RS Hse Manual PDF
RS Hse Manual PDF
RS Hse Manual PDF
Part I - HSE
Welcome to the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Manual of Renaissance Services
Contract Services Group (CSG)
This Manual contains information that can be used repeatedly within Renaissance
Services (CGS) and contractors, with regard to health, safety and environmental issues.
The manual is a dynamic document and subject to continuous improvement by the
introduction of new systems and methods. The Document and Data Control Procedure
will manage amendments to the Manual.
The intention of this Manual is to provide a means to:
Set company HSE standards
Enable management to implement requirements
Publish mandatory HSE requirements
Publish work guidelines and codes of practice
Disseminate and record safety information and experience
Form the basis of safety specifications for services
Form the basis of safety specifications for inspections and safety audits
The Manual is to be used by Employees of Renaissance Services – Contract Services
Group (CSG).
TAWOOS Industrial Services Company LLC
Rusail Catering & Cleaning Services LLC
Renaissance Services PAC Division
Renaissance Services Overseas Division
Renaissance Contract Services Norway
Renaissance Contract Services Angola
Renaissance Facility Management Services LLC. Abu Dhabi, UAE.
In addition to the above the Manual will be issued to Company Contractors, Sub-
contractors, Suppliers and others who may be concerned in anyway with the work
activities carried out by Renaissance Services CSG, its property or premises.
Contractor’s obligations and contractual commitment shall include, but not be limited to,
all items covered by the HSE Manual.
User Guidelines
This manual has been structured in a way to be user friendly and facilitate accessibility to
HSE information required by Operations, Site Managers, Resident Managers, Unit
Managers, Supervisors, Camp Bosses, Cooks, Contractors and Suppliers.
The Manual is divided into Eight Elements. Each Element is treated as a “stand alone”
document, having its own revision status. This allows changes and up-dates to be
incorporated without the need for a full re-issue of the Manual.
This Element presents a summary guide in how to apply this Manual, including Manual Introduction, User
Guidelines and Contents. This is retained in pages 1 to 4
Element 2
This Element presents the requirements for the Management of Safety within the Company (CSG). These
include amongst others Leadership & Commitment HSE Standards, Safety Targets, Objectives and
Performance, General Requirement and Audit. Element 2 is retained in pages 1 to 43 of this element. This
element along with all other elements in the HSE Manual shall apply to contractors, sub-contractors and
suppliers engaged in work activities on behalf of Renaissance Services – Contract Services Group (CSG).
Element 3
This Element presents the Company’s definitive HSE Policy and Subordinate Policies on the following
topics: Drug and Alcohol, No Smoking, Occupational Health, Hygiene, HACCP, Competence Assessment
& Assurance (CA&A). The Quality Policy is included in this element as it offers support to the HSE
System. The introduction to Element 3 is retained on page 1 of 1 of this Element.
Element 4
This Element presents the minimum requirements for Road Transportation. This Element includes vehicle
specifications etc. These requirements apply to all Company Employees and those of its Sub-Contractors
and Suppliers, and are retained on pages 1 to 25 of this Element
Element 5
This Element presents the minimum requirement for Safe Journey Management These requirements apply
to all Company Employees and those of it Sub-Contractors and Suppliers, and are retained on pages 1 to 15
of this Element
Element 6
This Element Covers Safety Response and presents advice as to what action to take in the event of an
emergency; fire extinguishers, fire warden and first Aiders are mentioned in this section amongst other
topics. The introduction to this element is found on page 1, while details are retained on pages 2 to 12 of
this Element.
Element 7
This Element presents Environmental Aspects including Company approach, Waste Management, Storage
of Chemicals, Safe Handling of Chemicals, MSDS and Noise in the Work Place. Details are retained on
pages 1 to 9 of this element.
Element 8
This Element discusses ‘Incident Investigation and Reporting’ including content of various investigation
teams, Definitions and Explanation of terms, Reporting Structure and cross reference to the location of the
reporting documentation. Details are retained on pages 1 to 29
Throughout the documented HSE Manual and HSE-MS, the following directive verbs
shall be used.
Part II
Food Safety
Food Hygiene
Renaissance Services – Contract Services Group (CSG)
- TAWOOS Industrial Services Company LLC
- Rusail Catering & Cleaning Services LLC
- Renaissance Services PAC Division
- Renaissance Services Overseas Division
- Renaissance Contract Services AS (RS-NOC) Norway
- Renaissance Contractos-e-Servicios Angola LDA
- Renaissance Facility Management Services LLC. Abu Dhabi, UAE
HSE Manual
Part II: Introduction
Part two of this manual contains information that relates to food safety ranging from
receiving of raw materials to service of prepared dishes, which includes inspection of
receiving products, handling of non-conforming products, storing, preparation,
handling of prepared food and service.
In addition to that, this section contains the other important factors for food safety
such as personal hygiene, cleaning and sanitizing, waste management, pest control,
food premises and equipment.
The elements of this manual are referred to the Company’s Operational Work
Instructions Manual and ISO 9001:2008 Procedures Manual. The section 10 of this
Manual is set out as a reference document with Food Safety Manual.
The purpose of changing the lay out of this section of the HSE Manual is to improve
access and reduce the repetition of information and make the manual user friendly for
all users.
HSE Manual
Part II: Contents
Element 1:
Is a description of the various words and phrases used in these elements.
Element 2:
Food Storage
This element describes the inspection of receiving goods, handling of non-
conforming materials, stock rotation system and storing procedures of raw
Element 3:
Food Preparation
This element describes the inspection of raw materials, handling, preparation,
thawing, cooking, post preparation and handling of products. In addition, this
element describes the monitoring of food temperature, prevention of cross-
contamination during preparation and food sampling procedure.
Element 4:
Food Service and Dining Facility
This element describes food service, cleaning and maintenance of Diner in
good standard
Element 5:
Personal Hygiene
This element describes the various hygiene systems that are mandatory i.e.
hand washing, body hygiene, employee practices, health monitoring and staff
HSE Manual
Part II: Contents
Contents - continued
Element 6:
Cleaning and Sanitizing
This element describes the methods of cleaning and sanitizing, cleaning
materials and process of cleaning food preparation areas, equipment,
machinery and utensils.
Element 7
Waste Management
This element describes the handling and disposing of wet and dry waste and
recycling of waste.
Element 8:
Pest Control
This element describes the prevention of pest, pest control treatments and
Element 9:
Food Premises and Equipment
This element describes the requirements of the food premises, equipment and
their maintenance
Element 10:
Food Safety Manual
This element highlights the content of the food safety manual