A867 PDF
A867 PDF
A867 PDF
e1 NOTE—Editorially, the phrase “absolute or practical” was removed from 1.6 and coercive force was changed throughout to
coercive field strength in February 1999.
A 867/A 867M
4. Chemical Composition 6.2 Test Specimen Heat Treatment—The test specimen shall
4.1 The chemical composition requirements are shown in be heat treated before testing as follows; heat at 845 6 10°C
Table 1. Since magnetic and, possibly, mechanical properties for 4 h in a wet hydrogen atmosphere (dew point of − 20 to
are of primary importance, variations in composition from 5°C) then cool at a rate of 50 to 100°C/h to a temperature less
those shown in Table 1 are permitted by mutual agreement than 540°C followed by further cooling at any convenient rate.
between the consumer and the producer. For heat treatment of Type 3 steels, dry hydrogen (dew point
less than − 40°C) shall be used instead of wet hydrogen.
5. Form and Condition 6.3 Conventional dc Magnetic Testing:
5.1 As the silicon content increases, cold working becomes 6.3.1 Either ring or permeameter techniques may be used.
more difficult, hence, not all product forms are available in For ring specimens either Test Methods A 596 or A 773 is
each type of steel. The desired form and condition should be permitted. For straight-length specimens, either Test Methods
specified and discussed with the producer to assure receiving A 341 or A 773 is permitted.
the appropriate product. Available forms and conditions are: 6.3.2 Whenever possible, test specimen size and shape shall
5.1.1 Forging Billet (all steel types)—Billet surface ground, conform to Practice A 34/A 34M. The densities of these steels
grit blasted, or acid cleaned. for testing purposes are listed in Table X1.1.
5.1.2 Hot-Rolled Product (all steel types)—Hot rolled, hot 6.3.3 Requirements—The coercive force requirements of
rolled and acid cleaned, and hot-rolled and mechanically specimens heat treated in accordance with 6.2 are shown in
cleaned. Table 2. The coercive field strength shall be measured from a
5.1.3 Cold-Finished Bars—Mill annealed, centerless maximum flux density of 10.0 kG [1.00 T].
ground (all steel types), cold drawn (all grades up to 0.500 in. 6.4 Coercimeter Testing:
(12.7 mm) round), cold-processed shapes such as squares, 6.4.1 Coercimeters are permitted provided it is demon-
rectangles, hexagons (all types except Type 3), centerless strated that flux density in the test specimen reaches at least 15
ground, and machine turned. kG [1.5 T] during the magnetization cycle and that the test
5.1.4 Strip (all types except Type 3)—As-supplied condition method and test equipment satisfy the requirements of IEC
must be specified as either cold rolled to hardness or mill Publication 404-7.
annealed. Steel can be supplied in coil form or as straightened 6.4.2 Requirements—The coercive field strength require-
and cut to length flat product. Product can be supplied having ments of specimens heat treated in accordance with 6.2 and
a rolled edge, either round or flat, or an edge produced by tested using a coercimeter are shown in Table 3.
7. Packaging and Marking
5.1.5 Wire (all types except Type 3)—Cold drawn, cold
drawn and mill annealed in either coils or straightened and cut 7.1 Packaging shall be subject to agreement between the
to length. consumer and the producer.
7.2 Material furnished under this specification shall be
6. Magnetic Property Requirements identified by the name or symbol of the producer, by alloy type,
6.1 Under this specification, only the coercive field strength melt number, and material size. Each producer lot applied to a
(Hc) is required to be measured. This measurement can be done order must be identified and packaged separately.
either using ring or permeameter methods or by use of a
8. Investigation of Claim
coercimeter. Since coercimeters saturate the test specimen
before measurement of the coercive field strength, two differ- 8.1 Where any order fails to meet the requirements of this
ent sets of requirements are necessary, one for ring and specification, disposition of the material so designated shall be
permeameter testing and one for coercimeter testing. subject to agreement between the consumer and the producer.
A 867/A 867M
TABLE 3 DC Coercive Field Strength (Hc) Requirements
(Coercimeter Testing)
Types 1 and 1F Types 2 and 2F Type 3
Oe 1.2 max 1.1 max 1.0 max
A/m 96 max 88 max 80 max
(Nonmandatory Information)
A 867/A 867M
X2.1 Heat treatment of parts made from iron-silicon relay nitrogen), and dissociated ammonia can be used. Vacuum heat
steels is necessary to obtain the best magnetic performance. treatment can also be used.
Magnetic behavior improves (that is, permeability increases
and coercive field strength decreases) when heat treating is X2.3 Further improvement in magnetic characteristics is
performed at temperatures as low as 700°C. For steel Types 2, achievable by using a higher dew-point (−20 to 5°C) hydrogen
2F, and 3, further improvement in magnetic performance or forming gas atmosphere to promote decarburization. How-
occurs as the heat-treating temperature is increased. Steel ever, the high dew-point atmospheres should not be used (1) at
Types 1 and 1F will show a decline in magnetic performance temperatures in excess of 950°C, (2) when heat treating steel
when heat treated above 870°C as a result of austenitization Type 3, or (3) when the part, produced from any type, is to be
and subsequent grain refinement upon cooling. Most com- plated after heat treatment.
monly, heat treatment is conducted at temperatures of approxi-
mately 840°C for a minimum of 2 h followed by slow cooling. X2.4 Iron-silicon relay steels are very prone to rusting
under ordinary atmospheric conditions. A protective coating
X2.2 A protective nonoxidizing, noncarburizing, and non- should be applied to heat-treated parts as soon as possible.
nitriding atmosphere should be used. Low dew-point atmo- Chromium, nickel, or cadmium plating is most commonly
spheres such as hydrogen, forming gas (5 to 15 % hydrogen- used.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.