Shah Waliullah Reforms

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Reforms introduced by Shah Wali Ullah

History itself stands evident to the fact that whenever Islam was in danger, by any agency or
enemy, it was saved by such personalities who through their spiritual power not only saved it but
also gave it a new life. The movement of Shah Wali Ullah was the first in the Subcontinent that
aimed at socio-economic and politico – religious reformation of the degenerated Muslim society.

The departure of Aurangzeb Alamgir, the Mughal king, from the scene of Mughal Empire in (1707)
wreak havoc not only on the future of Mughal Empire but also on the future of Islam and the
Muslims in the Subcontinent.

According to S. M. Ikram, “In the 18th century, Islam in the subcontinent was faced with such
menacing problems as sectarian conflict, low moral values of society, poor understanding of the Holy
Quran and general ignorance of Islam, that there were valid reasons for fearing that political
disintegration would be accompanied by religious collapse. That did not happen was due to more
than any thing else but the services of one man.”

Early Life and Education

• Shah Wali Ullah was born in 1703.
• His father was a sufi, saint and theologian who assisted Aurangzeb in the completion of Fatawai-
• Shah Wali Ullah got his early education from his father in the fields of the Quran, the Hadith, logic,
Metaphysics and Fiqah.
• He taught at his father's Madrissah for about twelve years after that he travelled to Arabia.

During his stay at Makkah, Shah Wali Ullah saw a dream in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) blessed
him with a binding that he would be instrumental in the organization of a section of the Muslim

Condition of India at that time

The condition of India at that time was bad. There was no political unity, the whole country was
divided into different states and there was no central authority.

The weak successors of Aurangzeb had divided the country / state into three parts. There was
degeneration of morality and the rulers were indulged in immoral activities.

The situation had been aggravated by the defective laws of succession, demoralized army and
economic bankruptcy. The size of the empire had become too large to be administered by one
centre. Above all, the integrity and identity of Islam was at state.

The Muslim society was riddled with differences of all kinds like poor understanding of the Holy
Quran and general ignorance of Islam and that had made the situation even worse. There was no
unity among the Muslims and the religion of Islam was on the verge of losing its identity and spirit.

The situation had been aggravated by the defective laws of succession, demoralized army and
economic bankruptcy.
In these circumstances, Shah Wali Ullah appeared on the scene as a great social reformer. He
launched a movement to bring social, political and economic reforms in the society. His object was
to alleviate the deteriorating condition of the Muslim society and to defend it from external threats.

Religious Reforms
a) Translation of the Holy Quran
Shah Wali Ullah was the first in the subcontinent who translated the Holy Quran into Persian
language for better understanding of the holy book.

b) Explanation of Muatta
• The life and traditions of prophets were the second source of Islamic teachings.
• He established schools for the study of Hadith.
• He selected “Imam Maliki's Muatta” as the most authentic collection of the Hadith.

c) Synthesis of different schools of thought

He wrote “Al-Insaf-fi-Bayan Sahab al Ikhtalaf,” in order to create a balance between the four schools
of thought.

His object was to alleviate the deteriorating condition of the Muslim society and to defend it from
external threats.
d) Emphasis on Ijtehad
Shah Wali Ullah was the first person to emphasize the importance of Ijtehad for the solution of
intricate problems in every day life.

e) Efforts for the Revival of Islam

He was against the limited universality of the applications of the injunctions of the Quran. He tried to
resolve the controversies among various schools of thoughts and gave a new life to the spirit of

Promotion of Madarras Rahimiya

He rendered great services to Islam by the promotion of Madarrasah Rahimiya.

Economic Reforms
In his famous book “Hijjat-ul-Balagh,” he pointed out that social and economic factors were
responsible for the problems in human society.

The working and poor class was being exploited but the noble, ulema and rulers were being fed on
the public treasury without performing their corresponding duties. Shah Wali Ullah raised his voice
• Economic equilibrium
• Removal of inequalities
• Equitable distribution of resources
He appealed to the classes concerned responsible to realize their responsibilities and duties towards
the people.

Political Reforms
Shah Wali Ullah wrote many letters to “Ahmad Shah Abdali” and encouraged Najib-ud-Daula of
Bengal to help him save the Muslim Community from the Marhattas. He gave a crushing defeat to
the Marhattas at Panipat. The occasion was the culmination of Shah Wali Ullah's political efforts.

Social Reforms
He emphasized on all basic rights such as free dispensation of justice, equality, brotherhood, etc.

• The efforts of Shah Wali Ullah for the integration of whole Islamic structure would never be
• He can be called “The founder of Neo-Islamization” of the Muslim society in the Sub-Continent.
It was because of the effects of Shah Wali Ullah's reforms that the other religious movements, such
as movements of Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan flourished after him.

Dr Quratul Ain Malik (CSP)

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