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QMS 102 Course Plan

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Mzumbe University

Faculty of Sciences and Technology

Dar Es Salaam Campus College-Tegeta Center
Course Code: QMS 102
Course Name: Business Statistics
Work Plan For Semester II 2022/2023

Course Information
Instructor: Mr.Mbigili,L.J
Contacts: Cellular:+255 783 082 009, +255 757 711 858, email: ljmbigili@mzumbe.ac.tz

Course Description and Delivery Mode

This course aims at exposing students to business statistics. The statistics techniques and models are
intended to help them solve business problems in other disciplines of their study. The course seeks
to increase students’ rigor in quantitative approaches to solving business problems in theory and in
practice. The course weight is 3 units, and there shall be 3hours lecture in a week(45hours
lecture in a semester) and 2hours tutorial in a week(30hours tutorial in a semester) as
mode of course delivery. Students shall continuously be assessed there level of understanding through
provision of two(2) closed tests and two Assignments, one being individual and the other as group

Course Objectives:
At the end of the course students are expected to demonstrate their competence by being able to:

i Understand various mathematical and statistical techniques and models.

ii Applying mathematical and statistical techniques and models in solving managerial and busi-
ness problems.

Course Content
Introduction to Statistics (5 hours)

ˆ Definition of statistics, The use and misuse of statistics, Sources of statistics data in Tanzania

ˆ Data collection methods and tools: Data collection methods, Primary methods, Survey meth-
ods, Secondary methods, Data collection tools, Interview guides/schedules, Questionnaires

ˆ Presentation of statistical data: Tables, Frequency Distribution, Cumulative Frequency Distri-

butions, Graphs; Histograms, Bar-Charts, pie-Charts, Cumulative Frequency Diagrams (ogives),
Stem and leaf diagrams

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion (5 hours)

ˆ Measures of Central Tendency: (i)The arithmetic mean: (ii)The median, (iii)The mode (iv)The
Geometric and harmonic mean

ˆ Measures of dispersion (or variation): (i)Range (ii)Quartile deviation (iii)Mean deviation (iv)Variance
(v)Standard deviation, (vi)Coefficient of variation

Correlation and Regression Analysis (5 hours)

ˆ Correlation, Scatter diagrams, Correlation measures.

ˆ Regression Analysis: Simple regression analysis, Estimation of regression Coefficients and Fore-
casting with simple regression.

ˆ Relationship between regression and correlation, coefficients in simple regression.

ˆ Introduction to multiple regression analysis, Business applications of regression and correlation


Probability Theory and Random Variables (5 hours)

ˆ The concept of probability

ˆ The basic laws of probability: Addition rule, Complementation, Multiplication rule, Condi-
tional probability rules, Total/Marginal Probability, Baye’s Theorem

ˆ The concept of statistical random variable.

ˆ Types of random variables; Discrete, continuous.

ˆ Probability distribution of a random variable, Joint probability distribution of random vari-

ables, Mathematical expectations of random variables.

Special Probability Distributions (5 hours)

ˆ The binomial Distribution

ˆ The Normal Distribution

ˆ The Poison Distribution

ˆ Other probability distributions; the Uniform distribution, the exponential distribution, etc.

Statistical Estimation Theory (8 hours)

ˆ The need of statistical estimates - Estimation of population, parameters

ˆ The need for sampling in estimation theory.

ˆ Sampling methods; random sampling, proportional allocation, optimal allocation.

ˆ Statistical estimators and estimates: Estimator of population mean, Estimation of population


ˆ Empirical sampling distributions; the central Limit Theorem.

ˆ Calculation and interpretation of confidence intervals of population mean for both large and
small samples.

Statistical Hypothesis Testing(8 hours)

ˆ Formulation of statistical hypothesis

ˆ Steps in testing a statistical hypothesis

ˆ Related concepts, Type I, type II errors/risks, one-sided test and two-sided test, and the
Operating Characteristic (OC) curve.

ˆ Statistical hypothesis testing for both large and small samples - business and management

Application of Statistical Packages of Software(4 hours)

ˆ Using practically statistical packages such as SPSS for data analysis (preparation of question-
naire ready for data entry (coding)

ˆ Preparation of SPSS template ready for data entry, data entry, data analysis such as analysis
of frequency including cross tabulations

ˆ Correlations and regression analysis together with interpretations.

ˆ Using SPSS output in report writing.

The student’s evaluation shall be carried out as it is stipulated in the table hereunder:

Type of assessment Weight Due date

Assignment 1(Individual) 10% 5th week
Test 1 15% 7th week
Assignment 2(Group) 10% 10th week
Test 2 15% 12th week
The university exams 50% To be notified

Reading Books
Weiers, R. M (1994). Introduction to Business Statistics.2nded. Forth Worth, Dryden Press
Sharpe, N. R. Richard, D.D and Paul, F. V (2011). Business statistics: a first course. Boston:
Addison Wesley
Groebner, D. F., Shannon, P. W., Fry, P. C., & Smith, K. D. (2011). Business statistics: A decision
making approach. Prentice Hall/Pearson
Ndunguru, P.C. (2001). Basic concept of probability theory
Lipschutz, S. (1968). Theory and Problems of Probability, Schaum’s outline series. McGraw-Hill
Book Company
James, T. M., George, P, B and Terry, S (2005).Statistics for Business and Economics. New Jersey:
Pearson Prentice Hall
Berenson, M. L, David, M.L and Timoth, C.K (2001). Basic Business statistics concepts and appli-
cations, 8th ed. Upper Sandle: River Prentice Hall

Aczel, A.D. and Sounderpandian, J (2009). Complete Business Statistics. 7th ed. Boston:McGrwa-
Hill Irwin
Kitchens, L.J.(2003). Basic Statistics and data analysis. South Melbourne Thomson Learning
Kvanli, H. A.(2006). Consice managerial statistics,Southbank. South-Western Thomson Learning

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