RedicoteEM 44A

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Redicote® EM-44A

Emulsifier for cationic rapid- and medium-setting bitumen emulsions suitable for chipseal, tack coat and open-
graded cold mix. Emulsifier for slurry surfacing and cold mix when used with phosphoric acid.

Benefits and Features Dosage

Cationic Rapid Set Emulsion 0.18-0.25% pH 2-4.5 Hydrochloric acid
 Easy Dispersion: The product is fully Cationic Medium Set Emulsion 0.25-0.50% pH 1-4.5 Hydrochloric acid
liquid, disperses very easily in water and Microsurfacing 0.9-2.0% pH 2-3 Phosphoric acid
is particularly suitable for in-line plants.
Soap concentrates containing up to 20% Specification
active material can be prepared. Amine value, mgKOH/g 200-230 VE 5.007
Water, % 1 maximum VE 5.022
 Emulsion Stability: The product pro-
vides emulsions with excellent storage Physical Properties
and pumping stability. Appearance at 25°C (77°F) Liquid
Pour point, °C 10 (50°F)
 Low Emulsion Viscosity: Emulsions Flash point , °C >100 (>212°F)
produced with Redicote EM-44A have
relatively low viscosity, which can be an 20 30 40 50 °C
advantage when dealing with problematic 68 86 104 122 °F
viscosity-building bitumens. Viscosity, mPa.s (cP) 1000 600 350 250
Density, g/cc 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.85
 Phosphoric Acid systems: Redicote Density, lb/ 7.24 7.18 7.14 7.11
EM-44A can be used with phosphoric
acid to produce emulsions suitable for Physical Properties are typical data based on our own measurements or derived from the
microsurfacing or cold mix. literature. They do not constitute part of the delivery specification

Storage and Handling

Redicote EM-44A may be stored in carbon steel tanks. Bulk storage should be maintained at 15-30°C (59-86°F).
Redicote EM-44A contains amines and may cause severe irritation or burns to skin and eyes. Protective goggles and gloves must be worn
when handling this product.
For further information consult the Safety Data Sheet.

Packaging Information
Redicote EM-44A is available in bulk shipment, in tight head steel drums of 360lb (163kg) net weight, or in one-way totes (IBCs) of 2100lb


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© AkzoNobel 2014
Issued: 18 January 2015- North America
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