The Two Nation Theory

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2/27/2020 Pakistan Studies

[Assignment # 1]

Faizan Javed


Submitted to:
Maam Wajiha ilyas

Department of Computer Science

Faizan javed

The two nation theory means the political, religious, cultural, economic and social dissimilarities
between the two major communities, Hindus and Muslims of the sub-continent. Sub-continent consists of
two different communities having their own philosophy of life.
This theory gave rise to two distinct political ideologies that was responsible for the partition of sub-
continent into two independent states.
The two nation theory was the basis of the struggle for creation of Pakistan as an independent state. It
became direction for the Muslims to achieve Pakistan.
Factors that split the inhabitants of the sub-continent into two independent nations.

 Religious differences.
 Cultural differences.
 Political differences.
 Economic differences.
 Social differences.
 Educational differences.
 Hindu Nationalism.
 Language.

Religious Differences:
Muslim Believes Hindu Believes
 Islam preaches Tawheed(oneness of Hindu believes in more than one God’s.
Allah) and Allah is the creator of the They have thousands of gods.
 Muslims are the believers of Allah, the Prophets( or rishi) are people who see God, and
Holy Prophet(PBUH) the messenger of they have characteristic like God.
 Muslims firmly believes on the Holy Their writings are called Vedas.
Book Quran.

Cultural Differences:
Muslim Believes Hindu Believes
 Muslims follow Islamic culture. Hindus inherited a self-believed culture.
 Muslims burred their dead bodies. Hindus burnt their dead bodies.
 Muslims slaughtered the cow. Hindus considered the “Mother Cow” as a
sacred animal.
 Muslims abhorred the tradition of Hindus performed “sati” and worshipped.
 In Islam every human being are There exists a caste system in Hindus.

Economical Differences:
Muslim Believes Hindu Believes
 There is proper check and balance There is no check and balance.
of economy in Islam.
 Zakat aushur is compulsory for No concept of Zakat in Hindu.
 Interest(suud) is strictly forbade Interest in not forbade in Hindus.
in Islam.

Muslim Believes Hindu Believes
 The language of Muslims is Urdu Hindus language is Hindi and it was
and it was written in Arabic script. written in Sanskrit.
 Our written material in Urdu. Their written material in Hindi.
 Urdu is difference in words, Hindi has its own writing format
thoughts of poetry, art and paints. and own thoughts of poetry.

Educational Differences:
Muslim Believes Hindu Believes
 Muslim education level is according Hindus education is according to the
to Islam. Hinduism.
 Muslims teaches is according to Islam. Hindu teaches according to Hinduism.
 Muslims could not cope with the Hindus adopt modern education
society because they ignore modern according to British.

Social Differences:
 The two communities of the sub-continent differ by social life.
 The cloths, the food, household utensils, the construction of homes, the greeting words, the
gesture’s and every thing about them was different and immediately represented to their
distinctive origin.
 The moral values, ethics and norms of both the communities are totally different.

Political Differences:
The political differences between Hindu and Muslims have played an important role in evolution of two
nation theory.

Hindi Urdu controversy:

In 1867, Hindus demanded that Urdu should be written in Hindi script instead of Urdu
script. This create another gap between them.
Congress Attitude:
Hindu political party congress oppressed ideas of Muslim and support Hindu against Muslim.

Partition of Bengal:
In 1905, Bengal partition is beneficial for Muslim but Hindu start agitation against partition and
was annulled in 1911.

Hindu Nationalism:
 The number of Hindu nationalist movements were started in the sub-continent that added fuel to
fire, and increase conflicts between the two communities.
 The Hindu nationalist leaders totally ignore Muslim and left them on one side.
 Some movements also launched to merge Muslims into Hindu culture.

Two Nation theory and political leader:

Muhammad Ali Jinnah said:
“We maintain and hold that Muslims and Hindus are two major nations by any definition or test
of a nation. We are a nation of hundred million and what is more”.

Sir Sayed Ahamd Ali Khan:

“I am convinced now that Hindus and Muslims could never become one nation as their religion
and way of life is quite distinct with each other”.

Allahma Iqbal views:

India is the constitute of human being belonging to the people of different languages, profession
and religion…I, therefore demands the formation of a consolidated Muslim state is the best interests of
the Muslims of the India and Islam”.

The Muslims realized that they would lose their religious and cultural identity if they remain part of the
British India. They also able to understand the above mentioned differences between them and hence
demand a separate homeland on the ground where they freely practiced their religion, in accordance with
Quran, Sunnah and Islamic teachings. They demanded a piece of land where their property and life would
be safe and secure.

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