Graphics - Relevance All graphics are related All graphics are related All graphics relate to the Graphics do not relate
to the topic and make it to the topic and most topic. Most borrowed to the topic OR several
easier to understand. All make it easier to graphics have a source borrowed graphics do
borrowed graphics have understand. All citation. not have a source
a source citation. borrowed graphics have citation.
a source citation.
Graphics - Originality Several of the graphics One or two of the The graphics are made No graphics made by
used on the poster graphics used on the by the student, but are the student are
reflect a exceptional poster reflect student based on the designs or included.
degree of student creativity in their ideas of others.
creativity in their creation and/or display.
creation and/or display.
Required Elements The poster includes all All required elements All but 1 of the required Several required
required elements as are included on the elements are included elements were missing.
well as additional poster. on the poster.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is attractive The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in terms of design, acceptably attractive distractingly messy or
in terms of design, layout and neatness. though it may be a bit very poorly designed. It
layout, and neatness. messy. is not attractive.