OpenDaylight Installation Document
OpenDaylight Installation Document
OpenDaylight Installation Document
1. If you have windows Machine , then Download Virtual Box and install Ubuntu linux in virtual
3. Now after installing Ubuntu linux image , start installing opendaylight and below pre requisites :
4a. Move opendaylight zip file from downloads to home directory and extract ODL zip folder
:>> cd /home/ODL/bin
Now ODL start running with ODL command prompt having features ready to install
4c. Check ODL running by opening new command prompt window and run below command.
It shows one host
:>>nmap localhost
4d. Now in ODL command prompt run below command to list down features related command
4e. then install below mentioned ODL display, l2switch, l2switch-ui,l2switch-all,dlux-all feature
in ODL command prompt
:>>feature:install odl-Display
:>>feature:install odl-l2switch-switch
:>>feature:install odl-l2switch-switch-ui
:>>feature:install odl-l2switch-all
:>>feature:install odl-dlux-all
4f. Now in nmap command prompt run ifconfig command to get IP address
4g. Then get ODL VM IPaddress with portno 8181 tocheck ODL home page in browser
6. Now connect from ODL VM nmap command prompt to mininet system using SSh command
:>>ssh –X mininet@MININET_VM_IP
Enter mininet password : mininet
7. Now from ssh mininet command prompt enter below command to create network
8. Now check tree topology scanned in ODL homepage Yang visualizer, check with different
methods in yang visualizer.