Off The Grid Millionaire
Off The Grid Millionaire
Off The Grid Millionaire
During riots, looting and other forms of unrest, might A New Kind of “Survival” Portfolio that
often makes right. That’s especially true when it comes
to official “confiscation” of assets. Could Generate Enormous Returns
During WWII, the German officials made a special point to To protect your assets from both government seizure and
both tax Jews punitively and also to confiscate their wealth civil unrest, we’ve created the Portable Portfolio.
systematically. That came to include every scrap of wealth
they had, right down to their gold teeth in some cases. It can help you:
Fourteen-year-old concentration camp prisoner Raymond 1. Secure up to $1 million in wealth inside a hollow
Fisher’s entire job, for example, was to search the clothing “soda can” safe (more on this in a moment)
of executed prisoners. There he found diamonds, jewelry
and other valuables sewn into compartments in the bottom 2. Provide you with liquidity and spendable wealth
of coat pockets, socks and hats. for any immediate needs in the aftermath of Ice-9
Fisher survived to tell his story and it serves as a dark 3. Provide some amount of diversification, to spread risk
reminder not only of governments’ tendency toward total-
itarianism, but also of the need for individuals to transact 4. Give you possible investment upside as events unfold
under extreme conditions.
5. Ensure that you maintain wealth — regardless of
Of course, there is no more extreme example of such external conditions
conditions than World War II Germany. But what if a to-
talitarian government were to take hold, say, in America? Of course, the amount of wealth you store in your porta-
What if elements within that government were able to seize ble portfolio is entirely up to you.
your bank account… your checking account, your IRA or
401(k), even your stock brokerage account? But having some of your assets secured —and “off the
grid” now —will mean you’re prepared for whatever
What if civil disorder came home, here, in the United
comes next.
States? And what if the elites’ response to that disorder was
a program of complete asset seizures across the board? We’ll take a closer look at the portfolio and how the
Sadly, those conditions could take hold when the next assets break down in a second. But first, let’s talk about
major financial crisis hits. where you’ll store your wealth…
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off-the-grid millionaire
A Primer on “Diversion Safes” thief’s attention. Simply choose the right one for you and
get started.
First, you need to choose a container. This sounds unusual
— and it is. That’s the point. This portfolio isn’t designed So how can you fit over $1 million inside a soda-can safe?
for normal conditions. We’ve designed it for the extreme
conditions we’re likely to see during a massive failure of Let’s take a look at the portfolio breakdown. We struc-
our financial — and possibly political — system. tured this portfolio into two main categories: liquid and
Of course, you could choose just about anything to contain
The liquid portion is meant to give you flexibility and
your portable portfolio.
freedom in the short term. The store-of-value allocation
But I’ve designed the portfolio to fit inside of a 12-ounce is meant as a longer-term repository of wealth. As time
soda can. passes, you can arrange to exchange illiquid assets for
liquid assets, according to your needs.
In particular, it will fit inside a soda-can safe, which you
can purchase for less than $20 from several online sources. We’ve included a percentage with each type of asset. This
percentage is the amount of your Portable Portfolio we sug-
Here’s an example of what I’m talking about, the Can Safe: gest you put into that asset (for example: 1% of $1.1 million
would be $11,000). Please keep in mind that the Portable
Portfolio is not meant to replace your regular portfolio —
this is a portfolio designed for very extreme circumstances.
2. E
arrings featuring the same value-added gemstones In fact, for this portfolio, white diamonds are an excellent
store of large amounts of value in the tiniest of spaces.
3. N
ecklaces where most of the volume and value is
in the gemstones That’s why they get their own category.
Choosing these pieces comes down to size and discretion, Store-of-Value Asset #2: Loose White
which is why we’re emphasizing gemstones over the metals
Diamonds (47.5% / $522,500)
in jewelry.
Before we go further, we want to make something very clear.
Measured in terms of value-by-volume, gold takes up a
ton of room compared to expensive gemstones. Jewelry Under normal circumstances, Strategic Intelligence does
pieces with highly valuable gemstones are favored for our not typically recommend diamonds for average investors.
Portable Portfolio for their ability to concentrate wealth The main reason: there are too many ways to lose your
into very small spaces. shirt with diamond investing.
One more consideration. When selecting jewelry items Some of the problems with diamonds as an investment
for extreme conditions, we recommend a blend of gem- include:
stone sizes. • Difficulty in ensuring weight and quality (grade/purity)
Smaller stones can easily be removed and used as large- • Storage security
denomination money. Larger stones can store exponentially
more value. Having a blend of both is ideal. • Illiquidity
For example, this stunning Auriya engagement ring features • Inconsistent pricing/valuation
a 19-carat yellow diamond. But it also features 100-plus
These dangers remain today, despite growing investor
smaller white diamonds (total weight of about 3.5 carats).
interest in diamonds as an asset class in themselves.
The price tag: $500,000 on
As Fortune reported not long ago:
Copyright by Agora Financial, LLC. 808 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means or for
any reason without the consent of the publisher. The information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable; however, its accuracy cannot
be guaranteed.