Redicote C-500: Emulsifier For Cationic Quick-Set Bitumen Emulsions For Quick-Traffic Slurry and Microsurfacing
Redicote C-500: Emulsifier For Cationic Quick-Set Bitumen Emulsions For Quick-Traffic Slurry and Microsurfacing
Redicote C-500: Emulsifier For Cationic Quick-Set Bitumen Emulsions For Quick-Traffic Slurry and Microsurfacing
Emulsifier for cationic quick-set bitumen emulsions for quick-traffic slurry and microsurfacing.
Packaging Information
Redicote C-500 is available in tight head steel drums of 400lb (182kg) net weight.
For regulatory reasons this product is not available in the EU, USA or Canada.
Redicote, Rediset, Kling, Perma-Tac, and Wetfix are registered trademarks in many countries.
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Issued: 18 January 2015- North America
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