - - 2 1 0 - - - - - - - - - 20.9 50.9
- - - 2 1 0 - - - - - - - - 24.5 61.5
24.4 024 131 131
- - - - 2 1 0 - - - - - - - 28.2 71.9
29 029 140 140 - - - - - 2 1 0 - - - - - - 31.9 82.4
31.5 031 144 144 - - - - - - 2 1 0 - - - - - 56.3 123
36.5 036 152 152 - - - - - - - 2 1 0 - - - - 53.7 144
39 039 180 180 - - - - - - - - 2 1 0 - - - 61 165
42 042 - - - - - - - - - 2 1 0 - - 72.5 184
- - - - - - - - - - 2 1 0 - 83.5 216
- - - - - - - - - - - 2 1 0 94.5 247
- - - - - - - - - - - - 2 1 111.1 288
- - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 127.7 330
* For applications that require creepage, height or terminal size requirements
not listed, please contact your Hubbell Representative.

Page 16 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – SVN
SVN, Station Class
Overview – Standard SVN station class arresters are available for use on system voltages from
22.86 kV to 500 kV (24 kV max to 550 kV max). They offer an attractive alternative to porcelain
housed arresters (MVN family), without sacrificing any reduction in protective capability or
energy handling capability, for cases where the high mechanical strength of porcelain is not
required and lower weight would be an advantage.

• “Tube” design, using fiberglass reinforced epoxy
tube overmolded with silicone rubber weathershed

• Single column of MOV blocks and aluminum

spacers (as required) centrally located within

• Block column held under high spring compression

between ductile iron end fittings affixed to housing

• Directional pressure relief system built integrated

into end fittings

• High creep designs (standard designs at least 28%
more creep than IEEE/ANSI C62.11 minimum); higher
creep designs available for high pollution areas

• Up to 47% lighter than comparable porcelain


• Resilient polymer housing resistant to mechanical


• Tested to 65kA rated short circuit current;

can handle reclosures with no concern for
housing fragmentation

Flash Fact:
Surge arresters can be used to
protect any type of equipment in
the substation.

Page 17 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – SVN
SVN Electrical Characteristics
MCOV Maximum Discharge Voltage using an
Maximum TOV Capability (3)
Standard Duty Cycle Maximum Maximum 0.5µs 8/20 Current Wave (kV)
Switching Surge
Arrester Catalog Rating Continuous Discharge
Protective Level 1 sec 10 sec
Number (kV rms) Operating Voltage (kV ) (1) 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 40kA
(kV) (2) (kV rms) (kV rms)
Voltage (kV rms)
SVN018GA015AA 18 15.3 48.5 34.1 22 21 38.9 40.5 41.9 44.0 46.7 52.0
SVN021GA017AA 21 17 53.9 37.9 25 24 43.3 45.0 46.5 48.9 52.5 57.5
SVN024GA019AA 24 19.5 61.8 43.5 28 27 49.6 52.0 53.5 56.5 60.0 66.0
SVN027GA022AA 27 22 69.8 49.1 32 31 56.0 58.5 60.5 63.5 67.5 74.5
SVN030GA024AA 30 24.4 79.3 55.8 36 34 62.5 64.5 67.0 70.5 75.0 82.5
SVN036GA029AA 36 29 92.0 64.7 42 41 74.0 77.0 79.5 83.5 89.0 98.0
SVN039GA031AA 39 31.5 101 71.4 46 44 80.5 83.5 86.5 90.5 97.0 107
SVN045GA036AA 45 36.5 116 81.4 53 51 93.0 96.5 100 105 112 124
SVN048GA039AA 48 39 124 87.0 57 55 99.5 104 107 113 120 132
SVN054GA042AA 54 42 133 94 61 59 107 111 115 121 129 142
SVN060GA048AA 60 48 152 107 70 67 123 127 132 138 148 162
SVN072GA057AA 72 57 181 127 83 80 145 151 156 164 175 193
SVN090GA070AA 90 70 222 156 102 98 178 185 192 202 215 237
SVN090GA074AA 90 74 235 165 108 103 189 196 203 213 227 250
SVN096GA076AA 96 76 241 170 111 106 194 201 208 219 233 257
SVN108GA084AA 108 84 266 187 122 117 214 222 230 242 258 284
SVN108GA088AA 108 88 279 196 128 123 224 233 241 253 270 297
SVN120GA098AA 120 98 311 228 143 137 250 259 268 282 301 331
SVN132GA106AA 132 106 336 246 155 148 270 281 290 305 325 358
SVN144GA115AA 144 115 365 267 168 161 293 304 315 331 353 388
SVN168GA131AA 168 131 415 305 191 183 333 347 359 377 402 442
SVN172GA140AA 172 140 444 326 204 196 356 370 383 403 430 473
SVN180GA144AA 180 144 457 335 210 201 367 381 394 414 442 486
SVN192GA152AA 192 152 482 353 222 212 387 402 416 437 466 513
SVN218GA175AA 218 175 555 407 255 245 445 463 479 503 537 591
SVN228GA180AA 228 180 571 419 262 252 458 476 493 517 552 607
SVN240GA190AA 240 190 602 442 277 266 483 503 520 546 583 641
SVN258GA209AA 258 209 663 519 305 292 532 553 572 601 641 705
SVN264GA212AA 264 212 672 526 309 296 539 561 580 609 650 715
SVN276GA220AA 276 220 698 546 321 308 560 582 602 632 675 742
SVN288GA230AA 288 230 729 571 335 322 585 608 629 661 705 776
SVN312GA245AA 312 245 777 608 357 343 623 648 670 704 751 827
SVN396GA318AA 396 318 1008 789 464 445 809 841 870 914 975 1073
SVN420GA335AA 420 335 1062 831 488 468 852 886 917 963 1027 1130
SVN444GA353AA 444 353 1119 876 515 493 898 933 966 1014 1082 1191

Notes: (1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10 kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting
in 0.5 µs. This can be used for coordination where front of wave sparkover formerly was used.

(2) Discharge voltages are based on a 500A surge of 45 µs time to crest through 88 kV MCOV and 1,000A
surge of 45 µs time through 190 kV MCOV and 2,000A through 353 kV MCOV.

(3) TOV Capability is based on No Prior Duty.

Page 18 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – SVN
SVN Physical Characteristics
MCOV Recommended Minimum
Standard Duty Cycle Height
Continuous Operating Leakage Drawing Clearance (Inches) Net Weight
Arrester Catalog Rating Dimension
Voltage Distance (Inches) Figure (Pounds)
Number (kV rms) (Inches) Ph – Ph Ph – Gd
(kV rms)
SVN018GA015AA 18 15.3 38.1 83.9 1 2.0 2.8 106
SVN021GA017AA 21 17 38.1 83.9 1 2.4 3.3 107
SVN024GA019AA 24 19.5 38.1 83.9 1 3.0 4.0 109
SVN027GA022AA 27 22 38.1 83.9 1 3.6 4.6 110
SVN030GA024AA 30 24.4 38.1 83.9 1 4.3 5.4 111
SVN036GA029AA 36 29 38.1 83.9 1 5.3 6.5 114
SVN039GA031AA 39 31.5 38.1 83.9 1 5.9 7.3 115
SVN045GA036AA 45 36.5 38.1 83.9 1 7.0 8.5 118
SVN048GA039AA 48 39 38.1 83.9 1 7.6 9.2 119
SVN054GA042AA 54 42 38.1 83.9 1 8.3 9.9 122
SVN060GA048AA 60 48 38.1 83.9 1 9.8 11.6 124
SVN072GA057AA 72 57 38.1 83.9 1 11.9 14.0 130
SVN090GA070AA 90 70 44.4 113.4 1 14.8 17.3 143
SVN090GA074AA 90 74 44.4 113.4 1 15.8 18.4 144
SVN096GA076AA 96 76 44.4 113.4 1 16.3 18.9 146
SVN108GA084AA 108 84 52.1 142.5 1 18.1 21.1 159
SVN108GA088AA 108 88 52.1 142.5 1 19.1 22.1 161
SVN120GA098AA 120 98 52.1 142.5 1 21.4 24.7 167
SVN132GA106AA 132 106 58.8 172.0 1 23.3 26.9 181
SVN144GA115AA 144 115 58.8 172.0 1 25.4 29.3 186
SVN168GA131AA 168 131 76.8 197.2 2 29.1 33.5 263
SVN172GA140AA 172 140 76.8 197.2 3 31.2 35.8 286
SVN180GA144AA 180 144 76.8 197.2 3 32.2 37.0 288
SVN192GA152AA 192 152 83.1 226.8 3 34.0 39.0 298
SVN218GA175AA 218 175 90.8 255.9 3 39.5 45.2 320
SVN228GA180AA 228 180 90.8 255.9 3 40.5 46.4 331
SVN240GA190AA 240 190 98.5 285.0 3 42.9 49.0 345
SVN258GA209AA 258 209 105.2 314.6 3 47.3 54.1 364
SVN264GA212AA 264 212 105.2 314.6 3 48.1 54.9 367
SVN276GA220AA 276 220 105.2 314.6 3 49.9 57.0 371
SVN288GA230AA 288 230 111.9 344.1 3 52.3 59.6 386
SVN312GA245AA 312 245 129.6 369.3 4 55.7 63.5 458
SVN396GA318AA 396 318 151.7 457.1 4 72.8 82.9 558
SVN420GA335AA 420 335 158.4 486.6 4 76.8 87.4 578
SVN444GA353AA 444 353 165.1 516.1 4 81.0 92.1 565

Page 19 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – SVN

Grading Ring Diameters

Arrester MCOV Drop (A) (inches) Diameter (B) (inches)

140–190 15.0 25.0

209–245 18.0 39.0
318 - 353 35.8 60.0



11.4 DIA 11.4 DIA

Figure 1 Figure 1Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 2 Figure Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4
Figure 1 Figure 1 1
Figure 2 2 2
Figure 3
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 4

Page 20 | March 2012

Products – Polymer Housed Surge Arresters – SVN
SVN Part Numbers

Step 4: Line & Ground Terminals
Step 1: Select Standard A – Standard
Part Number
Use Column 1 of Page 18 to MCOV Rating Line Size (in) Ground Size (in) Code
select a standard part number,
including Duty Cycle and 0.25 – 0.81 0.32 – 0.78 AA
MCOV ratings. 0.25 – 0.81 0.38 – 1.12 AB
0.25 – 0.81 1.00 – 1.40 AC
Duty Cycle Rating 0.38 – 1.12 0.25 – 0.81 BA
0.38 – 1.12 0.38 – 1.12 BB
Step 2: Configurations 0.38 – 1.12 1.00 – 1.40 BC
G – Standard 1.00 – 1.40 0.25 – 0.81 CA
U – Underhung 1.00 – 1.40 0.38 – 1.12 CB
1.00 – 1.40 1.00 – 1.40 CC
Step 3: Creepage Requirement
* See page 33 for hardware details.
A – Standard
Height Creep
015 070 084 106 131 175 209 (in) (in)
- - - - - 152 - 190 - 230 245 318 335 353
057 076 098 115 144 180 220
A 38.1 83.9
B A 44.4 113.4
C B A 52.1 142.5
D C B A 58.8 172
D C B A 76.8 197.2
D C B A 83.1 226.8
D C B A 90.8 255.9
D C B A 98.5 285
D C B A 105.2 314.6
D C B A 111.9 344.1
D C B A 129.6 369.3
D C B 137.3 398.4
Letter Code

C 140.6 427.6
A 151.7 457.1
B A 158.4 486.6 * For applications that require
creepage, height or terminal
C B A 165.1 516.1 size requirements not listed,
C B 183.7 540.9 please contact your Hubbell
C 214.0 570.1

Page 21 | March 2012

Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters

Page 22 | March 2012
Products – Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters

VL & MVN, Station Class

Overview – Porcelain housed surge arresters have been the standard
in the industry for the last 50 years. The VL/MVN family of surge
arresters continue in this proud tradition and they are available
for use on system voltages from 2.4 kV to 500 kV (2.52 kV max
to 550 kV max). They offer high mechanical strength compared
to polymer houses station class surge arresters. Additionally, the
VL/MVN family (up to 335 kV MCOV) meets the requirements for
High Seismic Performance per IEEE Standard 6936-2005.


• Porcelain housing for maximized mechanical performance

• Single column of MOV blocks and aluminum spacers (as

required) centrally located within housing

• Block column held under high spring compression between

ductile iron end fittings affixed to housing

• Directional pressure relief system built integrated into

end fittings

• Operate at altitudes up to 12,000 feet/3,600 meters
• Designed to withstand winds up to 120 mph
• High cantilever strength for windstorms or earthquakes

Flash Fact:
Dual rated surge arresters are available to protect
equipment that may operate at more than one
system voltage.

Page 23 | March 2012

Products – Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters – VL
VL Electrical Characteristics
MCOV Maximum Discharge Voltage using an 8/20
Maximum Maximum TOV Capability (3)
Standard Duty Maximum Current Wave (kV)
0.5µs Switching
Arrester Arrester Cycle Continuous
Discharge Surge
Type Catalog Rating Operating 1 sec 10 sec
Voltage Protective 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 40kA
Number (kV rms) Voltage (kV rms) (kV rms)
(kV) Level (kV)
(kV rms)

216003-3001 3 2.55 9.1 6.3 3.7 3.5 6.9 7.2 7.5 8 9 10.3
216005-3001 6 5.1 17.9 12.4 7.4 7.0 13.6 14.2 14.8 15.8 17.7 20.3
219508-3001 9 7.65 26.6 18.4 11.1 10.5 20.2 21.1 22 23.5 26.4 30.2
219509-3001 10 8.4 29.3 20.3 12.1 11.6 22.2 23.3 24.2 25.9 29.1 33.3
219510-3001 12 10.2 35.5 24.6 14.7 14.0 26.9 28.2 29.4 31.4 35.2 40.4
219513-3001 15 12.7 44.2 30.6 18.4 17.5 33.5 35.1 36.6 39.1 43.9 50.3
216015-3001 18 15.3 53.3 36.8 22.1 21.0 40.4 42.3 44.1 47.1 52.8 60.6
VL 219517-3001 21 17 59.1 40.9 24.6 23.4 44.8 46.9 48.9 52.3 58.7 67.2
219519-3001 24 19.5 67.8 46.9 28.2 26.8 51.4 53.8 56.1 60 67.3 77.1
216022-3001 27 22 76.5 52.9 31.8 30.3 58 60.8 63.3 67.7 75.9 87
216024-3001 30 24.4 84.9 58.7 35.3 33.6 64.3 67.4 70.3 75.1 84.2 96.5
219529-3001 36 29 101 69.7 41.9 39.9 76.4 80 83.4 89.2 100 115
216031-3001 39 31.5 110 75.8 45.5 43.3 83 86.9 90.6 96.9 109 125
219536-3001 45 36.5 128 88.3 52.7 50.2 96.8 102 106 113 127 146
219539-3001 48 39 136 93.8 56.4 53.6 103 108 113 120 135 155

Notes: (1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10 kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting
in 0.5 µs. This can be used for coordination where front-of-wave sparkover formerly was used.

(2) 500A surge of 45 µs time to crest.

(3) TOV Capability is based on No Prior Duty.

Flash Fact:
Porcelain arresters with nameplates older
than 1977 are Silicon Carbide designs.

Page 24 | March 2012

Products – Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters – VL
VL Physical Characteristics
MCOV Recommended Minimum
Duty Cycle Height Leakage Clearance (Inches) Net
Arrester Standard Arrester Maximum Continuous
Rating Dimension Distance Weight
Type Catalog Number Operating Voltage
(kV rms) (Inches) (Inches) Ph - Ph Ph - Gd (Pounds)
(kV rms)

216003-3001 3 2.55 19.13 6.2 12 6 65

216005-3001 6 5.1 19.13 6.2 12 7 65
219508-3001 9 7.65 19.13 6.2 13 7 66
219509-3001 10 8.4 19.13 6.2 13 8 66
219510-3001 12 10.2 21.13 11.1 14 8.5 72
219513-3001 15 12.7 21.13 11.1 14 8.5 73
216015-3001 18 15.3 24.13 20 16 9 80
VL 219517-3001 21 17 24.13 20 16 9 81
219519-3001 24 19.5 24.13 20 17 11 82
216022-3001 27 22 28.13 31.7 18 12 90
216024-3001 30 24.4 28.13 31.7 18 12 91
219529-3001 36 29 28.13 31.7 20 14 93
216031-3001 39 31.5 31.88 41 21 14 105
219536-3001 45 36.5 31.88 41 21 15 107
219539-3001 48 39 31.88 41 20 15 109

VL Part Numbers VL Detail

Standard hardware end code is -3001.

• Top: Two Single eye-bolts for 4-hole

NEMA cap

• Bottom: Single eye-bolt

* See page 33 for additional hardware details. 8.0 DIA
For additional hardware options or non-standard
configurations including extra creepage or height,
please contact your Hubbell Representative.

Page 25 | March 2012

Products – Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters – MVN
MVN Electrical Characteristics

MCOV TOV Capability Maximum Discharge Voltage using an 8/20

Maximum 0.5µs Maximum (3) Current Wave (kV)
Standard Duty Cycle Maximum
Discharge Switching Surge
Arrester Catalog Rating Continuous
Voltage Protective Level 1 sec 10 sec
Number (kV rms) Operating Voltage 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 40kA
(kV) (1) (kV) (2) (kV rms) (kV rms)
(kV rms)

MVN054GA042AA 54 42 133 101 63 60 108 113 117 122 131 144

MVN060GA048AA 60 48 152 116 72 69 124 129 134 140 150 165
MVN072GA057AA 72 57 180 137 85 81 147 153 159 166 178 195
MVN090GA070AA 90 70 221 167 104 100 180 187 194 203 217 239
MVN090GA074AA 90 74 234 177 110 105 191 198 205 215 230 253
MVN096GA076AA 96 76 240 182 113 108 196 204 211 221 236 260
MVN108GA084AA 108 84 265 201 125 120 216 225 233 244 261 287
MVN108GA088AA 108 88 277 210 131 125 226 235 243 255 273 300
MVN120GA098AA 120 98 308 241 146 139 252 262 271 284 304 334
MVN132GA106AA 132 106 334 261 158 151 27 284 294 308 329 362
MVN144GA115AA 144 115 363 283 171 164 296 308 318 334 357 393
MVN168GA131AA 168 131 412 322 195 186 337 350 362 380 406 447
MVN172GA140AA 172 140 441 344 209 199 360 374 387 406 434 477
MVN180GA144AA 180 144 454 355 215 205 370 385 398 418 447 491
MVN192GA152AA 192 152 479 374 226 216 391 406 420 441 471 518
MVN228GA180AA 228 180 566 443 268 256 462 481 497 522 557 613
MVN240GA190AA 240 190 598 467 283 270 488 507 525 551 588 647
MVN258GA209AA 258 209 657 532 311 297 537 558 577 606 647 712
MVN264GA212AA 264 212 667 540 316 302 545 566 586 615 657 723
MVN276GA220AA 276 220 692 560 328 313 565 587 608 638 681 750
MVN288GA230AA 288 230 724 585 343 327 591 614 635 667 712 784
MVN312GA245AA 312 245 770 623 365 349 629 654 676 710 758 834
MVN396GA318AA 396 318 1053 809 474 453 816 849 878 922 984 1083
MVN420GA335AA 420 335 1109 852 499 477 860 894 925 971 1037 1140
MVN444GA353AA 444 353 1169 898 526 502 906 942 974 1023 1092 1202

Notes: (1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10 kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting
in 0.5 µs. This can be used for coordination where front-of-wave sparkover formerly was used.

(2) Discharge voltages are based on a 500A surge of 45 µs time to crest through 88 kV MCOV and 1,000A
surge of 45 µs time through 190 kV MCOV and 2,000A through 353 kV MCOV.

(3) TOV Capability is based on No Prior Duty.

These arresters are typically applied to system voltages of 69 kV and above where the energy requirements are higher than
required for lower voltage systems. If a higher energy rated arrester is required for a lower system voltage, Hubbell Power
Systems can provide these. Please contact your local representative for more information.

Page 26 | March 2012

Products – Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters – MVN
MVN Physical Characteristics
MCOV Recommended Minimum
Standard Duty Cycle Height Leakage Net
Maximum Continuous Drawing Clearance (Inches)
Arrester Catalog Rating Dimension Distance Weight
Operating Voltage Figure
Number (kV rms) (Inches) (Inches) Ph - Ph Ph - Gd (Pounds)
(kV rms)
MVN054GA042AA 54 42 38.1 75.0 1 8.3 9.9 175
MVN060GA048AA 60 48 38.1 75.0 1 9.8 11.6 178
MVN072GA057AA 72 57 38.1 75.0 1 11.9 14.0 183
MVN090GA070AA 90 70 44.1 100.0 1 14.8 17.3 217
MVN090GA074AA 90 74 44.1 100.0 1 15.8 18.4 219
MVN096GA076AA 96 76 44.1 100.0 1 16.3 18.9 220
MVN108GA084AA 108 84 50.6 126.3 1 18.1 21.1 256
MVN108GA088AA 108 88 50.6 126.3 1 19.1 22.1 257
MVN120GA098AA 120 98 50.6 126.3 1 21.4 24.7 263
MVN132GA106AA 132 106 57.1 152.5 1 23.3 26.9 294
MVN144GA115AA 144 115 57.1 152.5 1 25.4 29.3 299
MVN168GA131AA 168 131 76.6 175.0 2 29.1 33.5 391
MVN172GA140AA 172 140 76.6 175.0 2 31.2 35.8 414
MVN180GA144AA 180 144 82.6 200.0 3 32.2 37.0 442
MVN192GA152AA 192 152 82.6 200.0 3 34.0 39.0 446
MVN228GA180AA 228 180 95.6 252.5 3 40.5 46.4 523
MVN240GA190AA 240 190 95.6 252.5 3 42.9 49.0 529
MVN258GA209AA 258 209 102.1 278.8 3 47.3 54.1 574
MVN264GA212AA 264 212 102.1 278.8 3 48.1 54.9 575
MVN276GA220AA 276 220 108.6 305.0 3 49.9 57.0 606
MVN288GA230AA 288 230 108.6 305.0 3 52.3 59.6 611
MVN312GA245AA 312 245 127.6 326.3 4 55.7 63.5 703
MVN396GA318AA 396 318 153.6 431.3 4 72.8 82.9 890
MVN420GA335AA 420 335 160.1 457.6 4 76.8 87.4 927
MVN444GA353AA 444 353 179.1 478.8 5 81.0 92.1 1024

Grading Ring Diameters

Arrester MCOV Drop (A) (inches) Diameter (B) (inches)
140–190 15.0 25.0
209–245 18.0 39.0
318–353 35.8 60.0

Page 27 | March 2012

Products – Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters – MVN
MVN Detail



12.0 DIA
12.0 DIA
12.0 DIA
12.0 DIA
Height Height

Figure 1 1
Figure 2 2
1 Figure
1Figure Figure
Figure 3 3
2 Figure
2Figure 3 Figure
Figure 4 4
3 Figure
4 4 Figure 5 5
5 5
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5

Page 28 | March 2012

Products – Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters – MVN

MVN Part Number Selection


Step 1: Select Standard Step 4: Line & Ground Terminals

Part Number A – Standard
Use Column 1 of Page 26 to Line Size (in) Ground Size (in) Code
select a standard part number,
including Duty Cycle and MCOV Rating 0.25 – 0.81 0.32 – 0.78 AA
MCOV ratings.
0.25 – 0.81 0.38 – 1.12 AB
0.25 – 0.81 1.00 – 1.40 AC
Duty Cycle Rating
0.38 – 1.12 0.25 – 0.81 BA
0.38 – 1.12 0.38 – 1.12 BB
Step 2: Housing/Color
0.38 – 1.12 1.00 – 1.40 BC
G – Gray Housing (standard) 1.00 – 1.40 0.25 – 0.81 CA
B – Brown Housing 1.00 – 1.40 0.38 – 1.12 CB
U – Underhung (with std housing color) 1.00 – 1.40 1.00 – 1.40 CC

* See page 33 for additional

Step 3: Creepage Requirement hardware details.
A – Standard
Height Creep
042 070 084 106 131 144 180 209 220 (in) (in)
- - - - - - - - - 245 318 335 353
057 076 098 115 140 152 190 212 230
A 38.1 75
B A 44.1 100
C B A 50.6 126.3
D C B A 57.1 152.5
D C B A 76.6 175
D C B A 82.6 200
D C B 89.1 226.3
D C A 95.6 252.5
Letter Code

D B A 102.1 278.8
C B A 108.6 305 * For applications that require
D C B A 127.6 326.3 creepage, height or terminal
size requirements not listed,
D C B 134.1 352.5
please contact your Hubbell
D C 140.6 378.8 Representative.
A 156.3 431.3
B A 160.1 457.6
B A 179.1 478.8
B 185.6 505

Page 29 | March 2012

Products – EHV Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters – VNX
These arresters are typically applied to system voltages higher than 500 kV where the energy
requirements are higher than required for lower voltage systems. If a high energy rated arrester
is required for a lower system voltage, Hubbell Power Systems can provide these. Please contact
your local representative for more information.

VNX Electrical Characteristics

MCOV Maximum Maximum Maximum Discharge Voltage using an 8/20
Standard TOV Capability (3)
Duty Cycle Maximum 0.5µs Switching Current Wave (kV)
Rating Continuous Discharge Surge
(kV rms) Operating Voltage Voltage Protective 1 sec 10 sec
Number 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 40kA
(kV rms) (1) (kV) (2) Level (kV) (kV rms) (kV rms)
217318 396 318 1017 738 444 427 772 804 827 869 919 1019
217335 420 335 1075 780 468 450 816 849 874 918 971 1076
217353 444 353 1130 847 493 474 857 892 918 964 1020 1130

Notes: (1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting
in 0.5µs. This can be used for coordination where front-of-wave sparkover was formerly used.

(2) Discharge voltages are based on 2,000 A.

(3) TOV Capability is based on No Prior Duty.

VNX Physical Characteristics

MCOV Recommended Minimum
Height Leakage
Standard Arrester Duty Cycle Rating Maximum Continuous Clearance (Inches) Net Weight
Dimension Distance
Catalog Number (kV rms) Operating Voltage (Pounds)
(Inches) (Inches) Ph - Ph Ph - Gd
(kV rms)
217318 396 318 181.3 400 157 115 2365
217335 420 335 191.5 432 163 120 2465
217353 444 353 212.4 450 168 125 2785

VNX Part Numbers

Please contact your Hubbell Representative for
selection of a VNX part number and end code.

ingenuity Page 30 | March 2012

General Information
Packaging – All MVN and SVN arresters are packed with each porcelain unit in a separate
wooden crate compatible for forklift use. Most VL and VLA arresters are packed with each
porcelain unit in a separate cardboard carton. EVP arresters above 98kV MCOV will be packaged
in a wooden crate compatible for forklift use. All other EVP and PVI-LP arresters will be
packaged in a cardboard carton.

All packaging includes proper labeling for correct assembly upon construction. Stacking bolts,
when required, are included. If needed, grading rings are packed, shipped separately, and tagged
for easy identification.

Please contact your Hubbell Representative if you have special packing requirements.

Base Mounting Summary Table Base Mounting Information – PVI-

LP and EVP end castings are furnished
Attachment Lug with three slotted holes for 8.75” to
Product Line Bolt Circle (in) Bolt Size (in)
Thickness (in) Hole Size (in) 10” diameter bolt circles, 120 degrees
apart. End castings of types VL, MVN,
PVI-LP 8.75 – 10 0.5 0.75 0.56 slotted
and SVN arresters are furnished with
EVP 8.75 – 10 0.5 1.25 0.56 slotted three holes, 120 degrees on a 10 inch
diameter bolt circle.
VL, MVN, SVN 10 0.5 0.75 0.56

Mounting holes will accommodate ½ inch bolts. Rated cantilever strength is achieved with the
use of ½ inch bolts. Mounting bolts, nuts, and washers are not furnished with arresters.

Horizontal Mounting of Arresters – Many Hubbell Power Systems Substation Arresters can be
mounted horizontally.  The first consideration is that the cantilever force at the mounting point
not exceed the cataloged rated working cantilever load of the arrester under consideration. 
This force is a basic calculation of the total weight of the arrester multiplied by 50% of the total
height of the arrester.

Other considerations such as how much residual strength is available for large conductor loading,
ice loading and wind loading require a more detailed analysis.  In these cases please contact your
Hubbell Power Systems representative for technical assistance.


• Each arrester is identified with an arrester nameplate attached to its bottom casting.

• Arrester nameplates display the MCOV, duty cycle rating, pressure relief current, serial
and catalog numbers as required by IEEE/ANSI and IEC.

• On multiple-unit stacks, the plate is attached to the bottom unit. It features all of the
same information as well as the stacking sequence.

• Multiple-unit arresters must be stacked in the order listed on the base nameplate. The
stacking sequence is also listed on the arrester crates for easy reference.

• Additionally, multiple-unit stacks feature a unit nameplate on the upper casing of each
unit. This identifies the serial number of the specific unit.

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Accessories / Hardware

• Arrester discharge counters can be furnished with or without a built-in

milliamp meter.

• Operation of an arrester discharge counter and the optional grading current

instrument requires that the arrester base be insulated from the ground. Insulating
subbases are required to mount the discharge counter.

Counters Summary Table

Counter Catalog Leakage Current Max No. Min Count Max High Current Nominal Residual
Range of mA Reading
Number Meter Counts Current Withstand Voltage

200 A 100 kA 5 kV Peak

245130 No N/A 999,999 (8/20 µs wave) (4/10 µs wave) (4/10 µs wave) @ 100kA
200 A 100 kA 5 kV Peak
245131 Yes 0 – 30 999,999 (8/20 µs wave) (4/10 µs wave) (4/10 µs wave) @ 100kA

Subbases – Arresters with discharge counters require that the arrester is insulated from the
ground with insulating subbases.

Number 2721453076 (Heavy Duty) Number 2730973001

For use with Type MVN and SVN Arresters (Normal Duty)
For use with TYPE PVI-LP, EVP
Arrester discharge counters can be provided and VL Arresters
with or without a built-in milliamp meter to
provide a continuous grading current reading.

extensive Page 32 | March 2012

.56 - 4 HOLES

Accessories / Hardware
.56 - 4 HOLES
3.3 1.75

3.3 as standard line and ground terminals 1.75

Line and Ground Terminals – All Hubbell arresters include HDG 4-HOLE TERMINAL PAD, .62PART No. 2
for conductors from .25 to .81-inch diameters. These are made from hot-dip galvanized malleable
iron, compatible with either aluminum or copper.

The arrangement of mounting terminals on arresters TERMINAL
makes it possible PAD,
to align PART
them No.
in any 274914-4002
direction to accommodate the angle of the incoming lead wire.

If your conductor size exceeds standard terminal capacity, contact your Hubbell representative for
an appropriate quote.



1.38 .86 HOLE

.86 HOLE
3.12 1

.86 HOLE
1/2-13 UNC-2A THREAD .86 HOLE .25 - .81 DIA (AWG#4 - 500 MCM)
HDG Terminal Assy, Part No. M271414-3001 HDG Terminal Bracket Assy, Part No.
274914-4002 HDG
Suitable for Cu orTERMINAL ASSY,
AI Conductor Size PART
.25 – .81 dia. No. M271414-3001
M71874-3001 Suitable for Cu or AI Conductor
.81 dia. (AWG#4 – 500 MCM)
.25 - .81 DIA (AWG#4 - 500 MCM)
.25 - .81 DIA (AWG#4 - 500 MCM)
.56 DIA
1.75 .56 - 4 HOLES
.50 1.75
1.75 .69 DIA HOLE

5.63 3.3 1.75

.56 .62

.56 - 4 HOLES
.19 PAD, PART No. 274914-4002
1/2-13 UNC-2A BOLT
3 @ 120° ON 10.0 B.C. 1.75
Part Number: 272087-3001K

Suspension Cap, Part No. 272087-3001K – This 4-Hole NEMA Pad, Part No. 274914-4002 –
cap is the standard suspension cap furnished with Line-end terminals are available with a 4-hole .25 - .81
VL, MVN and SVN arresters. NEMA pad with a single eye-bolt. Single eye-
bolt ground-end terminals
2.875 are automatically
1.625 included. The 4-hole NEMA pad is typically 1.625
furnished with standard EVP & PVI-LP end codes.

.86 HOLE
.86 HOLE
No. M71874-3001
Engineering Note: Maximum recommended tightening torque to be applied to the end stud when installing terminals 1.625
and leads is 20 ft-lbs. 2.875
SIZE 1.625
.86 HOLE
Page 33 | March 2012 .25 - .81 DIA (AWG#4 - 500 MCM)
.86 HOLE


Station / Intermediate Mounting Brackets
Double Crossarm Base Single Crossarm
Mounting Plate Mounting Bracket
718643001 900643001

5“ x 4.5” min
8.5” x 6.5” max 1.5” x 4.5” min
4” x 6.5” max
Maximum arrester size that may be
mounted on this bracket is 39 kV MCOV. Electrical clearances must be observed.
Maximum arrester size that may be
mounted on this bracket is 48 kV MCOV.
Double Crossarm Pipe spacers are included with attachment
bolts to clear channel thickness and permit
Mounting Bracket mounting the arrester with bracket in an
inverted position.

Wall Mounting Bracket


1.74” x 4.5” min

4.5 x 6.5” max

Electrical clearances must be observed.

Maximum arrester size that may be
mounted on this bracket is 48 kV MCOV. Electrical clearances must be observed.
Pipe spacers are included with attachment Maximum arrester size that may be
bolts to clear channel thickness and permit mounted on this bracket is 57 kV MCOV.
mounting the arrester with bracket in an
inverted position.

Page 34 | March 2012

Mounting Brackets for PVI-LP and EVP Arresters
Pole Mounting Bracket for Pole Mounting Bracket for
Single Arrester Three Arresters
968763001 968753001

Provides horizontal arrester mounting for Provides horizontal arrester mounting

armless construction and cable riser poles. for armless construction and cable riser
Electrical clearances must be observed. poles. Electrical clearances must be
Maximum arrester size that may be observed. Maximum arrester size that
mounted on this bracket is 57 kV MCOV. may be mounted on this bracket is
57 kV MCOV.

Flash Fact:
Hubbell and Ohio Brass were
both founded in 1888.

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Arrester FAQs
1. What is the difference between a grading ring and a corona ring?

A grading ring is used to ensure a uniform voltage distribution along the length of an
electrical device. This is important for surge arresters so each MOV block in the arrester
is energized at the appropriate voltage.

A corona ring is traditionally used to electrically shield external hardware to prevent

corona from developing. This corona could lead to degradation of insulating materials
or create interference to electronic communication.

Surge arresters below 500 kV system voltage do not typically need corona rings.

2. How do I know if I need a grading ring or corona ring for my arrester?

The Hubbell/Ohio Brass Engineers have performed all necessary electric field calculations
to make this decision. Therefore, all of our surge arrester part numbers already include
rings if required, and you need not specify rings. They will automatically ship with your
arrester, stacked on a separate pallet.

3. What does MCOV rating of a surge arrester mean?

MCOV stands for the Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage. It represents the power
frequency voltage that may be continuously applied to a surge arrester.

The MCOV selected for a given system voltage is a function of the maximum line-to-line
voltage as well as the system grounding parameters. Hubbell Power Systems application
engineers can assist with the proper MCOV selection for your specific requirement.

4. How does MCOV rating differ from Duty Cycle rating?

The Duty Cycle rating of a surge arrester is the power frequency voltage at which the
arrester can successfully withstand the duty cycle test per IEEE Standard C62.11. The
Duty Cycle rating is a short-term TOV (Temporary Over-Voltage) rating.

5. What is the difference between a station class and an intermediate arrester?

Generally, station class arresters have the lowest protective characteristics and most
durability, while intermediate arresters perform at levels slightly less robust than station
class arresters.

Both of these arresters have traditionally been used in sub-station applications.

The arrester IEEE/ANSI Standard C62.11 defines the performance levels of each of
these designs.

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Arrester FAQs
6. Why is the system grounding type important to consider when selecting
the MCOV rating?

The type of grounding determines the amount of neutral shift during a fault on the
power system. The resulting TOV on the arrester could cause damage unless the
arrester is sized properly.

Your Hubbell Power Systems sales representative can help with the selection of the
proper size arrester for your application.

7. How do I use the pressure relief rating value in making my arrester selection?

When a surge arrester fails, it will become shorted. It then will conduct the
available short circuit current in the substation.

To minimize the possibility of a catastrophic failure, you should select an arrester

with a pressure relief rating that is greater than the available short-circuit current in
your substation.

8. What routine maintenance and testing does Hubbell Power Systems

recommend for station class surge arresters?

Hubbell Power Systems arresters are designed to provide years of successful service
without any recommended maintenance. Arresters do not require field testing;
however, if testing must be performed we recommend that Hubbell Power Systems be
contacted prior to beginning a testing.

9. I have a question that is not covered in this section.

We’ll be happy to answer any of your arrester questions. Just contact your local
Hubbell Power Systems sales representative or call our main customer service line at

Page 37 | March 2012
Engineering Terminology
A Glossary of Terms Used in This Catalog

BIL (Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Level): The electrical strength of

insulation in terms of the crest value of a standard lightning impulse under
standard atmospheric conditions.

Crest Value: The maximum value that a wave, surge or impulse attains.

Design Tests: Tests made on each design to establish performance characteristics

and to demonstrate compliance with the appropriate standards of the industry.
Once made, they need not be repeated unless the design is changed so as to
modify performance.

Discharge Counter: A device for recording the number of arrester discharge


Discharge Voltage: The voltage that appears across the terminals of an arrester
during passage of discharge current. Sometimes referred to as IR.

Discharge Withstand Current: The specified magnitude and wave shape of a

discharge current that can be applied to an arrester a specified number of times
without causing damage to it.

Duty Cycle Voltage: The designated maximum permissible voltage between its
terminals at which an arrester is designed to perform its duty cycle.

Fault Current: The current from the connected power system that flows in a
short circuit.

Front-of-Wave Impulse Sparkover Voltage: The impulse sparkover voltage

with a wave front that rises at a uniform rate and causes sparkover on the
wave front.

Grading Ring: A metal ring mounted to electrostatically modify the voltage

gradient or distribution.

Ground Terminal: The conducting part provided for connecting the arrester
to ground.

Impulse Protective Level: The discharge-voltage value for a defined wave shape.

Impulse Withstand Voltage: The crest value of an impulse that, under specified
conditions, can be applied without causing a disruptive discharge.

Line Terminal: The conducting part of an arrester provided for connecting the
arrester to the circuit conductor.

Page 38 | March 2012

Engineering Terminology
Maximum Design Cantilever Load-Static (MDCL-Static): The maximum
cantilever load the surge arrester is designed to continuously carry.

Metal-Oxide Surge Arrester (MOSA): A surge arrester utilizing valve elements

fabricated from nonlinear resistance metal-oxide materials.

MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor): The power semi-conductor that limits the surge
voltage allowing the arrester to perform its protection function. This is the
electrically active component of the surge arrester.

MCOV (Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage): The maximum

designated root-mean-square (rms) value of power-frequency voltage that may
be applied continuously between the terminals of the arrester.

Partial Discharge (PD): A localized electric discharge resulting from ionization

in an insulation system when the voltage stress exceeds critical value. The
discharge partially bridges the insulation between electrodes.

Reference Current (Iref): The peak value of the resistive component of a

power-frequency current high enough to make the effects of stray capacitance of
the arrester negligible.

Reference Voltage (Vref): The lowest peak value independent of polarity of

power-frequency voltage, divided by the square root of 2, required to produce a
resistive component of current equal to the reference current of the arrester.

Routine Tests: Tests made by the manufacturer on every device to verify that
the product meets the design specifications.

Surge Arrester: A protective device for limiting surge voltages on equipment

by diverting surge current and returning the device to its original status. It is
capable of repeating these functions multiple times.

TOV (Temporary Over-Voltage): A power frequency voltage in excess of

normal line-to-ground voltage. A TOV is typically system-generated. The
magnitude and duration are a function of the power system parameters.

Page 39 | March 2012
Arrester Routine Factory Testing
Arrester Routine Factory Testing: After assembly, the arresters are 100 percent tested
as follows:

Discharge Voltage: Determined by the sum of the resistor elements, each arrester
is tested to be within a manufacturer specified range that aligns with the arrester’s
published ratings.

Reference Voltage: The voltage at which the arrester conducts the reference current
per the table below. This test verifies the proper MOV blocks were used in the assembly.

EVP 9.5 mA
VL 11 mA
MVN and SVN 17 mA

Partial Discharge (PD): Power-frequency voltage is raised to the duty cycle voltage
rating of the arrester or unit, held for not less than 2s, and then lowered to 1.05 times
the MCOV of the arrester or unit. The measured PD shall not exceed 10 pC.

Seal Test: The helium-mass spectrometer test is performed on arresters with >10%
internal gas volume to verify the environmental seal of the arrester or unit.

Power Frequency (PF): A minimum voltage of 1.20 times the MCOV of the arrester or
unit is applied to verify the measured values of watts loss does not exceed the arrester or
unit’s specified limits.

The above testing procedure indicates our diligence in producing high quality metal-
oxide arresters.

Flash Fact:
Surge arresters can withstand many surge
events over their lifetime.

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Never Compromise TM

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