D 7369 - 11
D 7369 - 11
D 7369 - 11
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- but not more than 89.0 N (20 lb).
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.1.2 core, n—an intact cylindrical specimen of pavement
material, which is removed from the pavement by drilling and
2. Referenced Documents sampling at the designated location. A core may consist of, or
include, one, two, or more than two different layers.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
D3387 Test Method for Compaction and Shear Properties of 3.1.3 cyclic load (resilient vertical load, Pcyclic), n—load
Bituminous Mixtures by Means of the U.S. Corps of applied to a specimen, which is directly used to calculate
Engineers Gyratory Testing Machine (GTM) resilient modulus.
D3666 Specification for Minimum Requirements for Agen- P cyclic 5 P max 2 P contact (1)
cies Testing and Inspecting Road and Paving Materials 3.1.4 haversine-shaped load form, n—the required load
D4013 Practice for Preparation of Test Specimens of Bitu- pulse for the resilient modulus test. The load pulse is in the
minous Mixtures by Means of Gyratory Shear Compactor form (1-cos θ)/2 with the cyclic load varying from the contact
(Withdrawn 2013)3 load (Pcontact) to the maximum load (Pmax).
D6925 Test Method for Preparation and Determination of
the Relative Density of Asphalt Mix Specimens by Means 3.1.5 instantaneous resilient modulus, n—determined from
of the Superpave Gyratory Compactor the deformation-time plots (both horizontal and vertical) as
D6926 Practice for Preparation of Bituminous Specimens described in Section 10.
3.1.6 lift, n—that part of the pavement produced with
similar material and placed with similar equipment and tech-
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Road niques. The lift thickness is the thickness of the compacted
and Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.26 on
Fundamental/Mechanistic Tests.
bituminous mixture that is achieved with one pass of the
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2011. Published January 2012. Originally laydown machine and the subsequent compaction process and
published 2009 as D7369–09. DOI: 10.1520/D7369-11. can be equal to or less than the core thickness or length.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM 3.1.7 maximum applied load (Pmax) , n—the maximum total
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on load applied to the sample, including the contact and cyclic
the ASTM website. (resilient) loads.
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
www.astm.org. P max 5 P contact1P cyclic (2)
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D7369 − 11
3.1.8 test specimen, n—that part of the layer which is used bearing surface. The surface of the guide columns shall be
for, or in, the specified test. The thickness of the test specimen frequently inspected for any grooves caused due to friction.
can be equal to or less than the layer thickness. Alignment of the device, within the loading system, shall be
3.1.9 total deformation, n—determined from the achieved so that such friction is limited. The upper plate shall
deformation-time plots (both horizontal and vertical) as de- be rigid enough to prevent excessive or undue deflection during
scribed in Section 10. loading. A picture of the loading strip parts is presented in Fig.
1. The loading strips shall be perpendicular to the line
4. Summary of Test Method connecting the two guide columns.
4.1 The repeated-load indirect tension resilient modulus test 6.3 Temperature-Control System—The temperature-control
of bituminous mixtures is conducted through repetitive appli- system should be capable of maintaining a temperature of 5 to
cations of compressive loads in a haversine waveform. The 45°C (41 to 113°F) 61.0°C (62°F). The system shall include
compressive load is applied along a vertical diametral plane of a temperature-controlled cabinet large enough to house the
a cylindrical specimen of asphalt concrete. The resulting loading device and space adequate to pre-condition at least
horizontal and vertical deformations of the specimen are three specimens at a time prior to testing, as described in 8.3.
measured. Values of resilient Poisson’s ratio are calculated 6.4 Measurement and Recording System—The measurement
using recoverable vertical and horizontal deformations. The and recording system shall include sensors for measuring and
resilient modulus values are subsequently calculated using the simultaneously recording horizontal and vertical deformations
calculated Poisson’s ratio. Two separate resilient modulus and loads. The system shall be capable of recording horizontal
values are obtained. One, termed instantaneous resilient and vertical deformations in the range of 0.00038 mm
modulus, is calculated using the instantaneous recoverable (0.000015 in.) of deformation. Load cells shall be accurately
deformation that occurs during the unloading portion of one calibrated with a resolution of 8.9 N (2 lb) or better.
load-unload cycle. The other, termed total resilient modulus, is 6.4.1 Data Acquisition—The measuring or recording de-
calculated using total recoverable deformation which includes vices must provide real-time deformation and should be
both the instantaneous recoverable and the time-dependent capable of monitoring readings on tests conducted to 1 Hz.
continuing recoverable deformation during the unload or Computer monitoring systems are recommended. The data
rest-period portion of one cycle. acquisition system shall be capable of collecting 200 scans per
second (a scan includes all deformation and load values at a
5. Significance and Use given point of time). The capability to have real-time plots
5.1 Resilient modulus can be used in the evaluation of (simultaneous to the data collection by the computer monitor-
materials quality and as input for pavement design, evaluation ing system) shall also be provided to check the progress of the
and analysis. With this method, the effects of temperature and test. If strip chart recorders are used without computer moni-
load on resilient modulus can also be investigated. toring systems, the plotting scale shall be adjusted such that
NOTE 1—The quality of the results produced by this standard are there is a balance between the scale reduction required as a
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing the procedure result of the pen reaction time and the scale amplification
and the capability, calibration, and maintenance of the equipment used. needed for purposes of accurate measurement of values from a
Agencies that meet the criteria of Practice D3666 are generally considered
capable of competent and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users
plot. Actual load values, and not the intended load values, shall
of this standard are cautioned that compliance with D3666 alone does not be used for calculation purposes and so the data acquisition
completely assure reliable results. Reliable results depend on many
factors; following the suggestions of D3666 or some similar acceptable
guideline provides a means of evaluating and controlling some of those
6. Apparatus
6.1 Testing Machine—Testing machine shall be a top
loading, closed loop, electro-hydraulic or pneumatic testing
machine with a function generator capable of applying a
haversine-shaped load pulse over a range of load durations,
load levels, and rest periods.
6.2 Loading Device—Loading device should be capable of
testing 101.6 or 152.4 mm (4 or 6 in.) diameter specimens of
heights up to 63.5 mm (2.5 in.). The device should be compact
enough to be used within an environmental chamber. It should
have a fixed bottom loading plate and a moving upper loading
plate. The movement of the upper plate should be guided by
two columns, one on each side of the specimen and equidistant
from the loading axis and the loading strips, to ensure it has
minimal translational or rotational motion during loading of the
specimen. The guide columns shall have a near frictionless FIG. 1 Sample with Loading Strip Parts
D7369 − 11
system shall also be capable of monitoring the load values 6.6.2 An alignment device shall be used to position and
continuously during testing. place horizontal and vertical supports for gages or LVDTs
along the horizontal and vertical diameter of the specimen and
NOTE 2—Tests at multiple frequencies can be done. The frequencies of
0.33 and 0.5 Hz are suggested. hold them there until the glue that holds the supports cures. It
shall be easily removable, without disturbing the LVDT (once
6.4.2 Deformation Measurement—Both horizontal and ver-
the glue cures), and shall not be destructively mounted on the
tical deformation shall be measured on the surface of the
specimen. The device shall be capable of mounting the LVDT
specimen by mounting LVDTs between gauge points along the
at a gauge length of one-quarter and one half of the diameter of
horizontal and vertical diameters. The gauge length can be of
the specimen. The LVDT shall be as close as possible to (but
three sizes in relation to the diameter of the specimen: 1⁄4 of the
not touching) the surface of the specimen so as to minimize the
diameter or 25.4 mm for a 101.6 mm-diameter of the specimen
bulging effect. To ensure uniform test results, a spacing of 5.08
(1 in. for a 4 in.) or 38.1 mm for a 152.4 mm-diameter of the
mm (0.2 in.) is recommended. The axis of the LVDT shall not
specimen (1.5 in. for a 6 in.), 1⁄2 of the diameter or 50.8 mm for
be at a distance greater than 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) from the
a 101.6 mm diameter of the specimen (2 in. for a 4 in.) or 76.2
surface of the specimen. Fig. 2 shows an example of alignment
mm for a 152.4 mm diameter of the specimen (3 in. for a 6 in.)
and one diameter or 101.6 for a 101.6 mm diameter of the
specimen (4 in. for a 4 in.) or 152.4 mm for a 152.4 mm
7. Specimens
diameter of the specimen (6 in. for a 6 in.). It is required to
have the two LVDTs, on each face of the specimen, one 7.1 Specimen Size—Resilient modulus testing shall be con-
horizontal and one vertical resulting in a total of four LVDTs ducted on 101.6 6 3.8 mm (4 in.) or 152.4 6 9 mm (6 in.)
for deformation measurement. diameter specimens that are 38.1 mm (1.5 in.) to 63.5 mm (2.5
in.) in thickness. The test specimen can be obtained from field
NOTE 3—The results obtained with gauge length of 1⁄4 of the diameter
of the specimen have the best precision.
coring or from a Marshall-compacted specimen or from a
gyratory-compacted specimen. Depending on the height of the
6.4.3 Load Measurement—The repetitive loads shall be gyratory-compacted specimen and the thickness of the test
measured with an electronic load cell with a capacity adequate specimen, two or three specimens can be sawed from a
for the maximum required loading and a sensitivity of 0.5 % of compacted specimen.
the intended peak load. During period of resilient modulus
7.2 Core Specimens:
testing, the load cell shall be monitored and checked, once a
month, with a calibrated proving ring to ensure that the load 7.2.1 Cores for test specimen preparation, which may con-
cell is operating properly. Additionally, the load cell shall be tain one or more testable layers, must have smooth and uniform
checked at any time that the QC/QA testing with in-house surfaces and must meet specimen diametric and thickness
synthetic specimen (see 9.1) indicates a change in the system requirements summarized in 7.1. Cores that are obviously
response or when there is a suspicion of a load cell problem. deformed or have any visible cracks must be rejected. Irregular
top and bottom surfaces shall be trued as necessary, and
6.5 Loading Strip—Steel loading strips, with concave
individual layer specimens shall be obtained by cutting with a
sample contact surfaces, machined to the radius of curvature of
diamond saw using water or air as coolant. Additional speci-
a 101.60 6 0.10 mm diameter specimen (4.000 6 0.004 in) or
mens for each layer must be collected in the field in order to
152.40 6 0.15 mm diameter specimen (6.000 6 0.006 in), are
perform the pretest tensile strength.
required to apply load to the test specimens. The contact areas
7.2.2 If a core specimen has more than one layer, the layers
of the loading strips shall be 12.7 mm (1⁄2 in.) and 19 mm (3⁄4
shall be separated at the layer interface. Layers containing
in.) wide respectively for the 4 in specimen and 6 in specimen.
more than one lift of the same material may be tested as a
The outer edges of the curved surface shall be filed lightly to
single specimen. Traffic direction shall be marked on each
remove sharp edges that might cut the specimen during testing.
layer after cutting, to maintain the correct orientation.
Thin lines should be drawn along the length of the strip at its
center, to help alignment. Also, appropriate marking should be 7.2.3 In order to limit non-parallelism of the two flat sides,
made so as to center the specimen within the length of the it is recommended to place the specimen on a level surface and
strips. This could be either done by matching the center of measuring the departure from perpendicularity. The displace-
specimen with a mark at the center of the strip or by ment sensor should have a precision of 0.01 mm (0.0004 in.).
positioning the specimen between two marks at the ends of the The standard deviation of the two parallel surfaces shall be less
specimen thickness, or both. than 0.56 mm (0.022 in.). The acceptable range of two test
results used to determine the thickness of the sample is 2.04
6.6 Marking and Alignment Devices: mm (0.08 in.). Fig. 3 shows an example of device to measure
6.6.1 The LVDT alignment device should align the horizon- non-parallelism.
tal and vertical LVDTs simultaneously on the top and bottom
faces of the specimen for gluing. If such a device is not used 7.3 Laboratory-Molded Specimens—Prepare the laboratory-
then a marking device shall be used to mark mutually perpen- molded specimens in accordance with acceptable compaction
dicular axes on the top and bottom faces of the specimen procedures such as Test Methods D3387, D4013, D6925 and
through the center. The axes shall be simultaneously marked on D6926. The specimens size must meet the requirements of 7.1.
the top and bottom faces of the specimen to ensure that the axes 7.4 Diametral Axis—Marking of the diametral axis to be
on the front and the back lie in a single plane. tested shall be done using a suitable marking device as
D7369 − 11
described in 6.6. The axis shall be parallel to the traffic abnormally large aggregate particles or surface voids or to
direction symbol (arrow) marked during the field coring avoid the mounting of the vertical LVDT over large surface
operations. This diametral axis location can be rotated slightly, voids. The second marking will be perpendicular to the first
if necessary, to avoid contact of the loading strips with
D7369 − 11
marked diametral axis. These markings are required for mount- sample having the same mix properties will be selected for
ing horizontal and vertical LVDTs. indirect tensile strength testing. The indirect tensile strength
7.5 Thickness (t) of each test specimen shall be measured to test is performed as a basis for selecting the loading levels for
the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) prior to testing. The thickness the resilient modulus testing. The test shall be performed in
shall be determined by averaging four measurements located at accordance with Test Method D6931. Calculate the indirect
1⁄4 points around the sample perimeter, and 12.7 mm (1⁄2 in.) to tensile strength as follows:
25.4 mm (1 in.) in from the specimen edge. 8.4 Temperature Control—The lab-compacted test speci-
7.6 Diameter (D) of each test specimen shall be determined mens designated for resilient modulus testing shall be brought
prior to testing to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) by averaging to the test temperature 25 6 1°C (77 6 2°F). Asphalt concrete
diametral measurements. Measure the diameter of the speci- field cores should also be placed in a controlled temperature
men at mid-height along (1) the axis parallel to the direction of cabinet/chamber and brought to the specified test temperature.
traffic and (2) the axis perpendicular (90°) to the axis measured Unless the core specimen temperature is monitored in some
in (1) above. The two measurements shall be averaged to manner and the actual temperature known, the cores samples
determine the diameter of the test specimen. shall remain in the cabinet/chamber at 25 6 1°C (77 6 2°F) for
a minimum of 6 hours prior to testing. Inclusion of a dummy
7.7 Replicates: sample for temperature verification is also permissible.
7.7.1 The test procedure is applicable to both laboratory
compacted specimens and field cores. Three test specimens 8.5 Alignment and Specimen Seating:
each with a total thickness equal to 38.1 mm (1.5 in.) or 50.8 8.5.1 Position the test specimen so that the mid-thickness
mm (2.0 in.) can be obtained from a specimen compacted to a mark (cross mark for the two diametral axes) on the test
height of 127 mm (5 in.) or 178 mm (7 in.) respectively. It is specimen is located in the line of action of the actuator shaft or,
recommended that both ends of the compacted specimen be alternatively, ascertain that the specimen is centered exactly
sawed to obtain a smooth surface. This will result in three between end markings on loading strips. The diametral mark-
replicates from a given compacted specimen. In the case of ings are then used to ensure that the specimen is aligned from
field cores, three field specimens are needed from a homoge- top to bottom loading strips. With the use of a mirror, the back
neous section. face can be similarly aligned.
7.7.2 Three test specimens will result in a total of twelve 8.5.2 The contact surface between the specimen and each
Poisson’s ratio and resilient modulus values for both instanta- loading strip is critical for proper test results. Any projections
neous and total (four values for each specimen). or depressions in the specimen-to-strip contact surface, which
leave the strip in non-contact condition over a length of more
7.8 Specimen Preparation—For deformation measurement,
than 19.05 mm (0.75 in.) after completion of the load condi-
in both the horizontal and vertical directions, mount the gauge
tioning stage, shall be reason for rotating the test axis or
points by gluing them to the test specimen. Wait until the gauge
rejecting the specimen. If no suitable replacement specimen is
points are properly set and the glue is dry before removing the
available, reject the specimen and document the situation.
gluing jig. Attach the LVDTs on the two faces of the specimen
arranged as two horizontal and two vertical LVDTs. The 8.6 Preconditioning—Preconditioning and testing shall be
electronic measuring system shall be adjusted and gains set as conducted while the specimen is located in a temperature
necessary for the four LVDTs. Prior to testing, zero the controlled cabinet meeting the requirements of 6.3.
extensometers and the surface-mounted LVDTs. An initial 8.6.1 Selection of applied loads for preconditioning and
negative offset might be necessary if high gain is being used or testing at the test temperature is based on the indirect tensile
there is a possibility of exceeding the range of voltage strength, determined as specified in Test Method D6931.
otherwise (or both). Tensile stress levels from 10 to 20 % of the tensile strength
measured at 25°C (77°F) are to be used in conducting the test
8. Procedure at temperatures of 25 6 1°C (77 6 2°F). Specimen contact
8.1 The procedure involves resilient modulus testing at loads specified in 3.1.1 shall be maintained during testing.
defined load, loading frequency, and load duration at a tem- 8.6.2 The sequence of resilient modulus testing shall consist
perature of 25°C (77°F). Optionally, the test series can be of initial testing along the first diametral axis (or along the
performed at different temperatures, for example, 5°C (41°F), traffic direction for the field cores) followed by rotating the
15°C (59°F), 20°C (68°F) and 25°C (77°F) at one specific specimen 90°. The test specimen must be maintained at 25°C
loading frequency for each temperature. (77°F). The computer-generated waveform shall be as closely
matched as possible to produce a haversine waveform by
8.2 Testing Prerequisites—Resilient modulus testing shall adjusting the gains. No rest period is required between the
be conducted after system response has been verified by testing initial test and the test performed after rotation. The number of
synthetic specimens, as outlined in 9.1. load applications to be applied for each rotation for precondi-
8.3 Pretest Tensile Strength—Prior to performing the resil- tioning cycles is 100. However, the minimum number of load
ient modulus test, the indirect tensile strength shall be deter- applications for a given situation must be such that the resilient
mined for one test specimen taken from the same layer and as modulus deformations are stable (see 8.7). The minimal
close as possible to the location of the core specimen(s) to be number of load cycles is that necessary to get five stable cycles,
tested for resilient modulus. For laboratory specimens, a which means less than 1 % change in resilient modulus in five
D7369 − 11
consecutive cycles. When using more preconditioning cycles, of 0.1 second and a rest period of 0.9 second on both the axes
the number of preconditioning cycles shall be recorded and the at a load level expected for the AC samples. Any synthetic
reason documented. Also, if testing has to be stopped for any material can be used as long as it has a modulus similar to
other reason, sufficient time should be given to the specimen materials typically tested in a given environmental area.
for relaxation before resuming the test. Checking the system with a known material or set of materials
8.7 Horizontal and Vertical Deformation—Both the hori- is the fastest and easiest way to make sure everything is
zontal and the vertical deformations shall be monitored during working as expected. However, QC/QA testing shall be done
preconditioning. If total cumulative vertical deformations whenever alignment of the loading system may have changed.
greater than 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) occur, the applied load shall 9.2 The specimens shall be tested as follows:
be reduced to the minimum value possible and still retain 9.2.1 The specimen shall be located in a temperature con-
adequate deformations for measurement purposes. If the use of trolled cabinet meeting the requirements of 6.3 and at tempera-
smaller load levels is not adequate for measurement purposes, ture of 25°C (77°F). The applied loads for preconditioning and
discontinue preconditioning and generate 10 load pulses for testing for the synthetic specimens are defined below. Use the
resilient modulus determination and so indicate on the test load necessary to produce a deformation between 1 to 2.5 µm
report. (50 to 100 µin.) on any given synthetic material. Use the above
8.8 Testing—At the end of preconditioning for each rotation, equation, deduced from the equation in 10.3.2 in order to give
the resilient modulus testing shall be conducted as specified an estimative of the desired load:
below: M R of synthetic material ~ deformation! ~ thickness!
Load 5 (3)
8.8.1 Record the measured deformation individually from ~ I3 2 I2 ! ~ Poisson’s ratiosynthetic!
the four deformation measuring devices and the load sensor as
9.2.2 The test specimen shall be preconditioned along the
soon as preconditioning is over (the load pulses are to be
proper axis prior to testing by applying a minimum of 100
applied continuously through preconditioning and data collec-
cycles of the specified haversine-shaped load pulse of 0.1
tion for resilient modulus). The response is only recorded
second duration with a rest period of 0.9 second. The computer
(deformation and load) for the last five loading cycles of the
generated wave form shall be closely matched by adjusting
total applied load pulses. One loading cycle consists of one
gains and preconditioning until both horizontal and vertical
load pulse and a subsequent rest period. The resilient modulus
deformations are stable and appear to be uniform. Adjust the
will be calculated and reported for each cycle using the
equipment by tuning to get the best possible simulation of the
equation in Section 10. After 100 cycles of preconditioning,
desired haversine for the load and the desired time interval
use the first 5 consecutive cycles for which the applied load
between loads.
does not exceed the maximum range shown in Table 1.
9.2.3 The results from the QC/QA testing shall be stored as
8.8.2 After the specimen has been tested along the first
a permanent record of the system response to obtain the system
diametral plane, rotate the specimen 90° and repeat 8.8.1.
fingerprint. This “fingerprint” is a record of the tuned equip-
8.8.3 After completion of the resilient modulus testing
ment response and its fit to the requested mathematical
along the two perpendicular diametral planes, indirect tensile
waveform. If all the synthetic specimens have not been tested
strength testing shall be performed at 25 6 1.0°C (77 6 2°F)
for each set of 100 resilient modulus cycles, QC/QA testing
in accordance with Test Method D6931. This test is performed
shall be performed on the remaining synthetic specimens in
to determine the tensile strength of the specific specimen
order to verify the system response.
actually used in resilient modulus testing. For this specimen,
the loading axis shall be in the same orientation as the initial 9.3 Extensometers, LVDT and load cell shall be calibrated
testing position. as recommended by the manufacturers of the equipment.
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TABLE 2 Constant Values for Resilient Modulus and Poisson’s by subtracting the deformation on the curve corresponding to
Ratio Calculation time of point A from the peak deformation. With the definition
Gauge Length as of the straight portion of unloading path and straight recovery
a Fraction of I1 I2 I3 I4
Diameter Specimen
portion, the space between these two lines is the curved portion
0.25 0.144357 –0.450802 0.155789 –0.488592
that connects the unloading path and the recovery portion.
0.50 0.233936 –0.780056 0.307445 –1.069463
0.75 0.265925 –0.952670 0.430875 –1.934486
10.2 Total Deformation—Determined from the
1.00 0.269895 –1.000000 –0.062745 –3.587913 deformation-time plots (both horizontal and vertical) by sub-
tracting the deformation obtained at the end of one load-unload
cycle, as determined by taking the average of deformation
hyperbolic equation. The recovery portion corresponds to the values obtained for the time period between 85 % completion
time from {(0.4 · 0.9 s) + 0.1} = 0.46 s until {(0.9 · 0.9 s) + 0.1} and 95 % completion of the rest period from the peak defor-
= 0.91 s, denoted by tc and td, respectively from Table 2. mation values, as described in Fig. 6. They correspond to the
following times {(0.9 · 0.85) + 0.1} = 0.865 s, and {(0.9 · 0.95)
b + 0.1} = 0.955 s, denoted by (te) and (tf) respectively from
Y 5 a1 (6)
X Table 2, according Fig. 6. This value includes both the
where: instantaneous recoverable deformation and the time-dependent
Y = deformation value, continuing recoverable deformation during the rest period
X = time, and portion of one cycle.
a, b = regression constants. 10.3 The following equations are intended for the calcula-
10.1.4 A tangent should be drawn to this hyperbola at the tion of either instantaneous or total values, depending on
point corresponding to 55 % (recommended point) of the rest whether instantaneous or total deformation values are used.
period (t55) that corresponds to time of {(0.9 · 0.55) + 0.1} = Consider horizontal deformation as positive and vertical defor-
0.595 s. The intersection of two linear equations is used to mation as negative. The load value is assumed to be positive.
determine the time for the instantaneous deformation. The first 10.3.1 Poisson’s Ratio—Poisson’s ratio shall be calculated
equation is for the unloading path, which corresponds to half of from the vertical and horizontal deformation values by the use
the loading time (0.1 s · 1⁄2 ) = 0.05 s. This straight line occurs of the following equation. According Zhang et al (1997),4 if the
between the peak load time (Tm) plus 0.005 (ta) and the peak relation ship between the width of the loading strip and the
load time + 0.05 s (tb). The other linear equation is determined
from the tangent of the hyperbola in the recovery period Then
the point on the hyperbolic curve corresponding to the time 4
Zhang, W., Drescher, A., and Newconb, D.E., “Viscoelastic Analysis of
coordinate of the intersection designated as point A, is selected Diametral Compression of Asphalt Concrete,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
to determine the instantaneous deformation, as shown in Fig. 5, Vol 123 , No. 6, 1997, pp. 596–603.
D7369 − 11
diameter of specimen is 1⁄8 the Poisson’s ratio will be indepen- and the recoverable horizontal deformation (instantaneous or
dent of the diameter of specimen, nevertheless it is dependent total) according to Zhang (1997):
of the gauge length in accordance with the constants designed P cyclic
by “I1, I2, I3 and I4”, presented in Table 2: MR 5
δ ht
~ I1 2 I2·µ ! (8)
I4 2 I1 3
δh S D (7)
MR = instantaneous or total resilient modulus of
I3 2 I2 3
δh S D δh
elasticity, MPa (psi),
= recoverable horizontal (instantaneous or total)
where: deformation, mm (in.),
µ = instantaneous or total Poisson’s ratio, µ = instantaneous or total Poisson’s ratio,
δv = the recoverable (instantaneous or total) vertical defor- t = thickness of specimen, mm (in.),
mation measured over the vertical diameter of the Pcyclic = Pmax – Pcontact = cyclic load applied to specimen, N
specimen, mm (in.), and (lb),
δh = the recoverable horizontal (instantaneous or total) de- Pmax = maximum applied load, N (lb) and
formation measured over the horizontal diameter of the Pcontact = contact load, N (lb).
specimen, mm (in.). For each horizontal deformation, the corresponding The expected range for the Poisson’s ratio is 0.25 to Poisson’s ratio value must be used, resulting in a total of four
0.45. When the calculated Poisson’s ratio is outside this range, resilient modulus values (two faces × two axes or rotations) for
the calculated values shall be reported and a visual inspection a single specimen.
of the specimen should be made to study the deformation
10.4 A flow chart for determination of instantaneous defor-
shape, presence of cracks due to damage, or both, and so
reported. mation is shown in Fig. 7. The Poisson’s ratio must be calculated for each set NOTE 4—The flow charts presented in 10.4 and 10.5 for determination
of instantaneous and total displacement, the typical displacement pulse,
of LVDTs (horizontal and vertical). That is, for the first presented in 10.5 and time recommendation for resilient displacement
diametral plane, two Poisson’s ratio values are estimated. calculation, presented in 10.6 were developed by Brito, L., Evaluation and
These are obtained from the two faces of the specimen. Parametric Analysis of Resilient Modulus of Bituminous Mixtures Using
Another set of Poisson’s ratio values are obtained after Repeated Load Indirect Tension, Master Thesis in Civil Engineering of
rotation, resulting in a total of four Poisson’s ratio values for a Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2006 according to
NCHRP Research Results Digest, January 2004, No. 285 Project 1-28A.
single specimen.
10.3.2 Resilient Modulus—The resilient modulus can then 10.5 A flow chart for determination of total deformation is
be calculated from the Poisson’s ratio, as obtained from 10.3.1, shown in Fig. 8.
D7369 − 11
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TABLE 3 Time Recommendation for Resilient Displacement The contact load (Pcontact) used over the last five
NCHRP Research Results Digest
Considering a load pulse of 0.1 s loading cycles.
and a rest time of 0.9 s, Instantaneous recoverable horizontal and vertical
January 2004, No. 285
the total cycle time for
Project 1-28A recommendations
curve estimative are deformations measured over the last five cycles.
tc 40% rest pe- tc 0.46 s The calculated instantaneous Poisson’s ratio (µi)
riod over the last five cycles.
td 90% rest pe- td 0.91 s The calculated instantaneous resilient modulus
t55 55% rest pe- t55 0.595 s (Mri) over the last five cycles.
riod The average and standard deviation of calculated
te 85% rest pe- te 0.865 s
instantaneous Poisson’s ratio and instantaneous resilient modu-
tf 95% rest pe- tf 0.955 s lus for all the replicates used for a given mix type.
riod 11.2.2 Total resilient modulus for each specimen:
T1 Tm + Ta ta 0.005
T2 Tm + Tb tb ⁄ tload pulse
12 The vertical load levels (Pcyclic).
(when tload pulse equal The contact load (Pcontact) used over the last five
to loading cycles.
0,1 s, tb = 0.05) Total recoverable horizontal and vertical deforma-
tions measured over the last five cycles. The calculated total Poisson’s ratio (µt) over the last
11.1.2 Average thickness of the test specimen (t), to the
five cycles.
nearest 0.254 mm (0.01 in.). The calculated total resilient modulus (Mrt) over
11.1.3 Average diameter of the test specimen (D) to the
the last five cycles.
nearest 0.254 mm (0.01 in.). The average and standard deviation of calculated
11.1.4 Indirect tensile strength (initial), to the nearest MPa
total Poisson’s ratio and instantaneous resilient modulus for all
(psi); from a comparable test specimen used to select the stress
the replicates used for a given mix type.
(or load) level for the testing.
11.2.3 A total of 24 results will be obtained, considering
11.1.5 Indirect tensile strength (final), to the nearest MPa
three replicates, two faces, two rotations and two times of
(psi); for the test specimen after resilient modulus test has been
recovery (Instantaneous or Total).
11.1.6 The following (and additional, if so required) com- 12. Precision and Bias
ments should be recorded, when relevant: If sawing was required for core specimens. 12.1 Precision: If the specimen was skewed (either end of the 12.1.1 The within-laboratory repeatability standard devia-
specimen departed from perpendicularity to the axis by more tion has been determined to be 7 %, based on one laboratory, 3
than 0.5° or 3.175 mm (1⁄8 in.) in 304.8 mm (12 in.), as test replicates, and 6 different samples. The between-laboratory
observed by placing the specimen on a level surface and reproducibility of this test method is being determined and will
measuring the departure from perpendicularity. be available on or before June 2013. Therefore, this Standard If a “dummy” specimen was used to monitor the should not be used for acceptance or rejection of a material for
temperature. If not, the time that the specimen was maintained purchasing purposes.
at the test temperature in the environmental chamber. 12.1.2 For the synthetic specimen selected for QC/QA, two If tests could not be completed due to damage/ results obtained by the same operator at different times should
failure of the test specimen. be considered suspect if they differ by more than 5 %. If the projections/depressions on the test surface 12.2 Bias—No information can be presented on the bias of
were higher or deeper than 1.59 mm (1⁄16 in.) and the specimen this procedure for measuring resilient modulus because no
was tested because no replacement was available. Record the material having an accepted reference value is available.
projections/depressions in such a case. NOTE 5—The precision of this test method depends on the ability of the If, for core specimens, no traffic direction was personnel who are conducting the test and the capability, calibration and
maintenance of the equipment used. Suggested ways of maintaining the
marked, or if the test was not performed on the marked axis for testing quality are contained in Specification D3666.
some reason.
11.2 The following information shall be recorded: 13. Keywords
11.2.1 Instantaneous resilient modulus for each specimen: 13.1 indirect tension test; Poisson’s ratio; recoverable de- The vertical load levels (Pcyclic). formation; resilient modulus
D7369 − 11
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