Extracción de Roca y Arena en TSB Komati Mill

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Proceedings of The South African Sugar Technologists' Association - June 1994


Transvaal Sugar Limited, Malelane

Abstract noise to alert the operator who then switches to another feed
table while the stone is manually removed.
Field cut and loaded sugar cane which is presented to a
sugar mill for further processing is at times notorious for Other desk-top study information
the amount of rocks, sand and other extraneous matter it A desk-top study on systems in use in other parts of the
contains. This material, if not removed prior to processing world (Lucht, 1992) revealed information on the following
the cane, causes extensive damage to cane crushing equip- types of separation equipment:
ment and boiler plant with associated high maintenance costs
and loss of production time. The operating principle of a Pneumatic separation. One of the first rock and sand re-
rock removal system (RRS) which has been developed to moval plants formed part of a cane dry cleaning plant and
remove a large proportion of rocks, sand and other foreign was installed at Laupahoehoe Sugar Company in Hawaii in
material on a continuous basis prior to processing the cane 1970 (McElhoe and Lewis, 1972). This plant operated on
is described. the pneumatic concept and achieved separation by passing
a high velocity air stream through the falling cane and sep-
arating the components by means of their differing trajec-
Introduction tories.
Cane destined for TSB's new Komati mill will be field Shaker table. Cane is transported onto a vibrating shaker
handled in the same manner as for the Malelane mill, namely table with elongated openings of 2,5 m X 100 mm. Cane
burning followed by manual harvesting, packing in win- stalks fall through the openings onto a suitable conveyor
drows and in-field loading into cane trucks by means of while large rocks exceeding 100 mm are left on top of the
push-pilers, It was envisaged that this method of handling, table. The slightly inclined table with its upwards and si-
together with the fact that a portion of the cane will be from deways vibratory motion directs these rocks into a gutter
newly planted fields, would result in large amounts of rock situated on the lower edge of the table. Small rocks and sand
and sand being delivered to the mill along with the cane. fall into a chute situated below the shaker table. A conveyor
As a result of this, it was foreseen in the conceptual design underneath the chute then carries all rocks, sand and lost
stage that a RRS of some form would have to be employed cane to a reclaimer where the cane is reclaimed and sand
in order to minimize damage to cane preparation equipment and rocks are removed.
by rocks and other extraneous material. It was therefore Revolving drum. This concept is similar to the unit at
decided to design a suitable RRS for Komati mill. Komati except that at the base of the inclined feeder table
and drum intersection a longitudinal screw conveyor picks
Initial research up the rocks and conveys them to the end of the feed table
to discharge them through the sides of the machine. A re-
Visit to Mauritius and Reunion claiming plant redirects any lost cane into the system while
During a visit to Mauritius and Reunion in June 1992, removing rocks and sand.
rock removal systems were inspected as summarized below. All the systems described above are reportedly subject to
Beaufonds, Reunion. The system basically consists of two operational and maintenance problems to varying degrees.
inclined steel deck conveyors, with levellers. Whole stick
cane, together with any rocks, is loaded onto the first inclined Design requirements and specifications
conveyor/feeder table with a slope of 35-40 degrees. This
cane is then transported by means of above-deck chains and The followings concepts were to be incorporated into the
slats to the top ofthe table where it then tumbles down onto desigri of the RRS, based on desirable parameters obtained
the deck of the second inclined conveyor. This conveyor is from the initial research:
of the moving deck type and its angle of incline is slightly " Continuous operation as opposed to stop-start operation
less than that of the first. • Removal ofthe maximum possible amount of rocks, sand
Due to their mass and shape the rocks roll rearwards down and other extraneous material
the deck, through two heavy-duty curtains of plastic sheets • Low power consumption
and metal strips and end up against a catch plate towards • Uniform orientation.of'the cane feed onto the main carrier
the tail end of the deck. The operator then stops the intake, • Cater for whole stick cane
climbs onto the deck and manually removes the rocks. • Robust construction
Cane lying on the deck of the second conveyor is trans- • Ease of maintenance
ported up towards the top of the deck and is combed back • Convenient disposal of removed rocks and sand
by a leveller set only about 100 mm above the deck. Any • Ability to be by-passed in case of mal-operation
large rocks are combed back by this leveller. • Simple construction
Disadvantages of this system are:
• Non-continuous operation. Development of system
• Sand and small rock removal not optimal. Based on the above requirements and using various novel
Medine, Mauritius. An above-deck chain and slat feeder concepts, a RRS was designed, basically consisting of a.sloped
table feeds cane onto a horizontal moving deck conveyor. feeder table, a horizontal tyned rotating drum, a curved wiper
Any large rock falling onto this second table makes sufficient plate and equipment for removal ofrocks from the machine.

Proceedings of The South African Sugar Technologists' Association - June 1994

A full-scale working prototype was built at Malelane mill means ofa hydraulic truck tippler, which discharges the cane
in order to test initial ideas and minimize potential com- onto a 11 metre wide, moving slat feeder table (A), shown
missioning problems on the system installed at the Komati in Figure 1. It is then conveyed to the top of the feeder table
mill. and is fed onto an inclined slide plate (B). A scratcher (C)
Development work consisted mainly of the following situated above the headshaft of the feeder table combs out
aspects: any bundles of cane to ensure a uniform thickness of cane
on the slide plate.
• Optimization of cane flow pattern over drum
• Optimization of tyne pattern on drum The cane stalks on the slide plate are continuously pre-
• Optimization of angle of inclined slide plate sented to the revolving tyned drum (D) and are combed up
• Optimization of drum rotational speed and over the drum and into the main cane carrier (E). The
• Experimentation with rock exit doors at ends of drum pattern in which the tynes are attached to the drum is such
that cane goes over the drum while very large rocks are
The prototype was extremely successful as a means of
directed to the rock exit doors (F) at each end of the drum.
studying cane flow patterns over the drum and rock sepa-
ration problems. These large rocks lie on the bottom end of the sliding table
and are progressively combed towards the ends of the drum
where they exit the machine through suitable doors.
General description of Komati mill RRS Smaller rocks (> 350 mm), pebbles, sand and other un-
wanted material roll down into the gap between the drum
Whole stick cane, all transported to the mill by means of and the curved wiper plate (G) and are discharged onto a
25 ton road trucks with side-tipping bins, is unloaded by belt conveyor (H) below the drum.


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FIGURE 1 Side elevation of rock removal system.

Proceedings of The South African Sugar Technologists' Association - June 1994

Observations during practical operation

A photograph of the system in operation is shown in Fig-
ure 2. Although the rock removal machine has only been in
operation for a short while, certain observations have been
• It is evident that the machine is extremely successful as
a small rock and sand remover.
• It is estimated that more than 90% of all large rocks
(> 350 mm) in the cane are removed.
• Some further development work on the large rock exit
doors is in progress.
• A reclaimer system to reclaim the small quantity of lost
cane from rocks and sand is needed.
• Uni-directional orientation ofthe cane onto the main cane
carrier is not achieved.
• Cane bundles are combed out into a more or less ho-
mogeneous mat on the main cane carrier.
• The machine does not handle cane billets well. These pass
out along with small rocks.
• Operation of the machine is simple and maintenance is
expected to be minimal.

It is expected that the machine will contribute greatly to
reducing the wear and tear on knives and shredder hammers
with the associated decrease in maintenance costs due to its
rock removal capabilities. Decreased stops on the cane prep-
aration line will increase time efficiency and thereby benefit
the subsequent extraction processes.
Removal of clayey and/or organic soils will contribute to
reducing processing problems in the factory.
Erosion of boiler tubes and other sections in contact with
the flue gas will be greatly reduced due to the large amount
of sand removed.
The machine in operation at the Komati mill is still un-
dergoing final development and its full potential will only
be reached later. However, results of tests conducted thus
FIGURE 2 A view of the rock removal system showing the feeder
table with scratcher, inclined side table and tyned drum. far are extremely promising. TSB has patented the system
The cane preparation line can be seen in the background. and .looks forward to its use in the sugar industry at large.

Provision is made for any jammed rocks or foreign ma-
terial to be cleared automatically by means of diverging Thanks are due to Messrs AH Winterbach, CAl de Jager
openings and automatic adjustment of the curved wiper and OP Hattingh of TSB and HT Jones of Bosch & Asso-
plates. ciates for their assistance in the design and development of
The drum diameter is larger in the center and gets pro- the RRS. The author would also like to thank the Manage-
gressively smaller towards the ends, thereby creating a di- ment of TSB for permission to publish this paper.
vergent opening between the drum surface and the wiper
plate. This also facilitates the clearing of a jammed rock.
The wiper plate consists oftwo halves, each half supported
at the bottom by a hydraulic cylinder. By regulating the REFERENCES
operating pressure in the hydraulic system, the point at which Lucht. EW (1992). An evaluation of the separation and possible utilization
the wiper plate will give way can be set. In the event of a of all the constituents of the whole cane plant. SMRI Technical Report
No 1621 (29 January), 22 pp.
jam, the wiper plate moves away from the drum and the McElhoe, BA and Lewis, DK (1972). Rock removal pilot plant for dryclean-
jam is cleared automatically. ing. Journal Series of the Experiment Station, HPSA. Paper No. 315.


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