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Insulation effects and characteristics of XLPE

covered overhead conductors in low and
medium voltage power distribution systems in

Conference Paper in Electrical Insulation, 1988., Conference Record of the 1988 IEEE International Symposium
on · July 2006
DOI: 10.1109/ELINSL.2006.1665258 · Source: IEEE Xplore


1 267

4 authors, including:

Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh

University of Tabriz


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 22 August 2016
Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation

Insulation Effects and Characteristics of XLPE

Covered Overhead Conductors in Low and Medium
Voltage Power Distribution Systems in Iran
Farhad Shahnia1, A. Mashhadi Kashtiban2, K. Roushan Milani1, M. Tarafdar Haque2
Eastern Azarbayjan Electric Power Distribution Company, Tabriz, Iran
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

Abstract- Advantages of XLPE covered conductors in - Reduction of fires in jungles due to bare conductors
comparison with bare conductors of low voltage and medium - Reduction of phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth clearances
voltage power distribution networks are introduced. The - Reduction of Right of Way (ROW) of overhead lines
configuration, production and application of these conductors in - Reduction of tree trimming problems
Iran are discussed and the electromagnetic effects of them are
studied through the simulation results carried out by finite
- Reduction of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs
element methods. The first researches on CC in Iran began in 2004 after a
technical meeting of Eastern Azarbayjan Electric Power
I. INTRODUCTION Distribution Company (EAEPDCO) from Korean Electrical
Power Company (KEPCO), South Korea. It is somehow
Reliability and safety considerations are one of the most difficult to say exactly about the length of installed CC lines in
significant problems about the electric power distribution Iran but it seems to be more than 310 km of LV and 466 km
systems. Increasing the reliability of the power distribution MV since then. Anyway, there is a growing interest in
networks depends on many factors from network installation of CC where some experts also believe in
configuration, relaying strategy and weather condition to substituting most of the installed bare conductors with CC
social and cultural factors. Among these, the overhead [6,7]. Some pictures of the recently installed CC distribution
distribution networks due to their widespread, being near to networks in Iran are shown in Fig. 1.
customers, passing through different areas and weather After introducing the main advantages of CC in comparison
dependence considerations have the most important effect on with conventional bare conductors and the great interest in
the reliability of electric power distribution networks. Most of their application in LV and MV distribution networks, briefly,
the overhead distribution networks consist of bare conductors CC production in Iran and its installations are talked where a
with high possibility of their faults which can cause power finite element analysis has been applied for simulation of
outages or hazards for the personals working on distribution electromagnetic fields of CC which has led to describe
networks where application of non-bare overhead conductors electrical field around CC in comparison with bare ones.
would be a great step to overcome reliability and safety
Among several non-bare overhead Low Voltage (LV) and
Medium Voltage (MV) distribution lines, application of Covered conductors consist of two main parts as the
Covered Conductors (CC) seems to be the most economic one conductor and the cover. From technical point of view the
[1]. The first researches in this field begun in about 1970s in conductor could be any type of well-known conductors in
Scandinavian countries where the first covered conductor line overhead distribution lines such as All Aluminum Conductor
began to operate in 1984 in Finland [2,3]. After that, they were (AAC), Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR), All
utilized in other countries where e.g. nowadays, there are more Aluminum Alloy Conductor (AAAC) or Copper Conductor
than 2200 kilometer LV or MV distribution network installed (for LV). On the other hand, covered conductors are divided
in Norway, 2800 km in Sweden, 3200 km in Finland, 864 km into two categories depending on their cover thickness as:
in Slovenia and about 96% of MV distribution overhead lines Covered Conductor (CC) and Full Thickness Covering (CCT).
in South Korea. The conductor are covered with a track resistant UV stabilized
Application of CC in great amounts is based on its cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) in CC, while there is an
noticeable technical [4,5] and economical advantages in inner non UV resistant XLPE and an outer layer of UV
comparison with conventional bare conductors [8,9] such as: stabilized high density polyethylene (HDPE) in CCT [5,6] as
- Reduction of power interruptions and outages shown in Fig. 2. The thickness of XLPE is usually constant (2
- Increasing the power distribution network reliability mm) for all working LV and MV while CCT has a specified
- Decreasing Energy Not Supplied (ENS) thickness of covering for each working voltage. CC can
- Increasing the safety of people and animals withstand intermittent contacts between two phases or one
- Reduction of current leakage of bare conductors phase to ground, while CCT can remain for extended periods.

20.00 ©
2006 IEEE 64
stage, the Vinilsilan mixtures inside the Extruder with other
additives in special conditions and the resultant material cover
the conductor and in the second stage, the covered conductors
are stayed in a high temperature steam room. The picture of an
extruder utilized in SIMCAT Co. as one of the pioneer CC
producing companies in Tabriz, Iran applied for covering bare
conductors with XLPE is shown in Fig. 3. This extruder is
capable of producing 40 meters of CC per minute. Comparing
these methods, it should be noticed that peroxide method need
higher initial investment, lower production speed and more
wasted materials compared with Vinilsilin method but its
advantage is single stage operation. On the other hand, Beta
ray radiation method needs high technology apparatuses and
its production cost is very high compared with other methods
The main standards for production of CC in the world are
the Finish standards, SFS 5790, 5791 and 5792 and the
Australian standard, AS/NZS 3675 where in Iran Finish
standard SFS 5791 is utilized.

Bare Covered
Conductor Conductor Bare Covered
Conductor Conductor
Fig. 3. Pictures of an Extruder used for CC production in Iran.

Fig. 1. Pictures of CC distribution networks with covered junctions in Iran. III. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF CC ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD

Finite Element Methods (FEM) are widely used in many

engineering applications. Indeed, FEM studies have been used for a
number of years in the cable manufactory industry in general and the
insulation technology in particular to develop accessories. This is
Fig. 2. Construction of covered conductors as CC (left) and CCT (right)
produced in Iran.
evident by the wide rang of modern cable of improved design and
performance. A main salient advantage of FEM in CC performance
CC is covered with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) as a is its capability for electric and magnetic field analysis around and
has a well known insulation for LV and MV cables and wires within CC in all cases such as: transient and short circuits,
with the maximum operation temperature of 90oc and unbalanced conductors or polluted by water or moisture, water
resistivity of more than 1016 :.cm which has good stability ingress [8] and etc.
against different kinds of acids and oils. Therefore, XLPE The assumptions that were used in the calculation of magnetic
cover of CC has better electrical, mechanical and chemical fields are the following:
properties. Three common methods for cross-linking of - The length of CC is of 1m, so that magnetic field is treated as 2D.
polyethylene (PE) and covering bare conductors with XLPE Charges and displacement currents are neglected.
includes Peroxide method, Vinilsilan method and Betta Ray - The conductors and the sheath have constant conductivity and
Radiation where both Peroxide and Vinilsilan methods are relative permeability.
utilized in Iran [6]. - The phase current is sinusoidal and balanced.
In peroxide method, the cross-linking of PE occurs due to - All analysis is based on magneto-static.
existence of peroxide materials which are activated by heating - Because of symmetrical topology of CC, all simulations are based
for cross-linking of PE molecules in temperature of 180–220oc. on axis-symmetric simulation.
This process can be done by extruders only in one stage. In These assumption model leads to a linear, steady state
Vinilsilan method, the Vinilsilan molecules should be used for electromagnetic field which is governed by Maxwell’s equations:
o o
cross-linking of PE which is done in two stages. In the first ’u H J (1)

’xB 0 (2)
A 0
Ohm’s law at a point:
o o
J VE (3) wA
The continuity relation:
’x J 0 (4)
And the constitutive relation:
o o wA
B P 0P r H (5) wn
Fig. 5. Boundary condition in axis-symmetry considered CC.

Introducing the magnetic vector potential with:

o o
’uA B (6)
’xA 0 (7)
From above equations we get:
o o
’ u ( E  jw A) 0 (8)

Fig. 4 shows the cross section and topological configuration of

considered CC.
The boundary conditions are defined using (18) and (19) [9,10]:

n̂ u (A 2  A1 ) 0 (9)
n̂ x (A 2  A1 ) 0 (10)
Fig. 6. Meshed CC using tri-angular first order mesh.
where A is a magnetic potential vector. Eq. (9) describes the
behavior of the tangential components of the field and Eq. (10)
states that the normal component is continuous. Thus saying
that the tangential and normal components of A are continuous
and we have chosen A2 A1 0 at the boundary.
This boundary condition is a Dirichlet condition and is used
as definition of infinity and axis-symmetry. Fig. 5 shows these
boundary conditions in axis-symmetry considered CC. Fig. 6
shows considered CC using tri-angular first order mesh.
Figures 7 and 8 show the magnetic field density around and
within of CC respectively. Note that unit system is CGS. Fig.
9 shows the magnetic field intensity around CC in GGS. Fig.
10 shows the electrical field intensity around the CC.
Fig. 7. Magnetic field density around CC in CGS.


XLPE, 2mm2



Fig. 4. Cross section of the simulated CC.

Fig. 8. Magnetic field density within CC in CGS.

[1] K.R. Milani and M.T. Haque, "Economical Study on Using Covered
Conductors in Overhead Distribution Lines of Iran", 1 th Electric Power
Distribution Conf., May 2006, Sari, Iran, (to be published in Persian).
[2] W. Panosh, K. Schongrunder and K. Kominek, "20 kV overhead lines with
covered conductors", CIRED 201 , pp. 1-19, June 2001.
[3] K. Alstof, S. Refsnaes, T. Bovre and H. Thomassen, “A New Overhead
Line Concept Based on Covered Conductors”, CIRED 197 , pp. 3.7.1-
3.7.5, June 1997.
[4] M.T. Haque, K.R. Milani and F. Shahnia, "Increment of safety using
covered conductors from economical point of view", 1 th Electric Power
Distribution Conf., May 2006, Sari, Iran, (to be published in Persian).
[5] M.T. Haque, F. Shahnia, K.R. Milani and M.R.O. Tabrizi, "Efficiency of
covered conductors in reduction of electrical shock hazards in
distribution networks" 1 th Electric Power Distribution Conf., May
2006, Sari, Iran, (to be published in Persian).
Fig. 9. Magnetic field intensity around CC in GGS. [6] M.T. Haque, S.M.S. Giasi and K.R. Milani, "Covered conductors, future
generation of distribution lines in Iran", 10 th Electric Power Distribution
Conf., pp. 64-72, May 2004, Tabriz, Iran, (in Persian).
[7] M.T. Haque, S.M.S. Giasi, M. Mostofi and F. Farnam, "Covered
conductors and the results of its semi-mass production", 20 th Int. Power
System Conf., Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2005.
[8] H.S.B. Elayyan and M.H. Abderrazzaq, "Electric field computation in wet
cable insulation using finite element approach", IEEE Trans. on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 1125-1133,
Dec. 2005.
[9] D. Labridis and V. Hatziathanassiou, "Finite element computation of field,
forces and inductances in underground SF6 insulated cables using a
coupled magneto-thermal formulation", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol.
30, No. 4, pp. 1407-1415, July 1994.
[10] X.B. Xu and G. Liu, "Application of a homogeneous Dirichlet boundary
condition in the finite element analysis of power cables", IEEE Trans.
on Magnetics, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 1087-1090, May 2001.

Fig. 10. Electrical field intensity around the CC.


The characteristics of XLPE covered conductors for LV and

MV power distribution systems as new increasing insulation
equipment in the power distribution system of Iran were
discussed. XLPE covered conductors can lead to a decrease in
phase clearances, ROW, O&M costs, power outages and
increase the reliability and safety of the power distribution
networks. Studying configuration and production procedure of
CC, it is expected that it would be capable of replacing the
bare conductors in the distribution networks greatly.
Meanwhile, the electromagnetic field characteristics inside
and outside of CC were studied through FEM simulations for
studying the XLPE characteristics on the conductors.


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