12 Angry Men

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12 Angry Men

Submitted by: Pam McDonald Released: 1957

E-mail: Pam_McDonald@nifc.blm.gov Studio: United Artists/MGM
Phone: 208-387-5318 Genre: Drama
Audience Rating: Not Rated Runtime: 95 minutes

Materials: VCR or DVD, television or projection system, Wildland Fire Leadership Values and
Principles handouts (single-sided), notepad, writing utensil

Objective: Students will identify Wildland Fire Leadership Values and Principles illustrated
within 12 Angry Men and discuss leadership lessons learned with group members or mentors.

Basic Plot: The jury of twelve 'angry men,' entrusted with the power to send an uneducated,
teenaged Puerto Rican, tenement-dwelling boy to the electric chair for killing his father with a
switchblade knife, are literally locked into a small, claustrophobic rectangular room on a stifling
hot summer day until they come up with a unanimous decision - either guilty or not guilty. The
compelling, provocative film examines the twelve men's deep-seated personal prejudices,
perceptual biases and weaknesses, indifference, anger, personalities, unreliable judgments,
cultural differences, ignorance and fears, that threaten to taint their decision-making abilities,
cause them to ignore the real issues in the case, and potentially lead them to a miscarriage of
justice. (http://www.filmsite.org/twelve.html)

Cast of Main Characters:

Martin Balsam..................................................................Juror 1 (Foreman; coach)

John Fiedler.............................................Juror 2 (Bank clerk; inexperienced juror)
Lee J. Cobb........................................Juror 3 (Angry gentleman with photo of son)
E. G. Marshall.......................................................................Juror 4 (Stock Broker)
Jack Klugman...........................................................Juror 5 (Grew up in the slums)
Edward Binns..................................................................................Juror 6 (Painter)
Jack Warden...............................................................................Juror 7 (Sports fan)
Henry Fonda........................................Juror 8 (Architect; Man who doesn’t know)
Joseph Sweeney.......................................................Juror 9 (Nice older gentleman)
Ed Begley.....................................Juror 10 (Prejudiced older gentleman with cold)
George Voskovec....................................................Juror 11 (Foreign watchmaker)
Robert Webber.......................................Juror 12 (Advertising Executive; doodler)

Facilitation Options:

12 Angry Men illustrates an abundance of leadership values and principles—especially an

emphasis on teamwork, the decision making process, and Socratic leadership. Students should
have few problems identifying those that correspond to the Wildland Fire Leadership Values and
Principles. The objective is not to identify every leadership principle but to promote thought and
discussion. Students should be less concerned with how many principles they view within the
film and more concerned with how the principles they do recognize can be used to develop
themselves as a leader.
Obtain copies of the Crew Cohesion Assessment Tool, developed by Mission-Centered
Solutions, from the Wildland Fire Leadership Development website
(http://www.fireleadership.gov/toolbox/documents/Crew_Cohesion_Assessment.pdf) for use
with Guided Discussion, #1. If you have not used this tool, this might be an excellent opportunity
to do so.

The film can be viewed in its entirety or by clip selection, depending on facilitator intent and
time schedules. Another method is to have the employee(s) view the film on his/her own and
then hold the discussion session.

Full-film Facilitation Suggestion:

When opting for the full-film method, the facilitator should determine a good breaking
point near the middle of the film.

1. Review the Wildland Fire Leadership Values and Principles with students.
2. Advise students to document instances within the film that illustrate/violate the
Wildland Fire Leadership Values and Principles on the handout provided.
3. Break students into small discussion groups.
4. Show students 12 Angry Men.
5. Break. (Suggestion: When the jury takes their break.)
6. Begin the guided discussion.
7. Provide a short synopsis with some “ticklers” to pay attention before beginning
the rest of the film.
8. Resume the film.
9. Have students discuss their findings and how they will apply leadership lessons
learned to their role in wildland fire suppression. Facilitate discussion in groups
that have difficulty.
10. Wrap up the session and encourage students to apply leadership lessons learned in
their personal and work lives.

Clip Facilitation Suggestion:

1. Review the Wildland Fire Leadership Value or Principle targeted for discussion.
(May be given or ask students to identify the value or principle being illustrated
after viewing the clip.)
2. Show the clip.
3. Facilitate discussion regarding the selected clip and corresponding value and/or
4. Break students into small discussion groups.
5. Have students discuss their findings and how they will apply leadership lessons
learned to their role in wildland fire suppression. Facilitate discussion in groups
that may have difficulty.
6. Wrap up the session and encourage students to apply leadership lessons learned in
their personal and work lives.

Mentor Suggestion:
Use either method presented above. The mentor should be available to the student to
discuss lessons learned from the film as well as incorporating them to the student’s
leadership self-development plan.

Encouraging individuals to keep a leadership journal is an excellent way to document

leadership values and principles that are practiced.

Suggest other wildland fire leadership toolbox items that will contribute to the overall
leadership development of the student.

Other References:

Advanced Knowledge. Twelve Angry Men: Teams That Don’t Quit. Facilitator Guide.
1998. (Goes with the Targeted Learning Corporation reference below.)

Clemens, John K. and Wolff, Melora. Movies to Manage By. Chapter 6 – “Socratic
Leadership—12 Angry Men,” pp. 117-137. 1999.

Kouzes, James and Posner, Barry. The Leadership Challenge. Third Edition. 2002.

Patnode, Major Norman H (USAF). Program Management and Leadership. The Socratic
Method – Leveraging Questions to Increase Performance. November-December 2002.

Targeted Learning Corporation. Twelve Angry Men – Teams That Don’t Quit

University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, Managerial Psychology. Summary

of Class Discussion on “Twelve Angry Men,” with connections to“Six Principles of
Group Decision Making.” 2005.

Hyperlinks have been included to facilitate the use of the Wildland Fire Leadership Development
Program website. Encourage students of leadership to visit the website at
Wildland Fire Leadership Values and Principles
Be proficient in your job, both technically and as a leader.
− Take charge when in charge.
− Adhere to professional standard operating procedures.
− Develop a plan to accomplish given objectives.
Make sound and timely decisions.
− Maintain situation awareness in order to anticipate needed actions.
− Develop contingencies and consider consequences.
− Improvise within the commander’s intent to handle a rapidly changing environment.
Duty Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised and accomplished.
− Issue clear instructions.
− Observe and assess actions in progress without micro-managing.
− Use positive feedback to modify duties, tasks and assignments when appropriate.
Develop your subordinates for the future.
− Clearly state expectations.
− Delegate those tasks that you are not required to do personally.
− Consider individual skill levels and development needs when assigning tasks.
Know your subordinates and look out for their well being.
− Put the safety of your subordinates above all other objectives.
− Take care of your subordinate’s needs.
− Resolve conflicts between individuals on the team.
Keep your subordinates informed.
− Provide accurate and timely briefings.
− Give the reason (intent) for assignments and tasks.
− Make yourself available to answer questions at appropriate times.
Respect Build the team.
− Conduct frequent debriefings with the team to identify lessons learned.
− Recognize individual and team accomplishments and reward them appropriately.
− Apply disciplinary measures equally.
Employ your subordinates in accordance with their capabilities.
− Observe human behavior as well as fire behavior.
− Provide early warning to subordinates of tasks they will be responsible for.
− Consider team experience, fatigue and physical limitations when accepting assignments.
Know yourself and seek improvement.
− Know the strengths/weaknesses in your character and skill level.
− Ask questions of peers and superiors.
− Actively listen to feedback from subordinates.
Seek responsibility and accept responsibility for your actions.
− Accept full responsibility for and correct poor team performance.
Integrity − Credit subordinates for good performance.
− Keep your superiors informed of your actions.
Set the example.
− Share the hazards and hardships with your subordinates.
− Don’t show discouragement when facing set backs.
− Choose the difficult right over the easy wrong.

Student Handout
12 Angry Men
1. Document film clips illustrating the Wildland Fire Leadership Values and Principles.
2. Discuss leadership lessons learned from the film with group members or mentor.

 Be proficient in your job, both technically and as a leader.
 Make sound and timely decisions.
 Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised and accomplished.
 Develop your subordinates for the future.

 Know your subordinates and look out for their well being.
 Keep your subordinates informed.
 Build the team.
 Employ your subordinates in accordance with their capabilities.

 Know yourself and seek improvement.
 Seek responsibility and accept responsibility for your actions.
 Set the example.

Student Handout
12 Angry Men
Guided Discussion

1. Using the Mission-Centered Solutions Crew Cohesion Assessment that your facilitator
has provided, identify scenes in the movie that relate to the behaviors listed on the

2. Identify at least three positive behaviors or actions that you saw in the movie that can
make your team more effective?

3. Which of the characters in the movie appear to be leaders? How effective are they?

4. One of the promotional posters for the movie stated “Life is in their hands – Death is on
their minds. It explodes like 12 sticks of dynamite!” What does this statement imply
about the situation and how does this relate to life on the fireline?

5. How does the decision-making environment of the movie parallel that of the wildland fire
service? What lessons will you take from the movie to make your team stronger?

6. Juror #3 has sat on many cases and has a negative view of lawyers. He seemed to have
determined guilt even prior to hearing the case. How does complacency affect decision-
making and team effectiveness within the wildland fire community? Discuss instances of
complacency that you have experienced. How did you handle those situations?

7. Juror #10 questions the Foreman’s ability to lead stating the Foreman is a “kid.” This in
turn leads to the Foreman questioning his leadership skills. Discuss instances when you
witnessed a supervisor disregarding suggestions from a subordinate because the
supervisor felt the subordinate lacked the knowledge/experience to make such a
suggestion. Was the supervisor’s concern warranted? How did you handle the situation?

8. Juror #7 changes his vote from guilty to not guilty in order to bring about consensus even
though he believes the defendant is guilty. What Wildland Fire Leadership Values and
Principles does the character compromise?

9. Individual jurors allowed personal feelings (age, ethnicity, class, prior relationships, etc.)
to play a major role in determining their verdict of the defendant. How would you handle
a crew/team member who allowed his/her personal feelings to compromise the group’s

Student Handout
12 Angry Men
The following clips illustrate the Wildland Leadership Values and Principles. These are
only guidelines and may be interpreted differently by other views; they are presented as a
guide for facilitation.

The judge gives the jury final instructions. (Issue clear instructions and clearly
state expectations.)
Juror #4 explains that is customary to take a preliminary vote. (Adhere to
professional operating procedures.)
Juror #8 does not intend to change anyone’s verdict; he just wants to talk. (Clearly
state expectations.)
A time limit is set on how long the jury will deliberate before declaring themselves
a hung jury. (Develop a plan to accomplish objectives.)
The Foreman of the jury had a responsibility to lead the group; he gives up. (Be
proficient in your jub, both technically and as a leader.)


Juror #8 asks the right questions to invoke responses and action from Juror #3.
(Observe human behavior as well as fire behavior.)
Juror #6 defends Juror #9 when Juror #3 attacks the older gentleman. (Put the
safety of your subordinates above all other objectives.)
Each juror gives his reasoning for verdict. (Give the reason for assignments and
The Foreman gets Juror #8 the exhibits he wants even though he pretty much gives
up his leadership role. (Take care of your subordinate’s needs.)
Juror #8 agrees to give his reasoning although the goal of the group was to change
his verdict. (Make yourself available to answer questions at appropriate times.)


Juror #8 declares a non-guilty verdict. (Choose the difficult right over the easy
Juror #8 doesn’t know if the defendant is guilty or innocent; just wants to talk.
(Ask questions of peers and superiors.)
The foreman loses his composure as a leader. (Don’t show discouragement when
facing set backs.)
Jurors change their verdicts after listening to others. (Actively listen to feedback
from superiors.)
Jurors #3 and 10 realize personal issues have clouded their judgment. (Accept full
responsibility for and correct poor team performance)

Facilitator Reference
12 Angry Men
Guided Discussion – Possible Answers

1. Using the Mission-Centered Solutions Crew Cohesion Assessment that your facilitator
has provided, identify scenes in the movie that relate to the behaviors listed on the

o Answers will vary, but may include:

− Judge debriefs the jury and provides final instructions—
commander’s intent. (Learning and Communication)
− Conflict occurs many times between jury members—some are
addressed. (Conflict)
− Jury members begin to feel the environment change and trust is built.
− Juror #8 discusses the need to uphold the U.S. Constitution—historic
implications. (Teamwork)
− The jury is able to transition between high-stress and low-stress
conditions. (Effectiveness)
− The jury comes to consensus. (Leadership)

2. Identify at least three positive behaviors or actions that you saw in the movie that
can make your team more effective?

o Answers will vary, but may include:

− Not rushing to conclusions. Taking time to discuss a situation or topic.
− Talk openly and honestly.
− Promote team member equality.
− Learn more about one another—address diversity.

3. Which of the characters in the movie appear to be leaders? How effective are they?

o Answers will vary. Students should identify two prominent leaders—Jurors

#1 and #8. Many instances exist when individuals assume a leadership role.

4. One of the promotional posters for the movie stated “Life is in their hands – Death is on
their minds. It explodes like 12 sticks of dynamite!” What does this statement imply
about the situation and how does this relate to life on the fireline?

o Viewers notice a very explosive environment—hot and humid day, lock

down, diversity and age differences—even before deliberations begin. A
control for leadership is waged at the beginning when members attack and
overrule the foreman’s idea of a secret ballot. Once the vote is taken, an all-
out war is waged against the one dissenter. These same situations are found
in the wildland fire community. Firefighters are faced with explosive
situations daily. Being able to handle decision-making under stress is critical
to completing the mission in a safe and efficient manner.

Facilitator Reference
5. How does the decision-making environment of the movie parallel that of the wildland fire
service? What lessons will you take from the movie to make your team stronger?

o Answers will vary, but may include:

− Wildland firefighters must make decisions that can ultimately affect
the lives of others. Rushes to judgment/action can result in the loss of life.
Individuals may not let their concerns be known for various reasons—not
tough enough, administrative concerns, politics. Wildland firefighters
owe a duty to one another to talk about questions and concerns they have.

6. Juror #3 has sat on many juries and has a negative view of lawyers. He seemed to have
determined guilt even prior to hearing the case. How does complacency affect decision-
making and team effectiveness within the wildland fire community? Discuss instances of
complacency that you have experienced. How did you handle those situations?

o Answers will vary, but may include:

− A rush to judgment.
− Increased safety risks.
− Breakdown in crew cohesion.

7. Juror #10 questions the Foreman’s ability to lead stating the Foreman is a “kid.” This in
turn leads to the Foreman questioning his leadership skills. Discuss instances when you
witnessed a supervisor disregarding suggestions because he/she felt a subordinate lacked
the knowledge/experience to make such a suggestion. Was the supervisor’s concern
warranted? How did you handle the situation?

o Answers will vary.

8. Juror #7 changes his vote from guilty to not guilty in order to bring about consensus even
though he believes the defendant is guilty. What Wildland Fire Leadership Values and
Principles does the character compromise?

o Answers will vary, but may include:

− All three values are compromised in some manner. He has a duty to
the defendant to obtain a fair trial and to address reasonable doubt
issues. The other jurors deserve respect from him. He should be putting
the needs of the defendant and the other jurors in front of his own needs
to see the baseball game. He lacks the integrity to accept the
responsibility of being a juror and upholding the structure of the U.S.
Constitution and the legal process.
− Numerous principles with the values are also compromised.

9. Individual jurors allowed personal feelings (age, ethnicity, class, prior relationships, etc.)
to play a major role in determining their verdict of the defendant. How would you handle
a crew/team member who allowed his/her personal feelings to compromise the group’s

o Answers will vary.

Facilitator Reference

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