Lateral Throat Form Classification Using A Customi
Lateral Throat Form Classification Using A Customi
Lateral Throat Form Classification Using A Customi
IC Journal of Chitwan Medical College 2018;8(26):54-57
Available online at:
Sabina Poudel1, Minu Dhungana2, Rajani Karki3 ,Prabhat Shrestha4
lecturer, 3Dental surgeon, 4Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, KIST Medical College Imadole, Lalitpur.
*Correspondence to: Dr. Sabina Poudel, Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, Kist Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Imadol, Lalitpur, Nepal.
Introduction: Lateral throat form (LTF) is the critical area which has to be recorded properly for obtaining proper
retention and stability in complete denture especially in geriatric patients with resorbed ridges. Popular method
used for determining LTF is Neil’s method which depends on the forces applied by the floor of mouth when
the tongues protrude out. Since the perception of the forces differs among different operators, there are high
chances of error in the classification. So, customized instrument was fabricated to prevent this inter-observer
variation. The aim of the study was to compare the inter-observer accuracy between Neil’s method of classifi-
cation and classification done by customized gauze. Methods and methodology: Total 30 edentulous patients
were taken. Two observers measured the LTF depth by customized tool and also by Neil’s method. Cohen’s
kappa test was used to evaluate the agreement between two operators in two different classifications. Result:
The agreement between the two observers was evaluated by means of Cohen’s kappa value. There was good
agreement between observers in proposed classification done by customized tool with kappa value 0.658 and
fair inter-observer agreement with kappa value 0.0492. Conclusion: The method of measuring the depth of LTF
with fabricated instrument was more accurate and reliable than Neil’s method.
area as available. This can be done by incorporating
Most of the patients visiting to the prosthodontic
the distal part of the alveolingual sulcus (LTF). It is
department for complete denture prosthesis are old
an area located below and behind the retromolar
aged with resorbed ridges and with high expectations.
Because of the tongue and other muscular forcesregion and is bounded anteriorly by mylohyoid
muscles, laterally by retromolar pad, posterolaterally
acting during various functions, such as chewing,
by superior constrictor muscles, posteromedially
talking, and swallowing, stability and retention
in lower denture are hampered.1 This problem isby the palatoglossus muscles, medially by tongue.3
Mandibular dentures are shallow in premylohyoid
magnified due to less available mandibular denture
region, and turn towards the tongue in mylohyoid
bearing area (14cm2) than maxillary denture bearing
area (24cm2).2 The above constraints contributeregion and deep in the retromylohyoid region. This
area provides larger vertical height for the denture
towards the challenge in fabricating stable, retentive
and satisfying lower denture. Recently, more which in turn increase the retention and horizontal
support of the lower denture.4 The extension of the
retentive option like implant supported fixed and
denture into this area can resist horizontal forces,
removable dentures are available. However, due to
increases border seal, prevents tongue from returning
the medical conditions, costs and fear of surgery,
not all of them prefer implant. to denture’s polished surface, act as a displacing
lever on the denture border and contribute in the
The method for increasing the stability and neuromuscular control mechanism.5 Beside these,
retention is including as much denture bearing glandular triangle (lower part of retromylohyoid
This study was done in the department of
Prosthodontics and Implantology in KIST medical
college and hospital which included 30 edentulous
patients between age 50-85 years from different Figure 2: During measuring of LFT
places of Kathmandu. Patients with completely
edentulous mandibular arch and in whom easy RESULTS
recognition of retromolar pad was possible were
included in the study. Those patients who had
undergone hemimandibulectomy or glossectomy, Table 1: LTF left and right side observer I
uncooperative patients, patient having congenital
defect and patients with impaired neuromuscular LTF left LTF right
coordination were excluded from the study. Classification
Frequency Frequency
Simple and economical instrument was designed. (Percent) (Percent)
Hollow ‘L’ shaped pipe was fabricated with acrylic 0.5-1.4 18 (60 %) 15 (50 %)
resin. Flexible wrought wire was inserted inside it.
1.5-2.4 12 (40 %) 15 (50 %)
This wire was freely movable inside the acrylic pipe.
Both ends were extended outside the pipe. One end Total 30 (100 %) 30 (100 %)
had small acrylic ball that rest on the floor of the
mouth. Extension on the other side would move
on a scale attached to the acrylic pipe (Figure 1).
The reading in this side gave the lateral throat form
Classification range LTF left Frequency (Percent) LTF right Frequency (Percent)
0.5-1.4 17 (56.7 %) 17 (56.7 %)
1.5-2.4 13 (43.3 %) 13 (43.3 %)
Total 30 (100 %) 30 (100 %)
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tray. Thus, extension of lingual flange can be taken
to proper limit. This method of LTF measurement is 10. Sharma A. Distolingual Vestibule And
more beneficial in edentulous patient with advanced Retromylohyoid. Worlds Journal Of Dental
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