Earthmoving Equipment ChapII, PartII - 2
Earthmoving Equipment ChapII, PartII - 2
Earthmoving Equipment ChapII, PartII - 2
2. Chapter Outline:
5. Pumping Equipments -
6. Concreting equipment:
May, 2021
2.1 Construction Equipments
A. Face Shovel
• Face shovel equipment is used mainly in quarries, pits
and on construction sites to excavate and load blasted
• These equipments are more effective for excavations
above the wheel or grade level.
• Optimum depth of cut: is a depth which produces the
greatest output and at which the dipper comes up with
full load without undue crowding.
The depth of cut varies with the class of soil and
the size of the dipper.
The output of a shovel is affected by numerous
factors, including the following: Class of material,
depth of cut, angle of swing, job conditions,
management conditions, size of hauling units, skill
of operator and physical condition of the shovel.
2.1.1. Crane Shovel Family
B. Drag Line
• Draglines are used to excavate earth and load it into
hauling units or deposit it into levees, dams and spoil
banks near the pits from which it was excavated.
• These equipments are more efficient for excavation
below the grade level and have the longest reach of all
shovel equipments.
• A dragline can be used for dragging out sediments and
is efficient for under water construction. These
equipments are weak while excavating hard materials
and have a lesser productivity that a face shovels.
• The output of a dragline will vary with the following
factors: Class of material, depth of cut, angle of swing,
size and type of bucket, length of boom, job conditions,
management conditions, method of disposal size of
hauling units, skill of the operator and disposal, units,
physical condition of the machine.
C. Hoe/excavator
hoes are used primarily to excavate below the natural surface of the ground on which
the machine rests. They are adapted to excavating trenches, pits for basements, and general
grading work, which requires precise control of depths.
2.1.1. Crane Shovel Family
D. Clamshell
• They are specially suited to vertically lifting
materials from one location to another, as in
charging hoppers and overhead bins.
• Clamshells are used primarily for handling
loose materials such as sand, gravel, crushed
stone, coal, etc. and for removing materials
from inside cofferdams, pier foundations,
sewer manholes, sheet‐lined trenches, etc.
• The bucket size are large for digging medium
soil, medium, for digging general purpose
work and light bucket for handling bulk
material like sand and gravel.
2.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipments
A. Excavators
Advantage of hydraulic excavators include:
Faster cycle time,
higher bucket penetrating force,
more precise digging and easier operator control.
many attachments can be made to increase the versatility of the equipments.
Some common attachments include:
Augers: Drills holes for poles, posts, soil sampling, and ground improvement.
Jack Hammer: vibratory hammer used to break up concrete and rock.
Bucket Ripper: The bucket sides and bottom are lined with ripper teeth to break up hard soil or soft rock.
Thumb Bucket: attached to bucket to provide a hook capacity.
2.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipments
B. Loaders
A. Loading
o Loading operation is the main operation performed by the loaders.
o Loading consists of scooping, lifting, turning and dumping materials such as sand, gravel, and crushed
materials from stockpiles, bank or construction site into the hauling units.
B. Hauling
o Wheel loaders are excellent for moving loose materials over short distances to dump into hauling units,
hoppers, conveyors, or any other place of work in the construction site.
C. Excavating
o Crawler loaders and heavy duty wheel loaders are excellent for many excavation jobs.
o These loaders can excavate soft and medium materials as well as lift the excavated material and dump it into
trucks or on the stockpiles
D. Clearing
o Loaders can scoop up and load the debris of demolished buildings into hauling units.
o Loaders are the first equipment to prepare the site for building and construction operations; and also the last
equipment in order to backfill, spread, level and top with selected good soil.
2.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipments
• Dozers are machines designed primarily for cutting and pushing the material
over relatively short distance.
• A dozer moves earth by lowering the blade and cutting until a full blade
load of materials is obtained. It then pushes the material across the ground
surface to the required location.
• Rear mounted hydraulic scarifiers and rippers can be fitted to loosen hard
material prior to dozing.
Dozer Blades
• A heavy blade of slightly concave profile is attached in the front of the tractor.
• The blades has a replaceable cutting edge, which wears out with the use of the blade.
• The dozer blades are available in sizes from 2m to 7.5m wide and 0.8m to 1.5m height.
Blades types
A. U-Blade: Used for moving big loads over longer distances; curved shape and side and top extensions
reduce the spillage of loose material; best suited for lighter materials.
B. Straight Blade: Used primarily for shallow surface removal, land clearing; designed to push dirt for
short distances, versatile, lightweight and maneuverable, handles a wide range of materials.
C. Angle Blade: It is designed to move material towards the sides of a cut, backfilling or cutting ditches,
and sustainably reduces the amount of direction.
D. C (cushion Blade): Used primarily with scrapers for ‘‘on the go’’ push loading; can be used for lighter
excavation and other general tasks.
E. Land fill Blade: These blades are specially designed to handle refuse and/or fill material.
Application of Dozers
Backfilling trenches,
Types of Rippers
B. multiple-shank ripper: These are used where there are many boulders,
or where the quality of rock is not consistent.
Types of Rippers
2.3 Grading Equipments
• Grading is the process of bringing earth work to the desired shape and elevation
• Motor graders are used for leveling and smoothening the earthwork, spreading and
leveling the base course in the construction of roads and air fields.
• Motor graders can be used for the following types of works:
Gravel road repairing
Various Operations
A. Grading:
surface and others by the scrapping action of the blade, includes working
B. Spreading:
Cutting edge of the blade is set above the ground at a distance equal to the
In such cases make the finishing pass with the blade only slightly angled and
D. Ditch Digging:
The front end of the blade is tilted down and the rear end is tilted up above the
E. Cutting:
For the purpose of cutting in soft dirt, set the blade to an angle b/n 40- 55
equipments is:
• Volume per cycle: average volume of material moved per equipment cycle.
This is the normal capacity of the excavator or haul unit must be modified by
the appropriate fill factor based on the type of material and equipment
• Cycle per hour: must include any appropriate job efficiency factor, so that it
represents the number of cycles actually achieved (or expected to be
achieved) per hour.
Cost per unit production = ………………………equation 2.2
Job efficiency estimation
• There are two principal approaches to estimating job efficiency
Approach 1
• To use the number of effective working minutes per hours to calculate the
factor equal to the number of working minutes per hour divided by 60.
Approach 2
• The method by which excavator bucket and dozer blade capacity rated is given in table 3.1
• Plate line capacity: - is the bucket volume contained within bucket unit following the outline of
• Struck capacity:- the bucket capacity when the load is struck of flush with the bucket sides.
• Water line capacity:- assumes a level of material flush with the lowest edge of the buck(i.e. the
material level corresponding to the water level that would result if the bucket were filled with
• Heaped volume: - is the maximum volume that can be placed in bucket without slippage
• E= job efficiency
Note:- in trench work a fall in factor should be applied to excavator production to account for the
work required to clean out materials that fall back into the trench from the trench wall.
• Normal excavator production should be multiplied by the appropriate value from table 3.5 to
• Find the expected production in loose cubic meter per hour of a small hydraulic excavator.
Heaped bucket capacity is 0.57m3. The material is sand and gravel with a bucket fill factor of
0.95. Job efficiency is 50min/hr. average depth of cut is 4.3m. Maximum depth of cut is 6.1m
and average swing is 90.
• Average swing = 90
• Find the expected production in loose cubic meter per hour of a small hydraulic excavator
• Productivity = C*S*V*B*E
• 1st, find C (cycle per hour) from table 3-3, it’s possible to get cycle per hour for small
• 2nd , find S(swing depth factor) from table 3-4, but before calculating swing depth factor, its
important to calculate the % of maximum depth cut by dividing average depth cut by
maximum depth cut and express in percentage. i.e. % maximum depth cut = 4.3m/6.1m*100
= 70. Then, take this number and go to table 3-4 with swing angle and its possible to obtain
• E= job efficiency
• Find the expected production in loose cubic meter 2.3m3 hydraulic shovels equipped with a front-dump bucket. The
material is common earth with a bucket fill factor of 1.0. The average angel of swing is 75° and job efficiency is 0.80.
• Determine the ideal out put of the dragline for the machine size and
material from table 3-7, and then adjust this figure by multiplying by a swing
• To use table 3.9, it’s necessary to determine the optimum depth of cut for
the machine and material involved from table 3.8, then divide the actual
percentage. The appropriate swing depth factor is then obtained from table
• Determine the expected dragline production in loose cubic meter per hour based on the following information
• Swing depth factor = 0.9 (table 3.9), i.e. actual depth/optimum depth cut= (2.4/3)100 = 80
• No standard production tables are available for the clamshell. Thus production estimation
should be based on the use of equation 2.1. The procedures for calculating the production of
• Estimate the production in loose cubic meter per hour for a medium weight clamshell
excavating loose earth. Heaped bucket capacity is 0.75m 3. The soil is common earth with a
bucket fill factor of 0.95. Estimated cycle time is 40sec. job efficiency is estimated at 50min/h
• Given
• Type of soil = soil is common earth with out attachment and machine size
• Estimate the production in loose cubic meter per hour for a medium
cycle, Bucket fill factor, estimated cycle time and estimated Job efficiency.
• Total dozer cycle time is the sum of fixed time and variable cycle time.
• Cycle time = fixed time + variable time
• Fixed time= represents those components of cycles time other than travel time. It includes
spot time (moving the unit into position to began loading), load time, dump time, changing
gears, start loading. Table 4-4 may be used to estimate doze fixed cycle time.
Variable time= represents the travel time required for a unit to haul
material to un loading (doze) site and return.
• Table 4-5 provides typical operating speeds for dozing and return.
Some manufacturers provide dozer production estimating chart for their
Example 2‐3
•A power shit crawler tractor has a rated blade capacity of 7.65 Lm3. The dozer is excavating a
loose common earth and pushing it a distance of 61 m. Maximum reverse speed in third range
is 8 km/hr. Estimate the production of the dozer if the job efficiency is 50min/hr .
•A power shit crawler tractor has a rated blade capacity of 7.65 Lm3
•pushing it a distance = 61 m
Time (hr) = *
A 60 km gravel road requires reshaping and leveling. It is estimated
that six passes of a motor grader will be required. Based on the
operator skill, machine characteristics, and job condition, estimates
indicated two passes at 14 km/hr, two passes at 21 km/hr and two
passes at 25km/hr. If the job efficiency is 0.80, how many grader hours
will be required for this job?
• Time (hr) = *
• Variable time represents the travel time required for a unit to haul material to
the unloading site and return.
The number of trucks theoretically required
• Submission date:
payback its cost because such equipments are very expensive. Beside,
Rental Services
• Lease rates are applied mainly to recover the capital costs of the
Operation Costs
I. Ownership Costs
• Cash flows for purchase expenses salvage value (SV), Tax savings from
• major repair and Overhauls, Insurance, Interest and Tax Costs, and
• Proper preventive maintenance procedures and an efficient repair system will minimize equipment failures
• Maintenance can be divided into several levels or categories. The categories that will be used here are
Preventive Maintenance
• Preventive maintenance (sometimes referred to as PM) is routine periodic maintenance and adjustment
• The primary links in the PM chain are the skill of the operator, the manner in which the equipment is used,
proper fuel handling, proper equipment lubrication, and correct periodic adjustment. If any of this chain
• While the subject of specific maintenance and repair procedures is beyond the scope of this course, a