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Designation: D 6364 – 99


100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Test Method for

Determining the Short–Term Compression Behavior of
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6364; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope Geotextiles and Geomembranes2

1.1 The test method establishes the procedures for evalua-
3. Terminology
tion of the deformations of a geosynthetic or combination of
geosynthetics (that is, geocomposite (excluding geotextiles, 3.1 Definitions:
geomembranes and geosynthetic clay liners)) under short-term 3.1.1 compressive deformation, [L], n—the decrease in
compressive loading. This test method is strictly an index test gage length produced in the test specimen by a compressive
method to be used to verify the compressive strength consis- load.
tency of a given manufactured geosynthetic(s). Results from 3.1.2 compressive strain, [nd], n—the ratio of compressive
this test method should not be considered as an indication of deformation to the gage length of the test specimen.
actual or long-term performance of the geosynthetic(s) in field 3.1.3 gage length, [L], n—in compression testing, the mea-
applications. sured thickness of the test specimen under specified compres-
1.2 Since these geosynthetics may experience muti- sional force, expressed in units of length prior to compressive
directional compressive loadings in the field, this test method loading. (D 5199)
will not show actual field performance and should not be used 3.1.4 geocomposite, n—a product fabricated from any com-
for this specific objective. The evaluator of the results should bination of geosynthetics with geotechnical materials or other
also recognize that the determination of the short term single synthetics which is used in a geotechnical application.
plane compressive behavior of geosynthetics does not reflect 3.1.5 geosynthetic, n—a planar product manufactured from
the installed performance of synthetic drainage systems and, polymeric material used with foundation, soil, rock, earth, or
therefore, should not be used as the only method of product any other geotechnical engineering related material as an
specification or performance with respect to synthetic drainage integral part of a man-made project, structure or system.
systems. (D 4439)
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all the safety 3.1.6 index test, n—a test procedure which may contain a
concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility known bias but which may be used to establish an order for a
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate health and set of specimens with respect to the property of interest.
safety practices and to determine the applicability of regula- (D 4439)
tory limitations prior to use. 3.1.7 yield point, n—the first point on the load - deformation
1.4 The values in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. curve at which an increase in deformation occurs without a
Values in pound units are provided in parentheses for informa- corresponding increase in load.
tion. Discussion—Some geosynthetics do not exhibit an
exact yield point. The tested geosynthetic may exhibit a less
2. Referenced Documents steep slope at yield. In addition, it should be stated that the
2.1 ASTM Standards: yield point may also be the ultimate strength of the geosyn-
D 4354 Practice for Sampling of Geosynthetics for Testing2 thetic.
D 4439 Terminology for Geotextiles2 3.1.8 For definitions of terms relating to geotextiles, refer to
D 4716 Test Method for Determining the (In-Plane) Flow Terminology D 4439
Rate Per Unit Width and Hydraulic Transmissivity of a
4. Summary of Test Method
Geosynthetic Using a Constant Head2
D 5199 Test Method for Measuring Nominal Thickness of 4.1 Specimens are mounted between parallel plates in a load
frame. Compressive loads are applied at a constant rate of
crosshead movement. The deformations are recorded as a
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-35 on function of load. The compressive stress and strain are evalu-
Geosynthetics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.01 on Mechani- ated and plotted. The compressive yield point is evaluated from
cal Properties. the stress/strain relationship for those materials that exhibit a
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 1999. Published May 1999.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.09. detectable compressive yield point.

D 6364
5. Significance and Use NOTE 3—It is recommended that the minimum fixed plate width be
equal to the sample width plus twice the thickness of the test sample. This
5.1 The compression behavior test for geosynthetics is should support the sample through the range of deformation and prevent
intended to be an index test. It is anticipated that the results of draping or flexing displacement.
the compression behavior test will be used to evaluate product.
6.3 Movable Plate—The movable plate shall be of sufficient
The results of the analyses may also be used to compare the
thickness and strength to preclude any bending during loading.
relative compressive yield points of materials that exhibit a
It shall be parallel to the fixed plate and attached to the
detectable compressive yield point. It is anticipated that this
compression mechanism. A spherical loading block of the
test will be used for quality control testing to evaluate
suspended, self-aligning type is recommended. The dimensions
uniformity and consistency within a lot or between lots where
and shape of the movable plate shall depend on the specimen
sample geometry factors (for example, thickness) or materials
dimensions and geometry. In general, both length and width of
may have changed.
the movable plate should each be at least 20 % greater than the
NOTE 1—This is a one-dimensional test for compressive loading of a length and width of the specimens.
geosynthetic(s) in one plane.
NOTE 4—Where the sample exhibits excessive surface irregularities or
5.1.1 The compressive yield point of geosynthetics may be variation in thickness the plates may be modified to accommodate surface
evaluated from the stress/strain relationship. Many materials irregularities and thickness variations. This can be achieved by the
exhibit compressive deformation but may not show a distinct insertion of a layer of hardening paste between the specimen and the
compressive yield point. plates. The surface of the specimen may require covering with a flexible
5.2 This test method can be used to evaluate the short-term film to inhibit the intrusion of the paste into the specimen. The hardened
paste when fully cured must be well adhered to the loading plates and have
stress/strain behavior of geosynthetics under compressive
compressive and shear strength properties at least a magnitude greater
stress while loaded at a constant rate of deformation. than the specimen to be tested.
5.3 This test method may be used for acceptance testing of
commercial shipments of geosynthetics but caution is advised 6.4 Variable Inclined Plates (Optional)—Variable inclined
because interlab testing is incomplete. plates or set angled blocks should be used to test the specimen
5.3.1 In the case of a dispute arising from differences in under non-axial conditions. The test apparatus shall have one
reported test results when using this test method for acceptance fixed plate and one movable plate. Fig. 1 shows set angled
testing of commercial shipments, the purchaser and the sup- blocks with a movable base block with a roller system to allow
plier should conduct comparative tests to determine if there is lateral movement of the block during deformation (see 6.4.1).
statistical bias between their laboratories. Competent statistical The base and top inclined plates can be adjustable angle plates.
assistance is recommended for the investigation of bias. As a The inclined plates or set angled blocks must meet the
minimum, two parties should take a group of test specimens requirements as stated in 6.3 of this test method. The base and
from material shipped to the project. The test specimens should top inclined plates or blocks must have a matched set of angles
then be randomly assigned in equal numbers to each laboratory that differ by no more than 0.5 degrees. The incline plates or
for testing. The average results from the two laboratories blocks shall be roughened or ribbed to keep specimen from
should be compared using the Student’s t-test for unpaired data sliding down the fixed plate or block during the test. The
and an acceptable probability level chosen by the two parties samples should be marked in regards to plates or blocks to
before the testing is begun. If bias is found, either its cause check for slippage during the test. If mutual agreement is
must be found and corrected or the purchaser and supplier must obtained between the manufacturer and user, other facings to
agree to interpret future test results in the light of the known the plates or blocks can be used. Allowable percent reduction
bias. in strength based on the load angle should also be agreed upon.
NOTE 5—The use of inclined plates or blocks may assist the manufac-
6. Apparatus turer or user to evaluate the deformation of the geosynthetic(s) under
6.1 Loading Mechanism—The loading mechanism shall be loading at various angles. The use of inclined plates may not reflect the
capable of applying compressive loads at a constant rate of in-service performance of synthetic drainage systems.
deformation of 10 % on the nominal thickness of the test 6.4.1 Warning—The deformation of the geosynthetics
specimen per minute or 1 mm/min, whichever is greater. The within a testing apparatus may occur rapidly in a lateral
capacity of the load frame shall be at least two times greater direction (or not in the direction of loading) which could
than the compressive yield point of or the maximum load damage the testing apparatus. This is particularly true when the
applied to the specimen. geosynthetic is tested using inclined plates. The user of this test
method must be aware the testing apparatus’ ability to handle
NOTE 2—Some loading mechanisms, especially the older models, do
not have the capability of adjusting the rate of deformation to the specific a lateral movement of the geosynthetic or loading plate during
rate required. For these instruments, the user and producer should the performance of this test.
establish mutually agreed upon testing rates. However, the rate of 6.5 Load Indicator—Use a load-indicating mechanism that
deformation selected should not be greater than 10 % on the nominal has an accuracy of 61 % of the maximum indicated value of
thickness of the test specimen per minute or 1 mm/min, whichever is the test (force).
greater. 6.6 Deformation Indicator—Use a deformation-indicating
6.2 Fixed Plate—The fixed plate shall be larger than the mechanism that has an accuracy of 61.0 % of the maximum
specimen to be tested. It shall also be flat, smooth and indicated value of the test (deformation).
completely and uniformly supported. 6.7 Micrometer Dial Gage, caliper or steel rule, suitable for

D 6364

FIG. 1 Example of Inclined Blocks

measuring dimensions of the specimens to 61 %. thetic or be 120 mm (4.7 in.), whichever is greater. When
testing geosynthetics that have repeating patterns that are not
7. Sampling orthogonal to the length and width of the geosynthetic, use a
7.1 Lot Sample—Divide the product into lots and take the specimen size agreed upon by the purchaser and the supplier.
lot sample as directed in Practice D 4354, only if it pertains to When the design of the geosynthetic is such that cutting in the
geosynthetics listed in D 4354. width direction would destroy its structural integrity; the full
7.2 Laboratory Sample—Units in the laboratory sample width of the geosynthetic should be tested.
should be the same as the units in the lot sample for the lot to
8. Conditioning
be tested. Take a sample extending across the full width (that
is, cross-machine direction) of the geosynthetic production unit 8.1 Test the specimens in a laboratory with air maintained at
of sufficient length (that is, machine direction) so that the a temperature of 21 6 2°C (70 6 4°F) and a relative humidity
requirements of 7.3 can be met. Take a sample that will exclude between 50 % – 70 %.
material from the outer wrap of a roll (if applicable) unless the 8.2 If the user determines that the geosynthetic is to be
sample is taken at the production site, then the inner and outer tested in the wet condition, saturate the specimen in water at
wrap material may be used. Geocomposites, which have the temperature described in 8.1 for a minimum of 24 h prior
unbonded distinct materials (for example, sock wrapped geo- to testing.
synthetic drain), should be sampled as a complete unit and NOTE 6—Geosynthetics, which do not absorb measurable quantities of
maintained as a complete unit through the testing process. water, should be saturated for a minimum of 3 h prior to testing.
7.3 Test Specimens—Cut five specimens from each unit in
the laboratory sample with each specimen being at least 120 9. Procedure
mm 3 120 mm (4.7 in. 3 4.7 in.) square. For geosynthetics 9.1 Measure the length, width and thickness of the specimen
that have a repeating pattern of discrete support points (col- to an accuracy of 61 %. For geosynthetics with a repeating
umns, cusps, nodes, etc.) that are symmetrical about orthogonal pattern of discrete support points, measure the spacing of the
axes, rectangular or square specimens are recommended. The repeating features in order to determine the number of support
minimum specimen length and width shall include at least five points per square meter. Also, record the number of complete
complete support points along each major axis of the geosyn- support points in the specimens.

D 6364
9.1.1 The nominal thickness shall be determined using Test Measure all distances for deformation or strain calculations
Method D 5199 at 20kPa (2.9 lbf/in.2), since this is the from this point.
minimum pressure at which geocomposites remain flat. 10.2.1 If there is a compressive yield point (as Point Y in
9.2 The test specimen shall be placed on the bottom plate Fig. 2), read the load and measure the specimen deformation
and centered with respect to the axis of the loading mechanism. (distance B-D). Calculate the residual thickness of the speci-
The loading mechanism shall be moving at the required mens at various fixed loads in addition to the yield point.
constant speed at or before the point of contact with the Follow this with a report that indicates the values of both yield
sample. and residual thickness at various loads. These results can be
9.3 The rate of crosshead movement shall be 10 % on the reported in a graph or table.
nominal thickness of the test specimen per minute or 1 6 0.1 10.2.2 Calculate the compressive stress by dividing the load
mm (0.04 6 0.004 in.)/min, whichever is greater or as agreed at the compressive yield point by the initial horizontal cross-
by the user and manufacturer.
sectional area of the specimen. For geosynthetics with a
9.4 Use crosshead movement as a measure of deformation.
repeating pattern of discrete support points, it maybe more
If an automatic recorder is not used, measure the deformation
accurate to obtain the load per unit area by dividing the load by
in increments no greater than 0.5 % of the original thickness of
the number of support points in the specimen and multiply by
the specimen. At each measurement, record the deformation
the number of support points per square meter. Express the
and the corresponding load.
result in kPa (PSF).
9.5 Continue until a yield point is reached and/or until the
maximum acceptable deformation limit has been reached, 10.2.3 For inclined plates, the normal load should first be
whichever occurs first. calculated using the equation listed in Fig. 1.
9.6 The test specimen should then be unloaded and removed N 5 P cos a (1)
from the loading mechanism.
9.7 Repeat the above procedures until five specimens are where:
N 5 normal load,
P 5 applied load, and
10. Calculation a 5 angle of plate(s), degrees.
10.1 If an automatic recorder was not used, construct a load 10.3 The compressive stress with the corresponding com-
- deformation curve from the incremental values obtained in pressive strain shall be plotted for each test.
accordance with 9.4. 10.4 The compressive yield point shall be reported as the
10.2 In a typical load -deformation curve (Fig. 2) there is a arithmetic mean and minimum of the five tests.
toe region, AC, that may not represent a property of the NOTE 7—Not all geosynthetics exhibit a well-defined compressive
material. It is an artifact caused by the alignment or seating of yield point. In such cases if a compressive stress value is needed for
the specimen. If such a circumstance arises, in order to obtain comparative purposes, use a strain value agreed upon by the purchaser and
correct values of such parameters as strain, yield point, etc., buyer. Such a value might be the point where there is a significant change
this artifact must be compensated for to give the corrected zero in the slope of the stress-strain curve, as shown by the two curves in Fig.
point on the deformation axis. Using a straightedge, carefully 3.
extend to the zero force line the steepest portion of the force
-deflection or force -strain curve. This establishes the “zero 11. Report
deformation” or “zero strain” points (Point B in Fig. 2). 11.1 The report should include the following:

FIG. 2 Typical Load-Deformation Curve

D 6364

FIG. 3 Stress-Strain Curve

11.1.1 The description of the type of geosynthetic or geo- 11.1.9 A statement of any unusual occurrences or departures
synthetics tested, from the suggested procedures, and
11.1.2 The lot or production unit represented, 11.1.10 Machine type and date of last certification.
11.1.3 The dimensions and number of discrete support
points (if applicable) of the test specimens. If applicable, the 12. Precision and Bias
number of discrete support points per unit area of the geosyn-
thetic, 12.1 The precision of the procedure in this test method is
11.1.4 The test data, including: initial thickness, cross- being evaluated.
sectional area, rate of deformation, and the deformations, 12.2 Bias—The value of the compressive yield point of
strains and corresponding stresses, geosynthetics can be defined only in terms of a test method.
11.1.5 Angle of loading and description of roughened or When this test method is the defining method, measurements of
ribbed surface on inclined plates, the compressive yield point have no bias.
11.1.6 Test curves expressing the compressive load (stress)
as a function of the deformation, 13. Keywords
11.1.7 The results of each specimen tested, plus the average
of the compressive yield point of the geosynthetic, if the 13.1 compression; deformation; geocomposite; index test;
geosynthetic has a compressive yield point, yield point
11.1.8 Date of test,

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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