Opt Com Prob Set 3

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Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Guilan

Optical Communication Systems: Problem Set 3 (Optical Transmitters)

P3-1 Find the following quantities for an InGaAsP as semiconductor laser with the parameters:

 Operating wavelength: λ=1300 nm,  Refractive index of the gain medium:

 Active region dimensions: 2d= 0.5 n=3.5,
μm , w= 4 μm,  Confinement factor of the active
 Free spectral width between the region: Γ=0.8,
longitudinal modes: ΔvL=220 GHz,  Carrier lifetime: τc =4 ns,
 Group index: ng=3.4,  Internal loss: αint=21 cm-1 ,

(a) The turn-on-delay time (i.e. time td for N to reach Nth) at I/Ith =1.5 by using
 I 
t d   c ln  .
 I  I th 
(b) The group velocity vg and the length of the laser cavity by using L=c/(2ng ΔvL).
(c) The photon lifetime and the threshold electron density (use Fig. 3.4).
I th  2 d e N th 
(d) The threshold current and its density by using J th   .
Lw   c 
(e) The relationship between the light output power and the injection current.

Figure P3-1

P3-2 The refractive index of the InGaAsP active region of an injection laser at a wavelength of
1.5 μm is 3.5 and the device has an active cavity length of 400 μm. For laser operation at a
wavelength of 1.5 μm, determine:
(a) the number of longitudinal modes m;
(b) the frequency separation of the modes δf;

P3-3 A 250-μm-long InGaAsP laser has an internal loss of 40 /cm. It operates at 1.55-μm in a
single mode, with the modal index 3.3 and the group index 3.4. Assume that the gain varies as
G = GN(N — No) with GN = 6 × 103 /s and N0 = 1×l08 . Further assume that the internal quantum
efficiency is 90%.

(a) Calculate the photon lifetime. What is the threshold value of the electron population?
(b) Determine the threshold current by taking 2 ns as the carrier lifetime.
(c) How much power is emitted from one facet when the laser is operated twice above threshold?

Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Guilan

(d) Calculate the differential quantum efficiency and the external quantum efficiency for the
laser operating twice above threshold. What is the device (wall-plug) efficiency if the external
voltage is 1.5 V?
(e) Calculate the frequency and the damping time of the relaxation oscillations for the laser
operating twice above threshold. Also, calculate the 3-dB modulation bandwidth for the laser.
Assume ∂G/∂P=-4 × 104 /s and Rsp=2/τp .

P3-4 The power spectral density of the relative intensity noise, SRIN(f), is related to the mean
optical power at the output of a single-mode semiconductor laser , P , and the relative intensity
noise, RIN, by:
S R IN ( f )  R IN ( f ) P
The mean square noise current in the output of the detector, i RIN , due to the fluctuation in the
incident optical power at the detector to result from the RIN in the laser emission is given by
2  e  2
i RIN   RIN P f
 hv 
where Δf is the optical bandwidth, η is the quantum efficiency, e is the electronic charge, and h
is the Planck’s constant.
The output from a single-mode semiconductor laser with a RIN value of −150 dB/Hz is
incident directly on an optical detector which has a bandwidth of 100 MHz. The device is
emitting at a wavelength of 1.55μm, at which the detector has a quantum efficiency of 60%. If
the mean optical power incident on the detector is 2 mW, determine:
(a) the RMS value of the power fluctuation,
(b) the RMS noise current at the output of the detector.

P3-5 Assume that the injected minority carrier lifetime of an LED is 5 ns and, the optical output
power when a constant dc current is applied is 0.30 mW. Plot the frequency response of this
LED (the optical output power versus the driving ac current frequency).
(a) What is the optical 3-dB bandwidth of this LED?
(b) What is the electrical 3-dB bandwidth of this LED?
(c) What is the optical output power at 100 MHz?

P3-6 A GaAs planar LED emitting at a wavelength of 0.85 μm has an internal quantum
efficiency of 60% when passing a forward current of 20 mA/s. Estimate the optical
power emitted by the device into air, and hence determine the external power efficiency if the
potential difference across the device is 1 V. It may be assumed that the transmission factor at
the GaAs–air interface is 0.68 and that the refractive index of GaAs is 3.6. Comment on any
assumptions made.

(3-1) (a) 4.4 ns; (b) 8.82×107 m/s , 200 ηext=0.25, ηtot=0.133; (e) ΓR=3.594×109/s,
μm; (c) 1.42 ps , 1.5×1024 /m3; (d) 24 mA , TR=278 ps, ΩR=6.955 GHz, f3dB=12.05 GHz
3×107 A/m2; (e) P=0.352 (I - Ith) W (3-4) (a) 3.16 ×10−4 , (b) 0.47 μA
(3-2) (a) 1866 , (b) 107.14 GHz (3-5) (a) f 3dB-opt = 55 MHz, (b) f 3dB-elec =
(3-3) (a) 1.258 ps, Nth=2.324×108; (b) 31.8 MHz, (c) P o-opt= mW
18.6 mA, (c) 4.14 mW; (d) ηd=0.5 , (3-6) 7.7 230 μW, 1.15%

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