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QT1 CoursePlan May 2017s

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Course Plan


Course Name:
2. Programme of FBF
Study: Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Banking And Finance
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Economics (Hons) Financial Economics
Bachelor of Finance (Hons)
Bachelor of Marketing (Hons)
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Logistics And International Shipping

Bachelor of Accounting (Hons)
Bachelor of International Business (Hons)
Bachelor of Economics (Hons) Global Economics
Bachelor of Building and Property Management (Hons)

3. Year, Trimester & Year One - May 2017 Trimester (Session 201705)
4. Credit Hour Three (3) credit hours
5. Name(s) of Lecturers and Tutors
Academic Staff:
Ms. Tan Chai Thing (tanct@utar.edu.my)
Ms. Chitrah a/p Krishnan (chitrah@utar.edu.my)
Mr. Chen Fanyu (chenf@utar.edu.my)
Ms. Winnie Liew Fung Mei (liewfm@utar.edu.my)
Mr. Kuar Lok Sin (kuarls@utar.edu.my)
Mr. Thurai Murugan (thurai@utar.edu.my)
Ms. Kalai Vani a/p Kalimuthu (kalaivanik@utar.edu.my)

Puan Raja Nurul Aini Binti Raja Aziz (aini@utar.edu.my)
Dr Lim Chee Seong (cslim@utar.edu.my)
Ms. Lee Hui Shan (hslee@utar.edu.my)
Ms. Yogambigai a/p Rajamoorthy (yogambigai@utar.edu.my)

6. Mode of Delivery: Lecture and Tutorial

7. Course The course aims to provide an introduction to mathematical and

Course Plan 1
Objective(s): statistical techniques which are widely applicable in business and
commercial organizations. Emphasis will be placed on the application of
the syllabus material to business and commercial data.
8. Course The course covers a variety of mathematical and statistical techniques
Learning applicable to presentation, interpretation and use of data.
Outcome(s): Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Perform basic mathematical operations that require problem
solving and critical thinking skills.
2. Identify basic graphs and properties of polynomials, rational,
exponential and logarithmic functions and in turn, able to apply
their knowledge in this area to business applications such as
simple, compound interest and ordinary annuities.
3. Use basic counting techniques and calculate probabilities
including conditional probabilities.
4. Apply the mathematical knowledge of probabilities to business
problems and interpret the result.
9. References Main Text:
1. Francis, Andre &Mousley, Ben (2014). Business Mathematics and
Statistics. 7th edition, United States of America: Cengage Learning.
2. Harshbarger, R.J., & Reynolds, J.J. (2016). Mathematical
Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, 11 th
edition, United States of America: Cengage Learning.

Other references:
3. Wong, Y.M., Kong, J.K., Pok, W.F., &Har, W.M. (2006). Basic
Quantitative Techniques. Kuala Lumpur: Prentice Hall.
4. Tan, S. T. (2010). Applied Mathematic for the Managerial, Life, &
Social Sciences. 5th edition, Belmont US: Cengage Learning.
5. Weiers, Ronald M. (2011). Introductory Business Statistics.7th
edition, United States of America: South-Western, Cengage
6. Curwin, Jon & Slater, Roger (2002). Quantitative Methods for
Business Decisions. 5th edition, LondonUK: Thomson.
7. Jacques, Ian (2002). Mathematics for Economics and Business. 4th
edition, Harlow UK:Prentice Hall.
8. Wong Yoke Ming, etal.(2006). Basic Quantitative Techniques.
Kuala Lumpur: Prentice Hall.
9. Levine, D.M., Stephan, D., Krehbiel, T.C. & Berenson, M.L.
(2005). Statistics for Managers: Using Microsoft Excel. 4th edition,
New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Course Plan 2
10. Assessment
Methods: No. Method of Assessment Total
1. Coursework 40%
a) Mid-trimester Test(s) 20%
b) Assignment 20%
2. Final Examination 60%

1. Continuous Assessment (20%)

Mid-trimester Test (50 marks)
Test will be given to monitor student’s progress on the understanding
of the lectures. The duration of the test will be 1 hour and will be
scheduled on Saturday of WEEK 6 (8/07/2017). The test will consist
of 2 questions covering topics 1 and 2.

2. Assignment (20%)
Assignment will be given to monitor student’s progress on the
understanding of the lectures. Students need to form a group of 6
students from the same tutorial group and the assignment will be
distributed on/before WEEK 4 (23/06/2017). The submission date
will be on WEEK 10 (4/08/2017) at respective tutor’s room before
12pm. Late submission 10 marks will be deducted.

3. Final Examination (60%)

The final examination for this subject will be THREE (3) hours and
will consist of TWO (2) sections:

Section A (40 marks) = ONE (1) compulsory question.

Section B (60 marks) = THREE (3) questions in which students are
required to answer any TWO (2) questions.

4. Aggregate Marks
Students who wish to pass the subject should achieve at least 50
marks (grade C and above) of the aggregated coursework and final
11. Course Synopsis: The course includes mathematical techniques, financial mathematics,
descriptive statistical, index numbers and, linear programming.

Course Plan 3
Lecture, Tutorial, Practical and Continuous Assessment Plan
Week/ Lecture Topics Course Learning Tutorial Assignment/ Reference
Date Outcomes Topic Practical/
1–3 01.Mathematical 1. Perform basic Tutorial 1 - 1. Francis,
(29/05/17 Techniques mathematical Revision from
-  Arithmetic operations that Discussion Chapter 24
18/06/17) Procedures require problem questions to Chapter
 Polynomial solving and critical 28,
s thinking skills. 2. Tan,
 Percentage Chapters 1,
s, Ratio and Discounts 2. Identify basic Tutorial 2 & 2, 3 and 9,
 Powers and Roots graphs and 3 (Topic 1): 3. Curwin and
 Logarithms properties of Discussion Slatter,
 Inequalities polynomials, questions and Chapters
rational, self-practice 23 and 25,
 Solving Linear,
exponential and questions. 4. Wong Y.M.
Quadratic and
logarithmic et. al.,
Simultaneous Linear
functions and in Chapter 1
turn, able to apply
o Graphing
their knowledge in
this area to
o Break-Even
applications such
Analysis, Cost- as simple,
Revenue and Profit compound interest
Functions and ordinary
o The Derivatives annuities.
o Differentiation of
Simple Algebraic
o Differential of
Sums Products and
Quotients of
o Evaluation of First
and Second
o Integration
o Optimization,
Maximization and

4 02. Index Numbers 1. Perform basic Tutorial 4 - 1. Francis,

(19/06/17  The Interpretation of mathematical (Topic 1): Chapter 18
- Index Numbers operations that Discussion to 20,
25/06/17)  The Construction of require problem questions and 2. Curwin &
Index Numbers solving and critical self-practice Slater,
 Changing the Base thinking skills. questions. Chapter 7
Course Plan 4
Week/ Lecture Topics Course Learning Tutorial Assignment/ Reference
Date Outcomes Topic Practical/
Period 3. Wong Y.M.
 The Weighting of Index et. al.,
Number Chapter 4
 Problems involved in
the Use of Index
 Special Published
o Consumer Price
Index (CPI)
o Kuala Lumpur
Composite Index

5&6 03.Financial 1. Perform basic Tutorial 5 Mid-Term 1. Francis,

(26/06/17 Mathematics mathematical (Topic 2): Test (Week Chapter 21
-  Arithmetic and operations that Discussion 6) to 23,
09/07/17) Geometric Progressions require problem questions and Topic 1 & 2 2. Tan,
 Simple Interest & solving and critical self-practice Chapter 4,
Compound Interest thinking skills. questions. 3. Wong Y.M.
 Nominal and Effective et. al.,
Rate of Interest Chapter 2
 Present Value Tutorial 6
 Future Value of an (Topic 3):
Annuity Discussion
 Present Value of an questions and
Annuity self-practice
 Amortization and
Sinking Funds
o Amortization of
o Financing a Home
o Sinking Funds
 Discounted Cash Flow

7&8 04. Linear Programming 2. Identify basic Tutorial 7 - 1. Francis,

(10/07/17  Linear Inequalities in graphs and (Topic 3: Chapter 35,
- Two Variables properties of Discussion 2. Tan,
23/07/17)  Linear Programming polynomials, questions and Chapter 6,
Problems rational, self-practice 3. Wong Y.M.
 Model Formulation exponential and questions. et. al.,
 Graphical Solution of logarithmic Chapter 3,
Linear Programming functions and in Tutorial 8
Problems turn, able to apply (Topic 4):
 Sensitivity Analysis their knowledge in Discussion
this area to questions and
Course Plan 5
Week/ Lecture Topics Course Learning Tutorial Assignment/ Reference
Date Outcomes Topic Practical/
o Slack Variables business self-practice
o Assumptions and applications such questions.
Limitations as simple,
o Shadow Prices and compound interest
Uses and ordinary

9 – 11 05. Descriptive Statistics 1. Perform basic Tutorial 9 Assignment 1. Weiers,

(24/07/17  Definition and Purpose mathematical (Topic 4): (Week 10) Chapter 1
- of Statistics operations that Discussion Topic 3 & 4 to 4,
13/08/17)  Types and Sources of require problem questions and 2. Francis,
Data solving and critical self-practice Chapter 2
 Collection of Data thinking skills. questions. to 11,
 Sampling Methods 3. Curwin &
 Frequency Distribution: Tutorial 10 Slatter,
Histogram, Bar Chart, (Topic 5): Chapter 5
Pie Chart Discussion & 6,
Frequency Polygon: questions and 4. Levine,
Cumulative Frequency self-practice Chapter 1
Distribution, Ogive questions. to 3,
 Measures of Central 5. Wong Y.M.
Tendency: Median, Tutorial 11 et. al.,
Mode, Arithmetic (Topic 5): Chapter 5,
Mean, Geometric Discussion
Mean, Weighted Mean questions and
 Measures of Dispersion:
Range, Quartiles,
interquartile Range,
Variances, Standard

12 06. Probability 3. Use basic Tutorial 12 - 1. Weiers,

(14/08/17  Permutation and counting (Topic 5) Chapter 5,
- Combination techniques and Discussion 2. Levine,
20/08/17)  Definition of calculate questions and Chapter 4,
Probability probabilities self-practice 3. Wong Y.M.
 Mutually Exclusive and including questions. et. al.,
Nonexclusive Events conditional Chapter 6,
 Rules of Addition probabilities.
 Independent Events,
Dependent Events and 4. Apply the
Conditional Probability mathematical
 Rules of Multiplication knowledge of
probabilities to
 Probability Trees and
business problems
Bayes’ Theorem
Course Plan 6
Week/ Lecture Topics Course Learning Tutorial Assignment/ Reference
Date Outcomes Topic Practical/
 and interpret the
13 07. Discrete Probability 3. Use basic Tutorial 13 - 1. Weiers,
(21/08/17 Distribution counting (Topic 6) Chapter 6,
-  Random Variables and techniques and Discussion 2. Levine
27/08/17) Probability Distribution calculate questions and Chapter 5 ,
 Expectation probabilities self-practice 3. Wong Y.M.
 Binomial Distribution including questions. et. al.,
Poisson Distribution and conditional Chapter 7
its Approximation to probabilities.
Binomial Distribution
4. Apply the
knowledge of
probabilities to
business problems
and interpret the
14 Tutorial 14 -
(28/08/17 (Topic 7)
- Discussion
03/09/17)  Revision questions and

Notes: The information provided in this Course Plan is subject to change by the Lecturers. Students
shall be notified in advance of any changes.

Course Plan 7

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