Driving and Journey Management Procedure
Driving and Journey Management Procedure
Driving and Journey Management Procedure
1. Purpose
This procedure specifies requirements for vehicles and drivers. Management of long
journeys including maximum travel times are specified.\
2. Scope
This procedure applies to MAD team members where driving is a task undertaken as
part of work related activities in company provided or private vehicles approved for
use on company related tasks.
Formal journey management requirements including scheduled call-ins apply to non-
metropolitan one driver journeys exceeding 2.5 hours in length.
Scheduled call-ins relating to isolated site work are covered in GCWHSE401 Site Work.
4. Definitions
5. Responsibilities
Group Provide sufficient resources to ensure implementation of
Managing this procedure and monitor outcomes.
Board of Allocate responsibility within the region for collecting and
Trustee(or managing driver licence and training records.
equivalent) Implement more stringent region specific journey
management guidelines if deemed appropriate as per
section 7.3.
Provide sufficient resources to implement this procedure
and monitor outcomes.
Safety Contact Initiate emergency procedures as per section 7.3 if call not
(scheduled received
6.2 Smoking
Smoking and the use of other tobacco products is prohibited in MAD rented, owned
or leased vehicles
Team members using their own vehicle may be requested to produce evidence of
road worthiness, insurances or a vehicle condition appraisal from a qualified assessor.
or any other reason that renders them legally or medically unfit or unable.
The team member is not required to divulge why they cannot drive. Any information
shall be kept strictly confidential. MAD reserves the right to check the status of drivers’
licences on-line.
When on company business team members must drive within the law at all times. If
fines or penalties are imposed while on company business, these are the responsibility
of the team member.
Learner drivers shall not undertake work related driving. Hire car companies and
certain clients may not allow driving by probationary licence holders.
Being under the influence or in possession of alcohol or drugs whilst driving a motor
vehicle for MAD is prohibited and may be grounds for disciplinary action. Passengers
also are not permitted to possess or use any drugs (controlled substances) or alcohol
while in transit.
Team members shall discuss this with their manager whenever there are variations,
such as a task is likely to take longer than planned.
Options to avoid excessive driving include providing overnight accommodation or
allocating another person to assist with the activity.
Team members required to drive for long distances or long periods of time shall
undergo an awareness programme on the hazards of driver fatigue and on the
measures to prevent the adverse effects of fatigue. In addition, such drivers shall
record their driving, working and resting times (‘working’ shall include time spent
loading and unloading, refuelling, inspecting the vehicle, etc).
7.5 Driving to Survive
Allow time to get to the destination safely. If road conditions are extending
planned travel time contact the client, don’t speed
At site locations follow traffic management rules
Don’t drive when affected by alcohol, prescription or other drugs or when
Stretch whenever you take scheduled stops and more often if you are feeling
Maintain a minimum 2 second gap between your vehicle and the vehicle in front
When stationary, maintain about a car length in front (as a guide, you should be
able to see the rear tyres of the vehicle)
Drive to match the traffic, road and weather conditions
Headlights should be turned on during the daytime when driving on country roads,
or when visibility is poor and should always be on when driving at dusk, early morning
and during the night
Be aware of wildlife especially during dawn and dusk periods
In rural areas often there is only one lane of bitumen that is shared between both
directions of traffic. When encountering another vehicle on these roads, slow to an
appropriate speed, and manoeuvre to allow the other vehicle to pass
Keys should not be left in vehicles unless a requirement of a client’s site, and all
vehicles should be parked in a safe and secure manner and locked while parked
Consider the area where you are parking and ensure that the surface is stable and
not on a steep incline. If this is not the case, look for alternative points of access that
are safe. If possible, park the vehicle in a stable, flat area as close as possible to the
access point, ensure the handbrake is fully engaged, the gear lever is in park
(automatic), the vehicle is switched off and walk to the access point and back to the
All other functions including video calls, texting and emailing are prohibited
Holding the phone whether or not engaged in a phone call is also prohibited. Holding
includes resting the mobile in the drivers lap.
Probationary drivers are not permitted to use a mobile phone at all while driving.
A driver can use a drivers aid such as a GPS but it must be an integrated part of the
vehicle design or secured in an approved commercially designed holder which is
fixed to the vehicle.
If these features do not exist in the vehicle you are driving on company business then
ensure the vehicle is stationery and switched off before you make or receive calls or
use your GPS.
If pulling over to take a call, the vehicle should be well off the road in a safe place
(e.g. side street or rest area). Stopping in motorway emergency lanes to take phone
calls is illegal.
7.7 Passengers
Under no circumstances should team members give rides to unauthorised passengers
(hitchhikers, friends or relatives) or animals when engaged in business activities for
They should not discuss or admit negligence or liability with any other parties, nor
should they agree to pay for anything or sign any papers. Team members should only
discuss incident details or give statements to police officers. As much information
should be obtained about the incident as possible, including full names and
addresses of other driver(s) and witnesses, registration number and make of other
vehicle(s), other driver(s) insurance company and policy number, extent of damage
to the other vehicle(s) or person(s). Team members must then complete the MAD
Incident / Injury Report and relevant claim forms within 24 hours. It is the driver’s
responsibility to report the incident to a police officer/station and then complete a
police report, explaining all incident details.
Major Injury/Death
In the event of major injury or death of a team member the manager will liaise with
the HR manager to determine the most appropriate person to inform next of kin and
relevant government authorities. The manager will then arrange an immediate
investigation into the incident.